CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 8 - Stat Spread Poll 2

What should our Stat Spread be?

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Our Pokemon so far:
A Deck Knight/tennisace collaborative

108/60/118/112/70/80 BST: 548

PSweep: 83, Rank -2: Moderately Bad
PTank: 175, Rank 6; Amazing
PSweep: 144, Rank 4: Very Good
PTank: 113, Rank 1: Above Average
ODB: -10.7, Moderate Bias to Defense
PSB: -6.2 Slight Bias to Special.
BSR: 417 (Very Good)

Example Set: Defensive Support

I like all my spreads to have as much variety as possible while remaining good at each of the things they can do. The following is an example of a supportive set, with multiple damage calculations. I may add another set that displays more offensive capability, but essentially you know the offensive and defensive calcs already:

If you run Max SA treat it exactly as you would Salamence or Latias, with perhaps a few additional points at the margins.

Defensively this has the same HP/Defense and similar SpD to Hippowdon. If you are running Max HP/Defense with Bold simply apply types properly and add a little extra damage on the margins of the special side.

Movepool has not been decided yet, these are only to display what could be.

EVs: 240 HP / 72 Def / 140 SA / 56 Spe, Bold, Leftovers.

Stats: 417 HP / 140 Atk / 319 Defense / 295 SpA / 176 SpD / 210 Spe

Purpose: This set outspeeds the listed Agiligross, has good defensive capabilities but does not shirk offense. Paralyze an incoming threat and then nuke it, or Magnet Rise before a predicted Earthquake. You could also Light Screen before a predicted Ice Beam. Basically set up whatever would benefit your team best at the moment. This set will likely only utilize STAB attacks for offense. However, I will list a full arsenal of attacks with these EVs.

[U][B]Offensive Calculations:[/B][/U]

[B]Draco Meteor:[/B]
[U]302 HP/296 SDef[/U]
Offensive CM Latias: 100-117% [B]OHKO[/B]
338 HP/296 SDef[/U]
Defensive CM Latias: 89-105% [B]OHKO with SR[/B]

[U]332 HP / 176 SDef[/U]
-SDef (Naughty/Naive/Rash) Salamence: 152-179% [B]OHKO[/B]

[U]302 HP / 196 SDef[/U]
Scarf/ Band Flygon: 151-178% [B]OHKO[/B]

[U]420 HP / 180 SDef[/U]
Standard Hippowdon: 58-69%

[U]404 HP / 188 SDef[/U]
Sub Rhyperior: 58-69%

[U]362 HP / 156 SDef[/U]
Standard Mamoswine: 78-92% [B]2HKO[/B]

[U]282 HP / 166 SDef[/U]
Standard Syclant: 94-111% [B]reliable OHKO[/B]

[U]293 HP / 160 SDef[/U]
Naive Infernape: 94-111% [B]reliable OHKO[/B]

[B]Dragon Pulse:[/B]
Offensive CM Latias: 64-74% [B]2HKO[/B]
Defensive CM Latias: 57-68% [B]2HKO[/B]
-SDef (Naughty/Naive/Rash) Salamence: 97-115% [B]reliable OHKO[/B]
Scarf/ Band Flygon: 96-114% [B]reliable OHKO[/B]

Standard Hippowdon: 37-44%
Sub Rhyperior: 37-44%
Standard Mamoswine: 50-59% [B]2HKO with SR[/B]
Naive Infernape: 60-72% [B]2HKO[/B]

[U]332 HP / 236 SDef[/U]
Standard Gyarados: 195-231% [B]OHKO[/B]

[U]295 HP / 206 SDef[/U]
Spinner Starmie: 126-148% [B]OHKO[/B]

[U]312 HP / 241 SDef[/U]
SubPetaya Empoleon: 101-120% [B]OHKO[/B]

[U]364 HP / 341 SDef[/U]
Support Tentacruel: 61-73% [B]2HKO[/B]
374 HP / 361 SDef[/U]
SDefensive Haxkiss:56-67% [B]2HKO[/B]

[U]374 HP / 266 SDef[/U]
Scarf Togekiss: 77-90% [B]OHKO with SR[/B]
414 HP / 236 SDef[/U]
Impish Defensive Arghonaut: 78-92% [B]2HKO[/B]
414 HP / 296 SDef[/U]
Adamant SDefensive Argonaut: 62-73% [B]2HKO[/B]

[U]334 HP / 176 SDef[/U]
Standard Skarmory: 129-152% [B]OHKO[/B]

[U]324 HP / 248 SDef[/U]
Standard Heatran: 47-55% [B]2HKO with SR[/B]

Standard Syclant: 81-96%
Naive Infernape: 81-96% [B]2HKO[/B]

Standard Gyarados: 153-181% [B]OHKO[/B]
Spinner Starmie: 99-117% [B]reliable OHKO[/B]
SubPetaya Empoleon: 80-94% [B]2HKO[/B]
Support Tentacruel: 49-58% [B]shaky 2HKO vs. Leftovers[/B]
SDefensive Haxkiss:44-53% [B]2HKO with SR[/B] 
Scarf Togekiss: 60-72% [B]2HKO[/B]
Impish Defensive Arghonaut: 61-72% [B]2HKO[/B]
Adamant SDefensive Argonaut: 49-57% [B]shaky 2HKO vs. Leftovers[/B]
Standard Skarmory: 102-120% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Heatran: 37-44%
Standard Syclant: 64-76% [B]2HKO[/B]
Naive Infernape: 64-76% [B]2HKO[/B]

[B]Fire Blast:[/B]
[U]343 HP / 196 SDef[/U]
Bulky CB Scizor: 151-178% [B]OHKO[/B]
354 HP /156 SDef[/U]
Standard Forretress: 184 - 216% [b]OHKO[/B

[U]342 HP / 236 SDef[/U]
Scarf Jirachi: 63-74% [B]2HKO[/B]

[U]329 HP / 216 SDef[/U]
Agiligross: 71-84% [B]2HKO[/B]
338 HP / 320 SDef[/U]
Standard Bronzong: 46-55%

[U]324 HP / 176 SDef[/U]
Steel Killer Magnezone: 72-85% [B]2HKO[/B]

Standard Syclant: 217-256% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Skarmory: 86-101% [B]reliable OHKO with SR[/B]
Standard Mamoswine: 90-106% [B]OHKO with SR[/B]

Bulky CB Scizor: 120-142% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Forretress: 145-172% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Syclant : 171-203% [B]OHKO[/B]
Scarf Jirachi 50-59% [B]2HKO[/B]
Agiligross 56-66% [B]2HKO[/B]
Steel Killer Magnezone 57-68% [B]2HKO[/B]
Standard Skarmory 68-80% [B]2HKO[/B]
Standard Mamoswine 71-83% [B]2HKO[/B]

[B]Hydro Pump:[/B]
Standard Hippowdon: 67-79% [B]2HKO[/B]
Sub Rhyperior: 134-158% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Mamoswine: 90-106% [B]OHKO with SR[/B]
Standard Heatran: 62-74% [B]2HKO[/B]
Naive Infernape: 107-127% [B]OHKO[/B]

Standard Hippowdon: 53-62% [B]reliable 2HKO[/B]
Sub Rhyperior: 106-126% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Mamoswine: 71-83% [B]2HKO[/B]
Standard Heatran: 50-59% [B]2HKO with SR[/B]
Naive Infernape: 86-101% [B]reliable OHKO with SR[/B]
[B][U]Defensive Calculations:[/U][/B]

The following calculations use these conditions: 
1. Defending pokemon uses set and EVs above.
2. Attacking pokemon uses Maximum EVS and Nature.

[U]When calculating boosts:[/U]

[B]+1/Choice Band/Specs:[/B] 67%+ = [B]OHKO[/B], 36%+ = [B]2HKO[/B]
[B]Life Orb: 77%[/B] + = [B]OHKO[/B], 42%+ = [B]2HKO[/B]
[B]Expert Belt/Type Plate:[/B]  84%+ = [B]OHKO[/B] , 45%+ = [B]2HKO[/B]

Obviously if the attacker is not +Atk/SA, reduce damage amount by 10%.
These are designed to give worst case scenarios. If the opponent is running
bulky or mixed sets with little investment/no nature, the damage taken will
be toned down accordingly.

[B]405 Atk:[/B] Adamant Metagross/Salamence/Tyranitar (approx.)
[Assume STAB if matches Steel/Psychic/Dragon/Rock/Dark]
Outrage: 78-92% [B]2HKO[/B]
Meteor Mash: 16-19%
Stone Edge: 32-38%
Dragon Claw: 52-62% [B]2HKO[/B]
Crunch: 26-31%
Zen Headbutt: 26-31%
Explosion: 108-128% [B]OHKO[/B]
Superpower: 26-30%
Earthquake: 43-51% [B]shaky 2HKO with SR vs. Leftovers[/B]
Aqua Tail: 9-11%
Ice Punch: 32-38%

[B]394 Atk:[/B] Adamant Scizor/Breloom/Machamp/Mamoswine
[STAB where indicated]
Focus Punch: 47-56% [B]shaky 2HKO with SR and Leftovers[/B].
Close Combat/Superpower: 38-45% [STAB]
Dynamicpunch: 31-37% [STAB]
Earthquake: 63-75% [STAB] [B]2HKO[/B]
X-Scissor: 25-30% [STAB]
Seed Bomb: 12-15% [STAB]
U-turn: 22-26% [STAB]
Bullet Punch: 9-11% [Tech] [STAB]
Ice Shard: 26-30% [STAB]
Superpower: 25-30%
Earthquake: 42-50% [B]shaky 2HKO with SR vs. Leftovers[/B]
Stone Edge: 21-25%
Ice Punch: 32-37%
Pursuit: 12-15% [Tech], 17-20% (fleeing)

[B]383 Atk:[/B] Adamant Gyarados/Heracross/Azelf/Honchkrow/Electivire (approx.)
[STAB where indicated]
Close Combat: 37-44% [STAB]
Megahorn: 37-44% [STAB]
Bounce: 12-15% [STAB]
Drill Peck: 12-14% [STAB]
Sucker Punch: 24-29% [STAB]
Zen Headbutt: 24-29% [STAB]
Waterfall: 12-14% [STAB]
Brick Break: 23-27% [STAB]
Thunderpunch: 5-6% [STAB]
Night Slash: 21-25% [STAB]
Pursuit: 12-15% [STAB], 24-29% (fleeing)
Explosion: 103-121% [B]OHKO[/B]
Superpower: 24-29%
Cross Chop: 20-24%
Earthquake: 41-48%
Stone Edge: 20-24%
Brick Break: 15-18%
Ice Punch: 30-36%

[B]328 Atk:[/B] Adamant Flygon/Jirachi
[Assume STAB on Dragon/Ground/Steel/Psychic]
Outrage: 63-75% [B]2HKO[/B]
Earthquake: 53-63% [B]2HKO[/B]
Dragon Claw: 43-50%
Iron Head: 10-12%
Zen Headbutt: 21-25%
U-turn: 12-15%
Ice Punch: 26-31%

[U]When calculating boosts:[/U]

[B]+1/Choice Band/Specs:[/B] 67%+ = [B]OHKO[/B], 36%+ = [B]2HKO[/B]
[B]Life Orb: 77%[/B] + = [B]OHKO[/B], 42%+ = [B]2HKO[/B]
[B]Expert Belt/Type Plate:[/B]  84%+ = [B]OHKO[/B] , 45%+ = [B]2HKO[/B]

[B]394 SpA:[/B] Modest Heatran/Gengar/Magnezone
[Assume STAB where indicated]
Fire Blast: 34-40% [STAB]
Flamethrower: 27-32% [STAB]
Thunderbolt: 13-16% [STAB]
Sludge Bomb: 52-61% [B]2HKO[/B] [STAB]
Shadow Ball: 46-54% [B]reliable 2HKO with SR[/B] [STAB]
Flash Cannon: 23-27% [STAB]
Lave Plume: 23-27% [STAB]
Thunderbolt: 9-10%
Dragon Pulse: 69-82% [B]2HKO[/B]
Earth Power: 69-82% [B]2HKO[/B]
Energy Ball: 15-18%
Hidden Power NVE: 13-15%
Hidden Power Neutral: 27-32%
Hidden Power SE: 54-63% [B]2HKO[/B]
383 SpA:[/B] Modest Zapdos/Azelf
[Assume STAB on Electric/Psychic]
Thunderbolt: 13-16%
Psychic: 50-59% [B]2HKO with SR[/B]
Heat Wave: 18-22%
Flamethrower: 17-20%
Hidden Power NVE: 12-16%
Hidden Power Neutral: 26-30%
Hidden Power SE: 52-61% [B]reliable 2HKO[/B]

[B]350 SpA:[/B] Modest Salamence/Latias/Jolteon
[Assume STAB on Dragon/Psychic/Electric]
Draco Meteor: 142-168% [B]OHKO[/B]
Thunderbolt: 12-14%
Dragon Pulse: 92-108% [B]OHKO with SR[/B]
Psychic: 46-54% [B]shaky 2HKO with SR and Leftovers[/B]
Fire Blast: 20-24%
Hydro Pump: 20-24%
Surf: 16-19%
Shadow Ball: 27-32%
Hidden Power NVE: 12-14%
Hidden Power Neutral: 23-28%
Hidden Power SE: 47-56% [B]shaky 2HKO with SR and Leftovers[/B]
339 SpA:[/B] Modest Rotom-A/Infernape (approx.)
[STAB where indicated]
Overheat: 34-41% [STAB]
Fire Blast: 29-35% [STAB]
Focus Blast: 59-70% [STAB]
Flamethrower: 23-27% [STAB]
Vacuum Wave: 20-23% [STAB]
Thunderbolt: 11-14% [STAB]
Shadow Ball: 39-47% [STAB]
Overheat: 23-27%
Leaf Storm: 23-27%
Blizzard: 79-94%
Hydro Pump: 20-23%
Air Slash: 12-14%
Hidden Power NVE: 11-13%
Hidden Power Neutral: 23-27%
Hidden Power SE: 46-55% [B]shaky 2HKO with SR and Leftovers[/B]
[B]Easter Egg: Dragon Dance "Gimmick" set[/B]

EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Attack / 252 Speed, Adamant, Expert Belt.

Stats: 358 HP / 240 Atk / 272 Def / 234 SA / 176 SD / 259 Spe

Reaches 360 Atk / 388 Spe with 1 DD:

[B]Volt Tackle:[/B]
Standard Gyarados: 205-242% [B]OHKO[/B] (number after Intimidate)
Spinner Starmie: 161-191% [B]OHKO[/B]
SubPetaya Empoleon: 150-75% [B]OHKO[/B]
Support Tentacruel: 163-193% [B]OHKO[/B]
SDefensive Haxkiss:116-137% [B]OHKO[/B] 
Scarf Togekiss: 116-137% [B]OHKO[/B]
Impish Defensive Arghonaut: 57-67% [B]2HKO[/B] (unaware factored)
Adamant SDefensive Argonaut: 79-94% [B]2HKO[/B]
Standard Skarmory: 80-95% [B]2HKO[/B]
Standard Heatran: 57-68% [B]2HKO with Stealth Rock[/B]
Standard Syclant: 118-140% [B]OHKO[/B]
Naive Infernape: 118-140% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Blissey: 59-70% [B]2HKO[/B]

Offensive CM Latias: 150-178% [B]OHKO[/B]
Defensive CM Latias: 134-159% [B]OHKO[/B]
-SDef (Naughty/Naive/Rash) Salamence: 101-119% [B]OHKO[/B] (after Intimidate)
Scarf/ Band Flygon: 166-196% [B]OHKO[/B]

Standard Hippowdon: 30-35%
Sub Rhyperior: 38-46%
Standard Mamoswine: 65-77% [B]2HKO[/B]
Standard Scyclant: 118-140% [B]OHKO[/B]
Naive Infernape: 118-140% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard Blissey: 59-70% [B]2HKO[/B]

Standard Heatran: 154-182% [B]OHKO[/B]
Steel Killer Magnezone 143-170% [B]OHKO[/B]
Standard CBTar: 63-74% [B]2HKO[/B]
Naive Infernape: 118-140% [B]OHKO[/B]

Standard Heatran: 92-109% [B]reliable OHKO[/B]
Standard Blissey: 95-112% [B]reliable OHKO[/B]
Standard CBTar: 150-178% [B]OHKO[/B]
Summary: I think the numbers speak for themselves, but briefly: A lot of the metagame focuses on physically offensive pokemon with weaker/neglected special defensive stats. This spread takes full advantage of that tendency, forcing the opponent to try and use special walls to avert damage. With the capability to shrug off non-SE physical attacks and strike back with force, combined with what could potentially be very disruptive abilities makes this the best candidate for the Base Stats Submission.
81 HP/70 Atk/100 Def/90 Satk/110 SpD/110 Spe

0.0 No Bias
-18.1 Moderate Bias to Special

Min HP: 303
Max HP: 366

Basically, I didn't like the high HP stats that everybody was throwing out. I wanted to settle with something decent enough where it could at least hit the 300 mark without any HP investments. 81 seems like a fine enough number for this. It's not big at all, nor is it too big.

Provided you run 248 HP EVs, you tie with the base 80 HP pokemon. You get 91 HP subs, which can be used to deal with Iron Heads, Fire Punch, and U-turn from Jirachi. This can also deal with a Zapdos Heat Wave, Thunderbolt, and HP Grass. For Celebi, you can take on Grass Knot, as well as outspeeding it in order to hide behind a Sub in order to block Thunder Wave or Leech Seed. Nifty, no?

There's not really much to say for HP, only that I think that 81 is a fine enough number and that it helps balance out my pokemon to get a perfect 0.0 No Bias Rating.


Calculations for a CB U-turn from Scizor factoring in Max HP and no Defense investment:

591 Atk vs 236 Def & 366 HP (70 Base Power): 94 - 111 (25.68% - 30.33%)
Calculations for a Max Atk LO Adamant Gyarados Waterfall factoring in Max HP and no Defense investment:

383 Atk vs 236 Def & 366 HP (80 Base Power): 91 - 108 (24.86% - 29.51%)

Calculations for a Max Atk LO Pyroak Flare Blitz factoring in Max HP and no Defense investment:

262 Atk vs 236 Def & 366 HP (120 Base Power): 93 - 109 (25.41% - 29.78%)

Calculations for a Max Atk Adamant Arghonaut Waterfall factoring in Max HP and no Defense investment:

350 Atk vs 236 Def & 366 HP (80 Base Power): 63 - 75 (17.21% - 20.49%)

Calculations for a Max Atk Adamant Metagross Meteor Mash factoring in Max HP and no Defense investment:

405 Atk vs 236 Def & 366 HP (100 Base Power): 93 - 109 (25.41% - 29.78%)

I really tried to cut down on the calcs, as some of the calcs I've seen for this pokemon were kinda pointless (no offense guys ^_^) as some of those situations would never happen. However, I tried to cut down on my calcs and only show the most important scenarios.


I honestly don't know what you want to do with an attack stat when we already decided on a Special stat spread. I'll just post some stuff here in order to keep you guys satisfied and whatnot.

If you are running attack, I assume you are running a gimmick. Because of this, I am factoring Adamant Max Attack for these calcs, because that seems to be the only scenario (other than mixed) where you would use Physical on this thing. I'll also throw in some LO calcs in there for shits and giggles.

Without further ado, here are the calcs!

Calculations for a Max Atk Adamant CAP8 Outrage on no Def 6 HP Mence:

262 Atk vs 176 Def & 332 HP (120 Base Power): 386 - 456 (116.27% - 137.35%)

Calculations for a Max Atk Adamant CAP8 Thunder Fang on Recover Tank Arghonaut:

262 Atk vs 252 Def & 414 HP (75 Base Power): 168 - 200 (40.58% - 48.31%)

LO Calcs:

262 Atk vs 252 Def & 414 HP (75 Base Power): 218 - 260 (52.66% - 62.80%)

Calculations for a Max Atk Adamant CAP 8 EQ on 176 HP Tyranitar:

262 Atk vs 256 Def & 385 HP (100 Base Power): 146 - 174 (37.92% - 45.19%)

LO Calcs:

262 Atk vs 256 Def & 385 HP (100 Base Power): 192 - 226 (49.87% - 58.70%)

Some things that were previously not 2HKOable without an attack boost can be 2HKO'd by packing Life Orb.

Sp. Attack

Special Attack is the main offense of CAP 8 a 90 Base Sp. Atk was deemed a bit low in comparison for it's speed. However, I would like to note that Starmie is a prime example of how a great movepool can make up for such a stat. 100 Base Satk isn't considered high for Starmie, yet it makes great use of it.

With that being said, I am predicting Draco Meteor to reach this CAP8's movepool. Like Hydro Pump is to Starmie, Draco Meteor is to CAP8.

If any of you have ever played me on CaP, you will know that I run a special Starmie lead that can actually OHKO Fidgit with a Psychic. Not only that, it can spin away entry hazards as well. It wrecks a lot of havoc, and it's surprising how hard it can actually hit.

From these calcs, I'll assume this thing runs 252 HP/180 Speed/76 Satk. 180 allows it to outrun things that hit 300 trying to stay one point ahead of Adamant Mence and stuff like that. My 252 HP was from the Defense calcs earlier, so I put the rest in Satk.

You may think that this thing hits a little soft, but in reality it's just meant to 2HKO things. 2HKOing pretty much makes the difference between 57% or 99% that much smaller.

I need not say this, but it's a given that this thing will OHKO Salamence with a Draco Meteor.

Calculations for Modest 76 Satk CAP8 Thunderbolt on Recovery Tank Arghonaut:

258 Atk vs 245 Def & 414 HP (95 Base Power): 218 - 258 (52.66% - 62.32%)

Calculations for Modest 76 Satk CAP8 Draco Meteor on Max HP Latias:

258 Atk vs 296 Def & 364 HP (140 Base Power): 264 - 312 (72.53% - 85.71%)

Calculations for Modest 76 Satk CAP8 Draco Meteor on Mix Swampert:

258 Atk vs 216 Def & 401 HP (140 Base Power): 180 - 213 (44.89% - 53.12%)

Calculations for Modest 76 Satk CAP 8 Draco Meteor on a 252 HP/180 Sdef Rotom-A:

Special Defense

This is CAP8's highest Defense. Here are some calcs. This considers Max HP and no Sdef involved.

Calculations for Wish Support Vappy's Ice Beam on CAP 8:

256 Atk vs 256 Def & 366 HP (95 Base Power): 136 - 162 (37.16% - 44.26%)

Calculations for Timid Strata Earth Poweron CAP 8:

339 Atk vs 256 Def & 366 HP (90 Base Power): 172 - 204 (46.99% - 55.74%)

Calculations for Max Satk LO Mixape Fire Blast on CAP 8:

303 Atk vs 256 Def & 366 HP (120 Base Power): 99 - 117 (27.05% - 31.97%)


This is the first version of my spread:

And here is the current one, with the justification and reasoning of the spread shown:

~Plus ^_^
Sorry Deck Knight and tennis, but I think that our Pokemon should have the capability to be more of a mixed tank. We already have two good physical tanks in Pyroak and Fidgit, why should we need another. I feel that Plus' set has more versatility as a tank with its higher defenses on both ends of the spectrum. It might not be able to take Earthquake and Outrage as well, but there are so many huge special attacking threats in DPP. That HP isn't the greatest, but Plus' set still has plenty of versatility as a wall. For these reasons and more, I support Plus' set.
Plus. I just think that a fast tank will be good for cap, and its not an inferior latias, it utilizes shield dust to stop iron head Jirachi, air slash togekiss, and the like, something that latias can't do. It also has better defense. It is in no way an inferior latias. Those two stabs make it better than latias is ways too.

That was kinda choppy, but I think you guys get the point. Don't vote for Dk/tennisace if latias is your only reason why not to vote plus. Both Spreads are really good and may the best one win.
As long as it doesn't outrage, it's fine with me, and Deck/Ace has lowest atk, so...
Wait....if it has piss-poor attack strength, then it doesn't really matter if it had Outrage or not because it can't use it to begin with. Sure they're the gimmicky DD set one could use, but like what I said earlier it's a gimmick and pale in comparison to what other DDers can do.
Gengar with his base 60 attack frequently employs Focus Punch or Explosion, neither of which get STAB. Outrage with STAB is more powerful than UnSTABed Focus punch, so it could still deal decent damage, particularly if we chose to give CAP 8 Dragon Dance.
Sorry Deck Knight and tennis, but I think that our Pokemon should have the capability to be more of a mixed tank. We already have two good physical tanks in Pyroak and Fidgit,

Pyroak is horribly hurt by Stealth Rock and Fidgit doesn't have such great defenses.

I feel that Plus' set has more versatility as a tank with its higher defenses on both ends of the spectrum.

Plus's set has considerably inferior defenses to DK/t's.

there are so many huge special attacking threats in DPP.

There's also Blissey.

Plus. I just think that a fast tank will be good for cap, and its not an inferior latias, it utilizes shield dust to stop iron head Jirachi, air slash togekiss, and the like, something that latias can't do. It also has better defense. It is in no way an inferior latias. Those two stabs make it better than latias is ways too.

Latias outspeeds Jirachi anyway.

I'm in favour of the higher defences. The speed on Plus's set seems quite unneccessary, and it lacks the bulk of DK's set. I also like the higher SpA and lower Atk on their set. The fact that Plus's spread goes over the 555 BST is slightly annoying as well.

For these reasons, I voted DK/tennisace.
Hippowdon's defenses + very useful Special attack and usable speed definitely means that deck/tennis' submission is the better choice. While I can see 90 special attack getting some use, 112 Special attack can actually put a dent into non-walls (especially with obvious moves such as Draco Meteor and T-Bolt), while still shrugging off the majority of physical attacks.

Outrage could also be useful if necessary to remove Blissey.
I'm going to have to go for DK/Tennisace's special attacking Hippowdon with better typing over Plus's, which will never get past being an inferior Latias (20 extra defense points and 2 extra HP don't make up for the SpA drop and typing).
Plus because the speed is required to beat Salamence without a DD boost. Also with 80 base speed, it has a hard time dealing with most of the dragons, thus forcing it to switch out.
Plus because the speed is required to beat Salamence without a DD boost. Also with 80 base speed, it has a hard time dealing with most of the dragons, thus forcing it to switch out.

The extra speed doesn't matter when it comes to Salamence, I can gurantee you that. If you switch CAP8 into Salamence, you will be hit by a Dragon attack or an Earthquake, or it will have a Dragon Dance already.

Don't bother arguing that Salamence will be switching into CAP8 because that won't be happening no matter what EV spread is chosen.
(and for people saying that you wouldn't want to trace the dragons intimidates, DK/TA's might not, but plus's can switch into an LOMences Outrage and outrun after the intimidate)

Assuming it's using Trace as it's ability and switch in on Sala
252 HP / 0 Def Plusmon switching into a Sala's Outrage (factoring Intimidate): 105.46% - 124.59%

252/252 HP/Def version of Plusmon: 75.41% - 89.07%

Without the drop in attack from Trace.
252/0 HP/Def Plusmon: 157.38% - 185.25%

252/252 HP/Def: 113.11% - 133.33%

Yeah....speed isn't helping you when you're pushing up daisies the moment you step out of your pokeball. If he doesn't outright hit you with an attack, he's increasing it's speed&attack.
Gengar with his base 60 attack frequently employs Focus Punch or Explosion, neither of which get STAB. Outrage with STAB is more powerful than UnSTABed Focus punch, so it could still deal decent damage, particularly if we chose to give CAP 8 Dragon Dance.

You'll also note that Focus Punch hits specific threats, and doesn't hit anything worthwhile to anything outside of Blissey (or anything weak to it I guess). Outrage won't hit anything except Dragon's super effectively, meaning the damage dealt will be far from overwhelming off such low Attack.
I'm in favour of the higher defences. The speed on Plus's set seems quite unneccessary, and it lacks the bulk of DK's set.

Another thing about Speed: If a pokemon is a bulky tank, then it should wall most attacks with ease, then attack the opponent. This means that speed wouldn't be necessary at all if it was a decent Wall. Honestly, if it managed to scrape up a few Cosmic Powers, (or something along those lines) then it shouldn't have a problem with walling SE attacks.

I also like the higher SpA and lower Atk on their set.

And that means that people will be discouraged from using Outrage, and moves more like Draco Meteor, which will make me (at least) happy.
Plus's because it has more capability for mixed tanking, and even though base 110 is annoying to me I'll probably gear it towards defenses anyways because I don't care about random flinching etc that won't be happening!
(It's still not as physically defensive as DK/tennis's that way, but it is way more specially defensive and has potential to hit harder)

Of course I'll be happy either way since both spreads are great ^__^

Also pointing out that in cyber's post (don't know if it's in all posts that dk/tennis submitted, PSweep and PTank is written twice, the second ones actually being SSweep and STank
I'm voting for Plus for only one reason- while Deck Knight/tennisace has a better overall defense rating, Plus gave a higher Special Defense. I think that CAP8 should have the ability to tank mixed, and DK/tennis' spread only takes physical hits well. 70 base Special Defense isn't going to cut it for me. It also seems like DK/tennis' spread can also be used for offense, and it will be probably used for offense a lot more than defense with 112 base Special Attack.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with DK/Tennis. Their set can handle Bulkydos's DDed EQ and has more than enough power to OHKO it with TBolt, something which Plus's set can't do. I've checked the damage calcs, and it turns out that you need 317 SAt to kill it, and Plus's maxes out at 306
I like Pluses a bit better because it has speed and can take some hits too. Both spreads a very different, each great in their own ways. We get a great spread regardless of which one wins.
Will have to go with Plus:need the speed for Salamence, need the overall better mixed capabilities, need the better balancing of stats and the overall superior distribution to DK/TA's.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with DK/Tennis. Their set can handle Bulkydos's DDed EQ and has more than enough power to OHKO it with TBolt, something which Plus's set can't do. I've checked the damage calcs, and it turns out that you need 317 SAt to kill it, and Plus's maxes out at 306
Minor nitpick: You only need 222 Sp.Atk to kill Bulkydos with TB if you have STAB on it. Without stab, you need 335 sp.atk to kill Dos 100% of the time.
Voting TennisKnight for the improved offenses, and the Hippowdon-esque physical bulk.

I think they've got it sown up, though.
Although I believe I have lost, I just want to point out a few misconceptions of what this pokemon plans to do.

In no way am I getting this speed to switch into Salamence and the likes, but rather prevent it from switching in.

As for Gyara issues, most teams will run SR anyways, so this seems more like theorymon than anything else. In about 95% of the games I have played, I have always been up against some sort of SR user. Notably, most of them get it up with a lead. The speed is meant to ensure nothing entirely scary switches into it. Don't think of this as offense. Think of it as a defense mechanism into scaring away some threats from coming in.

As for arguments against Latias, I will admit my spread looks a bit inferior. However, when you look at what Latias takes physically, you will note that most of it's kills come from things like Scizor and Tyranitar that manhandle it with Pursuits, Crunches, and U-turns. The great thing is, Electric/Dragon takes that. Instead of thinking STATS STATS STATS STATS STATS, why not think of the whole pokemon first? CaP is a jigsaw puzzle. We fit the pieces together to form a pokemon. We don't take random pieces that look good and make a pokemon. It's CaP as a whole, people!

With this in mind, I have built my spread as such. I don't want to argue to the point where I look like a complete ass, but rather justifying my position and tipping my hat to Deck/Tennis.

I don't care if my spread can't kill Bulkydos 100% of the time either. Let me ask you this:

Who the fuck would switch a Gyara into CaP 8? :S

Why would you switch CaP 8 in on a DD Gyara? If you have no other option to Gyara, chances are you are fucked anyways.

Kudos to Deck and Tennis anyways, it was a pleasure fighting with you guys haha. ^_^
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