The NBA thread

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Lakers won, but they didn't deserve to. Kobe's steal from Pierce was a pretty obvious foul, surprised it didn't get called. Either way, I doubt if they will win two in Boston.
I still can't believe that Kevin Garnett, an 83% free throw shooter, managed to miss both free throws. He just choked. And the house went all silent when that guy - Posey was it? - swished that three to make it a two-point lead before Fish and Kobe tossed their last free throws to put it away.
^^eddie house made the 3.

kg missing the free throws + kobe's uncalled foul = fail

either way i've said celtics in 6 since the beginning and I'm sticking with it. Lakers have no chance.
(P.S: boston fans suck. you only jump on the wagon for teams when they get in a championship position, but during the hard times you guys are nowhere to be found. Exception being the Sox fans.)

This isn't true. The general consensus in New England is that we would rather not watch a particular sport than root for a team that isn't from Boston (or Foxborough lol). Just because SportsCenter didn't carry Celtics games during their bad stretch doesn't mean that they had no fans. The media's coverage is biased towards teams that are good, rightfully so. But just because you didn't hear from the fans doesn't mean we weren't there. Why would there ever be a lack of Celtic fans? The tics have won more than 1/4 of the NBA Championships, including EIGHT IN A ROW, getting to the finals 12 out of 13 years and winning 11 of those, all feats that will never be accomplished again by any professional team in any sport. Saying that there has been no support for this team during the bad times is blatantly wrong and is ironically indicative of your own jumping on a bandwagon, the "we hate Boston" bandwagon.

We get it- its cool to hate New England. Everyone on TV does it, especially sportscasters (I'm looking at you, Stephen A. Smith, Michael Wilbon, Jeff Van Gundy and Joe Buck), but unfortunately people only see these guys shitting on NE/Boston and people follow suit without seeing local coverage (i.e. what the teams are actually doing) by then spewing their biased opinion that is based off of already biased coverage.

Plus, the Celtics had 24 wins last year and now they are up 3-2 in the FINALS after having the best record in the regular season...and now we're bandwagon jumpers for rooting for them? Why should we not be excited?

p.s. if the refs blow another call like they did in game 5, the NBA may finally have to answer the tough questions about crooked referees....

and why bavetta was one of the refs in game 5 despite being one of the refs accused of fixing games.

Another interesting thing to note along these lines is that the Celtics and Lakers both had exactly the same amount of free throws (31)...maybe the NBA was trying to get Bavetta in on a critical game whose box score shows perfectly even officiating? *coughCONSPIRACYcough*

This is pretty far fetched but given the current state of the NBA, I wouldn't be surprised.


(and thank you Celtics for confirming my response to VIL's post)
Right now, the Celtics are just completely humiliating the Lakers... 48-77 in the 3rd quarter. This just really shows how much the Celtics want to win.

Also, there was a good 17-18 minutes where the Celtics completely prevented Kobe from scoring. The Lakers are done. edit: according to the announcers, there was a 23:33 minute stretch where Kobe only scored 2 points.
Anyway, Celtics won, I think they'll be back (seriously, every east team is in rebuild except orlando and cleveland, hawks aren't ready yet).

Lakers are putting too much stock in getting Bynum back; Bynum won't fix the awful defensive rotations and general lack of mental toughness.

Gasol? Gasol was non-existent the last 2 series.
Yeah, game 6 wasn't even a contest. The Lakers needed help from the refs in both games that they "won". Other than that, the whole series was a complete embarassment. A 39 point loss in a game 6 that they had to win? Give me a break.

oh and Kobe still can't win without Shaq hahaha. What a perfect example of "cancer to a team". It's a shame that he's such a good player stat-wise because other than that he is pretty much the reason why the Lakers collapsed. They aren't a team, they are "Kobe and his 'supporting cast'", which really needs to change if he expects to win.

Congrats Celtics! They will be the team to beat for a few years to come.
That game was just amazing. The reserves came in, the defecit fell from 34 to 32 points, and then they pushed it all the way to FORTY before it rested at 39 at the end. Just fucking ridiculous.
Hehe, good for them. They deserve it after the excellent regular season they had, though I still wanted the Lakers to win. :\
lesson learned - whoever the media's/vegas/anyone who gets paid to call games is picking, pick the OPPOSITE. The media gets sports wrong 90% of the time.
Congrats to the Celtics! Also congrats to Pierce who got the MVP (they should have given it to all three, but it's ok!), and to Allen who set the record for 3-pointers made in the NBA Finals.
yea right kg played maybe 14 total good quarters out of a possible 24.

anyways, i think this is a one time celtics thing. most of the thing into winning was their whole 'hunger' angle. you think kg or ray allen or paul pierce tries anywhere as hard after they've all been around for like 10 years and finally got the championship? pretty sure cassell, who helped out in late season retires, pjbrown, who stopped them from losing to cavs in game 7 retires as well. all that adds up to a hungrier pistons, a better lebron, jesus christ lebron, and a better dwight and magic team, i highly doubt celts get back

as for west, i'd say hornets would've won this year if they didn't let pargo think he was entitled to shots in that 4th quarter of game 7, but if bynum comes back, then lakers to finals again. kobe is still determined so why not. it's not like spurs/nuggets/warriors/suns/mavs are getting any better. blazers can be added to the mix but really, other than lakers hornets or jazz, and maybe just maybe rockets if they weren't injury proned, then that's pretty much your west potential finalists
Boston is home of champions, for sure.

Sorry Kobe, one man does not a team make. When you're finally done barking at your teammates for fouling up "your" victory, get an attitude adjustment and maybe you too can inspire a defense that wins championships.
Oh man, the Celts win was too annihlating.
I am a huuggee Lakers fan but Celtics are really good and I really was impressed today. The approx 30 point win and stuff.
But still, *sniff*
Not that anyone probably cares in the aftermath of the NBA finals, but why the fuck is Jason Kidd going to be on the olympic team? Furthermore, he is projected as the STARTER! No Paul Pierce, no Kevin Garnett, no Tim Duncan, no Allen Iverson - no, we get fucking Kidd and Boozer and who knows who else that should not be there. I know we are missing out on guys like Dirk and cannot help that, but this is fucking ridiculous.
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