Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

The code is not important, just skip it. It is there for my personal reference. Use the links to the encounter tables at the bottom of the post.
Sorry, my frames turned odd all of a sudden when the NPCs weren't moving. I was just wondering if it could have been a factor.
I'm working on getting a Darkrai from a wonder card with good IVs. I've chosen one of the seeds in the OP. The frame is 43, seed 690302C3.

I have two wanders, so 43-2-1=40/2 is 20 journal flips. My question is after I do 20 I'm on the second page that has a captured pokemon on it. When I hit B it goes back to the first page that says "Captured Ferrow (EVENING)" Does that page coming up advance the RNG at all?
I'm working on getting a Darkrai from a wonder card with good IVs. I've chosen one of the seeds in the OP. The frame is 43, seed 690302C3.

I have two wanders, so 43-2-1=40/2 is 20 journal flips. My question is after I do 20 I'm on the second page that has a captured pokemon on it. When I hit B it goes back to the first page that says "Captured Ferrow (EVENING)" Does that page coming up advance the RNG at all?

Yes off course it does, why wouldn't it. Just hit start, which exits the journal regardless of the page.
Mingot, the program seems straightforward, despite being a complete mess... But I dont understand how this is any different from the SID calc you already have. I will try messing with it, but I am feeling a llittle doubtful wether it can truly deliver what it says.

Also, will it be possible to check the coding and see how it does it? And maybe modify the code so it at least becomes legible.

If this delivers what it says, then it would make a lot of luckless people smile =P
Mingot, the program seems straightforward, despite being a complete mess... But I dont understand how this is any different from the SID calc you already have. I will try messing with it, but I am feeling a llittle doubtful wether it can truly deliver what it says.

Also, will it be possible to check the coding and see how it does it? And maybe modify the code so it at least becomes legible.

If this delivers what it says, then it would make a lot of luckless people smile =P

There is really no way for me to view/modify that code easily, but I do think it works... And nothing like knowing something is possible to help you figure out how to do it. Basically, I think I understand how it works and hope to write something comparable at some point.

Anyhow, what is (very) different is that it requires a batch of chained Pokemon and narrows it down. Mine doesn't/can't deal with chained shinys at all.
I think it definately works. I narrowed it down within 4 shinies to a list that included my SID for that particular game. If you can utilize this somehow, it will DEFINATELY help people, although some people cant chain either, sadly.

I could have used this time last year, if I could have been RNG'ing then. I hope I can help you more, but I am not really a code junky or anything.
Is there a way to convert the PID to a seed? I'm wondering because I saw more flawless spreads on X-act's applet, and I'm their required delay and stuff.
Not exactly sure how, but you can use Wichu's program to find it. Just enter everything that you're looking for, and it'll find it for you. It's somewhere near the bottom of the OP. It's alot faster than the time finder on the RNG Reporter aswell.
I think it definitely works. I narrowed it down within 4 shinies to a list that included my SID for that particular game. If you can utilize this somehow, it will DEFINITELY help people, although some people cant chain either, sadly.

I could have used this time last year, if I could have been RNG'ing then. I hope I can help you more, but I am not really a code junky or anything.

Hrm, I have not went and chained what I need to get it to show, so I have no idea what the UI looks like at that point showing a list. Could you get a screenshot of that it looks like at that point?
Either use international parents, or you can just keep resetting for different seeds until you get a reasonable one. Additionally, you could use the shiny finder in RNG Reporter (the new version) to point you in the right direction of a specific seed to aim for.
Did I understand right? Just walking advances the frame by one?

Yes and No.

Walking where you can battle pokemon, grass, caves, and water(surf), will advance by 1 with every step. But walking where you can't battle, it does not advance by 1. There is also every 128 steps you take anywhere, the game advances by the number of pokemon in your party.
So I start at frame one, advance to 74 and Sweet Scent to get to 76 and hit the Pokemon?
Also, when I turn, it's two frames? When I step and encounter something, it's also two?
Hey Mingot, do you still need to know this: Do eggs in party count as party members for happiness taps?
Because I'm willing to research it.
So I start at frame one, advance to 74 and Sweet Scent to get to 76 and hit the Pokemon?
Also, when I turn, it's two frames? When I step and encounter something, it's also two?

Check the OP because I think most of this is noted somewhere.

Turning is 1 frame, turning and walking in the new direction is 2 frames.
I'm confused. I just hit my delay on an adamant spread, did the flips correctly (counted perfectly), and then proceeded to sweet scent a wild Pokemon in a cave. Here is where I think I could have gone wrong. When sweet scenting a Pokemon, it advances the RNG by 7, correct? The pokemon I was going for was in a cave, so that is 2, correct? So the total amount that should have come off of my frame before I did the flips was 9, correct? The only place where I think I could have gone wrong would be that it should only be the 7, not that extra two. It doesn't make sense >_>.