CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 8 - Stat Spread Poll

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Deck Knight/tennisace. Looking over the spreads, this one seems to have the best balance of offensive and defensive ability, and speed, without focusing too heavily in one particular area and hurting another as a result; 80 speed is enough to outspeed things like Skarmory that could be annoying otherwise, while not being overly much; 112 Special Attack is very-workable and the defenses are also quite nice. I'd prefer a bit more special defense, but since this thing will most likely be primarily bombarded by EQs and the like, it doesn't bother be too much. The very-low attack stat possibly being justification for DD is also nice. Thus, putting it all together, this spread definitely seems to be the most appealing to me.

Gothic Togekiss's spread was similar, and thus also seemed appealing. However, Deck/tennis's spread put more of the stats in areas that I felt were more key, which made me prefer their spread.
Deck Knight/tennisace

Why? I wanted all of the following: Attack below 65, Sp. Attack above 100, and speed below 90, along with good defenses. The only spread that rivaled these guys (Dennis Knace?) was that of BlueLime, who was my second choice.

HP needs to be in the 100+ zone and I think this is the perfect stat spread for the purpose of CAP8.
close...between plus, g_t and deck knight/tennisace....


plus it is! they all share similar calcs in most places, while this one has the higher special defensive stat, which makes me happy.
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