Share the Pain: a UU team (that needs some work)



I've always liked the idea of UU better than OU, since there's so much more variety in UU. The main purpose of this team is to get Lopunny to Baton Pass an Agility (or 2) to either Medicham or Roserade for the sweep. Along the way, the rest of them weaken the opponents to a point that makes it a lot easier to finish off the opponent's team. After a couple of revisions, this team began winning a good portion of its battles. Nevertheless, I know that it just isn't perfect yet, and I hope to make it better with your comments! Credit for pictures goes to Arkeis and PokemonElite2000. As for the title: "Sharing the Pain" is an ironic reference to Minun's Passing.





Ambipom @ Life Orb
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Jolly nature (+Spe, -SpA)
- Fake Out
- U-Turn
- Pursuit
- Return

ROLE: Scout

DESCRIPTION: Ambipom serves mainly as a scout. This set is the standard "Flinch and Flee" set with a slight change. It has Leftovers instead of the standard Life Orb or Silk Scarf. I didn't like the notion of taking 10% of damage after simply using Fake Out, nor did I want to spend my item boosting just one attack. Ambipom has come on top against many leads with a simple strategy. Fake Out first, and then either U-Turn to a better matchup if needed or deal some pain to your opponent with Brick Break or Payback.

I have since revamped Ambipom. Life Orb in place of Leftovers to deal more damage, Pursuit since it serves the same purpose as Payback (only better), and Return for STAB.



Registeel @ Leftovers
Clear Body
252 HP/100 Atk/158 SpD
Careful nature (+SpD, -SpA)

- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock

ROLE: Entry hazards, Wall

DESCRIPTION: Omastar is usually used as sacrifice fodder, but not before it sets up several layers of entry hazards. In fact, it can often set up all three layers of Spikes and Stealth Rock before getting killed. Knock Off is there to hinder both your opponent's walls and sweepers alike by nullifying their Life Orb, Leftovers, Choice item, etc. And lastly, Surf is there for STAB. This set often surprises those expecting an offensive variant.

Registeel replaces Omastar because of better typing and defenses. It loses Spikes, but gets a bevy of replacements. Thunder Wave is a multipurpose move. It allows Registeel to get a SR up safely, lets Iron Head flinch opponents, and lets Minun Baton Pass Nasty Plot and Agility safely.



Minun @ Focus Sash
252 HP/252 Spd/4 SpA
Timid nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Baton Pass
- Agility
- Thunderbolt

ROLE: Agility + Nasty Plot Passing

DESCRIPTION: Ah yes, everybody's favorite bunny. This is, at first glance, a standard set, but its item makes all the difference. I didn't like putting either Liechi or Petaya Berry on Lopunny, since that would restrict me to passing to just Medicham or just Roserade. Instead, I put a Sash on, guaranteeing that I'd get at least one Agility before Passing. In an atmosphere where entry hazards are rarer, this strategy works quite well. Agility is the key of this set. After just one Agility, Lopunny outspeeds just about anything. Agility serves two purposes, the first being the obvious Pass. The second one is being able to Encore a slower foe into a useless move like Rain Dance. Return is for STAB and for having an attack to use after your sweeping rampage ends and/or Lopunny is too weak to keep Passing.

Lopunny has been replaced by Minun as the Passer. With both Agility and Nasty Plot, Minun can serve either the original purpose of passing Agility to Medicham or the new, improved method of passing both Agility and Nasty Plot to Roserade. Coupled with Registeel's T-Wave, Minun can safely Agility, Nasty Plot, and then Pass to Roserade without getting killed. If need be, Minun can also damage the opponent a bit with Thunderbolt before fleeing to safety. Minun was picked over Plusle since defense is more important than offense in this set.



Uxie @ Leftovers
240 HP/252 Spe/16 SpA
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Reflect
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic

ROLE: Reflect, Wall, Backup Special Sweeper

DESCRIPTION: A highly modified version of the Support Sweeper Uxie. Since the EV's in that set were specifically made for certain OU purposes, I changed it up for UU purposes. Even with no Defense or SpD investment, Uxie is quite bulky, and it usually gets up both Reflect and Calm Mind with minimal damage. Uxie is a very effective wall, and the strategy is simple. Calm Mind up and Reflect as needed. After you're safe defensively, you can begin to rampage through your opponent with boosted Thunderbolts and Psychics. In fact, I've gotten four Calm Minds in before during multiple occasions. Its main weaknesses are status conditions like Burn or Poison, but Uxie is usually so boosted by then that you can often severely dent or faint out a couple of your opponent's Pokemon on the way out.



Medicham @ Life Orb
Pure Power
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Brick Break
- Psycho Cut
- Fire Punch
- Thunderpunch

ROLE: Physical sweeper

DESCRIPTION: Basically, this is a Choice Scarf set without a Choice Scarf. I didn't like getting locked into one move on such a powerful Pokemon, so I went with Life Orb instead. Between Life Orb, Adamant nature, and Pure Power, you have a hell of a monster. Ideally, Lopunny's passed Agility takes the place of Choice Scarf so you have both more power and more speed than the Scarf set. Brick Break and Psycho Cut are there for STAB, and both of quite effective secondary effects. Ice Punch and Thunderpunch round out your type coverage. This thing severely dents anything that doesn't resist it, and even a few things that do.

Fire Punch in place of Ice Punch, since Fire Punch provides better coverage in my opinion.



Roserade @ Life Orb
Natural Cure
252 Spe/252 SpA/4 SpD
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Energy Ball
- HP Fire
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb

ROLE: Special sweeper

DESCRIPTION: Once again, this is a Choice Scarf variant minus the Choice Scarf. You outrun everything and then some with Timid and one Agility. Energy Ball is chosen over Leaf Storm and Seed Flare. Leaf Storm's -2 SpA drop is quite a turnoff for something that requires an Agility Pass, and Energy Ball's 10% chance of a SpD drop is appealing. The rest of the stuff is for type coverage. HP Fire hurts Steels, Shadow Ball hits Ghosts and Psychics, and Sludge Bomb is for secondary STAB.


So, what do you think? I'm open to all opinions! Thank you in advance for spending the time to rate this team! Also looking for someone to help me with a Threats list.

  • April 3rd: Replaced Lopunny+Omastar with Minun+Registeel; revised Ambipom and Medicham.
Okay, I don't have time for a full rate, but I gotta say, there are better support pokes than omaster, since omaster has horrible typing. I honestly think you should turn Uxie into the standard support, and replace omaster with something else to lay down spikes. I can't come up with anything off the top of my head right now, and it's past my bedtime (yes, I'm the only thirteen year old to have a nine o clock bedtime, my parents are overprotective) but i'm sure there are plenty.
Hey, you're right! This team DOES need work!

While I don't have time for a full rate, I do heavily suggest not using the Lopunny Agility pass method if you're passing to a Special Attacker. Plusle and Minun can boost both Agility AND Nasty Plot, which would make a number of attackers (most notably Moltres and Shaymin) a hell of a lot more devastating. If you don't like those, then there's always Hypno to set up screens and pass Plots. If you're going to stick with Lopunny, then add something else physical. The speed boosts to Roserade just don't cut it. That's all I have time for now, though.
Please read the rules, I'm pretty sure it's #9, I'm not looking at it though. It's the one that involves the threat list rules etc. Just post it all at one, don't reserve, that is an infraction worthy offense. Thanks
I suggest a change in Ambipom's set. Ambipom is too frail to use Leftovers, and Silk Scarf on this set is pretty meh. Use Life Orb. This way, Ambipom can KO some leads before getting out of there. Life Orb Fake Out + Return(which I'll get to later) KOes offensive Drapion, amongst other things.
Now, its moves. Change Payback and Brick Break to Pursuit and Return/Double Hit. Pursuit is good because it forces many switches, and can punish them for doing so. Payback only doubles if it goes last, which is almost never. Pursuit also lets you beat that Mismagius that switched into Fake Out.
Brick Break isn't very useful on Ambipom. The things you're going to use it on are on bulky rocks and steels, like Registeel, Steelix, and Regirock, which will laugh at it. Change it to Return or Double Hit. Return gives you a reliable STAB, while Double Hit trades a bit of accuracy for the ability to break subs.

There's a worrying Blaziken weak, though it isn't that large. It can come in on a lot of stuff(like Ambipom's Payback or Omastar's Stealth Rock) and then something is going to die. Watch out for him. Be Aggressive with Surf on Omastar and keep Uxie healthy.

There's a HUGE Mismagius weak. If it comes in on anything except Lopunny, it can set up a sub and Calm Mind, and when Lopunny switches in to Encore, it gets KOed by HP Fighting. To remedy this, you need a Registeel... in place of Omastar. You lose Spikes, but gain insurance against Mismagius. Use Careful/ 252 HP/100 Atk/176 Spdef with Iron Head, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, and Thunder Wave.
Okay, I don't have time for a full rate, but I gotta say, there are better support pokes than omaster, since omaster has horrible typing. I honestly think you should turn Uxie into the standard support, and replace omaster with something else to lay down spikes. I can't come up with anything off the top of my head right now, and it's past my bedtime (yes, I'm the only thirteen year old to have a nine o clock bedtime, my parents are overprotective) but i'm sure there are plenty.

After reading the other comments, I agree with the fact that Omastar's kinda weak. However, I think I'm going to keep Uxie as it is, since it often serves the dual purpose of attacking and defending simultaneously. Thank you for your comments ^_^

Hey, you're right! This team DOES need work!

While I don't have time for a full rate, I do heavily suggest not using the Lopunny Agility pass method if you're passing to a Special Attacker. Plusle and Minun can boost both Agility AND Nasty Plot, which would make a number of attackers (most notably Moltres and Shaymin) a hell of a lot more devastating. If you don't like those, then there's always Hypno to set up screens and pass Plots. If you're going to stick with Lopunny, then add something else physical. The speed boosts to Roserade just don't cut it. That's all I have time for now, though.

Plusle and Minun seem a little too frail to Pass both Agility and NP in my opinion, but it seems devestating if it works! However, the main point of Lopunny was that I didn't really want to lean too much towards either Special or Physical. I'm going to go with Minun though, since it has better SpD and I'm not really going to be attacking with it anyways.

Please read the rules, I'm pretty sure it's #9, I'm not looking at it though. It's the one that involves the threat list rules etc. Just post it all at one, don't reserve, that is an infraction worthy offense. Thanks

Will do.

I suggest a change in Ambipom's set. Ambipom is too frail to use Leftovers, and Silk Scarf on this set is pretty meh. Use Life Orb. This way, Ambipom can KO some leads before getting out of there. Life Orb Fake Out + Return(which I'll get to later) KOes offensive Drapion, amongst other things.
Now, its moves. Change Payback and Brick Break to Pursuit and Return/Double Hit. Pursuit is good because it forces many switches, and can punish them for doing so. Payback only doubles if it goes last, which is almost never. Pursuit also lets you beat that Mismagius that switched into Fake Out.
Brick Break isn't very useful on Ambipom. The things you're going to use it on are on bulky rocks and steels, like Registeel, Steelix, and Regirock, which will laugh at it. Change it to Return or Double Hit. Return gives you a reliable STAB, while Double Hit trades a bit of accuracy for the ability to break subs.

There's a worrying Blaziken weak, though it isn't that large. It can come in on a lot of stuff(like Ambipom's Payback or Omastar's Stealth Rock) and then something is going to die. Watch out for him. Be Aggressive with Surf on Omastar and keep Uxie healthy.

There's a HUGE Mismagius weak. If it comes in on anything except Lopunny, it can set up a sub and Calm Mind, and when Lopunny switches in to Encore, it gets KOed by HP Fighting. To remedy this, you need a Registeel... in place of Omastar. You lose Spikes, but gain insurance against Mismagius. Use Careful/ 252 HP/100 Atk/176 Spdef with Iron Head, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, and Thunder Wave.

I changed the Ambipom set as stated and brought in Registeel. However, I'm slightly reluctant about losing Spikes, since taking out 25% Health on every switch-in is nothing to scoff at. Meh, I'll try it out and see what happens!

Thanks for the comments everyone, I'll put them in my team and see how it works! :D
It looks good on Paper, as most BP teams do, but I really think you are going to have trouble passing, especially to Medicham.

I thiink your best bet for Agility is to use it on Ambipom because people will always expect Fake Out.

Just my two cents, many Pokemon will just blow you to shreds and wont give you room to pass. You probably need to gimmick it up with Ambipom @ Focus Sash.
It looks good on Paper, as most BP teams do, but I really think you are going to have trouble passing, especially to Medicham.

I thiink your best bet for Agility is to use it on Ambipom because people will always expect Fake Out.

Just my two cents, many Pokemon will just blow you to shreds and wont give you room to pass. You probably need to gimmick it up with Ambipom @ Focus Sash.
I agree that Ambipom is probably better than Minun at Plot/Agility Passing, but I kinda need it for my lead. Perhaps replace Lead Ambipom with Swellow and Minun with Pass-Ambipom?

In my battles, though, I have little trouble passing, since people always set up on Minun. Actually, I find that I Pass Agility+Plot to Uxie a lot, since its defenses are good enough to take almost anything.
Well i was refering to using a Ambipom Agility gimmick as a lead, because Ambipom will draw out Steel-types which dont hurt Roserade or Medicham too much.
Well i was refering to using a Ambipom Agility gimmick as a lead, because Ambipom will draw out Steel-types which dont hurt Roserade or Medicham too much.
Ah, I got it. Ambipom draws out Regirock/steel almost half the time, and Roserade/Medicham take them down rather easily.

However, if Ambipom Passes Agility, do I really need Minun as a second Passer?
Ah, I got it. Ambipom draws out Regirock/steel almost half the time, and Roserade/Medicham take them down rather easily.

However, if Ambipom Passes Agility, do I really need Minun as a second Passer?

No, I would put a bulkier Pokemon there, that wouldnt mind agilities such as Rhydon or something like Moltres.
After testing, I found that Ambipom as a Passing lead really doesn't work very well, and I'm reluctant to take it away from the lead slot D:

Any other suggestions?
Actually, I haven't really seen baton passers within a team like this, except once, when a buddy used my pokemons, and used one of my baton passers from a team I tried. That gave me the hell lot of trouble, so I can really see it working here, excpecially since 2 nasty plots is better than a chocie band entei, with +2 atk. Good job making this team :D
absol can serve as a lead whit fake out and lets ambipom became a passer. your sweepers are walled by uxie and a combo of chansey/uxie can stall you expecially with hazards in. absol can pass swords dance too and has accest to taunt and sucker punch/night slash to hit psychic types like the aforementioned uxie. swords dance is also useful to boost a bit the attack of medicham. also if you want to run a BP team there are better abusers of agility/NP/SD that you can find, such as alakazam, moltres and blaziken. alakazam can trick chansey and hit hard uxie with shadow ball, while blaziken can get rid of chansey with superpower and kill uxie with a boosted flare blitz/fire blast. BP teams that pass amnesia or iron defense with gorebyss and that have screens on their side can wall you, the same for teams with phazers. what i'm saying is that it's not possible pass all the boosts in a game, expecially because hazards+priority can kill minun and make roserade useless, for this reasons sweepers like alakazam or blaziken can work well also without boosts. IMO ice punch is better than fire punch because with ice punch you ensure the OHKO on torterra and you can hit claydol super effectively, while without ice punch your medicham risks facing altaria. hope I helped.
good luck