Melmetal (Choice Band) [QC 0/2]

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Banned deucer.
Melmetal (Choice Band)
Move 1: Double Iron Bash
Move 2: Ice Punch
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Superpower / Thunder Punch
Item: Choice Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Nature Adamant
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Spe

* With phenomenal physical bulk, a monstrous Attack stat boosted further by Choice Band, and excellent HP, Melmetal finds itself being one of the most frightening Trick Room sweepers in the entirety of National Dex Ubers, and thanks to its amazing ability in Iron Fist, Melmetal can OHKO or 2HKO most Pokemon in the metagame, resisted or not.

* Double Iron Bash is Melmetal’s most important move in this set, as it has a number of good uses, notably being a STAB move that has a big chance to cause a Flinch thanks to it hitting two times. Overall, the move can threaten both setters and annoying setup Pokemon such as Tapu Lele, Giratina-O, and Chansey, as well as breaking offensive threats like Chien-Pao, Arceus-Fairy, Mega Diancie, and Deoxys-A, when Melmetal is in Trick Room. Ice punch threatens a few of Melmetal’s many offensive threats like Arceus-Ground, Yveltal, and Zygarde-C for example, while also checking the likes of Mega Salamence, and Rayquaza. Earthquake is another common and well needed coverage move to help Melmetal combat Fire-type Pokemon that can threaten it, like Chi-Yu for example, while also hitting opposing Steel-type threats like opposing Melmetal, Kingambit, and the infamous Zacian-C. It is also to note that Melmetal can also use Earthquake to punish switch-ins like Eternatus, Shuckle, and Dialga, who would all wall the living daylights out of a badly Choice-locked Melmetal. Superpower is Melmetal’s best answer towards Ferrothorn as it can easily wear it down due to Iron Barbs, and eventually force Melmetal to switch out, but it’s mainly using to hit opposing offensive Pokemon threats such as Arceus-Dark. Thunder Punch, while optional, helps to hit the aforementioned Yveltal, while also providing an answer to its very shaky Water matchups, ensuring an OHKO on the like on Arceus-Water, Primal Groudon, and Alomomola thanks to the aforementioned boosts from Iron Fist and Choice Band from earlier.

* The given EV spread helps Melmetal to outpace even slower Pokemon in Trick Room such as the aforementioned Ferrothorn and Shuckle, and the rest are to help Melmetal’s lackluster Special Defense, and it’s already high Attack.

* Tera Steel helps Melmetal to make more usage out of Double Iron Bash while also helping it gain more resistance to Dragon-type pokemon, except from Zygarde and it’s formes.

* As previously mentioned, Choice Band Melmetal works best on Trick Room teams, as it has a meddling 34 Speed, making it slower than a majority of the Pokemon in this format. That being said, Melmetal can become a dangerous sweeper once it enters Trick Room safely, so it will need all the support it can get from its teammates in order for it to do its thing there.

* Cresselia and Hatterene are the ideal teammates for Melmetal, as they can set Trick Room for it, while also getting rid of Fighting-type threats towards it such as, Marshadow, Mega Mewtwo X, and Koraidon, as well as Zygarde-C. Calyrex-I can deal with Arceus-Ground, and Primal Groudon thanks to its STAB moves coverage, and bulk, while in return, they appreciate Melmetal getting rid of Arceus-Dark, and the aforementioned Chien-Pao, and Chi-Yu. Mega Alakazam really appreciates Melmetal taking physical hits for it from the aforementioned Dark-type threats, Arceus-Ghost, and Giratina-O, and in return, Mega Alakazam can handle Melmetal’s aforementioned Fighting-type threats, as well handling the likes of Arceus-Fire.

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Hey, I appreciate the effort put into the analysis, however I'm afraid it'll have to be QC rejected and archived for a variety of reasons:

- Koraidon is banned
- Arceus-Fire and Mega Alakazam aren't ranked in the VR at all
- A ton of mentions of extremely niche Pokemon for the tier, some of which aren't really worth mentioning in the context of examples to KO by a given move by being frail and thus not wanting to switch into Melmetal anyways.
- Tera Steel "granting" a Dragon resist for what's already a Steel-type is simply incorrect.
- 12 Speed EVs on what's intended to be a Trick Room attacker, with such benchmark not being explained either.
- Most partners mentioned for it can't even fit in Trick Room.
- Using Earthquake to punish Shuckle when Double Iron Bash is there is also extremely ???

Overall this just has a ton of nonsense that heavily leans to a lack of proper metagame knowledge, please try to get more informed on a metagame before trying to write an analysis.
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