CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 13 (Pokedex Entry discussion)

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Least required discussion in this entire project in my honest opinion. We need two or three pokedex entries for this creature.

- Pokedex entires need to be interesting and informative, but also short and to the point.
- The use of correct grammar, spelling of words, and use of punctuations are highly needed.
- Please try not to have two or more conflicting sentences within the entires.
- No overly detailed descriptions of it's hunting habits. It's all fun to say that he savagely kill Grovyles by bashing their brains out with his cannons, but that needed?

Also, do we really need a poll for a pokedex enrty(ies)? Can't TL just choose three entires that he/she believe are the best and say done?

Pyroak's Height and Weight: 6' 9", 370 lbs
They're about 2 sentences each ADV style. If anyone thinks they're grammatically incorrect feel free to correct them.

Pyroak is known to shoot balls of fire into the air from its jungle habitat to attract mates from far distances. In one case, a pilot who was passing by mistook the fire for a flare and was never to be seen again.

Pyroak is very selective when choosing the trees that make its armor. When burning the right type of bark it creates an irresistible aroma of smoke that attracts prey and possible mates.
Pyroak spends years crafting it's armor from the finest wood. The armor's offensive and defensive capabilities are determined by the skill used in it's creation.
Pyroak body armor is made from select parts of hardwood trees it heat treats to add to the armor durablity and seal the wood to sterilze and prevent it from rotting

Pyroak can emit flames from its mouth back and hands but these flames are not focused so a unarmored one spews flames everywhere the heat treated and resistant wooden armor it normally wears focuses the flames allowing it to direct the flames into powerful blasts
If [Pryoak] doesn't have any hands, how in God's name is he/she able to craft wooden armor?

I don't think we've ever seen Pyroak's hands, but I would assume it had claws like a raptor as it has teeth and jaws that way. That's always the way I imagined it under the armor at least. It probably also can do it with the help of its fire and its capable jaws.
Well, that logic would say he doesn't actually have armor, but rather just hardened or petrified skin. It's been called armor this entire time, so I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
Some attempts:

Pyroak's wooden skin is heated and impregnable. It is said that a small piece of it can light a fireplace for over a year.

Pyroak marks his territory by burning down dead trees. Anyone damaging the environment within these marks can expect this Pokémon to open fire without mercy.

During the mating season, a male Pyroak's fire heats up to extraordinary points, while the females will have a soothing scent waving out of their cannons.
This POKEMON has been known to shoot extremely powerful beams from its cannon-like arms. If its armour needs repair, it will cut down large trees with a single beam.

[Woodmen] are extremely intelligent. Not only did they learn to craft armour out of wood, but they also have their own form of communication.
*Opens Pokedex* Pyroak stores thermal energy all day in its cannons, when it is angered it is known to create massive forest fires.

Thats all I got.
The leaves on [Pyroaks] head contain very high levels of chlorophyll. This energy system is so efficient that it negated the need to eat allowing [Pyroaks] hands to evolve into powerful cannons.

I think it may be a bit long but threw it out there anyway.

I would also like to take this oppurtunity to introduce myself to smogon. So umm... hi
Pyroaks are usually gentle and harmless but often scare human beings due to its size. When endangered, Pyroaks escape by using the jet on its back that is activated through combustion inside its body.

Meh, is mine too long?
Some attempts:

Pyroak's wooden skin is heated and impregnable. It is said that a small piece of it can light a fireplace for over a year.

Pyroak marks his territory by burning down dead trees. Anyone damaging the environment within these marks can expect this Pokemon to open fire without mercy.

During the mating season, a male Pyroak's fire heats up to extraordinary points, while the females will have a soothing scent waving out of their cannons.

I like the first one.

Marking and Mating.Hmmmmm
Alright, time for me to take a stab at it

[Woodman]'s brain size is comparable to that of any human. It uses the cannons on its arms for melee and ranged combat.

It has emerged victorious in battles against predators and prey alike. It owes its triumph to its hand-crafted armour and weaponry.

[Woodman]'s stamina is unmatched. This is because the various leaves on its body provide chlorophyll, which is needed to perform photosynthesis, which increases its stamina.

@GT: Do I have to PM you these entries like I did with the BST Spread?
If he answers yes, I have a great reason why ;P

BTW, visualizations of him shooting down wild murkrows to have himself some KFC

Let's hear the reason! :D

And apparently I didn't make my point painfully obvious enough;

Snakes, dogs, sharks, tigers, geckos, frogs, termites... just a few examples of animals without hands that, through some strange and wonderous miracle, have somehow avoided extinction through starvation....

oh, and to not go off topic completely, this is my favourite;

Pyroak's wooden skin is heated and impregnable. It is said that a small piece of it can light a fireplace for over a year.

Also, do any other pokedex entries have stuff about mating in? It seems a bit out-of-place, or maybe forced-in-by-teenagers-with-rule-34-of-woodman-on-their-minds....
Snakes, dogs, sharks, tigers, geckos, frogs, termites... just a few examples of animals without hands that, through some strange and wonderous miracle, have somehow avoided extinction through starvation....

Snakes and sharks I can agree with, but the other animals have forelegs, which is technically the same thing as arms
Pyroak store massive amounts of heat inside their bodies. One who has not yet forged it's own armor is unable to controll the incredible power.


Pyroak's eating mannarisms are truley unique. Males prefer to eat meat and females absorb nutrients using photosynthisis.
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