RU Cobalion


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Cobalion @ Leftovers
Ability: Justified
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Substitute

With its funny dance steps, Cobalion imposes its iron will on the whole RU metagame! Stone Edge hits Flying- and Bug-types such as Moltres, Enamorus-T, Kleavor, and Yanmega super effectively and forms a nearly unresisted combination with Close Combat. Cobalion gains many opportunities to use Substitute thanks to its great Speed, which forces switches, and typing, which gives it a good matchup against Cyclizar and Jirachi, the two most-used Pokemon in RU. Substitute can help Cobalion set up by blocking status-inflicting moves like Moltres's Will-O-Wisp. Leftovers increases its longevity and synergizes well with Substitute, while Tera Ghost transforms its Fighting weakness into an immunity, preempting revenge kills from opposing Cobalion, Iron Leaves, and Galarian Zapdos. Entry hazards from setters like Kleavor, Hippowdon, and Empoleon, in conjunction with Knock Off users such as Cyclizar and Galarian Zapdos, help Cobalion wear down some key threats it can struggle against like Hippowdon, Slowbro, Fezandipiti, and Okidogi. Moreover, Volcanion, Okidogi, and Gengar are good teammates, as they can dispatch the aforementioned Pokemon.

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With its funny dance steps, Cobalion imposes its iron will on the whole RU metagame! Stone Edge hits Flying- and Bug-types such as Kleavor, Moltres, Thundurus-T, Enamorus-T, and Yanmega super effectively, and forms a nearly unresisted combo with Close Combat. add that it gets a lot of opportunities to use sub thanks to the switches it forces with its relatively high Speed and it can also easily sub on the two most used pokemon in the tier right now: Cyclizar and Jirachi Substitute can help Cobalion to set up itself by dealing with status conditions like Moltres’ Will-O-Wisp, as well as easing the matchup against Bisharp after Terastellazing. Justified allows Cobalion to absorb a Knock Off in order to gain a free Attack boost. Leftovers increases its longevity and synergizes well with Substitute, while Tera Ghost transforms its Fighting weakness into an immunity, avoiding Cobalion to get revenge killed by Gengar, Terrakion, opposing Cobalion, Iron Leaves, and Galarian Zapdos. Without a Swords Dance boost, Cobalion struggles to take down most of the Pokemon of the tier, so entry hazards setters like Kleavor, Hippowdon, Empoleon, and Forretress as well as Knock Off users such as Cyclizar, Galarian Zapdos, and Crawdaunt in order to remove Heavy-Duty Boots can fix this problem. Finally, Cobalion gets easily checked by tough bulky Pokemon including Hippowdon, Forretress, Fezandipiti and Okidogi, so Thundurus-T, Enamorus-T, and Volcanion, Okidogi, and Gengar are good partners as they can beat the aforementioned Pokemon.
Tag me once this is implemented and I'll stamp it.
As Cobalion forces many switches thanks to its great Speed and typing, notably letting it counter Cyclizar and Jirachi, the two most used Pokemon of RU actually, it gains many opportunities to use Substitute, which can help Cobalion to set up itself by dealing with status conditions like Moltres’ Will-O-Wisp.
Can you rephrase this, here it sounds like Cobalion's typing forces switches which is not really the case. You can start by saying it often has several opportunities to use Substitute and then say thanks to its Speed which forces switches and typing which gives it a good matchup against Cyclizar and Jirachi ("counter" is too strong of a word here). Then only if you have enough room left you can add another sentence about avoiding status from the likes of Moltres and Jirachi.

Without a Swords Dance boost, Cobalion struggles to take down most of the Pokemon of the tier, so entry hazards setters like Kleavor, Hippowdon, and Empoleon, as well as Knock Off users such as Cyclizar and Galarian Zapdos in order to remove Heavy-Duty Boots can fix this problem.
Might be stepping on gp's toes here but I think this sentence could be rephrased to sound clearer, something like "Entry hazards from setters like..., in conjunction with Knock Off users like..., help Cobalion wear down some key threats it can struggle against such as Hippowdon and Slowbro." (Slowbro should be mentioned, as it is quite an important counter to this set and the "most of the Pokemon of the tier" part was also bothering me here)

It should be everything for qc, good work.
QC Stamp S.gif
Can you rephrase this, here it sounds like Cobalion's typing forces switches which is not really the case. You can start by saying it often has several opportunities to use Substitute and then say thanks to its Speed which forces switches and typing which gives it a good matchup against Cyclizar and Jirachi ("counter" is too strong of a word here). Then only if you have enough room left you can add another sentence about avoiding status from the likes of Moltres and Jirachi.

Might be stepping on gp's toes here but I think this sentence could be rephrased to sound clearer, something like "Entry hazards from setters like..., in conjunction with Knock Off users like..., help Cobalion wear down some key threats it can struggle against such as Hippowdon and Slowbro." (Slowbro should be mentioned, as it is quite an important counter to this set and the "most of the Pokemon of the tier" part was also bothering me here)

It should be everything for qc, good work.
View attachment 632525
Tyvm :)
I reworked both sentences and tried to combine the two last sentences in order to avoid repetitions, tell me what you think about it!
In the meantime, ready for GP GP Team!
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Cobalion @ Leftovers
Ability: Justified
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Substitute

With its funny dance steps, Cobalion imposes its iron will on the whole RU metagame! Stone Edge hits Flying- and Bug-types such as Kleavor, Moltres, Enamorus-T, Kleavor, (list ordering) and Yanmega super effectively (RC) and forms a nearly unresisted combo combination with Close Combat. Cobalion gains many opportunities to use Substitute thanks to its great Speed, (AC) which forces switches, (AC) and typing, (AC) which gives it a good matchup against Cyclizar and Jirachi, the two most-used (AH) Pokemon of in RU actually. Substitute can help Cobalion to set up itself by dealing with status conditions blocking status-inflicting moves like Moltres's (replaced apostrophe with ASCII ver) Will-O-Wisp. Leftovers increase increases its longevity and synergize synergizes well with Substitute, while Tera Ghost transforms its Fighting weakness into an immunity, avoiding Cobalion to get revenge killed by preempting revenge kills from opposing Cobalion, Iron Leaves, and Galarian Zapdos. Entry hazards from setters like Kleavor, Hippowdon, and Empoleon, in conjunction with Knock Off users such as Cyclizar and Galarian Zapdos, help Cobalion wear down some key threats it can struggle against like Hippowdon, Slowbro, Fezandipiti, and Okidogi. Moreover, Volcanion, Okidogi, and Gengar are good teammates, as they can dispatch the aforementioned Pokemon.

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1/1, GP Team done
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Cobalion @ Leftovers
Ability: Justified
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Substitute

With its funny dance steps, Cobalion imposes its iron will on the whole RU metagame! Stone Edge hits Flying- and Bug-types such as Kleavor, Moltres, Enamorus-T, Kleavor, (list ordering) and Yanmega super effectively (RC) and forms a nearly unresisted combo combination with Close Combat. Cobalion gains many opportunities to use Substitute thanks to its great Speed, (AC) which forces switches, (AC) and typing, (AC) which gives it a good matchup against Cyclizar and Jirachi, the two most-used (AH) Pokemon of in RU actually. Substitute can help Cobalion to set up itself by dealing with status conditions blocking status-inflicting moves like Moltres's (replaced apostrophe with ASCII ver) Will-O-Wisp. Leftovers increase increases its longevity and synergize synergizes well with Substitute, while Tera Ghost transforms its Fighting weakness into an immunity, avoiding Cobalion to get revenge killed by preempting revenge kills from opposing Cobalion, Iron Leaves, and Galarian Zapdos. Entry hazards from setters like Kleavor, Hippowdon, and Empoleon, in conjunction with Knock Off users such as Cyclizar and Galarian Zapdos, help Cobalion wear down some key threats it can struggle against like Hippowdon, Slowbro, Fezandipiti, and Okidogi. Moreover, Volcanion, Okidogi, and Gengar are good teammates, as they can dispatch the aforementioned Pokemon.

990 979 characters w/o spaces
Implemented, thank you!