[Standard] Awesomeness Mafia: Game over! George Bushes and neutrals win!

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You were all going about your normal lives, when one day, you heard a shot. Lying on the ground, holding a smoking gun to his own head, lay polelover44. Next to him was a note.
Dear polelover44, you are King Solomon.

You were once the King of all Israel. The Lord our God granted you a single wish, and you wished for wisdom. Wise choice.

You have two abilities.* Each night or day, you may PM polelover44 with “Day/Night X – Snake bite <user>.” You will tell a snake to bite <user>, killing him.

Alternatively, you may PM polelover44 with “Day/Night X – Change <user1> for <user2>.” Using your infinite wisdom, you may sub <user1> in, removing <user2> from the game.

You are allied with yourself. You have already won.
* - I'd just like to note that most people will not have two abilities.

Just when you were about to mourn this terrible, terrible loss, polelover rose up again. "THERE ARE TRAITORS IN YOUR MIDST. YOU MUST WEED OUT THOSE WHO ARE NOT AWESOME."

The Awesome/Badass/Otherwise Really Cool People are the village
The George Bushes are a mafia
The Internet Memes are a mafia

1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game.

2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may paste the entirety of his or her role PM unless they are mafia members on the same team. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM polelover44 for help in faking a role PM.

3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. I am human and I can make mistakes.

4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM polelover44 for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. You also may not screenshot anything related to the game.

5. Each Day period will last 48 hours or until a majority is reached. A grace period of two to three hours will be allowed in the latter case (a majority of votes is up to the host's discretion).

6. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received.

7. During the day you must bold your vote and use Any Word <User>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will be nullified. A tie in the vote will cause neither user to be lynched.

8. You may target dead users with your abilities.

9. Priorities are set and will be kept secret. Don't even ask about them.

10. There are no items in this game.

11. polelover44 MUST be informed of any IRC channels or spreadsheet/whatever else you create for this game.

12. IRC is not compulsory, but you'll find it of great use during the game.

13. If you have any questions about the game, you can find polelover44 on Smogon, ready to be contacted by PM.

14. Send all PMs to polelover44, and if you decide not to use an ability on a given night/day, don't forget to PM us "Night/Day X - Idling" to make it much easier for me.

15. You HAVE to be active, if you are caught inactive you will be sent a warning PM. If you keep being inactive, you will be subbed out without hesitation, please don't make us do this. :(

16. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.

17. Please talk to me during the game, I get very lonely it will make for a better postgame! Please give reasons for your actions, this will also help.

18. Inspection results are not 100% infallible. Remember that if you get into the game.

19. If you wish to clarify anything related to the game, you may PM polelover44.

23. If you are willing to be a sub for the game in case you do not get selected, you may mention that in your signup post.

Winners: 6 (randomised, alphabetised)
Blue_Tornado / Mario / Priority modifier / Neutral / Won Night 8
zorbees / John McCain / Kidnapper / George Bushes / Won Night 8
Coronis / George W. Bush / Roleblocker / George Bushes / Won Night 8
theangryscientist / Sauron / Mole / George Bushes / Won Night 8

Kharozz / George H. W. Bush / Bodyguard / George Bushes / Won Night 8
assassinfred / Luigi / ability thief / neutral / Won Night 8

Losers: 19
Da Letter El / Severus Snape / Silencer / Awesome people / Shot Day 1
Amake / Admiral Ackbar / Lynch shooter / Awesome people / Lynched Day 1

UncleSam / Chuck Norris / Kidnapper / Internet Memes / Lynched Day 2
Raito / Chocolate Rain / delayed roleblocker / Internet Memes / Godkilled Day 3
-Mind- / James T. Kirk / 2-time vigilante / Awesome people / Killed Night 3
hailflameblast / Han Solo / Rogue / Awesome People / Godkilled Day 4
Slim Guldo / Mudkipz / one-time lpv / Internet Memes / Killed Night 4
Alchemator / Spartacus / Redirector / Awesome People / Lynched Day 5
Spiffy / Ted Kennedy / Twin / Awesome People / Killed Night 5
LightWolf / Joan Of Arc / Hooker / Awesome People / Killed Night 5
AlphaBravo / Theodore Roosevelt / Mayor / Awesome People / Lynched Day 6
Itchni / Samuel L. Jackson / Bodyguard / Awesome People / Killed Night 6
Game Freak201 / Sparta / 1-time vigilante / Awesome People / Killed Night 6
Altair / Blue Man Group / Twin \ 2-time vigilante / Awesome People / Lynched hijacked Day 7
FinnRagetti / Mr. Burns / Persuader / Awesome People / Killed Night 7
Aura Guardian / Kanye West / Kills \ Inspects \ 1-time lynch hijack / Neutral / Killed Night 7
Eo Ut Mortus / Rickroll / Inspector / Internet Memes / Godkilled Night 8
Darkamber8828 / Gary Oak / Y/N Question Asker / Lost Night 8
Team Aether / Joseph Ducreux / Inspector / Lost Night 8
Ok guys, I'll come out straight. I'm an unlynchable wolf by the name of SHOOP DA WHOOP who has a lynch counter that increases the number of times I can kill (I.E. if you try to lynch me, you fail and I get the power to kill once).

I don't appear on the player list until Night 1, and then I appear as whatever I want to appear as.


Oh and I'm required to post this

O o
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Maaan, I didn't get in even though I was P1 (Didn't get to update, I died N0 in AG's game)

I'll be first Sub then, seeing as a lot of P2 people got in >_>

Not fucking fair >_>
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