CAP Weather Project Poll

How do we want to proceed with "weather" on the CAP project?

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The most recent ability poll has really sparked some lively debate and interest in the impact of weather on the metagame. There is so much interest, that I think the community might want to dedicate an entire CAP project to the theme of weather. However, if we want a dedicated weather project, it does not make sense to allow Greenhouse on our current pokemon. Therefore, if we decide to do a weather project, then Greenhouse will be removed from the current ability poll and people that voted for it will need to go back and change their votes.

Like most things on the CAP project, this proposal needs to be voted on. It's a pretty simple poll. Read below for an idea of the scope of a weather project.

The following proposal has not been set in stone.
It is merely a suggestion of how a weather project MIGHT be structured.

I am including it here so you have an idea of what I mean when I refer to a "Weather Project". If we vote for a weather project, we will open a workshop thread and decide all the particulars.

DougJustDoug said:
(credit to Deck Knight for the original idea)

I think we should make the next project a split project. We make a Red Team and a Blue Team. Any CAP member can join either team, but not both. Once you have "registered" on a team, you can't switch. The Red team makes an auto-sun poke, the Blue Team makes an auto-rain poke.

As a community, before teams are declared, we will vote on the "common" stuff, like base typing for the pokes. Perhaps Fire/Dragon and Water/Dragon. Perhaps Fire/Normal and Water/Normal. Maybe just Fire and Water. Maybe just Normal for both. I don't really care. But, we'll decide it beforehand. We'll also settle on base stat rating. We'll even decide the exact mechanics of the weather abilities (permaweather vs limited turns, etc). After that, each team goes their own way and makes their poke. We implement both on the server and "fight it out" for bragging rights.

I think it could be great fun. Everyone could get involved. It's a classic Groudon vs. Kyogre kind of thing. Fits a pokemon project perfectly. I could see it being a huge hit. The next project will do weather in a big way, and we could make it a "Create-A-Pokemon Event Spectacle".
yay, I got here before the poll. Or at least I think I did, for I see no mention of bold voting (no bold in post).


yay I was right. @ Dane, I was going to say that, but it sounds too much like inb4ban. Anyways, I think this is the farthest a 100% vote has gone, 5 in a row for option 1.
yay, I got here before the poll. Or at least I think I did, for I see no mention of bold voting (no bold in post).
In b4 pollz? =P

Anyway, I've already said I like it in the other thread, and I'm still for it.
I think a weather project would be very interesting. We've gathered some experience in creating pokemon and this would be a great test of our capabilities, seeing as why might just be creating the biggest change to the metagame we can. I'm looking forward to it.
I give my full support to this project. Ideally, I would like this to start right after Woodman, assuming the details can get sorted out on time.
13 and, I'd like to emphasize another one of DK's points...

That we should create a Drought / Drizzle duo that are uu without the abilities.

Think Abomasnow, not Tyranitar.
This Deck Knight fellow is quite awesome and I fully support his endeavor.

My other random idea was a two-headed Dragon with both Auto-Rain and Auto-Sun abilities, but that's almost a complete concept in and of itself to begin with.

Anyway, I think this could work.
heh, I love the Red Team/Blue team idea, sounds like it will be alot of fun. I think this will turn out really cool.
This Deck Knight fellow is quite awesome and I fully support his endeavor.

My other random idea was a two-headed Dragon with both Auto-Rain and Auto-Sun abilities, but that's almost a complete concept in and of itself to begin with.

Anyway, I think this could work.

Fire/Water ftw! But agreeing that thought gives us little to expand upon.

4/15 posts are me. Is that a bad thing?
I'm a little wary of the team versus team format because it'll give people even more incentive to toss balance aside and make the most quasi-broken pokemon they can... but I guess I'm nitpicking, as long as we have a proper process guide we can pre-empt any potential problems like that. Thumbs up from me.
Damn you KinglerDude! You and your non-conformist, hippie ways!

(Just kidding. =P)

Anyway, I'm totally behind the idea. Also agree with Aldaron's "UU without the ability" comment.
13 and, I'd like to emphasize another one of DK's points...

That we should create a Drought / Drizzle duo that are uu without the abilities.

Think Abomasnow, not Tyranitar.
Indeed. The rank rating would need to be under 300, if not lower.
I'm against the team versus team thing as well. If this is a duo (meaning with mirroring stats, like Groudon's physical vs. Kyogre's special), then we can easily work on both simultaneously.

I would like to bring up the "trio" point, however, as I honestly think there should be a guy that "removes" all weather on the field.

Not Air Lock, but literally removes it.
Actually, I think the sun and rain teams should be named Team Magma and Team Aqua. Both of those ingame teams were mad scientists trying to harness the power of two uncontrollable forces of nature.

Pretty much exactly what we are trying to do....
Actually, I think the sun and rain teams should be named Team Magma and Team Aqua. Both of those ingame teams were mad scientists trying to harness the power of two uncontrollable forces of nature.

Pretty much exactly what we are trying to do....

Maybe the next poll should be to decide whether we will create a Clear Sky pokemon that eliminates weather...under Team Atmos?
The outcome is clear, but both change very little in the current poll. I didn't think greenhouse was going to win personally (although I'll admit it could have).
Yes we should have one pokemon with a "Clear Skies" ability that rids weather automatically. Not Air Lock like Aldaron said, but much like Drought/Drizzle, where it lasts until someone manually changes it.
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