Pokemon Lynchpin Mafia - Signups

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<~Earthworm> ok A_G go ahead with signups

You are wandering about in your peaceful Pokemon town. A dark cloud comes across the sky. You hear four divine voices. "You dare stand in my way? I, Arceus, shall destroy you, and then the humans. They stole my Jewel of life from me!" booms the first voice. A fast voice then comes in a quite timely fashion. "I, Dialga shall help my father Arceus avenge himself on you. Surrender now, and your lives will be spared. I promise the Fast and Timely will not harm those who do not oppose us," Dialga declares. A deathly silence comes about as Giratina declares, "You are constantly ruining my realm. For that, my Deathly servants will destroy you all!" Finally, Palkia's voice resounds, "My Loyal followers, we must stop Dialga and Giratina and Arceus. Protectors of this town, join me." So, you Protectors set about with help from the Loyal to destroy the Fast and Timely and the Deathly. you know that they have infiltrated you, though. So, your first order of business: find the spies.

There are 27 players in this game

RULES (mostly swiped from Maximum Carnage Mafia):
1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game, unless you are mafia and on the same team, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player, unless you are revived.
1.1 There might be a way for the dead to come back in this game.

2. The game will begin on Night 0. Kills are invalid on Night 0, but any other roles are valid. During this time, no one may paste any part of his or her role PM unless they are mafia members on the same team. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM Aura Guardian or polelover44 if you want help creating a fake role PM.

3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are not perfect and will most likely make mistakes in role PMs.

3.1 If you find an error, please contact either Aura Guardian or polelover44 and we will fix it.
3.2 There is at least one mole in this game.

4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM Aura Guardian or polelover44 for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. You also may not screenshot anything related to the game.

5. Each Day period will last 48 hours or until a majority is reached. A grace period of two to three hours will be allowed in the latter case (a majority of votes is up to the host's discretion).

6. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received.

7. During the day you must bold your vote and use vote/voting/lynch/lynching or any variation (I will be lenient with this). To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote or unbold it and post a new vote. You may choose to vote no lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will be nullified. A tie in the vote will cause neither user to be lynched.

8. You may target dead users with your abilities, but that does not mean anything will happen.

9. Priorities are set and will be kept secret. That means don't ask about them.

10. There no items in this game.

11. I should be informed about all google docs, spreadsheets, IRC channels, pastebins, or whatever else you create for this game.

12. IRC use is crucial to communication in this game. If I find any user's neglecting IRC or other communication with his or her team, we will sub out (after prodding of course).

13. If you have any questions about the game, you can find either of us on IRC on #warau, and Aura Guardian on #fluodome. You can find both Aura Guardian and polelover44 under our respective nicks.

14. Send all PMs to Aura Guardian and polelover44, and if you decide not to use an ability on a given night/day, don't forget to PM us "Night/Day X - Idling" to make it much easier for us.

15. This is a double lynchpin game. This does not mean that broken up factions can be broken up more. This means that there are two lynchpins, just like in Maximum Carnage Mafia.

16. If a role PM contradicts the rules, the role PM takes priority.
Reserved (Bold = confirmed):
reyscarface (Priority 2, but not many Priority 1, so...)

Priority 1:

N1 death in Nintendo, but it began N0 - ???
Staraptor Call

Priority 2:
Uncle Sam
Game Freak201
Reserved (Bold = confirmed):

I'd really like to know where you got that one from. I can't remember that I would have said I want reservation in this game. In addition, I have reserved spot in Remoraid Mafia from ages ago, and exams coming up, so I won't have time for 2 mafias. Thus, I decline the offer.

Also, those who were in MGS mafia: It has ended, so you guys can just put P1 in here.
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