"The Win Formula" -- Lights, Camera, Action!

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I think we should just continue, but since blue cookies knows, let him in on the joke (and give him temp PR access if he didn't before).
After discussion with others, I agree we are pretty much "past the point of no return". We need to see this through.

Recent posts in the PR thread have really made me laugh.
  • Jimbo's comment that the formula "puts his mind at ease" was sheer brilliance. This is the sort of creativity I was hoping to see on this joke.
  • Elevator Music's post was a wonderful troll -- it was just smart enough to make people think he's serious, but just stupid enough to force someone to respond with an argument. Way to stir up controversy, EM.
  • Blue Kirby's enthusiastic rallying cry of "get on the server so we can play!" -- made me laugh hard because it really made the private server sound like a real thing.
  • Tangerine's post has given me a perfect lead-in for Act 3. I expect nothing less than the best from Tang, from here on out.

Here's the plan for the next couple of days:

  • I'm going to post that the clause is "finished". I'll mention the new variables that I have added, and I'll say that I have rebooted the private server and I have invited some more people to test. I'll even make a fake apology like
    "Sorry for rebooting the server in the middle of several battles without warning. Next time, I'll be sure to wall an announcement in advance."
    This should make the server look like a real thing, and that we are diligently testing this thing out. It will also piss off the people that have not been invited.

  • Now people can start claiming to have seen examples of overturned battles. Make up some story of extreme hax, when citing your example. Like...
    "I just saw the new clause in action for the first time. It actually worked against me, but I really deserved the loss. I froze my opponent twice, he missed three Stone Edges out of four, and when we were both down to our last pokemon he had a paralyzed Scizor with 75% health against my Celebi who was at less than 10% -- he got FP'ed twice in a row and Celebi 3HKO'd it. Fortunately, the clause rightfully gave me the loss."
    Maybe that example isn't the right pokemon or strategy, and maybe it's a little "too much" on the hax -- but it gives you an idea of what we are looking for.

  • We are going to keep the exact details of the formula a secret --but we won't announce that officially until Act 3 (in two days, most likely). Until then, it's OK if you make vague references that will later support it. For example...
    "I was going to post my battle log here, but Doug asked me not to. I'm not exactly sure why."
    When we get into Act 3 in a couple of days, things are going to get very heated. By refusing to disclose the specifics of the formula, we will create a ton of drama and position this whole prank for the big reveal on April 1st.

  • Post, post, post. We really need to get a lot of activity. It needs to look like there are tons of PR experts testing this new formula.

  • Have fun with it. Look at what some of the other people are posting. They are doing a great job of presenting arguments that are likely infuriating many silent readers in Smogon. If all of my detailed planning has made you reticent about posting the "right thing" or "the wrong thing" -- don't worry about it. I'm an obsessive planner, but I'm not taking this seriously at all. There is no "wrong way" to help with this prank. Be creative and jump right in!
Now, I've got to be honest, I'm not really a great battler. I'm not too competitive, and I play more for the fun of catching and breeding for the best Pokemon that I can. What I do have to say, and what I hope is relevant is this...

I came to Smogon through a friend. At the time, I had been into the Pokemon Trading Card Game, of all things, and enjoyed playing quite a bit. However, a new set of rules changed all that. Weakness and Resistance, which had always doubled damage and subtracted 30 damage from a given type, respectively, were suddenly going to be different. Weakness would now add a set amount of damage instead of doubling if it came from a type, and Resistance might be only 10 or 20. I was shocked, outraged... how dare the trading card game change a fundamental rule on how damage was done! I gave up the card game, and haven't set a finger on a deck since then.

It's fortunate that this is only a peer idea from the community, but it's shocking that such a thing would even be considered. Besides the competitive level? There's a children's game to be played here. I'm sure ten-year-old Timmy would love to hear that he, in his pristine Action Replay-less state, has lost a game because of "hax". That he has lost for reasons out of his control, that it was unfair for his Fire Blast to hit four times and cause a Burn to two of his opponent's precious Physical Sweepers. Imagine Nintendo having to explain this to Timmy and all of his friends (or lack thereof :V) that he lost because he was lucky.

If it weren't for my Artist badge, I probably wouldn't even be heard, because I wasn't in the competitive scene enough. I'm not even sure about those who say they support the game, but I know this: if such an idea were to be implemented in the video games, I'd likely pick up a new hobby.
I've got a problem.

Here's a PM from Syberia regarding the Acid Weather glitch; he brought this topic up.
Syberia said:
Well, I honestly think that Smogon's philosophy cannot stand if it both supports altering the game's win condition and forces Shoddy to include the weather glitch. It's a giant contradiction.
Should I try to dignify this with a response?
I think I have a lot of catching up to do as far as reading this saga goes. I'll post a nauseating "wise old veteran" post in a few days.
For those of you that don't realize it -- that PR thread is being watched by a LOT of people. I've gotten several PM's myself. Earlier today, people were bitching about the "Smogon Hax Formula" over on GameFAQs!

If we keep this up, it is going to be hilarious when we finally go public.
If we want a large post volume, we probably shouldn't be posting our posts here to get "approved" -- it'll take too long.
I had an idea: perhaps Doug could announce a message to "publicly test the formula" on the CAP server, as he usually does before implementing stuff on SU. However, this public test should have 0 modifications. Essentially, reboot the server without making any changes. Any people that come to test "the formula" experience absolutely NO overturned battles. This would put some people's mind at ease and cause even greater panic when the 50% win/lose is implemented.

The message could be be something like, "I think I want to implement the formula on the Suspect Ladder on March 28, since I'll some free time that Saturday. Before I do that, though, I'll test it out on the CAP server, as I usually do. The public is welcome to come to CAP to see the formula in use, but I wanted to do it on a smaller public scale before putting it on Smogon University." or something to that effect.
I agree with Surgo -- I don't think we should use this thread as a place to do peer review of proposed posts. It takes way too long to get feedback, and we need a high postcount from here on out.

Anyone involved in this prank should know the general script and ground rules by now. Use your best judgment and just make your posts. If you really want some feedback before posting, just get on IRC and chat about it in #insidescoop. That's what we've been doing all along, and there are usually plenty of people willing to give ideas and advice.

@darkie -- I love that idea! I'll do that for sure. That is what I do with almost every other server change I make, so it makes sense to do it this time.
Heh I like darkie's idea (yeah gogogo Cap server!).

This probably belongs in the other thread but does anyone else feel that RB Golbat's post where he made up the battle with BK was brilliant? Kudos.

Hmm... I'll get back to posting in the thread with my posts that invoke responses.
I have kicked off the third and final Act of our April Fools production. We're coming down the home stretch now!

My recent post announced that we will test the Anti-Hax clause on the Smogon University server starting on March 29th. However, since I will do it "after the close of ratings at 11:30pm" that really means March 30th -- but "March 29th" is a much better "publicity date" for purposes of throwing off any possible suspicion that this has something do to with April Fools Day. On the 29th or 30th -- I will apologize for a delay of some sort, and I will do so again on March 31st.

Per darkie's suggestion, I will probably claim that the formula is live on the CAP server on March 31st, but I will not publicize that date. I'll just mention it sometime that day, amidst the other delay tactics. This should put us in position to launch this thing completely undetected on April 1st, when the public fireworks begin!

If you read my post in the PR thread, you will notice that I have promised to make YET ANOTHER ladder on the Smogon server for testing out the clause. This is to ensure that people don't immediately start whining about conflicts with Manaphy testing which is still ongoing. Based on feedback in the PR thread, and the general consensus here in IS -- we may make a last-minute announcement on the 31st like...
"As you know there have been many technical delays in our attempts to implement the new Anti-Hax ladder on Smogon University. After discussing the matter internally, we all agree that the Anti-Hax clause has no strategic competitive effect on normal gameplay, therefore we are going to implement the clause on the Suspect testing ladder, which is currently being used to test Manaphy. This is a MUCH EASIER technical solution, and based on private testing feedback, we expect very little negative reaction to the clause from the testing public anyway. Thank you for your patience, and look forward to a "two-fisted" approach to testing on the Suspect ladder later tonight!"
We don't need to decide on this now, but we'll keep it in reserve if we feel like we need a little more dramatic furor over this thing. If not, then I'll just add another ladder and call it "Anti-Hax". We'll see...

If any of you are "running out of post material" -- in my recent post, I tried to tee up a new line of arguments over "voting requirements" for our new "suspect". It seems particularly timely, considering Jumpman's recent bouts in Stark Mountain with all the Latios voting rejects. I don't know exactly how we should stir up controversy over Anti-Hax voting rights, but I'm sure there's an argument there, if we try.
Just wondering where/when xxbluecookiesxx thread in Stark that we close harshly is gonna happen. I assume before Jump makes the "np: Anti-Hax" thread, but this needs to come soon.
RB Golbat said:
Just wondering where/when xxbluecookiesxx thread in Stark that we close harshly is gonna happen. I assume before Jump makes the "np: Anti-Hax" thread, but this needs to come soon.
PM him, I don't think he can read this thread anymore.
Hmm, I think it might go past the end of the front page a bit hastily -- maybe some other mod should bump it bitching about keeping PR stuff in PR?
BlueCookies' thread in Stark went off perfectly. He is now in fake ICBB status -- he appears to be ICBB, but he's really not. We also staged a little "bitch session" in the Shoddy mainchat, where BlueCookies linked his thread and complained of being bullied by Smogon mods. I posted a message .. "I suggest you be quiet, BlueCookies -- unless you want to get banned here too." I got a few PM's from people wondering why we were being so mean to him. LOL

EDIT: I like Surgo's suggestion about bumping BlueCookies thread. Let's wait a bit until tomorrow, and then another mod or supermod can bump it. Rinse and repeat periodically, until AFD.

This thing is getting really fun now. Jumpman posted his "np:" thread in Stark, which has everyone buzzing. I'll post in the Stark thread later to apologize for "technical difficulties" in getting the Anti-Hax Ladder working. We also have a few more twists planned for tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Oh yeah, I have chosen the "White Knight" for the big reveal. I am keeping the selection a secret, just so everyone can look forward to some form of surprise on April 1st. I chose someone well-respected, with the proper background to make a revelation of something technical like the formula. I have sworn them to secrecy -- so please don't ask around too much to try and figure it out. If the White Knight cracks under pressure and admits it (you better not!), or if anyone finds out otherwise -- please don't make it public and ruin it for other members of IS.
I also told BlueCookies to press the issue afterwards. I banned him, unbanned him, and then had him use an alt the rest of the day.
Haha this is going great. I can't wait to see the peoples reactions, I just hope they aren't too upset about this whole thing. Also, keeping the white knight a surprise just makes the anticipation that much greater. Great work on keeping this running smoothly doug.
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