Tournament NUPL XII - Week 2

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New Moon Absols (3) vs (7) Taunting Talonflames
SV: Drud vs xavgb
SV: azogue vs tier
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Axrtix
SV: Mada vs Elias PSY
SS: FadedCharm vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: Xiri vs LpZ
ORAS: Gondra vs quziel
BW: Finchinator vs Fogbound Lake
DPP: avarice vs Monai
ADV: Medeia vs goldmason


Diancies Are Forever (6) vs (4) MF PLOOMS
SV: Kiyo vs Wadley
SV: robjr vs skierdude101
SV: fish anemometer vs Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Soucou vs Shengineer
SS: Master Chief vs swinubfan44
SM: ishtar vs EviGaro
ORAS: innovamania vs feen
BW: Bughouse vs Lily
DPP: HSOWA vs Banbadoro
ADV: Heysup vs SEA


Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes (5) vs (5) Big Back Snorlaxes
SV: GXE vs Stories
SV: Phantomistix vs TheFranklin
SV: Floss vs freezai
SV: Kushalos vs twinkay
SS: damien the genius vs rom1x38
SM: lax vs watashi
ORAS: Xrn vs ManOfMany
BW: Tack vs roxie
DPP: hariyana grande vs JabbaTheGriffin
ADV: Real FV13 vs ima


Vibrant Vivillons (7) vs (3) The Rare Bone Cubones
SV: Tuthur vs Seraphz
SV: zS vs Kimius64
SV: Danny vs vndrevc
SV: Welli0u vs Lilo
SS: Pokeslice vs TDNT
SM: etern vs mncmt
ORAS: Trade vs havocknight
BW: hellom vs Rewer
DPP: vivalospride vs A plague doc
ADV: Parpar vs Shitrock enjoyer

The deadline for this round is Sunday, May 19th at 11:00 PM GMT -4.

New Moon Absols (0) vs (0) Taunting Talonflames
SV: Drud vs xavgb
SV: azogue vs tier
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Axrtix
SV: Mada vs Elias PSY
SS: FadedCharm vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: Xiri vs LpZ
ORAS: Gondra vs quziel
BW: Finchinator vs Fogbound Lake
DPP: avarice vs Monai
ADV: Medeia vs goldmason

Diancies Are Forever (0) vs (0) MF PLOOMS
SV: Kiyo vs Wadley
SV: robjr vs skierdude101
SV: fish anemometer vs Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Soucou vs Shengineer
SS: Master Chief vs swinubfan44
SM: ishtar vs EviGaro
ORAS: innovamania vs feen
BW: Bughouse vs Lily
DPP: HSOWA vs Banbadoro
ADV: Heysup vs SEA

Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes (0) vs (0) Big Back Snorlaxes
SV: GXE vs Stories
SV: Phantomistix vs TheFranklin
SV: Floss vs freezai
SV: Kushalos vs twinkay
SS: damien the genius vs rom1x38
SM: lax vs watashi
ORAS: Xrn vs ManOfMany
BW: Tack vs roxie
DPP: hariyana grande vs JabbaTheGriffin
ADV: Real FV13 vs ima

Vibrant Vivillons (0) vs (0) The Rare Bone Cubones
SV: Tuthur vs Seraphz
SV: zS vs Kimius64
SV: Danny vs vndrevc
SV: Welli0u vs Lilo
SS: Pokeslice vs TDNT
SM: etern vs mncmt
ORAS: Trade vs havocknight
BW: hellom vs Rewer
DPP: vivalospride vs A plague doc
ADV: Parpar vs Shitrock enjoyer
Hello to all NUPL enjoyers, to spice up predictions I have decided to start Coin Flip Predictions, Think you can beat the coin?

Since I happen to be a week late to starting this (but coin flips thankfully aren't sentient) I took the liberty of handling what should've been last weeks coin flips below. For reference, Heads will be the team on the left, Tails the right, underlining for who the coin predicts, striking through the wrong predicts and boldening the correct ones
New Moon Absols (4) vs (6) MF PLOOMS
SV: azogue vs Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Mada vs Wadley
SV: Drud vs Shengineer
SV: Thiago Nunes vs skierdude101
SS: FadedCharm vs swinubfan44
SM: Xiri vs EviGaro
ORAS: Gondra vs feen
BW: Finchinator vs Lily
DPP: avarice vs Banbadoro
ADV: Medeia vs SEA

Taunting Talonflames (4) vs (6) Big Back Snorlaxes
SV: xavgb vs TheFranklin
SV: Elias PSY vs freezai
SV: Axrtix vs roxie
SV: tier vs twinkay
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs rom1x38
SM: LpZ vs watashi
ORAS: quziel vs ManOfMany
BW: SOMALIA vs Stories
DPP: Monai vs JabbaTheGriffin
ADV: Fogbound Lake vs ima

Diancies are Forever (8) vs (2) The Rare Bone Cubones
SV: Kiyo vs Lilo
SV: robjr vs Oblivion Wing
SV: fish anemometer vs RyuSnowシ
SV: Soucou vs Kimius64
SS: Master Chief vs TDNT
SM: ishtar vs mncmt
ORAS: innovamania vs havocknight
BW: Bughouse vs Rewer
DPP: HSOWA vs A plague doc
ADV: Heysup vs Shitrock enjoyer

Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes (3) vs (7) Vibrant Vivillons
(correct score!)
SV: GXE vs Danny
SV: Kushalos vs Welli0u
SV: Floss vs Tuthur
SV: Phantomistix vs zS
SS: damien the genius vs Pokeslice
SM: lax vs etern
ORAS: Xrn vs Trade
BW: Tack vs Django
DPP: hariyana grande vs vivalospride
ADV: Real FV13 vs Parpar

Week 1 player predicts correct: 22/40
Week 1 team predicts correct: 1/4

Onto week 2 the coin is sitting at 22/40 in player predicts and 1/4 in team predicts overall, but how will the coin fair this week

New Moon Absols (5) vs (5) Taunting Talonflames
SV: Drud vs xavgb
SV: azogue vs tier
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Axrtix
SV: Mada vs Elias PSY
SS: FadedCharm vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: Xiri vs LpZ
ORAS: Gondra vs quziel
BW: Finchinator vs Fogbound Lake (subbed)
DPP: avarice vs Monai
ADV: Medeia vs goldmason

Diancies Are Forever (9)
vs (1) MF PLOOMS (I didn't rig this I swear)
SV: Kiyo vs Wadley
SV: robjr vs skierdude101
SV: fish anemometer vs Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Soucou vs Shengineer
SS: Master Chief vs swinubfan44
SM: ishtar vs EviGaro
ORAS: innovamania vs feen
BW: Bughouse vs Lily
DPP: HSOWA vs Banbadoro
ADV: Heysup vs SEA

Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes (4) vs (6) Big Back Snorlaxes
SV: GXE vs Stories
SV: Phantomistix vs TheFranklin
SV: Floss vs freezai
SV: Kushalos vs twinkay
SS: damien the genius vs rom1x38
SM: lax vs watashi
ORAS: Xrn vs ManOfMany
BW: Tack vs roxie
DPP: hariyana grande vs JabbaTheGriffin
ADV: Real FV13 vs ima

Vibrant Vivillons (4) vs
(6) The Rare Bone Cubones
SV: Tuthur vs Seraphz
SV: zS vs Kimius64
SV: Danny vs vndrevc
SV: Welli0u vs Lilo
SS: Pokeslice vs TDNT
SM: etern vs mncmt
ORAS: Trade vs havocknight
BW: hellom vs Rewer
DPP: vivalospride vs A plague doc
ADV: Parpar vs Shitrock enjoyer

Will do my best to try and keep up with updating the coin predicts when I can
This weeks coin success rate: 21/40
This week's team predicts: 1/4

Overall season:
Player predicts 43/80
Team predicts: 2/8
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Diancies Are Forever (9) vs (1) MF PLOOMS (I didn't rig this I swear)
SV: Kiyo vs Wadley
SV: robjr vs skierdude101
SV: fish anemometer vs Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Soucou vs Shengineer
SS: Master Chief vs swinubfan44
SM: ishtar vs EviGaro
ORAS: innovamania vs feen
BW: Bughouse vs Lily
DPP: HSOWA vs Banbadoro
ADV: Heysup vs SEA

Funny how not even coin flip rigging can beat Shen's plot armor .
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