Getting fit/in-shape

I've been thinking very hard lately about the way I live my life and the way my peers perceive me. To them, I pretty much sit around all day on a mixture of television, Xbox, Guitar Hero and my computer. Sadly, this is true. I don't appear to be fat, although my height can give that idea. But feel me and you'll realise I'm not normal, I feel entirely like fat even though I don't look like it. Not much muscle to be found on my body.

So I need some form of motivation guys, although I'll no doubt be treated to "start running and not being a loser". I know I need to run, I have an exercise bike that I plan to use. So all I need is to know that I CAN actually do it.

Feel free to share some of your experiences with getting in shape.
The important thing is to do it daily. if you plan to go to the gym, then do one day cardio / one day strength training, because you need to allow time for your muscles to rest and develop.
Well, I dunno. I'm not overwieght (in fact, i'm underweight) but sometimes, you gotta force yourself to get up and get some fresh air. You'll be like "this is boring, I want to go back home" but if the weather is nice, I can walk for hours. You can set a goal for yourself. I used to walk uptown in Fort Mcmurray, which takes like three hours one way. I usually go shop at the mall or something and then catch the bus back. It's a good way to kill a summer day if you've got a friend with you.

It also helps if you like, bike places, to maybe to get a slush with some friends, or go to someone's house, etc etc. Probably the worst thing about exercising is that it's boring. That's why I usually try and incorporate it into stuff I like to do already. So like, forget the exercise bike and go out and bike for real. Or go on a hike, or something. Swimming is good too.

I suppose you could also enter a race. In my old town, Grande Cache there was this thing called the Death Race. People came from around the world to run in it. It's like, I dunno, 200 km run, and it takes 24 hours to do, through mountains. There was even a rafting part. I used to go in the kids one every summer, it was 10 km long. That's good exercise.

EDIT: I forgot to add this... are you just trying to lose weight, or are you trying to get muscles? I'm afraid going to the gym is the best way to bulk up.

EDIT 2: if you eat fast food, you should stop... I used to work at mcdonalds and even with my wicked fast metabolism I put on a couple pounds. If you HAVE TO eat fast food go to like, the Pita Pit, Orange Julius or Subway.
This might sound unhelpful, but watch a rocky movie. If your anything like me you'll wanna train for hours. Also, i try to run on a regular basis, but sometimes I just dont have the ambition to do it. Try your best to stay motivated and keep your mind on your goals. Set goals, like this week I want to lose 5 pounds. Weigh yourself everyday, and keep track of it. But seriously, watch a Rocky movie I always feel like working out after that.
it's a nice day to start again

yeah. I too am working on getting in shape again to get my life guard certification. It's hard and takes a lot to not lose motivation when you're starting off from daily habits which include no exercise and only activities which negatively affect your health.

My advice to you is that you really have to want it and be committed. If you're just so-so, or if you have a "I don't really care that much but it would be nice" attitude about getting in shape and living a healthy life you will fail. It definitely takes a lot of discipline to break your bad habits and get out of the daily routine of being lazy.

I started up swimming again about a month or two ago and have been making progress. I started out very small swimming 800-1000 yards a day and biking to the fitness center. Then I just took baby steps up to the point I'm at now which is swimming over 2000 yards a day, biking there and back and doing push ups and crunches every morning skipping only one or two days a week because I don't have time on those days. Hit the weight room on the weekends.

What I think has helped me the most so far is having a clear set goal instead of just the abstract "get in shape" one which fails so frequently. I have to make certain times and yardage by February and that keeps me going week to week and stops me from getting too out of line on my days off. On days that I exercise I have no choice but to eat healthy otherwise I'll be cramping up, feeling terrible, and not having the energy necessary to do my work out.

I also found this book very motivational: If you're into reading it was my area's "one book one region" this fall which is why I read it.
some highlight lines from it:
"always say you can, never say you can't" your mind, doubting yourself, having a negative attitude holds you back 100x more than your physical capability
"always look forward rather than back"
"life is good just the way it is, everything will be alright. people need to hear that, people worry too much"
Don't eat so much. And when you do eat, eat healthy. I've also seen this diet thing on Yahoo news I think where you stop eating after 6:00 pm everyday.
haha! The matrix always does it for me. Nothing makes you want to go out and run around like the matrix.

Oh yeah, drink LOTS of water. Apparently you lose more weight if you drink plenty of water, because it speeds up your metabolism!
What I do keep in shape and healthy is:

Always eat healthy, vegetatables, fruits, milk, etc.

I play basketball for half an hour in the morning.

Then take a one mile run EVERYDAY at midnight.

Its not hard at all, and its very fun getting away from video games and computer that ruin your time and life.
I guess I'm trying to be normal. That is, not much fat. But I guess I'd need muscle, because really I have so much of my body as fat I'd look ridiculous if I didn't have some muscle. To those suggesting I ride or swim, I guess it's confession time. I can't do either. My mum's cousin died as a result of a bike accident when I was young, and she was affected by it enough to result in me never owning a bike. And I never learnt to swim. I have a swimming pool, and I guess I can go a few metres if forced, but it isn't big enough to train in. I've never needed to swim because I hate beaches with a passion, and in 80% of pool cases I'm tall enough to stand in most of the pool anyway, so I've never needed to. I'm thinking of going walking as was suggested, might go now for an hour or two. I wouldn't mind maybe going for a walk/run early in the morning (I have to be up at 6:30 for school, so maybe leave at 5 or something)
I always listen to music whenever I lift weights and it really works because you'll have something to occupy your mind while you do something healthy.
yeah. I only mentioned swimming in my post because it works for me. I was on the swim team for two years so that's where I learned swimming for workouts. Running is a way to go because it doesn't take prior ability. I personally found running to be a chore and it's not for me because of how bad my knees are from all my years of skateboarding.

If you want to build muscle the only way to do it is to go to the gym. If you want to shape and bulk up your arms, chest, back the weight room is the place to be. And it is great once you start because if you're working out every other day or nearly that you'll see noticeable results in only a few months and it feels awesome.
Jog with a music player on until your legs are sore, portion the appropriate calories in a day to 6 meals, protein shake after every weightlifting session, replace everything you consume with "fat-free" as much as possible, drink flavored water when you feel hungry enough to cheat on the six meals or play games w/e... For weightlifting, look at's guide section...

@_@ I could be full of shit; it works for me and Im about 16%~ bf
Running allways helps me. Everyday i run 2 miles in the morning before school. I have gym class which helps and then i have football in the afternoon for a real good workout. I go to tthe gym on weekends whenever i can. But allways make sure that you keep your workout daily. And dont eat/drink any crap that you dont need. Fanta does nothing that water doesnt. Anyways, water leaves a nice refreshed taste in your mouth and isnt as heavy as soft drinks or milk.
Jog with a music player on until your legs are sore, portion the appropriate calories in a day to 6 meals, protein shake after every weightlifting session, replace everything you consume with "fat-free" as much as possible, drink flavored water when you feel hungry enough to cheat on the six meals or play games w/e... For weightlifting, look at's guide section...

@_@ I could be full of shit; it works for me and Im about 16%~ bf

Posting to say that this is not so great advice. Running until your legs are sore has different meaning for different people. Run until you can't run anymore? Run until I feel a little pain (which could come in as little as a mile)?

Now when things are turned into fat-free versions the companies that produce them usually compensate by adding even more sugar and salt than the non fat-free version of the product. You can't simply go by the box saying fat-free. Sugar turns into fat, while too much salt does the body harm.
I've been thinking very hard lately about the way I live my life and the way my peers perceive me. To them, I pretty much sit around all day on a mixture of television, Xbox, Guitar Hero and my computer. Sadly, this is true. I don't appear to be fat, although my height can give that idea. But feel me and you'll realise I'm not normal, I feel entirely like fat even though I don't look like it. Not much muscle to be found on my body.

So I need some form of motivation guys, although I'll no doubt be treated to "start running and not being a loser". I know I need to run, I have an exercise bike that I plan to use. So all I need is to know that I CAN actually do it.

Feel free to share some of your experiences with getting in shape.

Find gyms near you, take a gander at them and go shopping. Pick the best one at the best price and buy membership. Personally I use a YMCA, which is cool because it's got a pool, running track, full gym and weight room. Go every other day, DON'T MAKE EXCUSES NOT TO GO, just do it. I do 30-50 minutes of cardio (running, swimming, bike, there are a lot of machines that will function as cardio too) followed by some basic lifting.

Combine that with cutting or reducing empty calories (junk food, I really shouldn't have to tell you what to cut. Start with soda as it's the largest source of empty calories in an average American's diet, also sports drinks like gatorade are empty calories, stick to water, juices, and milk). Eat meat for protein, as it obviously helps you build muscle. Spinach is also very good for muscle growth, other leafy greens also work well. Vegetables in general provide essential minerals for bone/muscle growth. Milk or other dairy products are also good, as calcium alongside heavy lifting will help you build bone mass, which helps you prevent breaks.

I felt a lot like you last year. Started working out last February and haven't lost a pound really, however I lost most of my fat and gained a lot of muscle. I'm 155-160 at 5'10'' so it's not like I needed lose any anyways. I've only got fat around my gut/ass left and it's not fucking going away (though it has gotten thinner), all of the rest of my fat is gone though.
Running allways helps me. Everyday i run 2 miles in the morning before school. I have gym class which helps and then i have football in the afternoon for a real good workout. I go to tthe gym on weekends whenever i can. But allways make sure that you keep your workout daily. And dont eat/drink any crap that you dont need. Fanta does nothing that water doesnt. Anyways, water leaves a nice refreshed taste in your mouth and isnt as heavy as soft drinks or milk.

fanta is soda. soda is sugary garbage. therefore fanta = sugary garbage
My scenario is a bit similar guys except I have one huge difference.

I'm in the IB program (in few words, a nerd class) it takes away most of my day, and in the evenings I have to do regular homework, essays and random projects.

I have enough time to swing by some forums and play a text based game, and when I do manage to get considerable free time I'm pretty much tired to death and don't want to leave my bed.

Is there a way I can do some excercise while keeping up with this demanding schedule? (my day starts at 6am and finishes around 2am).
My scenario is a bit similar guys except I have one huge difference.

I'm in the IB program (in few words, a nerd class) it takes away most of my day, and in the evenings I have to do regular homework, essays and random projects.

I have enough time to swing by some forums and play a text based game, and when I do manage to get considerable free time I'm pretty much tired to death and don't want to leave my bed.

Is there a way I can do some excercise while keeping up with this demanding schedule? (my day starts at 6am and finishes around 2am).

I'm surprised your IB program doesn't require you to do a sport. At my high school you either had to do a sport or had to do a required number of hours in a community service/other club in addition to your school work to be in IB.
My scenario is a bit similar guys except I have one huge difference.

I'm in the IB program (in few words, a nerd class) it takes away most of my day, and in the evenings I have to do regular homework, essays and random projects.

I have enough time to swing by some forums and play a text based game, and when I do manage to get considerable free time I'm pretty much tired to death and don't want to leave my bed.

Is there a way I can do some excercise while keeping up with this demanding schedule? (my day starts at 6am and finishes around 2am).

Not really, you shouldn't have gotten yourself into that kind of situation. If you want to be fit you need time, however if you want to hit the bare minimum recommendations you only need 45 minutes (continuous, doing 5 minutes here and there does not have the same effect) of cardio three times a week. If you can't fit that in anywhere you really need to rethink your schedule, too many obligations will burn you out too fast, life is too short, take it easy.
On top of what everyone has said here, (eat healthier, find a gym, run every day, ect), I've found the most important thing when it comes to working out is to get into a rhythm. Make it part of your daily routine. If you just run/work out whenever you "feel like it" you won't find yourself in much better shape than you are now. However, if you start working out from 4:30 PM - 6 PM every day (just an example) you will start finding it easier to give up video games/whatever else and focus on staying in shape during that time. The hardest part of this process is starting out, but I guarentee that if you keep going that it will become a normal part of your day.
I always listen to music whenever I lift weights and it really works because you'll have something to occupy your mind while you do something healthy.

Pretty much this, I do the same thing, it does not matter if all you can lift is 10 pounds on each hand (lol) and you can only do 5, do them, just don't sink down in the computer chair. Try not to eat after 7:00 PM if possible, you won't be doing anything after that, you could drink water and all that stuff but no junk food, and definitely remember: it does not matter what you eat, what matters is HOW much you eat and how much you burn.
Posting to say that this is not so great advice. Running until your legs are sore has different meaning for different people. Run until you can't run anymore? Run until I feel a little pain (which could come in as little as a mile)?

Now when things are turned into fat-free versions the companies that produce them usually compensate by adding even more sugar and salt than the non fat-free version of the product. You can't simply go by the box saying fat-free. Sugar turns into fat, while too much salt does the body harm.
Posting to say: Read the frickin box first and see if that's true.
I'll do you a favor...

Lift three times a week, alternating these two days:

Day 1: Squat 3 x 5
Bench 3 x 5
Deadlift 1 x 5
Dips 3 x 8

Day 2: Sqat 3 x 5
Military Press 3 x 5
Power Clean 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x 8

Eat like a horse, reasonably clean and you'll do great. If you want to put in some accessory exercises like weighted situps or hyperexensions, thats fine, just make sure you do those exercises

Anyone that tells you to lift any other way is absolutely wrong; don't listen to what they are saying

You can run if you want but you need to eat more to make up for those burnt calories: fuck cardio at the moment and build some muscle or you are wasting your time
Dude dont listen to people that say you shouldnt eat alot. Eat like 5-6 meals a day, but eat meat veggies and fruit and try not to eat carbs like candy and those type of stuff. Workout everyday like Olie says, one day should be upper body, next is lower body, and 3rd day abs, repeat for the week resting on Sunday. You should eat like 5-6 meals and probably wait 2-3 hours after everymeal before you eat again since your body starts storing fat after 3 hours plus unless you eat something. YOu should also run about 3-4 times a week or more for bout 30 mins I guess. Alos running is that beneficial until you build muscle since muscle permanently increases your metabolism whereas running is temporary so Working out is and eating healthy is the key man. ALSO workout for only 1 hour, thats for weights only. After 1 hour of continous working out you will start to lose muscle instead.
My scenario is a bit similar guys except I have one huge difference.

I'm in the IB program (in few words, a nerd class) it takes away most of my day, and in the evenings I have to do regular homework, essays and random projects.

I have enough time to swing by some forums and play a text based game, and when I do manage to get considerable free time I'm pretty much tired to death and don't want to leave my bed.

Is there a way I can do some excercise while keeping up with this demanding schedule? (my day starts at 6am and finishes around 2am).

Does your school have a weight room or the option to use it during gym? That's what I did so I had some workout time during the day last year due to IB keeping time limited afterschool.