NOC A Peaceful Week for the Town of Salem - WON BY THE MAFIA AND THE WITCH

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it's easy to interpret it as having a nefarious agenda. encouraging people to claim, especially as the first post in the game before everyone has got a voice in yet, increases the likelihood you could score valuable information for free. I dont think anybody should claim, even in private and I feel like it's easy to see why

Finally, I’m genuinely unsure if it is a good idea to claim to someone / for someone to collect claims today. I’m inclined to say no, since hopefully someone will be green checked thanks to the high-info nature of this game. I am open to debate, though.

This was literally the last line of my post though??? I guess I can see what you're saying about firefighter, though--if mafia knows the setup that could cause a lot of confusion with no CC. Still, I think there is useful info to be gained, since I think we will likely have a good idea of which setup it is in the first couple of days regardless. If there is a firefighter claim and it isn't the Arso setup, it's an easy vote.
what's your gameplan. this is a really unimpressive d1 from you
I’m chilling, I don’t play ToS and some people here do. Thread’s too inactive for me to jump into conversations since I have no view on mech, but random RVS stuff I’m used to would distract from the important mech convos
like if im a role thats only in one setup thats info i want to share it influences my play what the setup options are yk
This has literally been the underlying goal of the conversation that I started lmao??

The only town role that is unique to any specific setup is Firefighter. Random Town can encompass the other roles, so it seems a pointless exercise without claims--which, as we have discussed, doesn't seem like a good play atp.

And obviously we aren't going to get a Witch claim or something lmao
I will say I find the psypsy posting style pretty annoying especially this early. It's not like we actually want to pressure people publicly rn because we don't have to vote today and because we will probably get mechanical info before we do have to vote.

I feel that its going to be difficult to sus out which of the 4 worlds we're in from using only info that a person personally has. After tonight we'll have more public info, though. In particular, I feel Gun Game will be very easy to sus out from seeing how many kills happen. Gun game comes with 3-4 killing roles built in whereas other setups like Confusion Delusion only have a low number of killing roles, or Liar Liar which has killing roles that don't work on night 1 (arsonist). So if we see 4 people die immediately it will very obvioulsy be gun game.
This has literally been the underlying goal of the conversation that I started lmao??

The only town role that is unique to any specific setup is Firefighter. Random Town can encompass the other roles, so it seems a pointless exercise without claims--which, as we have discussed, doesn't seem like a good play atp.

And obviously we aren't going to get a Witch claim or something lmao
sure but like if im a role thats guaranteed in a setup it prob makes it more likely its that setup etc etc idk just looking for any info i can get

i can now however say i have no relevant information about what setup it is though
I will say I find the psypsy posting style pretty annoying especially this early. It's not like we actually want to pressure people publicly rn because we don't have to vote today and because we will probably get mechanical info before we do have to vote.

I feel that its going to be difficult to sus out which of the 4 worlds we're in from using only info that a person personally has. After tonight we'll have more public info, though. In particular, I feel Gun Game will be very easy to sus out from seeing how many kills happen. Gun game comes with 3-4 killing roles built in whereas other setups like Confusion Delusion only have a low number of killing roles, or Liar Liar which has killing roles that don't work on night 1 (arsonist). So if we see 4 people die immediately it will very obvioulsy be gun game.
FTR I agree in broad strokes with this post, but it is worth noting a few mechanical things about gun game setup:

1) The 2x mafia killing does not mean that mafia gets 2 kills--they still only get 1 Gunpoint (i.e. one factional kill), just two roles that have unique killing abilities

2) Vigilante cannot shoot night 1

3) Killing roles can always opt-out of submitting a kill.

So a 4x kill on n1 will tell us the setup, but that is an extremely unlikely scenario
No I think that is a totally valid proposition from a probability perspective, the problem I had is that you made it sound like a guaranteed way to find setup with a non-firefighter role, which is just incorrect.
sure i mean i was literally saying 'i doubt i can w/o claims' but like i didnt remembre how the setup worked so like yea idk i get what you mean tho
FTR I agree in broad strokes with this post, but it is worth noting a few mechanical things about gun game setup:

1) The 2x mafia killing does not mean that mafia gets 2 kills--they still only get 1 Gunpoint (i.e. one factional kill), just two roles that have unique killing abilities

2) Vigilante cannot shoot night 1

3) Killing roles can always opt-out of submitting a kill.

So a 4x kill on n1 will tell us the setup, but that is an extremely unlikely scenario
Oh oops good point.
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