The current movepool thread is a total mess. The Movepool section of the project needs a total process revamp. I'm glad Time Mage brought this up.
Based on the suggestions in the past few posts, I'd like to propose the following process for determining the movepool:
Movepool discussion and voting will be divided into three phases
Competitive Attack Moves
Competitive Defense and Support Moves
Complete Movepool
The TL posts an initial Attack movepool in the OP of a discussion thread. People post regarding necessary additions and removals. No full moveset posts are allowed.
At the conclusion of the Attack discussion, the TL will open an Attack voting poll to vote on controversial changes to the Attack movepool.
At the same time the Attack voting thread is opened, the Defense and Support movepool discussion thread will be opened.
At the conclusion of the Defense and Support movepool discussion, the TL opens a Defense and Support voting poll to vote on controversial changes to the Defense and Support movepool.
Based on participation in the previous movepool threads, the TL will select several members to present a complete movepool submission. Since all the competitive moves will have been decided, the movepool submissions will merely add "flavor" moves to round out the movepool.
A guide should be written to describe the characteristics of an appropriate movepool. X-Act's guide is an excellent start. If anyone attempts to include a competitive move, not agreed in the previous polls, it will be the TL's responsibility to see that the submitter removes them from the full movepool submission.
The movepool submissions will be voted on by the community. No alterations, edits, or conditional votes will be accepted. By the time the final movepool is polled, all competitive aspects should have been decided. Therefore, the final movepool is really a vote of individual preference on what best fits the flavor of the pokemon.