My new OU team

Hey there smogon, i need some help with my team, i want to know all your opinions about my team, any weaknesses, and suggestions reguarding what can make it better, because i know its not perfect.

Swampert @leftovers
EVs 252HP 252Def 4SpDef
Adamant nature
-stealth rock
-ice punch

Just an average lead i guess, he can counter a few other leads i believe. My only water, and ice attacker. He covers a few of my guys on my team. I picked him to cover electric types, and i thought he had decent defences. I just figure he has decent defences and my team needed a bit more defence IMO. When sent in he is most likely going to stealth rock the first turn unless a grass type is sent in on the opponent's side. maybe hes not the best lead for this team, but i do like the coverage he provides.
grass- heatran, scizor, zapdos, possibly even skarmory

Heatran @choice scarf
EVs 4HP 252SpAtk 252Spd
Modest nature
-earth power
-dragon pulse

i think he is a nice salamence counter, can come in on fire moves due to flash fire ability, because a large portion of my team is weak to fire. I used to have a moltres until i realized how horrible it was to switch into stealth rock >_<, anywho earth power is very effective for infernapes i switch into, the only thing i dont like is how choice scarf locks him into an attack, but he really needs the speed
-fighting- gengar can come into a fighting move, and maybe deal some thunderbolt, thats really it :O
-water- swampert can come in and roar the opponent out, also gengar or zapdos can thunderbolt
-ground- gengar or skarmory and he can set up some spikes

Skarmory @leftovers
EVs 252HP 252Def 4SpDef
adamant nature
-drill peck

The average skarmory, quite helpful at times, a spiker combined with roar. and of course drill peck is just a nice attack to add in. I KNOW someone is going to comment on the adamant nature, so im just going to say that i caught him and i thought that the nature would be helpful. Drill peck can deal some nice damage to the occasaional heracross, hes basically here for the support.
-electric- swampert, zapdos (depending on who)
fire- heatran, swampert

Scizor @choice band
EVs 252HP/Def 252Atk
Adamant nature
-bullet punch,
-brickbreak (soon to be superpower once i have enough shards :P)

basic revenge killer scizor, nothing too new. im just not honestly sure whether i EVd him in Def or HP haha. the opposite ended up with 4EVs. i wanted a powerful physical attacker with a first strike move, so scizor came to mind. Before i had a tyranitar and he just wasnt the right one to add to the team, he just added more ground and fighting weakness.
fire- heatran, swampert
(is that his only weakness? really??)

Zapdos @life orb
EVs 4HP 252SpAtk 252Spd
timid nature
-heat wave
-toxic (cause HP was a failing electric-type)

one of my most effective attackers, zapdos does massive damage to everything that isnt rock or ground type. i found toxic to be effective if i really cant damage my opponent with one of his actual attacks. Zapdos apparently really has a lot of type coverage with this moveset. he has taken down 4 opponents in a single match once. i like his resistance to ground and the fact that he isnt 4x weak to stealth rock like moltres was when i had him on my team. Zapdos has only rock and ice weaknesses as well as nice defences.
rock- scizor,
ice-scizor, heatran,

Genger @life orb
timid nature
EVs 4HP 252SpAtk 252Spd
-shadow ball
-focus blast

a very convenient "sweeper" if i may call it, nice type coverage and xplosion if for those sure moments that i know i will kill an opposing blissey, gengar has been on my team the longest, he's been the most successful, he has an excellent move pool, except the downfall of focus blast's accuracy, but i guess theres always something. i really think i want to keep gengar because i really like him speed; also his fighting, normal, and ground resistances.
psychic-i guess a steel, i dont really have anything else
dark-if its a pursuit then i guess im screwed, haha but if theres no chance of pursuit im gonna have to say a steel as well
ghost- same as above 2, steels seem convenient

So do tell me your opinions guys, id be happy to hear them and make according modifications if i see the points youre getting at. I want my entire team to be covered (of course) and i can change any pokemon if you can make the right specifications
I have only one suggestion. If you can, try to change Zapdos' Toxic to HP Grass. It will be a better help for Swampert and other Water / Ground types.
Try changing Skarmory's leftovers for a shed shell; it keeps you from being revenge killed by magnezone who would otherwise trap him. Try squeezing taunt in there by removing another move as many threats will be using some kind of setup. Trade Gengar's explosion for destiny bond; i doubt you'll be doing much with gengar's low ATK stat, plus he has enough speed to pull it off.
Is this on wifi or shoddy? If it's on shoddy changing toxic to Hp grass is very easy; you may have difficult in the cartridge. Also shed shell is a bit situational in my opinion. The leftovers may be better in the long run, but it depends on your teams needs
Actually if your running roost with skarmory you most likely wont need leftovers. Magnezone is commenly seen as it will almost always take down Skarmory, Scizor, and Forretress who are also seen frequently.
I see, so I'll run shed shell on skarmory and give gengar destiny bond. Anything else I could do?
How can I incooperate taunt for my team? I don't really see a contender :O

(and for the HP guy, this is wifi, not shoddy)