CAP 2 Revenankh Spriting Thread (aka Part 12)

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Okay, now I have everything done but the backsprites. I like the "ribbon effect" that came off of my female sprite. I might touch up the male's ribbons a little.
Atyroki's shiny form and KoA's "common" form were really well-done. My main problem with Atyroki's common one is the color scheme, and wth KoA's, the fact that I can't distinguish the bandages on his body (obviously, I can see them in the body's extremities, but not in the shoulders and rest of the body).

OMG just saw Dragonzrule. Too Dusknoir-esque (kill me) in my opinion, but totally badass.
Dragonzrule has been added. A voting thread will come in a few days, I want to give people enough time to get all poses worked out.

and happy birthday MwL.
imo koa's is the most consistent.

atryoki's is great but the lower bandaged imo need to be consolidated like time mage mentioned

i like the pose in dragonzrule's but the hand is imo too big and "cartoony" and the lower bandages are kind of stubby
I'm liking Dragon's, especially the shiny version. Black might make the mummy seem "evil" or something, but I much prefer the dark red, looks more mummyish.
I was looking at pictures of Egypt for some inspiration for the sprite and this is the picture that inspired the shiny form:

I just love the natural reds and oranges in the sunset.
Wow. The overall quality of sprites for 'Part Deux' has really increased in comparison with the sprites we had for Syclant. This is really, really going to be a tough decision.
you've had plenty of time to sprite it. hyra, can we PLEASE move on, i wanna be able to play with this within in a couple of weeks.
KoA's sprites seems to be the most promising. If he can finalize it, with no doubt in my mind he should be getting most votes.
you've had plenty of time to sprite it. hyra, can we PLEASE move on, i wanna be able to play with this within in a couple of weeks.

I opened this thread three days ago, that's hardly enough time for people to sprite eight different poses. No offense to KoA, but a lot of people voted for him last time because his art was the most complete at the time of the poll. I want to avoid this.

And this is the last thread. There is nothing left besides the sprite. After we decide on the sprite, Doug just needs to code this thing into the server.
I opened this thread three days ago, that's hardly enough time for people to sprite eight different poses. No offense to KoA, but a lot of people voted for him last time because his art was the most complete at the time of the poll. I want to avoid this.

And this is the last thread. There is nothing left besides the sprite. After we decide on the sprite, Doug just needs to code this thing into the server.

But will we still make a pre-evo for it, right?
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