CAP 4 Fidgit Playtesting


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Fidgit is live on the CAP server!


I normally do the first battle with the winning spriter, but this time *I* was the winning spriter. So, I figured the first battle honor should go to Sunday, the diligent Topic Leader for CAP4. I was soundly trounced in the battle, but had fun nonetheless. Looking back, I REALLY wish I would have opted to run a Gravity set on Fidgit...

Now that we have Fidgit on the server -- let the playtesting commence! Remember to update your CAP sprites. Instructions are located here. See the strategy analysis thread for playing suggestions for Fidgit.

This thread will serve as the home for all playtesting feedback. Post comments, battle logs, and other playtesting results here.

Have fun with Fidgit!
Sweet! Doug, you're awesome! Everyone one of use apprecciate what you're doing for us and the server. Another successful CaP project has been completed! Go CaP go!
Trademarking Celebi/Heatran/Fidgit Combo. Seriously in the one battle ive had, its been remarkable at covering eachother's weaknesses.

I also use a more defensive Fidgit, 252 Hp/216 SpD/40 SpE Timid. This hits 281 speed, and has equal defenses. Thats with my Togekiss Knock-Off Encore/Wish/EP/Hp Ice set.

One gripe I have is that we gave this too many options. With Revenankh and Pyroak, and Syclant to an extent, one clear set emerged. This is almost TOO versitile, being able to run 10 or more sets at will, and nobody will be able to choose between them or counter them all. This may prove problimatic in the future, but rest assured, one strategy will eventually come out on top. I believe Trick Room has the best shot at this, but Gravity or even Rain may be dominant. Only time can tell what will happen with this.
I'm gonna copy that combo tomorrow Ace! I'm gonna make a cool team around that don't worry ;) It's practically already made. I must say I have to agree with tennis here though, it's so fucking versatile. It's like a Swiss Army knife. It's incredibly fast too. It sort of takes Pyroaks spot on most of my teams though, as I never really needed Pyroak for anything.
One gripe I have is that we gave this too many options. With Revenankh and Pyroak, and Syclant to an extent, one clear set emerged. This is almost TOO versitile, being able to run 10 or more sets at will, and nobody will be able to choose between them or counter them all. This may prove problimatic in the future, but rest assured, one strategy will eventually come out on top. I believe Trick Room has the best shot at this, but Gravity or even Rain may be dominant. Only time can tell what will happen with this.
Eh my TR team has been meh so far, so I'm hoping to go back to my old attrition stratergy using Fidgit to Lay some spikes/Tspikes/Rocks or whatever (Rocks at the moment, although that will change since I remembered I need Sandstorm back. For the battle vs. Doug I just wacked Fidgit over Hippo) and cause switches with Encore.
I think that the main purpose will end up as an Encore/Wish passer, and not as a fancy TR/Gravity/Tailwind Pokemon. At least, that's what I've seen so far.
Ugh, for some reason I can't select Fidgit on my list of Pokemon in the Team Builder screen.
Doug, does that thread you linked have the updated version of the sprites?
Because I used someone else's link on another account (computer accounts) and it worked just fine.
Ugh, for some reason I can't select Fidgit on my list of Pokemon in the Team Builder screen.
Doug, does that thread you linked have the updated version of the sprites?
Because I used someone else's link on another account (computer accounts) and it worked just fine.

The Battle Server sticky has everything you need to know. In fact, it specifically mentions the problem you are having, with a big "IMPORTANT" in front of it.

IMPORTANT -- You might not be able to use existing teams. If you can use an existing team, you most likely will not be able to add the new pokemon to them. Just make a new team and you can use the new pokemon. You can add pokemon from the Box to a team that has CAP pokemon on them.

It also has a link to the sprite updater...
I did that Doug, and for some reason it still didn't work.
I kept reopening Shoddy Battle with the same result.
But it does work on the other account on my computer, which is weird.
And I don't think the CAP Server shows when Gravity "returns to normal."
I used it a couple of times with Fidgit and it never said anything like that, so I essentially used Gravity every time I switched him in.

Edit: It showed that in this battle just now....
Something's weird here.
This topic has gotten nowhere near enough attention.

Some findings:

  • Fidgit is used anywhere, from leading to supporter, to the rare specs version. I've seen it with a TON of different combinations of moves, but Earth Power seems to be a constant.
  • Speaking of leading Fidgit, many leads now are fast, suicide leads to counter Fidgit's set-up and stifle it throughout the game. Azelf, Deoxys-E, and Aerodactyl all shut it down with Taunt, set up SR, and can hit it with Super Effective attacks. Azelf and Aerodactyl in particular are effective, because they are unaffected by Earth Power.
  • Bulky Offensive teams that rely on resistances have totally taken over. Everywhere you look, you see Heatran, Gyarados, Metagross, and Jirachi. Bronzong also does quite well as a multi-purpose wall. If you don't carry a strong EQ user like Garchomp, you're screwed.
  • About Gyarados: it just got a gigantic boost when Fidgit came out. It completely shuts down Fidgit and Revenankh. Salamence and Dragonite can also fill this role, with Specsmence doing serious damage with Draco Meteor to them.
  • Seeing as Revenankh will beat all steel types not named Jirachi, Magnezone usage probably dropped. It doesn't help that Revenankh beats that too, and can shrug off any Paralysis hax in the process.
  • What I don't get is why people switch Fidgit into Gengar. It's really stupid, and all you'll end up with is a dead Fidgit.
  • Ghosts in general have decreased, with Revenankh beating most of them, and Metagross beating Gengar too.
  • Watch Scizor. It is quite the underrated pokemon in this metagame, but if you're unprepared, it'll wipe you out. Takes out Deoxys, Tyranitar, Shuckle, Starmie, and Celebi. Thats a pretty big list of threats.
  • Syclant usage has dropped significantly, with all the Bronzong and Metagross running amok.
This topic has gotten nowhere near enough attention.

Some findings:
  • Fidgit is used anywhere, from leading to supporter, to the rare specs version. I've seen it with a TON of different combinations of moves, but Earth Power seems to be a constant. Completely agree.
  • Speaking of leading Fidgit, many leads now are fast, suicide leads to counter Fidgit's set-up and stifle it throughout the game. Azelf, Deoxys-E, and Aerodactyl all shut it down with Taunt, set up SR, and can hit it with Super Effective attacks. Azelf and Aerodactyl in particular are effective, because they are unaffected by Earth Power. I haven't really seen that many Aerodactly tbh. Deoxys and Azelf are very common though.
  • Bulky Offensive teams that rely on resistances have totally taken over. Everywhere you look, you see Heatran, Gyarados, Metagross, and Jirachi. Bronzong also does quite well as a multi-purpose wall. If you don't carry a strong EQ user like Garchomp, you're screwed.
    Agreeing, but with different Pokemon. Heatran is common as always, but I would say Gyarados and Metagross aren't that common. Pyroak seems to be getting used more out of novelty factor.
  • About Gyarados: it just got a gigantic boost when Fidgit came out. It completely shuts down Fidgit and Revenankh. Salamence and Dragonite can also fill this role, with Specsmence doing serious damage with Draco Meteor to them. Agree entirely, Gyarados rapes both of them. Using Gyara to counter Revvy usually prevents Gyarados from sweeping but Fidgit is set up bait (unless you are facing Tennis and his Specs set).
  • Seeing as Revenankh will beat all steel types not named Jirachi, Magnezone usage probably dropped. It doesn't help that Revenankh beats that too, and can shrug off any Paralysis hax in the process. LO Metagross 2HKO's with Meteor Mash (I've done it at least three times). But yeah, most Steels besides the Steel/Psychics and Heatran are gone. Bronzong is the least common of those four for some reason, probably because it absolutely fails at countering Revenankh without dropping Gyro Ball for Psychic.
  • What I don't get is why people switch Fidgit into Gengar. It's really stupid, and all you'll end up with is a dead Fidgit. Or leave it in on lead Gar. Sure, you get Rocks down, but the Gengar removes Fidgit from the rest of the battle, basically allowing a Fighting-type to sweep you (since Fidgit is so good at countering them, you don't really need to run more). The only reason to switch Fidgit into Gengar is to get a Trick Room up, and thats only if you can get in on a predicted Thunderbolt (Shadow Ball 2HKO's without a boost unless you pump SDef).
  • Ghosts in general have decreased, with Revenankh beating most of them, and Metagross beating Gengar too. Revenankh is a Ghost too. But yeah, besides Gengar and Revvy, there are no Ghosts. But in Standard it's just Gengar, beyond the odd Dusknoir or Spiritomb, so its not that big of a deal.
  • Watch Scizor. It is quite the underrated pokemon in this metagame, but if you're unprepared, it'll wipe you out. Takes out Deoxys, Tyranitar, Shuckle, Starmie, and Celebi. Thats a pretty big list of threats. Don't see this, but then again, I run Tran/Cune/Dos on the same team, so Scizor is pretty screwed against me.
  • Syclant usage has dropped significantly, with all the Bronzong and Metagross running amok. Syclant beats both of those, and Jirachi with Bug Buzz. LO Bug Buzz does at least 40% on Jirachi without Tail Glow, so its not these guys forcing Syclant out of the way. I haven't seen a drop really. He's still on every third team, and still is amazing at what he does. He might resurge when people realized a Gravity pass from Fidgit is the same thing as running Compound Eyes (by the time Syclant will sweep, 6 turns is enough).

Anyone want to try out the Fidgit Gravity Pass to Sash'd Tail Glow Syclant? You might be able to prove that Tail Glow Ant is too powerful, since we know Fidgit in itself isn't.
I have no room for it on my current team. I want to try TR+Gravity+SS Marowak/Rhyperior though.
Oh forgot to say this earlier:

I think we were posting most of the stuff that was supposed to go here in the Fidgit analysis thread.
I've been using Fidgit as the centerpiece for a couple of moderately successful Tailwind/Gravity and Trick Room teams.

Viable Tailwind and Trick Room really opens up all sorts of possibilities for Pokemon and strategies that might not have been useable before. Marowak is on both my teams and completely wrecks faces, but it's to Belly Drum Poliwrath the real VIP award goes to. Bring him in at the right time, and it's only a Roaring Suicune that can end the destruction.

It's great how Fidgit makes for an ideal spikes n screener, but I'm not seeing his other talents exploited nearly as often on Shoddy. Anyone want to give Trick Room Belly Drum Snorlax a shot? Trick Room on a special attacker, get Snorlax in and Belly Drum on the switch (or with the appropriate ev investment, laugh off a second hit) and then you have 6 turns to sweep with 3 attacking moves for coverage.

Pain pain pain, and it's all thanks to Fidgit!
Actually, I had Belly Drum TR Snorlax used against me. I managed to stop it from sweeping, but I don't think I recovered and won the battle. (only Heatran resists Normal and Fire on my team, and using Heatran vs. Lax is a little silly (stupid Thick Fat).)

Yeah, I think it will take a while for Fidgit's true usefulness to be shown, simply because it takes more work to use Trick Room and Gravity than Spikes. (I don't see why more people don't put Tailwind over the second set of Spikes in the Spiker set, what pokemon doesn't like doubling its speed?)