1st RMT (OU)

well i started playing shoddy and lurking the forums a while back but i have never really had a great team, until now :)

Team Building
I started off wanting a lead who could use fake out because i love breaking the oh so common focus sash azelf leads, it also provides me with a free hit which is always welcome. Infernape could also set up rocks which is always a great help with sweeping.


I decided that i would need a spin blocker, and one that would last a while too, the rotom forms really stood out for this job. Rotom-h was on of the more useful forms with its ability to scare the hell out of scizor.


My team need something on the offense now and heracross is a pokemon who can provide this. This position is consistently changing though but heracross seems to be my best choice so far.


I always like to have a dragon pokemon on my team because of there generally just great stats and salamence is the fastest in what is currently a speed dominated metagame.


I just thought my team could do with the healing especially since salamence is gonna lose 25% of its health with every switch in if stealth rock is up.


Here i just wanted someone who can hit a variety of pokemon and just be a real bitch, perfect for jirachi.

In Depth

The Lead

Focus Sash
64 Atk/252 SpA/192 Spe
Close Combat
Fire Blast
Fake Out
Stealth Rock

Pretty much my strategy is hit setup and run, with only the very occasional ghost leads of froslass and gengar i can often get out undamaged. However hippowdon can be a real problem and i often wont get to set up because sandstream will break my sash. Other weather starting pokemon generally arent a problem to eliminate but the weather itself is just a pain, it again wrecks my focus sash and leaves infernape open to be anhilated by whatever they choose to switch in next, this is why i often switch to vaporeon as soon as rocks are up.

Wish Support

188 HP/252 Def/68 Spe

This is my go to guy after my lead most of the time, here to stop the common gyarados and starmie counters to infernape, gyarados is extremely easy to take care of just by poisoning it then stalling it until the opponent switches or gyarados faints, starmie is a bit more difficult, i normally try to poison it the go to rotom and take the thunderbolts while hitting it back with discharge. The other problem is when we both switch in vaporeons, this rarely happens but at the few times it has happened i have to switch to rotom again. The ground type counters though i just surf all over unless they switch :)

Spin Blocker

252 HP/120 Def/136S SpD
Sleep Talk
Shadow ball

this guy woorks great as a spin-blocker, discharge and shadow ball makes me able to hit just about everything. The problem is pokemon such as salamence and lucario get a boost on this guy while taking little damage and after they get another boost while i switch pokemon they are pretty unstoppable. My team probably needs a more offensive spin blocker but gengar is just too frail.

Choice Sweeper

Choice Scarf
252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Close Combat
Night Slash
Stone Edge

Too be honest this guy is both my least favourite and least useful pokemon on my team. He is always the last pokemon i show my opponent. But i feel (feel free to prove me wrong) i do need a choice sweeper and of the few i have tried heracross seems to be most effective. Another problem is he is week to fire of which there is an abundance of moves which tend to kill me in one hit even on weaker pokemon.

Boosting Sweeper

Life Orb
232 Atk/24 SpA/252 Spe
Dragon Dance
Fire Blast

With a dragon dance under his belt this guy is a beast, i can 2HKO everything that isnt type steel and i have fire blast and earthquake for them which i usually use anyway to avoid being locked into a move. My main problem is scizor though and he is so common, scizor can kill me with bullet punch after the usual stealth rock and life orb damage which can be a real pain. i usually try avoid this by switching in on a wish weal but it still doesn't always help
The Annoyer

Expert Belt
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
Fire Punch
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Iron Head

Serene grace is probably my favourite ability because of this set, i flinch common walls to death with ease making jirachi a great wall-breaker and have the three punches left to deal with common threats such as gyarados and salamence and with serene grace my chances of statusing the opponent rises to a 20% chance. Jirachi is also reasonably speedy which means when i need it to it can act as an alright sweeper, the versatility of this set is just amazing

thanks for any rates or tips in advance especially if its something to replace herecross :)

Well I suggest a Scarf Tar over Heracross to trap Latias which can stop Salamence from sweeping. Next I would suggest a Bulky DD set so that Scizor is less of a problem but I guess the choice is yours.
Well I suggest a Scarf Tar over Heracross to trap Latias which can stop Salamence from sweeping. Next I would suggest a Bulky DD set so that Scizor is less of a problem but I guess the choice is yours.

i think a sandstrom might be a bit of pain for my team but a pursuit attcker might be good for latias, but i will definately try either bulking salamence up or switching him for a DDnite

thanks for the ideas :toast:
Good team, but maybe replace Shadow Ball on Rotom-a with Will-O-Wisp? Right now, you're pretty much Pursuit bait for Tyranitar, since you can't really touch it.