CAP 5 CAP 5 - Art Submissions

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After hearing feedback on my design, several people commented on the eyes. In particular, Cartoons made some great observations about the necessity for more expression in the eyes of my drawing. I played with several different new eye designs. Ultimately, I decided to go with a more serious and determined eye design. Considering that this is going to be a fast, powerful sweeper -- I figured that the eyes need to convey the look of a focused opponent. Also, based on another suggestion from Cartoons, I shifted the eyes focal point slightly. This makes the pokemon appear to be looking at something, as opposed to staring blankly at nothing. I think the new eyes improve the design, but I'm interested to hear other opinions.


Here's a thumbnail link to the old design, just to compare the old eyes.

(click the thumbnail for the full picture)

I don't think this are the correct eyes for your pokemon. Look [I have a crappy English, so It's difficult to me say ideas!!! D:], try putting your pokemon's Eyes on Solrock or Lunatone...yeah, It's look awful...

The Solrock and Lunatone's eyes don't have so much expression, but Those eyes are "in the concept" of a Planet/Asteroid/whatever pokemon.
You got it using two moves here Doug!
Hypnosis and mean look!
Edit: Oh yeah and I like the new eyes. Maybe different genders be looking in different ways?
I'm not happy with the design of my submission yet, but how much time do we have left?

(The sketch is most recent, but I am probably going to keep working on the design so it probably won't get colored)
Yes...keep working on it. You still have time to make it look great. What body shape are you going for because it seems you want it too look lean and thin for some reason.
I actually like yours a lot Chrono. I don't know why no one else comments on it. I had originally thought of this pokemon (before this thread) as being a rock with crystals growing out of it for limbs. Yours is basically just that. I really like the longer neck too; adds to the speed.

Yay! I've been commented! Thank you, Munch. I don't know why no one else does either; hopefully when color comes it'll be noticed more :)

And, right now for color, I need some help. Because, I only wanna color one thing, and I now have this concept up:


To make things simple, I've come to call it the "Rockstrich". (When I think about it though... the orientation and pattern of the crystals on its back also serve as a crude Peacock-fan arrangement.)

Here are the concept sketches (as well as scribblings about its coloring) to help better understand its dimensions:

The finished ink didn't come out quite like I had hoped; most noticeable is the back-crystals, the first one should be lowered on the body to create more of a curve that contours to the shape of the rock body, making it look less like some kind of crystal mane and more like faux wings.

I do like this latest one a lot better than my original, because now I've gone and actually put some thought into it. Not only does it look more pokemon-lilke design wise (IMO), but also the concepts behind why it looks like that also. The first, I kind of just DREW, starting from a head, whereas here I knew what I wanted. Now, I have a quite rock-comforming but also Pokemon-rock stereotype-breaking combination :D

I shall divulge the story on it (much like how I think it was Sunday had a story to his desert snake for Cap 4), when I get it colored. That is... unless you guys prefer #1?
^^ its a good idea, but I think I need some sort of visual representation on how it would use special attacks, as I dont think it would be wise to make something like doduo who can fly but has no wings...
Hey there, first time poster here and highly interested in the Pokemon creation scene. I thought I might take a crack at it. Here is my first entry. I plan on doing a couple more before deciding on a final submission.
Hey there, first time poster here and highly interested in the Pokemon creation scene. I thought I might take a crack at it. Here is my first entry. I plan on doing a couple more before deciding on a final submission.
This is really cool but I am not sure that color is right. Can you experiment with some?
Chrono~ Like your rock Ostrich more than your other creation. The only things that need fixing is a longer beak/face and change the way the leg bends so it's more bird like.

Ninja~ Maybe connect it's fingers to it's hand and add some rocks in the spaces between it's head&body and arms. That would give it a semi neck/arm structure.
Yay Doug. New eyes look much more natural, which is much better. I think I've found what I'm going to vote for.
Chrono~ Like your rock Ostrich more than your other creation. The only things that need fixing is a longer beak/face and change the way the leg bends so it's more bird like.

Ninja~ Maybe connect it's fingers to it's hand and add some rocks in the spaces between it's head&body and arms. That would give it a semi neck/arm structure.

Thanks for the feedback. Originally it started out as my first guy, only experimenting on what could be done differently, so the knees faced forward; then, when drawing the one to ink, I realized my mistake if it were to be a bird, but if the legs bent backwards I'm not sure how the kneedpad crystal-connector would look...

The nose is meant to be short; the head came mainly from the first sketch, so I didn't know what to do for the point, which is why that bottom "scale" was added. I think I know a way I can fix that however...

Other than that, I also don't really know what to do with the body; most rocks have some way their body is defined, while mine is just a big lump. Anyone have an idea how I can show that the crystal appendages cracked through the rock better than I have it now?
Remove the kneecaps, and give it a crystal spike coming from where the joint bend. It would still have some rock element, but be right for a bird.

I would say make it's face like a crane or something, either that or trim down it's crest just a bit.

The body could use some crystal tail feathers, and you could reshape the rock body to look something like Dodrio's body.
Here are a couple of different colour schemes. One of them is a little rockier looking. I think having a more saturated colour similar to that of a precious stone would convey better the notion of it being a special rock type.
Cool. Thanks for the heads up guys. Now then on topic!!

I personally can't believe that this has not been toyed with a lot more already in this thread. I think I only saw the idea of this mentioned once very briefly in passing by some one. It has become fairly obvious that the most likely out come of this CAP is going to be a Very Fast, Fragile, yet powerful Special Sweeper Rock. With the inkling that it will have some special absorbing capability. What we have defined in the past as a "Glass Cannon".

So I present to you.... The "Glass Cannon" Pokemon!!

Front and shooting straight up.


These are just initial sketches with a quick bit of photoshop coloring for concept purposes. They are subject to changes of course!

A living Ancient Cannon, body made entirely out of Glass (or Crystal if the majority of you are not comfortable with the idea of Glass categorize as Rock). Fragile yet inexplicably stealth and quick in movement, only match by it raw fire power.
Energy absorbed and magnified though is transparent body. It collects and focuses this energy in the pit of it abdomen (also it's brain and central core) before channeling though it's ominous glowing eye in a horrific beam of deadly destruction! (lol, dramatic)

It massive scythes at the front and rear of it body are more for stopping and pivot direction changes while it bursts at near mach speed alone the ground. Rather then attaching with. They also provide a sturdy foundation for compensating the intense recoil it receives when it attack. The wing like shoulder blades act in the intention of greater aerodynamics and balance.

Seriously... "Glass Cannon" is a term we throw around a lot. I see this as the opportunity to take that phrase quite literally an create on awesome idea for a pokemon.

I feel a design like this allows for a lot of room for variety in terms moves sets and abilitys as well. Just think of it:

Power Gem (and the new special rock move we ARE going to create just for this poke... such a unique pokemon as a special sweeping rock deserves it's own signature move), Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Psy Beam, Hyper Beam, any beam ect ect ect....

Rock Polish, Agility, Spikes, Taunt, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Flash, Magnet Rise, Light Screen, Reflect, Lock-On, Hypnosis, Mirror Coat, Harden, Mirror Move, ect ect ect...

Clear Body (though probably not very useful, should almost definitely be at least one of it's ability if this idea gets off the ground), Adaptability, Technician, Levitate, Flash Fire, Compound Eyes, Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Magic Guard, Sand Veil ect ect ect..

LOL, point is the possibilities are still left very much open as to what it's ability can be. And I feel that they are all mostly justifiable and make sense to the design and idea behind the pokemon.

Am I selling this a bit strong???

Sorry I'm just bit exciting by all this is all!
Cool. Thanks for the heads up guys. Now then on topic!!

I personally can't believe that this has not been toyed with a lot more already in this thread. I think I only saw the idea of this mentioned once very briefly in passing by some one. It has become fairly obvious that the most likely out come of this CAP is going to be a Very Fast, Fragile, yet powerful Special Sweeper Rock. With the inkling that it will have some special absorbing capability. What we have defined in the past as a "Glass Cannon".

So I present to you.... The "Glass Cannon" Pokemon!!

Front and shooting straight up.


These are just initial sketches with a quick bit of photoshop coloring for concept purposes. They are subject to changes of course!

A living Ancient Cannon, body made entirely out of Glass (or Crystal if the majority of you are not comfortable with the idea of Glass categorize as Rock). Fragile yet inexplicably stealth and quick in movement, only match by it raw fire power.
Energy absorbed and magnified though is transparent body. It collects and focuses this energy in the pit of it abdomen (also it's brain and central core) before channeling though it's ominous glowing eye in a horrific beam of deadly destruction! (lol, dramatic)

It massive scythes at the front and rear of it body are more for stopping and pivot direction changes while it bursts at near mach speed alone the ground. Rather then attaching with. They also provide a sturdy foundation for compensating the intense recoil it receives when it attack. The wing like shoulder blades act in the intention of greater aerodynamics and balance.

Seriously... "Glass Cannon" is a term we throw around a lot. I see this as the opportunity to take that phrase quite literally an create on awesome idea for a pokemon.

I feel a design like this allows for a lot of room for variety in terms moves sets and abilitys as well. Just think of it:

Power Gem (and the new special rock move we ARE going to create just for this poke... such a unique pokemon as a special sweeping rock deserves it's own signature move), Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Psy Beam, Hyper Beam, any beam ect ect ect....

Rock Polish, Agility, Spikes, Taunt, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Flash, Magnet Rise, Light Screen, Reflect, Lock-On, Hypnosis, Mirror Coat, Harden, Mirror Move, ect ect ect...

Clear Body (though probably not very useful, should almost definitely be at least one of it's ability if this idea gets off the ground), Adaptability, Technician, Levitate, Flash Fire, Compound Eyes, Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Magic Guard, Sand Veil ect ect ect..

LOL, point is the possibilities are still left very much open as to what it's ability can be. And I feel that they are all mostly justifiable and make sense to the design and idea behind the pokemon.

Am I selling this a bit strong???

Sorry I'm just bit exciting by all this is all!

It's look like a Bug-type Pokemon. Also, with those giant claws look too physical.
Bone armour could you try combining those colors? Those pink eyes looks really special and merged with the other colors it would look great!
Cool. Thanks for the heads up guys. Now then on topic!!

I personally can't believe that this has not been toyed with a lot more already in this thread. I think I only saw the idea of this mentioned once very briefly in passing by some one. It has become fairly obvious that the most likely out come of this CAP is going to be a Very Fast, Fragile, yet powerful Special Sweeper Rock. With the inkling that it will have some special absorbing capability. What we have defined in the past as a "Glass Cannon".

So I present to you.... The "Glass Cannon" Pokemon!!

Front and shooting straight up.


These are just initial sketches with a quick bit of photoshop coloring for concept purposes. They are subject to changes of course!

A living Ancient Cannon, body made entirely out of Glass (or Crystal if the majority of you are not comfortable with the idea of Glass categorize as Rock). Fragile yet inexplicably stealth and quick in movement, only match by it raw fire power.
Energy absorbed and magnified though is transparent body. It collects and focuses this energy in the pit of it abdomen (also it's brain and central core) before channeling though it's ominous glowing eye in a horrific beam of deadly destruction! (lol, dramatic)

It massive scythes at the front and rear of it body are more for stopping and pivot direction changes while it bursts at near mach speed alone the ground. Rather then attaching with. They also provide a sturdy foundation for compensating the intense recoil it receives when it attack. The wing like shoulder blades act in the intention of greater aerodynamics and balance.

Seriously... "Glass Cannon" is a term we throw around a lot. I see this as the opportunity to take that phrase quite literally an create on awesome idea for a pokemon.

I feel a design like this allows for a lot of room for variety in terms moves sets and abilitys as well. Just think of it:

Power Gem (and the new special rock move we ARE going to create just for this poke... such a unique pokemon as a special sweeping rock deserves it's own signature move), Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Psy Beam, Hyper Beam, any beam ect ect ect....

Rock Polish, Agility, Spikes, Taunt, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Flash, Magnet Rise, Light Screen, Reflect, Lock-On, Hypnosis, Mirror Coat, Harden, Mirror Move, ect ect ect...

Clear Body (though probably not very useful, should almost definitely be at least one of it's ability if this idea gets off the ground), Adaptability, Technician, Levitate, Flash Fire, Compound Eyes, Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Magic Guard, Sand Veil ect ect ect..

LOL, point is the possibilities are still left very much open as to what it's ability can be. And I feel that they are all mostly justifiable and make sense to the design and idea behind the pokemon.

Am I selling this a bit strong???

Sorry I'm just bit exciting by all this is all!

its a nice drawing and all, but it dont look like a pokemon. lots of ppl think caladbolg's drawing doesnt look pokemon-y, but i think it does..but this goes farther down the "doesnt look like a pokemon" path than my opinion.

Bone Armorrrrrr! I love the green on this one the best, the highlights are a bit strong, but the colour is rich and perfectly suited for a magical stone creature.

Maybe it's a little reminiscent of Wormadam, but you could look through this thread and find analogues of Koffing, Umbreon, Rapidash, and Bronzong and that does NOT take away from the integrity of the design!

Its face makes me happy.
@Doug: I think the eyes are much better than they were before. Really, to me they are the most distinguishing feature on your pokemon. First off, they are a prominant feature on your poke (in both size and color, the contrast pulls them forth). Also, your pokemon doesn't have a distinctive face shape or a mouth. This means that all of the emotive qualities that you want to display pretty much need to come through the eyes. I like the current set up, they look fierce and focused. That being said, I would keep playing around with the eyes until you find the quality that you are really looking for. If you connect more with your piece, then others likely will as well.
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