When The Levies Broke (An OU Warstory)

Welcome to my first real Warstory outside of CAP and one that got locked and burned. I hope you enjoy it!

This battle was with me using my old standard team with a twist named Gyarados thanks to Latias being banned. The name of my game is Semi-Stall. Using some of Stall's best attributes but adding some touch ups to allow for a final Tsunami to victory. This battle was mostly to test Gyarados over Zapdos who I just tried and didn't like. Otherwise it was just me trying to find my way back into the game after being out for a while thanks to school. I'm pretty casual about laddering but this match was pretty drawn out thanks to the styles of each team but there's definitely some nice parts a long the way.

Here's the team:


The original Opponent's name is replaced by Bob the Filler for anonymity.

Bob The Filler's moves will look like this.
familyguyman's moves will look like this.
other text will look like this.
Leftovers will be removed.
Sandstorm/hail damage will be removed.
Scores will be shown after each KO.

Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
Bob The Filler sent out Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
familyguyman sent out Roserade (lvl 100 Roserade ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
A sandstorm brewed!

Ok, first turn and I know I am likely facing full Stall. This means entry hazards will be the focus for my opponent. Now, my main strategy is to set up for an Empoleon sweep so Toxic Spikes for Blissey are a priority. However, I know I can really slow my opponent down for the whole match by prevent Stealth Rocks from going up.

Roserade used Leaf Storm.
It's super effective!
Hippowdon lost 100% of its health.
Bob The Filler's Hippowdon fainted.
Roserade's special attack was harshly lowered.
The sandstorm rages.

Alright! No Stealth Rocks will really help me keep my team fresh as most of them won't be taking any entry hazard damage at all.

Bob The Filler switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).

Rotom-H is a bit of a dilemma for me as it can run a variety of sets. If it's a straight up defensive set, I can out speed and Sleep it. If it's a Choice Scarf set, anyone I switch in can be tagged hard by the right move. I weight my options and I land on keeping Roserade in since 1) Rotom might not be Scarf'd and 2) It might over predict and not use Overheat.

Rotom-h used Overheat.
It's super effective!
Roserade lost 94% of its health.
familyguyman's Roserade fainted.
Rotom-h's special attack was harshly lowered.

Which is promptly does! I was wrong on both counts and this will hinder me greatly against the expected Blissey; she can now wall my key Pokemon and there's not much I can do. I figure now is as good a time as any to get my own hazards up since a weakened Rotom is not much of a threat even to Hippowdon.

familyguyman switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Bob The Filler switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Hippowdon used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

Perfect. Now I can start piling up some damage and hopefully out predict my opponent to keep him switching around to wear himself out. I also know I am against full Stall for sure at this point so Blissey is out there so I need to get her into kill range somehow.

Skarmory used Torment.
Hippowdon was subjected to Torment!
Hippowdon used Roar.
Bob The Filler switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Blissey lost 12% of its health.

Two things happen here. TormentSkarm is worrying as I am not very familiar with how to work around Torment. I am a casual player and I do most of my playing in the summer between school but I try to keep up with the metagame and Torment has only become popular more recently. Alas, I'll get to learn what it's about but more to the point I won't be able to p-haze around at will. This also reveals Blissey, as expected. I am quite worried now and my attention to the match picks up. I'm going to need a lot of focus to work myself into a winning position.

Bob The Filler switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Hippowdon used Earthquake.
It doesn't affect Skarmory...

I go for the damage here since I can't Roar but to no avail. I do succeed in making my opponent switch around though, which is paramount at this point.

Skarmory used Protect.
Skarmory protected itself!
Hippowdon used Roar.
Skarmory protected itself!

Ugh, this is really frustrating. I really can't do anything to this Skarmory which means I have to switch, which really reduces any momentum I had going.

familyguyman switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Spikes go up and I assume my opponent is satisfied to get his first hazards in play. However, I am in a conundrum. He doesn't know what set I am running and I don't know what he's thinking which means both of us have to be cautious. In my experience caution means Blissey. Yet similar to captain Ahab chasing his white whale, my haste to kill the pink whale makes me go for Trick, as obvious as it may be, only to learn a good lesson about TormentSkarm and classical literature.

Skarmory used Protect.
Skarmory protected itself!
Rotom-h used Trick.
Skarmory protected itself!

I should have expected that as it is more cautious than blindly switching into a set you don't know. It seems I have read my opponent correctly but my lack of modern experience is showing. Damn kids and your new fangled ideas! I now have to switch to regain some form of momentum. I expect he will do the same and it won't be to Blissey as he is as cautious as can be right now.

Bob The Filler switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Pointed stones dug into Rotom-h.
Rotom-h lost 12% of its health.
familyguyman switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Hippowdon was hurt by Spikes!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.

I didn't know what he'd bring in but I figured Hippowdon is a fairly robust option plus he lets me get back to p-hazing, which is what I need to do.

Rotom-h used Trick.
Rotom-h obtained Leftovers!
Hippowdon obtained Choice Scarf!
Hippowdon used Roar.
Bob The Filler switched in Tentacruel (lvl 100 Tentacruel ?).
Pointed stones dug into Tentacruel.
Tentacruel lost 12% of its health.

Bah, hoisted by my own petard! Even worse is I bring in the spinner. Hippo's role on my team is to set up Rocks then sit there and look pretty as he shuffles my opponent's team. I can't have my Rocks spun as that will ruin me going forward.

familyguyman switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Tentacruel used Toxic Spikes.
Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Now my caution is exploited. I'm not so much on the back foot as Toxic Spikes don't scare me but now I am back to the reason I sometimes hate Scarf-Rotom: what do I do? Do I try to Trick again and hope for the best? Do I go for the kill? Do I compromise with Shadow Ball in hopes of hitting Rotom coming in to absorb the Trick while hitting Tentacruel decently hard?

Bob The Filler switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Pointed stones dug into Rotom-h.
Rotom-h lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-h lost 31% of its health.

My thinking was that Rapid Spin posed a big threat and Thunderbolt would still hurt any switch in to an extent. Plus he's shown he won't switch in Blissey to my Rotom on instinct. Shadow Ball would have been the safer and possibly wiser choice but Thunderbolt still did reasonable damage. At this point I feel the mind games are starting to get deep and involved. He now knows my attack but I feel he might try to pull one over on me so I stay in to attack.

Bob The Filler switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Blissey lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
Blissey lost 15% of its health.

Ah Blissey comes back to the party. While I may only have grazed her, I think I've got my opponent figured. He does not take risks very willingly with his team. I feel I can exploit this down the road. Right now, I got for my Latias replacement, who I think might work even better.

familyguyman switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
Gyarados's Intimidate cut Blissey's attack!
Blissey used Wish.
Blissey made a wish!

Gyarados is lovely on this team since he provides a much needed physical presence while maintaining the Shuffling and fabulous bulk I look for. I figure with Wish, Protect is coming but he could very well switch or something and I want to prevent Blissey from getting any HP iback.

Blissey used Toxic.
Gyarados was badly poisoned!
Gyarados used Roar.
Bob The Filler switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Pointed stones dug into Rotom-h.
Rotom-h lost 12% of its health.
The wish came true!
Rotom-h restored 50% of its health.

Gyarados is hurt by poison!
Gyarados lost 6% of its health.

Poison does not bother RestTalk Gyarados much and I keep Blissey wearing down according to plan. Of course I draw Rotom who immediately forces me out as Gyarados is way to valuable to risk losing. But I now start using my opponent's low risk play to my advantage.

familyguyman switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Hippowdon was hurt by Spikes!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.
Hippowdon was poisoned!
Hippowdon was poisoned by the Toxic Spikes!
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It doesn't affect Hippowdon...

Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.

An important note is that I poison Hippowdon before Toxic Spikes gets 2 layers which can be critical. Now Hippowdon has to do what he does best, even Scarfed and that's to start Shuffling!

Bob The Filler switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Hippowdon used Roar.
Bob The Filler switched in Tentacruel (lvl 100 Tentacruel ?).
Pointed stones dug into Tentacruel.
Tentacruel lost 12% of its health.

Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.

I notice that my opponent switches a lot. Perhaps he forgot Rotom has Lefties now and isn't stuck on Thunderbolt. Maybe he thinks I have Crunch. I don't know but I don't care, more damage gets spread as I continue to wear out my opponent slowly but surely. The current situation lends itself to Skarmory so he can start Spiking up the place, I know my opponent will get his Toxic Spikes down.

familyguyman switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Tentacruel used Toxic Spikes.
Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

I am feeling pretty good now as I'm not taking much damage or letting my opponent do much of anything. I use this advantage to lay down some Spikes, they will help against most of his team even if I lose Rocks.

Tentacruel used Rapid Spin.
Tentacruel blew away the pointed stones!
It's not very effective...
Skarmory lost 1% of its health.
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

With a fresh coat of paint down, I go for the kill, I don't want Tentacruel around to Rapid Spin. I figure I can hurt almost anything he's got left.

Bob The Filler switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
Heatran was hurt by Spikes!
Heatran lost 12% of its health.
Skarmory used Brave Bird.
It's not very effective...
Heatran lost 15% of its health.
Skarmory was hit by recoil!
Skarmory lost 5% of its health.

Now this threw me for a loop as I am even less familiar with full Stall running Heatran. I don't know what to do here so I go for my trusty, all purpose Heatran counter, I really don't have many options and a double switch from my opponent has been registered as unlikely.

familyguyman switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
Gyarados's Intimidate cut Heatran's attack!
Heatran used Torment.
Gyarados was subjected to Torment!

Gyarados is hurt by poison!
Gyarados lost 6% of its health.

Argh! TormentTran is another alien concept to me. This really puts me on the back foot and I have to do my best to keep up with the predictions. I do know by now that Protect will be inevitable but I don't have many choices again.

Heatran used Protect.
Heatran protected itself!
Gyarados used Waterfall.
Heatran protected itself!

Gyarados is hurt by poison!
Gyarados lost 12% of its health.

Now I've wasted his Protect and am free to Roar whatever he switches in around. I also start keeping an eye on the HP bar as poison is creeping up.

Bob The Filler switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Gyarados used Roar.
Bob The Filler switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
Blissey was hurt by Spikes!
Blissey lost 12% of its health.

Gyarados is hurt by poison!
Gyarados lost 18% of its health.

Roar shows how much it misses Stealth Rock support and Skarmory pops up as a big nuisance but luckily I bring out Blissey again! She must be getting tired by now and I realize I am close to a winning position, even at 5-5. If I can soften Blissey a bit more and get Empoleon in on Tentacruel or Skarmory, or even TormentTran, I win. That's the mission now

Blissey used Protect.
Blissey protected itself!
Gyarados used Waterfall.
Blissey protected itself!

Gyarados is hurt by poison!
Gyarados lost 24% of its health.

I have no choice here, I have to rest as I cannot leave Gyarados in or Waterfall and I might not have another chance to heal up. I assume a Wish is coming followed by Protect. However, my opponent knows my whole team except Empoleon and so far it’s mostly Stall. Perhaps he values Blissey less than I value taking her out and will be a bit risky, which at this point I don’t expect.

Gyarados used Rest.
Gyarados fell asleep!
Gyarados restored 67% of its health.
Blissey used Wish.
Blissey made a wish!

As I guessed, now he will either Protect or switch to something weak. Not that it matters to me, Gyarados is pretty useless Tormented and asleep, Sleep Talk or not.

Bob The Filler switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
Heatran was hurt by Spikes!
Heatran lost 12% of its health.
familyguyman switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
The wish came true!
Heatran restored 21% of its health.

Hmm. It looks like he really likes his Heatran and why not? Torment has so far been great at keeping me off balance. However I am in a bad place. Skarmory is not Heatran’s buddy when it comes to taking hits. Therefore, I should switch but I know my opponent will play the safest move possible and I don’t think it’s Fire Blast.

Heatran used Torment.
Skarmory was subjected to Torment!
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Sweet! Now that I have another layer down, I am tempting fate by staying in. I can’t hurt Heatran much, I can’t Spike again, I could switch but I could also Whirlwind and try to wear down some more foes. Once again, I don’t expect much from my opponent.

Heatran used Protect.
Heatran protected itself!
Skarmory used Whirlwind.
Heatran protected itself!

Now this move strikes me as odd. Does TormentTran not have Fire Blast? I know Torment is there, I suspect Substitute and Protect. The last move surely must be Fire Blast or Lava Plume…right? A quick scan of the smogon guide suggests it might be Taunt but then…why not Taunt? I don’t really know the answer but it doesn’t matter, Skarmory has to come out, I don’t want to risk a third round of switch out psyche out.

familyguyman switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
Gyarados's Intimidate cut Heatran's attack!
Heatran used Substitute.
Heatran lost 25% of its health.
Heatran made a substitute!

Gyarados is my only Fire absorber and he doesn’t really fear much from Heatran. I know Torment is coming but all I can do is Sleep Talk and hope for the best.

Heatran used Torment.
Gyarados was subjected to Torment!
Gyarados is fast asleep!
Gyarados used Sleep Talk.
Gyarados used Rest.
But it failed!

Well that sucked. Now, I don’t know the rules to Sleep Talk + Torment with regards to Struggle. But I have no alternative other than to do nothing. I figure that’s worth it as I doubt Struggle will do anything other than cost me HP and Heatran can’t touch me so I’ll burn time on my Sleep counter and click Roar for the hell of it.

Heatran used Magma Storm.
It's not very effective...
Gyarados lost 18% of its health.
Gyarados was trapped in a vortex!!
Gyarados is fast asleep!

Gyarados is hurt by Magma Storm!
Gyarados lost 6% of its health.

In all my years of playing off and on, I’ve never seen Magma Storm. I get the idea but question why he didn’t use this on Skarmory earlier (accuracy perhaps?). No matter, I’m stuck here so I might as well make the most of it. I try to Roar here as I wake up to force out Heatran and end the Storm.
Heatran used Protect.
Heatran protected itself!
Gyarados woke up!
Gyarados used Roar.
Heatran protected itself!

Gyarados is hurt by Magma Storm!
Gyarados lost 6% of its health.

Of course I get out thought. Why couldn’t I stay asleep one more turn! Oh well, good thing my other option is Waterfall which will surely break Heatran’s Sub and force Heatran into a corner.

Heatran used Substitute.
But it failed!
Gyarados used Waterfall.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Heatran!
Heatran's substitute faded!

Gyarados is hurt by Magma Storm!
Gyarados lost 6% of its health.

See, I’ve got Heatran trapped in his own game. All I can do is Roar then Waterfall and repeat. All he can do is launch weak Magma Storms, Sub or risk Protect working. Because I am slower and he had a Sub to begin with, all my Waterfalls will cause him to lose 25% HP and get broken immediately and then he has to Protect my Roar or get sent out. He can’t win this match up and all I have to do is watch out for 6% damage each turn, which isn’t enough to stop me.

Heatran used Protect.
Heatran protected itself!
Gyarados used Roar.
Heatran protected itself!

Gyarados is hurt by Magma Storm!
Gyarados lost 6% of its health.
Heatran used Substitute.
Heatran lost 25% of its health.
Heatran made a substitute!
Gyarados used Waterfall.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Heatran!
Heatran's substitute faded!

Gyarados is hurt by Magma Storm!
Gyarados lost 6% of its health.
Heatran used Protect.
Heatran protected itself!
Gyarados used Roar.
Heatran protected itself!

Gyarados was released from Magma Storm!

I am free but why should I stop my winning maneuvers?
Heatran used Substitute.
Heatran lost 25% of its health.
Heatran made a substitute!
Gyarados used Waterfall.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Heatran!
Heatran's substitute faded!

Heatran used Protect.
Heatran protected itself!
Gyarados used Roar.
Heatran protected itself!

Bob The Filler switched in Tentacruel (lvl 100 Tentacruel ?).
Tentacruel was hurt by Spikes!
Tentacruel lost 19% of its health.
Gyarados used Waterfall.
It's not very effective...
Tentacruel lost 17% of its health.

Finally he realizes he’s lost that battle and goes to his best option against Gyarados. Now, I can only Roar or switch. I know he can Spin me again but that doesn’t matter, I have both my hazard users alive and able (mostly). Other than that, Tentacruel is no threat to Gyarados, so I might as well shuffle to gain a favourable matchup. I don’t want Rotom eating a Surf or Hydro Pump.

Tentacruel used Knock Off.
Gyarados lost 4% of its health.
Tentacruel knocked off foe Gyarados's Leftovers!
Gyarados used Roar.
Bob The Filler switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
Blissey was hurt by Spikes!
Blissey lost 19% of its health.

I suspect he predicted I’d go for Rotom and he’d take off my Scarf removing the Trick threat. Gyarados did lose his trusty Leftovers and is now susceptible to Sandstorm damage. He’s kind of beat up but he’s still a sturdy mofo and can always Rest in a punch. Thankfully Blissey is ever nearing kill range. Despite Gyrados being 100% predictable, I decide to keep chugging along as he can still smack Blissey good if she misplays.

Blissey used Protect.
Blissey protected itself!
Gyarados used Waterfall.
Blissey protected itself!

Awesome! Now I can Roar her away and she can’t heal, that’s more damage on the next entry, I think enough to be KO’d.

Blissey used Wish.
Blissey made a wish!
Gyarados used Roar.
Bob The Filler switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).

Now I’ve got him in a bind. He can bring in Blissey to heal but Waterfall would kill her. He can stay in and Spike or Whirlwind me out, or Toxic I suppose, but I am faster and I need health. I don’t really care what he does, it won’t bother Gyarados much, if at all.

Bob The Filler switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Gyarados used Rest.
Gyarados fell asleep!
Gyarados restored 70% of its health.
The wish came true!
Rotom-h restored 31% of its health.

Now the obvious option would be to switch but here’s the 411. I have Blissey in kill range, I need Tentacruel to come in so I can get Empoleon in and sweep, nothing he has can stop that, not even Tentacruel himself. That means Gyarados becomes instantly expendable and I don’t want to risk any of my other Pokemon. So stay in I shall.

Rotom-h used Hidden Power.
It doesn't affect Gyarados...
Gyarados is fast asleep!
Gyarados used Sleep Talk.
Gyarados used Rest.
But it failed!

Yay for uneventful turns. I suspect he thinks my last Pokemon is some sort of Steel, possibly Heatran as there’s no other reason for HP Ground. He knows I have no safe switch in other than possibly my last Mon so this makes sense, I guess he didn’t think I’d be crazy enough to stay in. Oh and once again Sleep Talk does nothing, but I don’t need it to at this point. Commence the falling of the dominoes. Step one, sac Gyarados to bring in Rotom safely.

Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Gyarados lost 88% of its health.
familyguyman's Gyarados fainted.

Step two, bring in Rotom after which I have a choice. I can Shadowball and hope to nail Rotom or I can T-Bolt as I suspect he will switch, the safe thing at this point as I have nothing safe myself to bring into Rotom, he should really be kept alive. Therefore, I T-Bolt.

familyguyman switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Bob The Filler switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
Blissey was hurt by Spikes!
Blissey lost 19% of its health.
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
A critical hit!
Blissey lost 10% of its health.
Bob The Filler's Blissey fainted.

Score! Blissey is dead, I might not even need Empoleon after all. This game is not going as elegantly as I’d hope. My strategy isn’t perfectly picking my opponent apart but it’s working and that’s all that matters.

Bob The Filler switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
Heatran was hurt by Spikes!
Heatran lost 19% of its health.

Why mess with success? Heatran even very bulky ones, won’t like T-Bolts.

Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
Heatran lost 34% of its health.
Heatran used Torment.
Rotom-h was subjected to Torment!

Ah, now a choice. Do I switch and give Heatran room to breathe? He can’t sub as he’s at 24% HP (w00t) but he can cause mischief to whatever I switch in. I know he will do something like Protect to gain HP back into Sub range, then he can play his games. Therefore, I Struggle. If he Protects, I burn the turn, if he switches, meh, not a big deal.

Heatran used Protect.
Heatran protected itself!
Rotom-h used Struggle.
Heatran protected itself!

Heatran is now screwed. Stay in and die or switch out and be unable to do much upon return. I go for the kill here as I should be able to smack anything he brings in pretty well.

Bob The Filler switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-h lost 29% of its health.

Hmm, Rotom. I’m locked into T-Bolt which isn’t hitting all that hard. I expect Shadow Ball as I feel Rotom really threatens his team. Furthermore, my Shadow Ball switch in, Skarmory, is not needed anymore, so I can mispredict and be ok.
familyguyman switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Skarmory lost 100% of its health.
familyguyman's Skarmory fainted.

Not ideal as I love to keep my team alive but no matter. Go Rotom! Get revenge for your comrade!

familyguyman switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).

As both of us fear each other’s Rotom, I feel a switch coming. That means I T-Bolt.

Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-h lost 31% of its health.
Rotom-h is paralysed! It may be unable to move!

A bit of hax but it’s not that important at this point. Hippowdon could just Roar Rotom out, even if he dies doing it and then Empoleon could come in and sweep. But anways.

Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-h lost 33% of its health.

Now that I know I’ve pretty much won, I often sac my whole team to let Empoleon pull a reverse all kill just to build a smile on my opponent’s face and take it away and also to avoid Shuffling. Therefore, I continue to trade blows, even though Rotom is pretty much dead for me thanks to Sandstorm.

[Rotom-h used Thunderbolt. /B]
[It's not very effective... /B]
[Rotom-h lost 29% of its health. /B]
[Rotom-h used Thunderbolt. /B]
[It's not very effective... /B]
[Rotom-h lost 5% of its health. /B]
familyguyman's Rotom-h fainted.

I bring in Hippowdon for no real reason other than to get Rocks back up (killing Heatran upon re-entry) and to die and let Empoleon Surf to victory.

familyguyman switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Hippowdon was hurt by Spikes!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.
Hippowdon used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It doesn't affect Hippowdon...
Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.

I guess he figured I’d switch or was waiting for me to kill him. He must really think I have Crunch over Slack Off. Oh well, I’ll just keep wasting time until I succumb to poison.


Hippowdon used Stealth Rock.
But it failed!
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It doesn't affect Hippowdon...

Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.
Hippowdon used Stealth Rock.
But it failed!
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It doesn't affect Hippowdon...

Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.
Hippowdon used Stealth Rock.
But it failed!
Rotom-h used Thunderbolt.
It doesn't affect Hippowdon...

Hippowdon is hurt by poison!
Hippowdon lost 7% of its health.
familyguyman's Hippowdon fainted.

And finally, step 3, Empoleon sweepy sweep. Now, because Rotom is paralyzed, I can just poke him to kill him. If I hadn’t gotten that luck, I would have Roar’d with Hippowdon, let whatever came in kill me or keep on Roaring, then bring in Empoleon and sweep anyway.

familyguyman switched in Empoleon (lvl 100 Empoleon ?).
Empoleon was hurt by Spikes!
Empoleon lost 12% of its health.
Empoleon used Surf.
Rotom-h lost 11% of its health.
Bob The Filler's Rotom-h fainted.

1 Down.

Bob The Filler switched in Tentacruel (lvl 100 Tentacruel ?).
Pointed stones dug into Tentacruel.
Tentacruel lost 12% of its health.
Tentacruel was hurt by Spikes!
Tentacruel lost 19% of its health.
Tentacruel used Knock Off.
It's not very effective...
Empoleon lost 2% of its health.
Tentacruel knocked off foe Empoleon's Petaya Berry!
Empoleon used Agility.
Empoleon's speed was sharply raised.

I lose my happy power booster but I get the speed I need to finish the job.

Empoleon used Surf.
It's not very effective...
Tentacruel lost 8% of its health.
Bob The Filler's Tentacruel fainted.

2 Down.

Bob The Filler switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Empoleon used Surf.
Skarmory lost 65% of its health.
Skarmory used Torment.
Empoleon was subjected to Torment!

Skarmory didn’t die but whatever, I can just Sub.

Skarmory used Protect.
Skarmory protected itself!
Empoleon used Substitute.
Empoleon lost 25% of its health.
Empoleon made a substitute!

Empoleon used Surf.
A critical hit!
Skarmory lost 29% of its health.
Bob The Filler's Skarmory fainted.

3 Down.

Bob The Filler has left the room.

Rage quit! Heatran had no chance.

familyguyman wins!

This log was formatted using Warmachine Version 1.0

My opponent’s Team:


So that’s it. A long Stall war with a Tsunami finish. It definitely wasn’t the best match from either of us but it was interesting in the details, especially with very similar styles. I feel there was a lot of guess work which makes for some questionable calls but that’s the point of learning, right?

Gyarados for being a pimp replacement to Latias
Rotom-H for kicking ass and taking names all match long
My opponent’s Rotom-H for keeping me on my toes all match long
Empoleon as usual for just being fun to work with
Torment for teaching me some lessons on how to deal with new sets
No significant hax either way

His Hippowdon for doing nothing then dieing
Roserade for only killing Hippowdon then dieing

The lack of overwhelming Slops or Props shows how both teams work as a team. No one really was the star except maybe Rotom, who drew the most attention in my opinion.

I hope you liked it! Please leave comments and criticisms.
Nice battle. A stall match is something not seen often as a warstory (for obvious reasons) but I think this was a good read considering you had your toxic spikes removed and had to devise a plan to eliminate Blissy and was successful.


It's pretty evident right from the beginning that this match is Stall v. Stall so if you don't like that then theres a back button on your browser people.
Pretty good read. Commentary was lacking at times but sufficient overall, good presentation, and entertaining battle, although I could see the Empoleon sweep a mile away.
I don't mean to offend, but I'm not impressed by the quality of the battle. Stopped reading after I saw that skarm didn't set up any spikes (on both sides). The opening plays were also way over aggressive. Why would you risk your roserade dying if you thought your opponent ran full stall? It's pretty easy to switch out and switch it back in later. Toxic spikes are also great against stall. Yeah, mistakes on both sides imo.
I don't mean to offend, but I'm not impressed by the quality of the battle. Stopped reading after I saw that skarm didn't set up any spikes (on both sides). The opening plays were also way over aggressive. Why would you risk your roserade dying if you thought your opponent ran full stall? It's pretty easy to switch out and switch it back in later. Toxic spikes are also great against stall. Yeah, mistakes on both sides imo.

I don't deny it. I appreciate criticisms as it helps me improve as a battler and Warstory teller. My thought process was that I didn't want Stealth Rocks which would inhibit Gyarados and Rotom way too much. I felt the liberty to switch my core at will was worth not getting up my Toxic Spikes.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I know Stallfests aren't the stuff of legends (well usually) but I am appreciative of you taking the time to read it.
Cool war story mate nice to read!
Try adding few more pictures inbetween moves takes the sight away from the heavy text.
Nice warstory! Stall Vs. Stall can get a little heavy on the eyes at times thought, as Scimjara said put some pictures in. Also to help with your battling, rest only lasts for two turns (on shoddy at least) which is very handy to know when using a resttalker. I thought you decision at the beginning of the match to take out Hippowdon was a good move, and I ended up liking the warstory 4/5 (To many warstorys have an empolean endgame sweep).
This was pretty damn cool. I enjoyed it quite a lot. Couple of misplays keep it down (leaving Roserade in was suspect, to say the least), but still an 8/10.
I was thinking of putting pics but I have no idea where to find the cute little pics.

Thanks again for the feedback everyone :)

I think you can just copy them from this site... copy image location and then put it in an image tag. If there's an Abomasnow here, this works. If otherwise, ignore me.


EDIT: so yeah, it works. Just go to the Strategy Pokedex and go to each individual 'mon.
I don't mean to offend, but I'm not impressed by the quality of the battle. Wanted to [stop] reading after I saw that skarm didn't set up any spikes (on both sides). The opening plays were also way over aggressive. Why would you risk your roserade dying if you thought your opponent ran full stall? It's pretty easy to switch out and switch it back in later. Toxic spikes are also great against stall. Yeah, mistakes on both sides imo.
I liked this; although it was Stall v. Stall and the beginning was rather aggressive, the tactful playing kept me reading. Familyguyman knew what he was doing the whole match.
