RMT OU ownage

Hey everybody, this team will be used in my platnium once i get it and it is currently being used for my shoddy battle team. This team actually helps me out. You will see some common and maybe uncommon move sets and evs in here.
Bold = Changes

At a Glance:

The Lead

Ambipom (Flea) w/ Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Technician
Evs: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 6 Hp
Fake Out
Brick Break

My lead. Ambipom first, flinches with fake out. Once thats done I will either u-turn my way out or keep fighting. Brick break is for those annoying steel types and Payback is mainly for Azelf and Gengar leads. Ambipom is a big annoyer in my team. I gave him Focus Sash for a good reason. I've been seeing some BP teams lately (+ there are still leads who are faster) and with Focus Sash, they attack first and payback does mostrous damage with technician.

The Medic
Vaporeon (WishMaker) w/ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Evs: 188 HP/ 252 Def/ 68 SpA
Ice Beam

Yes, this is a pretty standard Vaporeon. I used the hp and def evvs from smogon but it said to put the rest in Speed. Well, I'm not really worried about speed for this vaporeon. This helpes against annoying pokemon like skarmory, infernape and heatran. Surf is for stab and Ice Beam is for coverage. then there is the wish and protect combo. The reason he is called medic is aboviously because he wish passes. Ok, so if you saw this spot before, sloking was there, and, after doing some research, found out he wasn't a good choice. Vaporeon was actually here before and I took him out to experiment. Well, here you go now.

The Defensive Tank

Gliscor w/ Leftovers
Hyper Cutter
116 HP/ 56 Atk/ 120 Def/ 216 Spe
Fire Fang
Stealth Rock

first, before I put adamant by accident instead of impish, which was the one I ment. I forget Why I put adamant. Aw well.Ok, so this moveset allows me to switch on someone who wouldn't be to good against it, stealth rock on the switch and just go from there. The perfect counter for some ou pokemon like tyranitar, and Scizor and . Roost is for hp reasons.Also Fire fang can be used for Skarmory because I have been having some troubles with him lately. The evs allow gliscore to survive any big physical hit that comes its way. His Speed evs allow it to outrun pokemon troubling pokemon such as a nuetral speed Lucario. I have also been having trouble with Heatran lately and this set allows it to easily outrun a Heatran

Physical Beast of Nature

Scizor (Rezon) w/ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
Evs: 80 Hp/ 8 Def/ 252 Att/ 168 Spe
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Brick Break

My favorite pokemon. Scizor is a freaking beast. Technician is there to make Bullet Punch make a massive blow to a pokemon. X-Scissor is there for a meaty stab, especially after a SD. Brick Break is there for coverrage against annoying steel and rock types. This is my main sweeper and, if set up right, could be the final pokemon they see on my team haha.
The Evil and Deadly Ghost

Gengar (Boo) w/ Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Levitate
Evs: 252 SpA/ 252 Spe/ 6 HP
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Almost the basic Gengar. I chose Energy Ball over Hynosis here because I already have a sleeper. Also, I chose Energy Ball so that I can counter swampert, vaporeon and other annoying water types. It's also there to help with annoying ground types like hippowdon, Donphan, and dugtrio. Another pokemon it's used for is mamoswin, that is, if I don't wanna take the risk of Focus Blast missing.Life Orbs there to do massive damage. I chose that over Choice Specs because Gengar can't really take a hit anyway.
The Devastater

Breloom (Devastater) w/ Toxic Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Poison Heal
Evs:252 Atk/ 220 Spe/ 36 HP
Swords Dance
Seed Bomb
mach Punch

A good Physical sweeper. Send him out on a weak pokemon then, expecting a switch who could pound breloom, uses spore. if he stays asleep or switches I will use a swords dance and go from there. Mach punch helps it go first and, with the boosted power and stab, gives it a beastly hit. Seed bomb is there for stab and for those slower, more annoying pokemon. The 220 Speed evs give it enough speed to outrun a low evd Gliscore and a non evd Gyarados. I gave the rest of the evs to HP so it can take a little blow at least.

yes so, this is my team. This team (on shoddy at least) has helped me out alot. Yes there are some weaknesses so please rate harshley and if you have any advice on mvoe sets
Unfortunately for you, Payback when it goes 2nd has 100 base power before the technician bonus, therefore causing it not to be affected at all.

If a move has variable base power and would have 60 base power or less when used (Avalanche, Hidden Power, Natural Gift, Payback, Pursuit, and Revenge), it is also boosted by 50%.
Quick look; Why exactly do you have gliscor? What is he accomplishing. Other than countering non ice punch Lucarios I don't think he's doing anything.

He isn't countering Scizor. SD LO BP 2hkos. Without doing calcs, I'm sure fire fang doesn't ohko, so you lose this battle. Vaporeon is better suited for handling scizor than your Gliscor.

Also, you have __Nothing__ to take outrage/draco meteors. I suggest

First make scizor a standard bulky CBer to take on Latias, and be more capable of handling Mence once locked into outrage.

Then, as to make Gliscor still useful for something but outspeeding heatran, let's make it do something cool like pass some swords dance or rock polish around. Or even sweep on it's own with Swords Dance.

How is breelom working on this team for you?
Unfortunately for you, Payback when it goes 2nd has 100 base power before the technician bonus, therefore causing it not to be affected at all.

supermarth64, Payback is a very useful move on Ambipom. Either way it's used, it gets a power boost. It gets a boost from Technician when Ambipom goes first, and it gets 100 Base Power when it's used second. Basically it's a win/win situation.
Nice balance of pokes, however, fire fang wont do anything to skarmory considering you have apx 230 atk and he has 416 def. Also, this team is in danger of being set up on. I suggest switching fire fang for stone edge on gliscor and swapping vaporeon for a mixape. Make mixape naive @life orb and 176 sp atk, 82 atk, 252 speed with close combat, grass knot, hidden power ice/ thunder punch, and flamethrower...
Bit tired so I can;t post a full rate. First thing I see is that you should maybe swap one of your moves on Ambipom to Taunt, so you can stop all of those Stealth Rock Leads effectively.

Also if you're going for an all out attacking Gengar, why not change it into Scarf? This way it can serve as a very powerful revenge killer.

Gengar @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest
EVs: 4HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
HP {Ice}

This serves to revenge kill some of the biggest threats in today's metagame. Shadow Ball and Focus Blast have optimum coverage, and also score a few decent KO's along the way. Thunderbolt allows you to revenge a +1/+1 Gyara, while HP {Ice} is to get those dragons that may be locked inot Outrage. Modest nature, as with the scarf he already has enough speed, and could do with the power. EV's are quite simple.

Sorry that's all I can do for now. Hope I helped