CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 2 (Primary Typing Poll 2)

What should the Primary type be?

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Voted Electric, though Rock will probably win just looking at the poll results so far:) I'd love to either see a break the mold electric or rock type.
I still want my beefy Levitate electric wall, please. So electric it is.

Also, I can't stop thinking that any "rock special sweeper" will end up being like Omastar: with the other type outshining completely the rock one, mainly because Rock's special movepool is awfully awful. Stuff like technician and Adaptability may help boost Power Gem/ Ancient Power BPs, but it will also work for the secondary typing.

But that is me.
I voted Steel because I want to see a good Steel type sweeper that isn't Lucario.

It looks to me like Rock is going to win though; I'm fine with that too.
I voted Steel. The strongest Steel types are Metagross and Magnezone iirc, while the fastest is Jirachi, and none exactly fit the "fast sweeper" mold. AgiliGross doesn't count because it uses another move to boost its speed.

I really don't see the big fuss over Rock. lol STAB Power Gem sweep? Though I guess if Weavile can get away with Night Slash/Ice Punch...
Make sure to keep your discussion focused on the Primary Typing. Do not spin off side conversations about abilities, stats, movepool, etc. Just because you think one option is the "clear winner", is not justification to jump ahead into full-blown debates on other aspects of the pokemon on the assumption that it will win. Those discussions are off-topic for this thread.

This thread is about Primary Typing.
I am definately liking the idea of a Special sweeping rock with technician + Ancientpower. I don't see the point of all the "rock special sweeper won't work cause of low BP" statements. So What. If we have our work cut out for us in making something viable that doesn't seem like it could be -- GOOD! That is the point and nature of CAP. It also seems like rock would easily incorporate aspects of some of the other leading concepts (it always happens).

After all that though, I voted Fighting. Rock doesn't need the help, and I would obviously be happy if it won. I just like the idea of making a Fighting type better. (I'll let X-Act do the fighting lobbying. lol)

I also hope typing will be decided well before art. Or at least I will wait until it is this time.
Hmm...we already got a defensive Dragon in Altaria...a slow bulky Electric in Magnezone, Ampharos or Lanturn...decently fast Steel in Lucario...Every kind of Fighting (Lucario, Hitmontop, Machamp, etc.) Special Rock it is.

I really thought it was going to have Mold Breaker as an ability when I read the first couple words.
Rock speacial sweeper sounds good.The closest I can think of now is Specs T-Tar. However, there are some problems to this

1) Rock is a rather poor offensive typing
2) Rock may get overshadowed by its other typing
3) its other typing will be the main focus instead of rock

T-tar has reasonably kept the balance, unlike a pokemon, say... Omastar

In the end, I voted for electric. The metagame needs more interesting Electric types.
Hmm...we already got a defensive Dragon in Altaria...a slow bulky Electric in Magnezone, Ampharos or Lanturn...decently fast Steel in Lucario...Every kind of Fighting (Lucario, Hitmontop, Machamp, etc.) Special Rock it is.

I really thought it was going to have Mold Breaker as an ability when I read the first couple words.

Omastar is special Rock!
And Tyraniboah is special Rock with no stab.
So that means we can't choose any options because they've all been made. =(
Lets make a new poll with different options. =(

Voted Electric because Magnezone and Ampharos are the only remotely bulky things there.
Hmm...we already got a defensive Dragon in Altaria...a slow bulky Electric in Magnezone, Ampharos or Lanturn...decently fast Steel in Lucario...Every kind of Fighting (Lucario, Hitmontop, Machamp, etc.) Special Rock it is..
Magnezone shouldn't count since it's more of a Steel type than Electric. Ampharos and Lanturn could be could be considered bulky but really, they're not. There's no pure Special sweeping Fighting type, nor any *true* fast sweeper Steel type.
There's no pure Special sweeping Fighting type, nor any *true* fast sweeper Steel type.

Maybe that's because you have Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Vacuum Wave, and Flash Cannon as viable special moves for both types combined? You'd need a second type backing it up that can lend some powerful STAB moves, because Hidden Power and un-STAB'd random flavor moves can only go so far (Energy Ball/Shadow Ball anyone?).
Also note that Magnezone has 130 base special attack. Ampharos is obviously UU and tbh, I haven't seen one used in standard in pretty much forever.

Electric seriously lacks a OU-viable pokemon that doesn't have a good attack stat.
Just posting to say that 90 Base Speed isn't really all that fast compared to many of the common threats in todays Metagame.
Rock has had the single strongest typing stereotype since RBY, Rock pokemon are ALWAYS slower and bulkier. Look at Tyranitar, the only rock type 600 dragon, he's the slowest of them, look at Rampardos, even the glass cannon rock sweeper is pathetically slow. There's really only one rock type special offensive pokemon, and that's Omastar, and even his speed is nothing to be that proud of before a boost.

Dragon would be my second pick, as it's something we've never done and has been brought up throughout the CAPs. Dragons have a stereotype of being offensive, while Dragon is actually a very nice defensive type. I could see a thick fat pure dragon being an amazing wall on either end of the spectrum, with only a dragon weakness and the ability to throw out STAB dragon attacks to threaten Yachechomp and the like.
Rampardos is slow partially because of his huge-ass attack stat. If he had that same attack strength and like 90+ speed, he'll be destroying shit left and right. Aerodactyl is quite fast for a Rock type, but that's with the help of Flying typings.
As a reminder, here are the general molds for the 5 types remaining:

Rock- Oh lawdie. Slow as fuck, and almost all Physical. Nice attacking type, so if we really wanted to break the mold, we would pair it with some shitty typing for coverage. (I'm looking at you Steel/Psychic/Bug/Dark/Grass)

Electric- Fast and special. Usually frail, unless the second type's mold changes it (See Magnezone/Lanturn). Only two physical electrics, and one's UU and the other one is bottom OU. Easy enough, provided we give it a polar opposite secondary typing (See Dragon/Rock/Fighting)

Steel- Slow, defensive, and poor attacking stats, unless a secondary type has a different mold. (See OU Steels.) Has a boatload of resistances, but shitty attacking typing unless backed up by an offensive secondary type (See OU Steels again.) Very good typing to break a mold with.

Dragon- High Physical attack, usable Special attack for Draco Meteor. Medium to Fast speed, with considerable bulk for a class of sweepers. However, there's only one dedicated support dragon, so there's room here to break a mold.

Fighting- Lets get physical, physical! Bulky, and with the exception of the rare SpecsLuke or even rarer SpecsApe, all physical. They're also Low-Medium speed generally, with Infernape being the fastest at 108, and Primeape coming in next at 95. This would be an easy mold-break, because it's the most clear-cut mold.
I voted Fighting because I thought a special Fighting-type might be interesting, but I'm quite fine with Rock winning too. The Technician + Ancient Power idea sounds fun, and it's extremely unique. I can't think of anything like that in BL, let alone OU ( bar lolSmeargle ).

Really I'm just glad ( thrilled ) that Dragon is in last place this particular project. It seems to get all the publicity in the early polls.
Maybe that's because you have Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Vacuum Wave, and Flash Cannon as viable special moves for both types combined? You'd need a second type backing it up that can lend some powerful STAB moves, because Hidden Power and un-STAB'd random flavor moves can only go so far (Energy Ball/Shadow Ball anyone?).

From a purely competitive standpoint, Aura Sphere is easily good enough for an STAB special attack by itself. Flash Cannon isn't as good, but it at least matches Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse for power and those are generally considered good enough.

The only issues in terms of special movepool would be low level flavor stuff, but I don't see any reason for that to deter us from future special-oriented Fighting or Steel attackers.
I voted Rock. Its a clear winner, although looking on it, we will definatly face some problems.

I think a way to avoid the other-type-over-power thing is by not giving it another type.

This will definatly be an interesting CAP
From a purely competitive standpoint, Aura Sphere is easily good enough for an STAB special attack by itself. Flash Cannon isn't as good, but it at least matches Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse for power and those are generally considered good enough.

Aura Sphere is a good enough STAB attack, but Flash Cannon doesn't have as much power as Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, or even Dragon Pulse. It's resisted by more, and hits less for SE damage. I consider Steel to be an inferior attacking type, and Steel attacks are only useful on Scizor and Metagross, or the occasional Probopass.
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