National Dex Ubers yooooooo is that the big man in the sky?????(Setup Sweeper Rayquaza) [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

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name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: V-create / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Air Lock
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Flying / Fire / Normal


* Sporting a sky-high Attack stat, a powerful Flying-type STAB move in the form of Dragon Ascent, and amazing coverage alongside a decent Speed tier, Rayquaza is a powerful sweeper that is able fit on many offensive teams as either a threatening sweeper with Dragon Dance or a terrifying wallbreaker with Swords Dance on teams with Sticky Web support.
* Extreme Speed gives Rayquaza powerful priority that allows it to thwart revenge killing attempts from Pokemon like Mega Mewtwo Y and Deoxys-A, OHKOing the former after a Swords Dance while OHKOing the latter unboosted, as well as letting Rayquaza pick off weakened boosted foes such as Ultra Necrozma and Mega Salamence.
* V-create gives Rayquaza great coverage alongside Dragon Ascent, OHKOing Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock, which could otherwise take on Rayquaza, at the cost of lowering Rayquaza's Speed. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used over V-create for similar coverage against Steel-type Pokemon that doesn't drop Rayquaza's defenses and Speed while also letting it hit Zekrom and Primal Groudon much harder after a boost. However, the power drop is significant, as Earthquake cannot OHKO Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock.
* A Jolly nature is used over Adamant to maximize Rayquaza's Speed, which notably lets it outspeed offensive Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and utility Arceus formes, as well as Zacian-C and the rest of the metagame after a boost.
* Tera Flying jacks up the power of Dragon Ascent, letting Rayquaza 2HKO Dondozo and OHKO Pokemon such as defensive Ho-Oh and Eternatus at +1. Tera Fire gives Rayquaza an immunity to burns from Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Fairy, which can help Rayquaza set up against them, and it also gives Rayquaza STAB on V-create, which allows the move to OHKO defensive Necrozma-DM. Tera Fire also turns Rayquaza's previous Ice and Fairy weaknesses into resistances against Pokemon like Arceus-Ground carrying Ice Beam and Zacian-C, respectively. Tera Normal gives Rayquaza STAB on Extreme Speed, which allows +2 Extreme Speed to OHKO Pokemon like offensive Yveltal and Palkia-O, and it also prevents Marshadow from revenge killing Rayquaza with Shadow Sneak or stealing Swords Dance boosts with Spectral Thief.
* Dragon Dance Rayquaza best fits on hyper offense teams, while Swords Dance Rayquaza best fits on Sticky Web teams. Swords Dance Rayquaza can use Extreme Speed to prevent faster Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Salamence, and Deoxys-A from revenge killing it and to outpace other common forms of priority such as Extreme Speed from Swords Dance Arceus and Sucker Punch from Yveltal. Once its checks, such as Yveltal and Zacian-C, are eliminated, Rayquaza can function well as a mid-game wallbreaker by spamming Dragon Ascent against many neutral targets such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus along with its coverage for Steel-type Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM, or it can alternatively grab setup opportunities against Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Ground lacking Ice Beam.
* Since Rayquaza is found on hyper offense teams, leads such as Deoxys-S, Shuckle, and Smeargle are mandatory for setting the tempo of the game, with Deoxys-S pairing well with Dragon Dance Rayquaza by setting entry hazards, allowing Rayquaza to clinch KOs on bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Necrozma-DM, and Shuckle or Smeargle pairing beautifully with Swords Dance Rayquaza by setting Sticky Web to allow Rayquaza to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Marshadow. Dual screens setters such as Grimmsnarl can also help Rayquaza sweep by making it easier for it to set up with Dragon Dance.
* Offensive teammates that can cover Rayquaza's weaknesses such as Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM are helpful, as they can pressure Rayquaza's offensive checks in Mega Mewtwo Y and Arceus-Fairy. In return, Rayquaza can help by chipping down Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh for Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM to more easily break through. Other teammates such as Mega Salamence, Arceus-Ground, and Ultra Necrozma are all great to overwhelm shared checks such as Yveltal and defensive Primal Groudon while denting huge holes in the opposition for Rayquaza to clean up.

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Good work, QC 1/2 when implemented

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name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: V-create / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Air Lock
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Flying / Fire / Normal


* Sporting a sky-high attack stat, powerful flying-STAB in the form of Dragon Ascent, and amazing coverage alongside a decent speed tier., Rayquaza is one of the most terrifying Pokemon in the metagame a powerful sweeper in NatDex Ubers Honestly it isn't that terrifying that is able fit on many offensive teams either as a threatening sweeper with Dragon Dance or a terrifying wallbreaker with Swords Dance.
* Extreme Speed gives Rayquaza powerful priority that lets it pick off weakened boosted-foes such as Ultra-Necrozma and Mega Salamence. Mention its ability to straight up OHKO a few foes at +2, like Mega Mewtwo Y after Rocks and thwart revenge killing attempts
* V-create gives Rayquaza great coverage alongside Dragon Ascent, able to OHKO Zacian-C and offensive variants of Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock which could otherwise take on Rayquaza, though at the cost of lowering Rayquaza's sSpeed and defenses. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used over V-create for similar coverage against Steel-type Pokemon that doesn't drop Rayquaza's defenses and sSpeed while also letting Rayquaza hit Zekrom and Primal-Groudon much harder at +1. Given the sheer difference in power between the two moves, mention XHKO thresholds Earthquake loses out on
* A Jolly nature is used over Adamant to maximize Rayquaza sSpeed which notably lets it outspeed offensive Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and most defensive Arceus forms at +0 as well as Zacian-C and Deoxys-Attack this thing gets deleted by Extreme Speed at +1
* Tera Flying jacks up the power of Dragon Ascent, letting it OHKO Pokemon such as defensive Ho-Oh and Eternatus at +1. Tera Fire gives Rayquaza an immunity to burn from Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Fairy Explain how this helps it set up on them as well as giving Rayquaza STAB on V-create which allows it to OHKO defensive Necrozma-DM while also turning its previous Ice weakness into a resistance,. Give examples where an Ice resistance helps. Mention where its Fairy resistance can help too Tera Normal gives Rayquaza STAB on Extreme Speed Mention XHKO thresholds this helps reach as well as preventing Marshadow from revenge killing it with Shadow Sneak or stealing its boosts with Spectral Thief.
* Depending on what its team opts for, Bboth Dragon Dance and Swords Dance Rayquaza variants are best utilized as mid- to late-game sweepers. Rayquaza should come in early game once hazards are set. This contradicts the previous sentence From there Rayquaza can wallbreak early for itself by spamming Dragon Ascent against many neutral targets such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus, along with its coverage for Steel-type Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM. Generally Rayquaza is best used later on when its checks are removed. You already talk about that first, then elaborate on Rayquaza being a mid-game wallbreaker Use Extreme Speed in a pinch to pick off common faster threats such as Mega Salamence and Deoxys-Attack. While an applicable use, this barely scratches the surface about what Extreme Speed can do. It makes Rayquaza very resistant to common forms of revenge killing, making it much harder for offensive teams to deal with. Elaborate on this, ideally in its own point Once its checks, such as Yveltal and Zacian-C are eliminated, it can grab setup opportunities against Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Ground lacking Ice Beam. If you save Tera, use it for setup opportunities on unexpected foes such as Ho-Oh and Marshadow, as being able to either be immune to burn or Spectral Thief and Shadow Sneak, respectively, can turn the tides of the game.
* Since Setup Rayquaza is found mostly on offensive teams, Lleads such as Deoxys-Speed, Shuckle, and Smeargle are mandatory for setting the tempo of the game, with Deoxys-Speed pairing well with Dragon Dance Rayquaza and either Shuckle or Smeargle pairing beautifully with Swords Dance Rayquaza. Explain why Offensive teammates that can cover Rayquaza's weaknesses such as Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C are helpful, as they can pressure Rayquaza's offensive checks such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Arceus Fairy, in return, Rayquaza can help by chipping down Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh for Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C to more easily break through. Other teammates such as Mega Salamence, Arceus-Ground, and Ultra Necrozma are all great as they can all overwhelm shared checks such as Yveltal and defensive Primal Groudon, while denting huge holes in the opposition for Rayquaza to clean up. Mention how dual screens setters can help Rayquaza sweep, notably heling it get 2 Dragon Dances to help it break through the opposing team more easily. Mention the leads and fellow wallbreakers seperately, this section is too long.

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Please tag me when the changes have been applied. They are somewhat substantial so I'd like to take a look before stamping QC2.

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name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: V-create / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Air Lock
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Flying / Fire / Normal


* Sporting a sky-high attack stat, powerful flying-STAB in the form of Dragon Ascent, and amazing coverage alongside a decent speed tier, Rayquaza is a powerful sweeper in NatDex Ubers that is able fit on many offensive teams either as a threatening sweeper with Dragon Dance or a terrifying wallbreaker with Swords Dance with Sticky Web support.
* Extreme Speed gives Rayquaza powerful priority that lets it thwart revenge killing attempts from Pokemon like Mega Mewtwo Y and Deoxys-Attack, OHKOing the former at +2 while OHKOing the latter unboosted, as well as letting Rayquaza pick off weakened boosted-foes such as Ultra-Necrozma and Mega Salamence. This should be reworded as it is a little confusing. If Ray is using DD it outspeeds MMY at +1. Going to discuss the moveset w/ C&C as it really seems that Espeed should be slashed as it is not required on DD sets.
* V-create gives Rayquaza great coverage alongside Dragon Ascent, able to OHKOing Zacian-C and Dragon Dance offensive variants of Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock which could otherwise take on Rayquaza, though at the cost of lowering Rayquaza's Speed and defenses. The only offensive ndm set atm is DD. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used over V-create for similar coverage against Steel-type Pokemon that doesnt drop Rayquaza's defenses and speed while also letting Rayquaza hit Zekrom and Primal-Groudon much harder after a boost at +1. However the power drop is significant as it can no longer OHKO Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock.
* A Jolly nature is used over Adamant to maximize Rayquaza's speed which notably lets it outspeed offensive Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and most defensive utility Arceus formes and the entire metagame after a boost. at +0 as well as Zacian-C +1
* Tera Flying jacks up the power of Dragon Ascent, letting it OHKO Pokemon such as defensive Ho-Oh and Eternatus at +1. Tera Fire gives Rayquaza an immunity to burn from Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Fairy which can help Rayquaza set up against them, as well as giving Rayquaza STAB on V-create which allows it to OHKO defensive Necrozma-DM while also turning its previous Ice and Fairy weaknesses into resistances against Pokemon like Arceus-Ground carrying Ice Beam and Zacian-C, respectively. Make this two sentences. It is too confusing as one. Tera Normal gives Rayquaza STAB on Extreme Speed which allows it to OHKO Pokemon like offensive Yveltal and Palkia-O at +2, as well as preventing Marshadow from revenge killing it with Shadow Sneak or stealing its boosts with Spectral Thief. This should be reworded as it isn't clear when you're talking about Swords Dance or Dragon Dance sets. Also mention Tera Flying DA 2HKOes Dondozo
* Depending on what its team opts for, both Dragon Dance and Swords Dance Rayquaza variants are best utilized as mid- to late-game sweepers. Use Extreme Speed to prevent faster Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Salamence and Deoxys-Attack from revenge killing Rayquaza, as well as to outpace other common forms of priority such as Extreme Speed from Swords Dance Arceus and Sucker Punch from Yveltal. Once its checks, such as Yveltal and Zacian-C are eliminated, it can function well as a mid-game wallbreaker by spamming Dragon Ascent against many neutral targets such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus, along with its coverage for Steel-type Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM. or it can grab setup opportunities against Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Ground lacking Ice Beam. If you save Tera, use it for setup opportunities on unexpected foes such as Ho-Oh and Marshadow, as being able to either be immune to burn or Spectral Thief and Shadow Sneak, respectively, can turn the tides of the game. This should be worded. Swords Dance is only used on webs teams while DD fits on all types of HO. It is fine to use a bullet to talk about each set.
* Since Rayquaza is found mostly on hyper offensive teams, leads such as Deoxys-Speed, Shuckle, and Smeargle are mandatory for setting the tempo of the game, with Deoxys-Speed pairing well with Dragon Dance Rayquaza and either Shuckle or Smeargle pairing beautifully with Swords Dance Rayquaza, as Deoxys-Speed can get up hazards for Dragon Dance Rayquaza, allowing it to clinch KO's on bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Necrozma-DM while Shuckle and Smeragle can get up Sticky Web for Swords Dance Rayquaza which allows it to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Marshadow. Dual screen setters like Grimmsnarl can also help Rayquaza sweep, allowing it to get 2 Dragon Dances to help it break through opposing teams more easily. Should be covered after the changes above are implimented, but it should be clear that SD sets require sticky web support.
* Offensive teammates that can cover Rayquaza's weaknesses such as Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C are helpful, as they can pressure Rayquaza's offensive checks such as Mega Mewtwo Y and Arceus Fairy. In return, Rayquaza can help by chipping down Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh for Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C to more easily break through. Are you talking about DD NDM? If so specify because defensive isn't going to be used. If you're talking about Ultra Necrozma state that. Other teammates such as Mega Salamence, Arceus-Ground, and Ultra Necrozma are all great as they can all overwhelm shared checks such as Yveltal and defensive Primal Groudon, while denting huge holes in the opposition for Rayquaza to clean up.

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I can't stamp GP checks, so someone should come around and stamp this at some point.
name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: V-create / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Air Lock
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Flying / Fire / Normal


* Sporting a sky-high Attack stat, a powerful flying-STAB Flying-type STAB move in the form of Dragon Ascent, and amazing coverage alongside a decent Speed tier, Rayquaza is a powerful sweeper in NatDex Ubers that is able fit on many offensive teams either as as either parallelism a threatening sweeper with Dragon Dance or a terrifying wallbreaker with Swords Dance with Sticky Web support.
* Extreme Speed gives Rayquaza powerful priority that lets it able to avoids ambiguity thwart revenge killing attempts from Pokemon like Mega Mewtwo Y and Deoxys-Attack, OHKOing the former after a Swords Dance while OHKOing the latter unboosted, as well as letting Rayquaza pick off weakened boosted-foes boosted foes such as Ultra-Necrozma Ultra Necrozma and Mega Salamence.
* V-create gives Rayquaza great coverage alongside Dragon Ascent, OHKOing Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock, (AC) which could otherwise take on Rayquaza, at the cost of lowering Rayquaza's Speed. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used over V-create for similar coverage against Steel-type Pokemon that doesnt doesn't drop Rayquaza's defenses and Speed while also letting Rayquaza hit Zekrom and Primal-Groudon Primal Groudon much harder after a boost. However, (AC) the power drop is significant, (AC) as it can no longer Earthquake cannot avoid ambiguity OHKO Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock. (AP)
* A Jolly nature is used over Adamant to maximize Rayquaza's Speed, (AC) which notably lets it Rayquaza 'it' refers to the nature here outspeed offensive Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and utility Arceus formes and as well as the entire metagame after a boost.
* Tera Flying jacks up the power of Dragon Ascent, letting it Rayquaza 2HKO Dondozo and OHKO Pokemon such as defensive Ho-Oh and Eternatus at +1. Tera Fire gives Rayquaza an immunity to burns from Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Fairy, (AC) which can help Rayquaza set up against them (RC) as well as giving Rayquaza STAB on V-create, (AC) which allows it the move 'it' referred to Tera Fire to OHKO defensive Necrozma-DM. Tera Fire also turns its Rayquaza's previous Ice and Fairy weaknesses into resistances against Pokemon like Arceus-Ground carrying Ice Beam and Zacian-C, respectively. Tera Normal gives Rayquaza STAB on Extreme Speed, (AC) which allows it +2 Extreme Speed to OHKO Pokemon like offensive Yveltal and Palkia-O at +2, as well as preventing Marshadow from revenge killing it Rayquaza with Shadow Sneak or stealing Swords Dance boosts with Spectral Thief.
* Dragon Dance Rayquaza best fits on hyper offense teams, (AC) while Swords Dance Rayquaza best fits on Sticky Web teams. Swords Dance Rayquaza can use Extreme Speed to prevent faster Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Deoxys-Attack from revenge killing Rayquaza it (RC) as well as and to outpace other common forms of priority such as Extreme Speed from Swords Dance Arceus and Sucker Punch from Yveltal. Once its checks, such as Yveltal and Zacian-C are eliminated, it Rayquaza can function well as a mid-game wallbreaker by spamming Dragon Ascent against many neutral targets such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus (RC) along with its coverage for Steel-type Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM., replace period with comma or it can alternatively grab setup opportunities against Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Ground lacking Ice Beam.
* Since Rayquaza is found on hyper offense teams, leads such as Deoxys-Speed, Shuckle, and Smeargle are mandatory for setting the tempo of the game, with Deoxys-Speed pairing well with Dragon Dance Rayquaza by getting up entry hazards, allowing Rayquaza to clinch KOs on bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Necrozma-DM, (AC) while and Shuckle or Smeargle pairing beautifully with Swords Dance Rayquaza, as they can get by getting reduce amount of commas, ambiguity, and parallelism issues up Sticky Web for Rayquaza which allows to allow Rayquaza it to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Marshadow. Dual screens setters such as Grimmsnarl can also help Rayquaza sweep (RC) by making it easier for Rayquaza to setup set up with Dragon Dance.
* Offensive teammates that can cover Rayquaza's weaknesses such as Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM are helpful, as they can pressure Rayquaza's offensive checks such as in Mega Mewtwo Y and Arceus-Fairy. In return, Rayquaza can help by chipping down Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh for Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM to more easily break through. Other teammates such as Mega Salamence, Arceus-Ground, and Ultra Necrozma are all great as they can all to more directly ties start to end overwhelm shared checks such as Yveltal and defensive Primal Groudon (RC) while denting huge holes in the opposition for Rayquaza to clean up.

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name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: V-create / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Air Lock
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Flying / Fire / Normal

* Sporting a sky-high Attack stat, a powerful Flying-type STAB move in the form of Dragon Ascent, and amazing coverage alongside a decent Speed tier, Rayquaza is a powerful sweeper that is able fit on many offensive teams as either a threatening sweeper with Dragon Dance or a terrifying wallbreaker with Swords Dance with on teams with Sticky Web support.
* Extreme Speed gives Rayquaza powerful priority able to that allows it to thwart revenge killing attempts from Pokemon like Mega Mewtwo Y and Deoxys-A, OHKOing the former after a Swords Dance while OHKOing the latter unboosted, as well as letting Rayquaza pick off weakened boosted foes such as Ultra Necrozma and Mega Salamence.
* V-create gives Rayquaza great coverage alongside Dragon Ascent, OHKOing Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock, which could otherwise take on Rayquaza, at the cost of lowering Rayquaza's Speed. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used over V-create for similar coverage against Steel-type Pokemon that doesn't drop Rayquaza's defenses and Speed while also letting Rayquaza it hit Zekrom and Primal Groudon much harder after a boost. However, the power drop is significant, as Earthquake cannot OHKO Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock.
* A Jolly nature is used over Adamant to maximize Rayquaza's Speed, which notably lets Rayquaza it outspeed offensive Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and utility Arceus formes, (ac) as well as Zacian-C and the entire rest of the metagame after a boost.
* Tera Flying jacks up the power of Dragon Ascent, letting Rayquaza 2HKO Dondozo and OHKO Pokemon such as defensive Ho-Oh and Eternatus at +1. Tera Fire gives Rayquaza an immunity to burns from Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Fairy, which can help Rayquaza set up against them, as well as giving and it also gives Rayquaza STAB on V-create, which allows the move to OHKO defensive Necrozma-DM. Tera Fire also turns Rayquaza's previous Ice and Fairy weaknesses into resistances against Pokemon like Arceus-Ground carrying Ice Beam and Zacian-C, respectively. Tera Normal gives Rayquaza STAB on Extreme Speed, which allows +2 Extreme Speed to OHKO Pokemon like offensive Yveltal and Palkia-O, as well as preventing and it also prevents Marshadow from revenge killing Rayquaza with Shadow Sneak or stealing Swords Dance boosts with Spectral Thief.
* Dragon Dance Rayquaza best fits on hyper offense teams, while Swords Dance Rayquaza best fits on Sticky Web teams. Swords Dance Rayquaza can use Extreme Speed to prevent faster Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Salamence, and Deoxys-A from revenge killing it and to outpace other common forms of priority such as Extreme Speed from Swords Dance Arceus and Sucker Punch from Yveltal. Once its checks, such as Yveltal and Zacian-C, (ac) are eliminated, Rayquaza can function well as a mid-game wallbreaker by spamming Dragon Ascent against many neutral targets such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus along with its coverage for Steel-type Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM, or it can alternatively grab setup opportunities against Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Ground lacking Ice Beam.
* Since Rayquaza is found on hyper offense teams, leads such as Deoxys-S, Shuckle, and Smeargle are mandatory for setting the tempo of the game, with Deoxys-S pairing well with Dragon Dance Rayquaza by getting up setting entry hazards, allowing Rayquaza to clinch KOs on bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Necrozma-DM, and Shuckle or Smeargle pairing beautifully with Swords Dance Rayquaza, (rc) by getting up setting Sticky Web to allow Rayquaza to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Marshadow. Dual screens setters such as Grimmsnarl can also help Rayquaza sweep by making it easier for Rayquaza it to set up with Dragon Dance.
* Offensive teammates that can cover Rayquaza's weaknesses such as Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM are helpful, as they can pressure Rayquaza's offensive checks in Mega Mewtwo Y and Arceus-Fairy. In return, Rayquaza can help by chipping down Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh for Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM to more easily break through. Other teammates such as Mega Salamence, Arceus-Ground, and Ultra Necrozma are all great to overwhelm shared checks such as Yveltal and defensive Primal Groudon while denting huge holes in the opposition for Rayquaza to clean up.

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added credits for myself and Zrp200
remember to keep an eye out for smaller changes like capitalization and comma additions or removals, GP Team done

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name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: V-create / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Air Lock
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Flying / Fire / Normal

* Sporting a sky-high Attack stat, a powerful Flying-type STAB move in the form of Dragon Ascent, and amazing coverage alongside a decent Speed tier, Rayquaza is a powerful sweeper that is able fit on many offensive teams as either a threatening sweeper with Dragon Dance or a terrifying wallbreaker with Swords Dance with on teams with Sticky Web support.
* Extreme Speed gives Rayquaza powerful priority able to that allows it to thwart revenge killing attempts from Pokemon like Mega Mewtwo Y and Deoxys-A, OHKOing the former after a Swords Dance while OHKOing the latter unboosted, as well as letting Rayquaza pick off weakened boosted foes such as Ultra Necrozma and Mega Salamence.
* V-create gives Rayquaza great coverage alongside Dragon Ascent, OHKOing Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock, which could otherwise take on Rayquaza, at the cost of lowering Rayquaza's Speed. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used over V-create for similar coverage against Steel-type Pokemon that doesn't drop Rayquaza's defenses and Speed while also letting Rayquaza it hit Zekrom and Primal Groudon much harder after a boost. However, the power drop is significant, as Earthquake cannot OHKO Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock.
* A Jolly nature is used over Adamant to maximize Rayquaza's Speed, which notably lets Rayquaza it outspeed offensive Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and utility Arceus formes, (ac) as well as Zacian-C and the entire rest of the metagame after a boost.
* Tera Flying jacks up the power of Dragon Ascent, letting Rayquaza 2HKO Dondozo and OHKO Pokemon such as defensive Ho-Oh and Eternatus at +1. Tera Fire gives Rayquaza an immunity to burns from Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Fairy, which can help Rayquaza set up against them, as well as giving and it also gives Rayquaza STAB on V-create, which allows the move to OHKO defensive Necrozma-DM. Tera Fire also turns Rayquaza's previous Ice and Fairy weaknesses into resistances against Pokemon like Arceus-Ground carrying Ice Beam and Zacian-C, respectively. Tera Normal gives Rayquaza STAB on Extreme Speed, which allows +2 Extreme Speed to OHKO Pokemon like offensive Yveltal and Palkia-O, as well as preventing and it also prevents Marshadow from revenge killing Rayquaza with Shadow Sneak or stealing Swords Dance boosts with Spectral Thief.
* Dragon Dance Rayquaza best fits on hyper offense teams, while Swords Dance Rayquaza best fits on Sticky Web teams. Swords Dance Rayquaza can use Extreme Speed to prevent faster Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Salamence, and Deoxys-A from revenge killing it and to outpace other common forms of priority such as Extreme Speed from Swords Dance Arceus and Sucker Punch from Yveltal. Once its checks, such as Yveltal and Zacian-C, (ac) are eliminated, Rayquaza can function well as a mid-game wallbreaker by spamming Dragon Ascent against many neutral targets such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus along with its coverage for Steel-type Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM, or it can alternatively grab setup opportunities against Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Ground lacking Ice Beam.
* Since Rayquaza is found on hyper offense teams, leads such as Deoxys-S, Shuckle, and Smeargle are mandatory for setting the tempo of the game, with Deoxys-S pairing well with Dragon Dance Rayquaza by getting up setting entry hazards, allowing Rayquaza to clinch KOs on bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Necrozma-DM, and Shuckle or Smeargle pairing beautifully with Swords Dance Rayquaza, (rc) by getting up setting Sticky Web to allow Rayquaza to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Marshadow. Dual screens setters such as Grimmsnarl can also help Rayquaza sweep by making it easier for Rayquaza it to set up with Dragon Dance.
* Offensive teammates that can cover Rayquaza's weaknesses such as Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM are helpful, as they can pressure Rayquaza's offensive checks in Mega Mewtwo Y and Arceus-Fairy. In return, Rayquaza can help by chipping down Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh for Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM to more easily break through. Other teammates such as Mega Salamence, Arceus-Ground, and Ultra Necrozma are all great to overwhelm shared checks such as Yveltal and defensive Primal Groudon while denting huge holes in the opposition for Rayquaza to clean up.

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added credits for myself and Zrp200
remember to keep an eye out for smaller changes like capitalization and comma additions or removals, GP Team done

View attachment 634259
I can't stamp GP checks, so someone should come around and stamp this at some point.
name: Setup Sweeper
move 1: Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: V-create / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Air Lock
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Flying / Fire / Normal


* Sporting a sky-high Attack stat, a powerful flying-STAB Flying-type STAB move in the form of Dragon Ascent, and amazing coverage alongside a decent Speed tier, Rayquaza is a powerful sweeper in NatDex Ubers that is able fit on many offensive teams either as as either parallelism a threatening sweeper with Dragon Dance or a terrifying wallbreaker with Swords Dance with Sticky Web support.
* Extreme Speed gives Rayquaza powerful priority that lets it able to avoids ambiguity thwart revenge killing attempts from Pokemon like Mega Mewtwo Y and Deoxys-Attack, OHKOing the former after a Swords Dance while OHKOing the latter unboosted, as well as letting Rayquaza pick off weakened boosted-foes boosted foes such as Ultra-Necrozma Ultra Necrozma and Mega Salamence.
* V-create gives Rayquaza great coverage alongside Dragon Ascent, OHKOing Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock, (AC) which could otherwise take on Rayquaza, at the cost of lowering Rayquaza's Speed. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used over V-create for similar coverage against Steel-type Pokemon that doesnt doesn't drop Rayquaza's defenses and Speed while also letting Rayquaza hit Zekrom and Primal-Groudon Primal Groudon much harder after a boost. However, (AC) the power drop is significant, (AC) as it can no longer Earthquake cannot avoid ambiguity OHKO Necrozma-DM after Stealth Rock. (AP)
* A Jolly nature is used over Adamant to maximize Rayquaza's Speed, (AC) which notably lets it Rayquaza 'it' refers to the nature here outspeed offensive Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and utility Arceus formes and as well as the entire metagame after a boost.
* Tera Flying jacks up the power of Dragon Ascent, letting it Rayquaza 2HKO Dondozo and OHKO Pokemon such as defensive Ho-Oh and Eternatus at +1. Tera Fire gives Rayquaza an immunity to burns from Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Fairy, (AC) which can help Rayquaza set up against them (RC) as well as giving Rayquaza STAB on V-create, (AC) which allows it the move 'it' referred to Tera Fire to OHKO defensive Necrozma-DM. Tera Fire also turns its Rayquaza's previous Ice and Fairy weaknesses into resistances against Pokemon like Arceus-Ground carrying Ice Beam and Zacian-C, respectively. Tera Normal gives Rayquaza STAB on Extreme Speed, (AC) which allows it +2 Extreme Speed to OHKO Pokemon like offensive Yveltal and Palkia-O at +2, as well as preventing Marshadow from revenge killing it Rayquaza with Shadow Sneak or stealing Swords Dance boosts with Spectral Thief.
* Dragon Dance Rayquaza best fits on hyper offense teams, (AC) while Swords Dance Rayquaza best fits on Sticky Web teams. Swords Dance Rayquaza can use Extreme Speed to prevent faster Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Deoxys-Attack from revenge killing Rayquaza it (RC) as well as and to outpace other common forms of priority such as Extreme Speed from Swords Dance Arceus and Sucker Punch from Yveltal. Once its checks, such as Yveltal and Zacian-C are eliminated, it Rayquaza can function well as a mid-game wallbreaker by spamming Dragon Ascent against many neutral targets such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus (RC) along with its coverage for Steel-type Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM., replace period with comma or it can alternatively grab setup opportunities against Pokemon like Ho-Oh and Arceus-Ground lacking Ice Beam.
* Since Rayquaza is found on hyper offense teams, leads such as Deoxys-Speed, Shuckle, and Smeargle are mandatory for setting the tempo of the game, with Deoxys-Speed pairing well with Dragon Dance Rayquaza by getting up entry hazards, allowing Rayquaza to clinch KOs on bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Necrozma-DM, (AC) while and Shuckle or Smeargle pairing beautifully with Swords Dance Rayquaza, as they can get by getting reduce amount of commas, ambiguity, and parallelism issues up Sticky Web for Rayquaza which allows to allow Rayquaza it to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Marshadow. Dual screens setters such as Grimmsnarl can also help Rayquaza sweep (RC) by making it easier for Rayquaza to setup set up with Dragon Dance.
* Offensive teammates that can cover Rayquaza's weaknesses such as Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM are helpful, as they can pressure Rayquaza's offensive checks such as in Mega Mewtwo Y and Arceus-Fairy. In return, Rayquaza can help by chipping down Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh for Zacian-C and Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM to more easily break through. Other teammates such as Mega Salamence, Arceus-Ground, and Ultra Necrozma are all great as they can all to more directly ties start to end overwhelm shared checks such as Yveltal and defensive Primal Groudon (RC) while denting huge holes in the opposition for Rayquaza to clean up.

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