Rock Polish Torterra, UU Team

I chose just recently to get back into this game, and since I hate Latias and the state of OU right now, I decided to return back to the UU metagame.

I have always like Torterra and decided to build a team around him. You don't build teams around leech seeders and stealth rock sets, so I decided to attempt to sweep with him. Rock polish allows him to sweep with his 109 attack and stab wood hammer and earthquake, with stone edge for perfect converage as a bonus. Throw on a life orb, and this can seriously wreck teams, as long as you remove bulky psychics (uxie) and bulky grasses (tangrowth, venusaur can kind of be an issue, but not much). On to the team.


252 HP - 252 Def - 6 Hp
-Stealth Rock
-Thunder Wave

Uxie is a very reliable lead, and always manages to make it to the later stages of the game. People don't seem to realize psychic does reasonable damage, for example, cloyster gets two layers of spikes up while 3hko it with psychic. I'm considering putting a few more EV's into spec attack to maybe net some more KO's. Rocks go up, support the team with T-Wave, and switched into fighting and ground attacks for registeel later on.


Blaizken@Life Orb
252 Spec Atk - 252 Speed - 6 Hp
-Fire Blast
-Hidden Power Grass
-Vacuum Wave
-Super Power

Blaizken is the wall breaker, he can switch in on something setting up rocks like steelix, throw out a hidden power grass and manage to catch a bulky water a large amount of the time. He doesn't tend to stick around for too long, but if played correctly (not with impatience), he can do a helluva a lot of damage and weaken the teams walls and center pieces to take some of the load off of everyone else.


252 Hp - 176 Def - 80 Spec Atk
-Sleep Talk

Milotic is supposed to be the glue for the team and obligatory bulky water, but has been fairly innefective, whether its the set or not idk. Usually a blissey will switch in and get to status something as surf and toxic don't do anything to it. Any advice here is appreciated.


252 Hp - 102 Atk - 156 Def
-Iron Head
-Thunder wave
-Ice Punch

Registeel is my last defensive piece, and has good synergy with Uxie. He can be a default switch in for so many offensive threats and attack appropriately or T wave to let someone else take care of them later. He has done alright but could be modified if the proposal is a good idea.


Drapion@Choice Band
252 Atk - 252 Speed - 6 HP
-Night Slash
-Ice Fang

Drapion was supposed to help me with those psychics that venusaur hates, and just an offensive threat all together, but has become the guy I'm looking for a replacement for. He doesn't get too many switch ins, and pursuit has only been effective a few times. Suggestions are appreciated


Torterra@Life Orb
252 Attk - 252 Speed - 6 HP
-Wood Hammer
-Stone Edge
-Rock Polish

The star of the team, always manages to get a kill, often more than that, the team around him needs more tweaking. I am considering liechi berry but idk if he needs the power off life orb. Wood Hammer seriously wrecks, but militank can handle him quite easily. Has claimed many un prepared teams. Hates tangrowth and venusaur though.

Your team is currently lacking in natures so I'm going to assume the standard ones.
~Your Uxie Ev spread should have 6Atk, not 6 extra Hp.
~Registeel should run Seismic toss in there for some good consistent damage. (preferably over Ice punch)

Drapion was supposed to help me with those psychics that venusaur hates, and just an offensive threat all together, but has become the guy I'm looking for a replacement for. He doesn't get too many switch ins, and pursuit has only been effective a few times. Suggestions are appreciated/

You have no venusaur. The CB set is pretty bad imo. Run the Pursuit trapper set or standard SD set.

That's it for now.

Your team is currently lacking in natures so I'm going to assume the standard ones.
~Your Uxie Ev spread should have 6Atk, not 6 extra Hp.
~Registeel should run Seismic toss in there for some good consistent damage. (preferably over Ice punch)

You have no venusaur. The CB set is pretty bad imo. Run the Pursuit trapper set or standard SD set.

That's it for now.

crap, my bad, lemme fix. I meant Torterra.
One of the best UU Pokemon to be "the glue that holds the team together" (and which I recommend over Milotic) is Clefable. One of the biggest reasons for this recommendation is Wish support; neither member of your defensive core has any form of recovery. It helps greatly that Clefable laughs at status, even more so if it can cleric. And speaking of status, use Toxic over Thunder Wave on Registeel. Your Uxie already has Thunder Wave; I see little need to have two Pokemon using this move.

I would recommend using Spiritomb over Drapion. On top of having dual STAB priority attacks that are coming off an Atk higher than Drapion's (albeit slightly), it has the incredibly valuable ability to Trick a switch-in and cripple it.
I tried out your suggestions of Clefable and Spiritomb, did not work very well, as it left the team with very little offensive punch, and put too much work on frail blaizken.

Currently restesting CB drapion with Crunch over NS and Poison Jab over Ice Fang

Replaced restalk milotic with life orb tank set