Rising to the Challenge, so RMT.

First of all, thanks for checking out this RMT, my second. Please don't take my team lightly just because it has some rarely used pokemon. This whole team revolves around defensive typing and extreme prediction to switch safely into most attacks. I’ve been able to win a lot of battles on Shoddy, but obviously, there are still a couple weaknesses to cover. This team is for the OU metagame on shoddy. Constructive criticism is welcome.


Donphan @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 hp/252 atk/6 def
Ability: sturdy

- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Stealth Rock
- Roar/Stone edge/Knock off

My lead is one of the many walls in my team, and ice shard allows me to take on the dragons alot more. Hitmontop takes care of all the rapid spinning, so this can focus on other things. Still, if anyone has better suggestions for a lead, please say so.


Parasect @ Leftovers
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 hp/124 atk/126 spdef
Ability: Dry Skin

- Aromatherapy
- Spore
- X-scissor
- Giga Drain

Status healer of my team, induces sleep to things my team has trouble with, and counters psychics and darks effectively. Its typing is its greatest blessing and curse, but magcargo covers all its weaknesses nicely, save rock. Also absorbs surfs aimed at magcargo to heal itself. Giga drain isn’t particularly strong, but takes down swamperts that don’t have stone edge, after 2-3 hits.


Pelipper @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 hp/124 def/ 134 spa
Ability: Keen Eye

- Air Slash
- Roost
- Surf
- U-turn

Now a staple in most of my teams, it can do many things gyarados can’t. For example, it can heal itself in a pinch, can scout attacks with u-turn, and can utilize the effective flying/water attack combo. It takes earthquakes for the team.


Lanturn @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 spa/ 252 spdef/6 def
Ability: Volt Absorb

- Ice beam
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Toxic

Everyone knows how awesome Lanturn is, right? It pairs nicely with pelipper, and can heal itself with electric attacks aimed at the water bird. Toxic is for non-rest walls. It’s my special wall too.


Hitmontop @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 hp/252 atk/ 6 def
Ability: Technician

- Pursuit
- Fake out
- Mach Punch
- Rapid spin

This is my team’s counter to frail, quick sweepers. Fake out and mach punch racks up damage quickly. Since ghosts always switch in on Hitmontop, pursuit's been added to give them a nice surprise.

Magcargo @ Light Clay
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 hp/134 def/124 spa
Ability: Flame Body

- Lava Plume/Flamethrower
- Recover
- Reflect
- Ancient Power

It counters many fire, grass, and bug types. However, the real reason this snail is on my team is flame body. When I predict any non-ground/fighting/water physical attack, I switch this in. So, Skarmory has a chance of getting burned while brave birding it, as do most flying types. That rock typing isn’t all bad. Reflect helps out my whole team, and helps my team take on hard hitters like chomp. Recover is to allow it to switch in more to possibly inflict burn. Fire/rock is one of the best attacking combos in the game, and Macargo’s the only poke to get the double-stab.

Threat List: (underline = no real counter)

Tyranitar- Hitmontop comes in on crunch and stone edge.
Gyarados- If I know it has ice fang, I send in Parasect as bait from a waterfall, and switch in Macargo on the ice fang. Then, I pray it gets burned… No true counter.
Infernape- If no thunderpunch, Pelipper can take it on easily.
Azelf- No.
Electivire- Hitmontop takes it out after 1 fake out, and 2 mach punches. Macargo switches in on ice punch.
Heracross- Pelipper if it’s choiced or scarfed.
Salamence- Donphan if it comes in on a physical attack.
Togekiss- Lanturn.
Gengar- Lanturn comes in on thunderbolt, and takes it down as long as another poke in my team is asleep.
Garchomp- My team will have to chip away at its health, until it's in ice shard KO range.
Lucario- Hitmontop + Mach punch, before it can do anything. Extremespeed causes trouble
Starmie- Lanturn.
Weavile- Magcargo or Hitmontop.
Dugtrio- Pelipper.
PorygonZ- Magcargo, sorta.
Machamp- If guts, pelipper.
Snorlax- Magcargo has to switch in on a body slam/return.
Zapdos- Lanturn.
Suicune- Lanturn.
Breloom- After it sleeps something, parasect can switch in.
Ninjask- Magcargo, but Donphan can haze it.
Metagross- Magcargo must switch in on thunder punches or meteor mashes and hope.
Heatran- Pelipper.
Celebi- Parasect.
Jirachi- Magcargo.
Dragonite- Donphan.
Mamoswine- Pelipper.
Gallade- Pelipper, if it doesn't have thunder punch.
Yanmega- Lanturn or Magcargo.
Kingdra- Pelipper could stall until rain is over, I suppose. Dragon dance versions don't pose much of a threat.
Roserade- After it sleeps something slow, Parasect.(they never have sludge bombs, right? Lol)
Scizor- magcargo, cause brick break does like nothing.


A lot of my team revolves around switching in and out, using a lot of my pokemon’s absorb abilities and typings. Some pokemon also have recovery moves to keep them alive, but without prediction, this team fails entirely, due to 3 of my pokemon having 4x weaknesses. Ghost types and dragons also cause trouble. Btw, some of the EV ranges are a little ball-parked too. Suggestions would be appreciated; thanks for checking this RMT.
oo I finally get to see the team lol..hmmm didnt u have something different from electrode in there?

Yep, I had absol with Night slash/psycho cut/stone edge/will-o-wisp before. Too many slow pokes on my team, so I'm trying electrode.

Anyone know why is showing up all over the place? Copied this from a Word Document.
pursuit may be a good counter to gengar

they think u used a fighting move
send in gengar
gengar takes pursuit

but rapid spin is, I think pretty needed

Have u tried this team on test ladder?
I'm assuming you used Verdana in your word document?

Try leaving everything in your document set to the forum defaults, then copy/paste, and then see if the tags still come up.
I'm assuming you used Verdana in your word document?

Try leaving everything in your document set to the forum defaults, then copy/paste, and then see if the tags still come up.

The default font is Verdana, so that's what confused me. It turned out the "style" had to be web or something. It works now, thanks.
Ok, I changed my lead, which significantly changes what my team has to worry about. I can now phaze and take care of dragons, but gyarados is still a problem and so are some mixed attackers. Anyone?