Austrian man fathers his own grandchildren


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is a Community Leader Alumnus

Not only does this guy have 7 kids with one of his daughters, one which died and he burned apparently, he kept them imprisoned in his cellar for 24 years before it was discovered. Only got discovered after one of these children were ill and had to go to hospital, and is still in a bad way now.

At least this guy is finally getting caught and tried, and he's also pleading guilty. Pretty disturbed individual to do that in the first place. Its also amazing how he got away with it for so long especially with his own wife just above all this.
It's disgusting. They (apparently) found him out when one of the little girls had to go to the hospital, and the mother put a letter of plea in her pocket.
Really doesn't surprise me.. how people are so shocked at this shocks me.

Hmmmm, maybe because people don't really see horrible incidents like this on a day to day basis? That guy really is quite mentally ill.

Some of the stuff that goes on in the world disturbs me to be quite honest.
I guess we all have to accept there's a LOT of people in the world that are completely fucked up. This guy is one of those people.
It's sad to see that there are people like this guy who appear beyond any kind of help or rehabilitation. Was he schizophrenic?

The guy got her pregnant and she had the children in there, right?

Also, the thread title is kinda misleading.
He does look like a nasty piece of work. Just have to say one thing about this: He's not too arsed about being imprisoned, since he's likely not got that long left to live.

My general view on punishment: Let him live the rest of his days in solitary confinement, a miserable old bastard.
The worst thing about this is that this kind of abuse is probably more widespread than we think, because there was a similar case about year ago.
Hmmmm, maybe because people don't really see horrible incidents like this on a day to day basis? That guy really is quite mentally ill.

Some of the stuff that goes on in the world disturbs me to be quite honest.

Messed up people exist, have existed and will exist, forever and ever. You can't really be "shocked" by anything any particular human does; when 10% of fathers are having 7 children by their daughters, THAT's when you get shocked.

The worst thing about this is that this kind of abuse is probably more widespread than we think, because there was a similar case about year ago.

Not really; you can't extrapolate two cases into a widespread problem. Also, the news media is expert at making isolated cases into epidemics.
I'd believe that this kinda thing happens all the time. What really shocked me was (iirc) that this guy got the girl pregnant more than once and the kids grew up in there "not seeing the light of day." One of them is 19 now I think.

All of this was secretly happening underneath a large family, none of which knew about the people in the cellar. The guy who did this would need to be so horribly inhumane just to be capable of pulling it off. It boggles the mind...
ugh, I thought the mother didnt know about it?

The guy who posted before you was talking about the mother of the child that was ill i.e. the daughter of the incestuous rapist.

And how the fuck can this guy only face a maximum of 15 years? Obviously at 73 years old that more or less means life unless you have the stupid half-of-that-sentence of the UK. The girl and her/his children were held captive for 24 years, she was subjected to rape and the (BAN ME PLEASE) even tossed the body of one of his dead children with his daughter into a fire. 15 years???
I heard about this the other day on the radio. I can't bring myself to acknowledge the fact that there are people in this world who are capable of this kind of fucked up shit. It sickens me to no end...

This is something you would normally expect to see in a horror movie of some sort, because to me I don't ever think I would ever believe anything like this in the world is capable of becomming a reality. Because it just seems a little too unreal to me.

Even if they're able to treat him and all, it would never change anything. He still wouldn't deserve to come back out into the real world in 15 years. He should be locked up in jail forever never to see the daylight himself.
"We easily talk about “man’s inhumanity to man”, lets talk about “man’s inhumanity to women” instead please - we act amazed and as if this is an extraordinary event but then accept the everyday dehumanisation and objectification of women. We hear people defending the forced trafficking of women as just “economic migrations” and defending sexual assaults as just “boys will be boys” and defending street harrassment as being a non-event caused by feminists without senses of humour. And by doing so as far as I am concerned the public lose all moral ground on which to be outraged by this - you cannot defend other behaviours which express the same sentiments and then claim moral outrage at this. Either societies have to wake up to the fact that men regularly and routinely abuse women and children and accept that and do something about it or they have to admit they are willing to tolerate it."

Sadly, I entirely agree with the above quote - the entire thing stinks of hypocrisy.
Really fucked up stuff. I read about this yesterday at school and it was really disturbing... It kinda makes you think what drove these people to act this way. I firmly believe that all our actions are in some way affected by society, family, and the media.
And how the fuck can this guy only face a maximum of 15 years? 15 years???

because european countries are generally pretty spineless when it comes to their criminals - the max sentence is like 25 or something.

i mean fucking Varg's almost out of jail if he's not already, and his murder was pretty brutal by any standard...that gets you life at least in the US.

Even if they're able to treat him and all

screw rehabilitation; just form a firing squad
I really wasn't shocked or surprised when I read this yesterday. The human race is and will always be capable of committing acts such as these. It's been happening for ages. This act is no more disturbing or disgusting then when that black woman microwaved her own child because she didn't want to be bothered with him anymore, or when that other woman drowned her five children because she wanted to save them. Yes, they are fucking disgusting and it sickens me to no end, but it doesn't shock or surprise me anymore. It just makes me wonder what's in store next for this planet's future.

I hope that man never gets to see the light of day ever again. I feel so sorry for the daughter and her children because now they will have a difficult time adjusting to outside world, and will have a difficult time trusting anyone.
This is something you would normally expect to see in a horror movie of some sort, because to me I don't ever think I would ever believe anything like this in the world is capable of becomming a reality. Because it just seems a little too unreal to me.

You should probably remember that if there is a chance of a horror movie happening, it probably has. (Unless the movie has supernatural stuff happening, like ghosts and werewolves)

Or else, this is sick, sick, sick. But I had a good day today so it doesnt bother me lol ;D
Yes, they are fucking disgusting and it sickens me to no end, but it doesn't shock or surprise me anymore. It just makes me wonder what's in store next for this planet's future.

Sadly we are getting used to this stuff, and we know it will never end.
Sadly we are getting used to this stuff, and we know it will never end.

I don't think we are getting used to this stuff. Most of the people who post in this thread say that this kind of stuff is fucked up; it's not like it'll become acceptable and normal without some ridiculous degradation of society and morality. It's more like there are always these one in a million people who are just screwed up beyond anything conceivable, but they don't set the standards for anything.