CAP 11 CAP 11 - Name Submissions

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Duleur (duel + doleur) which means dual pain in french.

That looks really painful to the eye. With such an uncommon mix of sounds, my mind starts twisting on its own trying to say "Dyoo-lee-yoor???"

Something like Dollor or Dulor might work better for your submission.

from 'doldrums'= stagnation, festering and gloominess

fits the Dark typing, and the doldrums suits the punished, gloomy life CAP11 lived
Not a final submission:
Pincrushen (Pin-crush-en)

Pincushion corrupted to include crush for fighting-typiness.

I also like Needoll and Voodoom so far.
Some of these submission need a "How to pronounce it" selection within the post. May increase your chances of people liking it if they can easily pronounce the word without getting a headache or something. This can be especially true if you have a speech problem (i.e Me) and have a hell of a time pronouncing words.

Anyway right now I cast my support towards Voodoom and Pinlaos. Voodoom is simple, effective, and got used to the name long before the name thread appeared. Pinlaos seems rather creative of ReachZero, adding some more voodoo lore into the Pokemon via name. Now once I figure out how to properly pronounce the name I probably like it even more.
Umbrawl would sound catchy enough. It's hard to think of a name that incorporates the design, Dark and fighting all at once, so sticking to one or too is a nice, safe strategy.
Just making sure it doesnt get ridiculous like Necropincrush or something.

Raggedoom (rag-a-doom) as a second opinion.
Although voodoom will most likely win, I have an idea for a name
will probably lose, but I like it.

I also like Grudge. But I'm not so sure
I think Voodoom is perfect. It suits the Pokemon and its typing flawlessly, and it sounds "Pokemonesque," if you will.

Corruption of voodoo ('vudu') b+ kurai, which is Japanese for 'dark'. I like Voodoom, but I figured I might as well throw a name out there, and this is the best one I can think of so far, so....
Another idea along with Voojitsu is Voothless
This is Voodoo+Ruthless, which I think helps bring out its strength of a fighting type, and the darkness of its..well..dark type.
Still think voodoom will win though.
Voojitsu? Hahaha I love that name. Maybe people will stop bitching about how this guy isn't a Fighting-type -.- It sounds like some kind of martial art based on voodoo, which fits the typing pretty well. Pincrushen sounds pretty catchy, too.

This is added to my liking of Puppetear, though now that I think about it CAP 11 isn't really a puppet...

Possible modifications to my submission: Stitchit, Stitchface (original). X-Act commented on it on IRC but there's been no suggestion for improvements.
Vooju and Judoo are options. The first is obviously Voodoo + Juju; the second rearranges these to include Judo.

Jeetkundol would be pretty amazing. We need a Bruce Lee CAP sometime.

Needlost, Dollost, and Forsakill are just some lame throwaways, but they might sound catchier to you than they do to me!
To toss some ideas out:

Misfist - "Misfit" and "Fist"
Misfit encompasses the feel of a loner, while having an obvious dark conotation. It seems to fit well with the general idea of the Pokemon, taking abuse for being less than the norm.
Fist is the obvious fighting tie in that flows well with the pre-exsisting word base.

Effedgy - "Effigy" and "Edgy"
Effiigy is the more correct term for the typical voodoo doll, given it's supposed to be based on the looks of another person in order to channel the black magic.
Edgy again brings about the tormented fighter theme that the backstory seems based off of to cover both types decently.

Pinnuckle - "Pin" and "Knuckle"
Very simple concept, an obvious physical feature and a type theme. When said aloud, it sounds very similair to pinacle which in my opinion gives it a nice ring.

Karizmaul - "Karma", "Charismatic" and "Maul"
I feel karma fits this Pokemon like a boxing glove, its backstory is of taking abuse and its purpose now is to dish it back out. Charismatic here refers to the sense of charm in sorcery, not the commonday sense of it, referring to its obvious charmed puppet design and the speical attack/magical prowess. Maul is the shameless fighting tie in that flows, reffering to pummeling. This one feels kinda wizardy which I like xD

Feedback appreciated, just some quick ideas.
Vodoom does just cover it perfectly actually dosnt it?
I also like Puppetear but that just dosnt really seem right as a name in a way, idk...
Maybe something like Pupbeater (incorporating the word 'beater') to including the fighting typing?
I humbly submit:


(a portmanteau of voodoo and jujitsu)
-my thought is that the VOODOO part of the name already implies darkness. It's the fighting type that needs to be highlited, and DOOM just further emphasizes that it's a dark pokemon. For that, I suggest VOOJITSU which nicely encapsulates that the pokemon is:
-A voodoo doll.

oh crap someone else posted it before I could get to it in this thread =(. I knew that would happen if I didn't get to it soon enough. Figured I shouldn't have mentioned it in another thread if I wanted credit for it here . . . oh well. I'll be voting for it at least.

edit 2:
Wait. nevermind. he didn't make it his final submission yet? What's that mean?

Edit 3:
ok so it's cleared up now then, I just have to post the thread where I made this original submission and it becomes my intellectual property. Okay so let's do this:
Sticking with it now.

Final Submission

becuase... hey wait a minute?!
damn you hedgedawg!

Final Submission
let's do it.
sry hedgedawg
Sonix The Hedgedawg said:
oh crap someone else posted it before I could get to it in this thread =(. I knew that would happen if I didn't get to it soon enough. Figured I shouldn't have mentioned it in another thread if I wanted credit for it here . . . oh well. I'll be voting for it at least.
By mentioning it in the other thread or on IRC, you "coin" it there and become the original author. Only you can submit it as a final submission in this thread, all others will be ignored. (This is the same thing someone almost tried to pull with Doug's Voodoom name)
ooh so close with voojitsu.
curse you other threads.
guess i'll just have to have this as my
Final Submission

by the way, just to clear it up, i had no idea about you saying that hegdedawg, sry for the confuzzlement

Fist + stuffed + corruption of 'tough'

I went back to English. (on that note, I really like Misfist - really flows off the tongue, fun to say, captures the concept well. I'm just throwing stuff at a wall and hoping it sticks for now....)
Final Submission:


Voodoo + Capoeira

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines martial arts, music, and dance. Voodoo symbolizes the Dark-type and Capoeira the Fighting-type. What I imagine is that it could make music which summoms spirits to gather (dance and stuff?). It may seem weird but I'll explain below.

Fakes and feints are also an extremely important element in capoeira games. The setting of traps or illusory movements are very common.

Sometimes the songs are about life or love lost.

The Chamada is a ritual that takes place within the game of Capoeira Angola. Chamada means 'call', and consists of one player 'calling' their opponent to participate in the ritual.
I would imagine it would summon spirits as traps or illusions to fool with the opponent and use this as a defensive tactic as illusions and evasive techniques are commonly used. Chamada calls the opponent (or could be spirits) to participate in the ritual, in this case voodoo.

As for the song part. The backstory from DougJustDoug's post is that it was abused and punished and I would assume it lost it's life/love from that and is ready for payback (voodoo).

Malandragem is an attitude derived from the mindset of the malandro and is a unique and distinguishing characteristic of the art of capoeira.
Malandro translates to malice. So that would be the attitude/mindset of the Pokemon.
I like Voodoom the best. It's sounds like a pokemon name to me (only in CAP would that be a complement : P) and I think GF would use the word "Voodoo" in some way if they made a voodoo pokemon.

Voojitsu is pretty clever too, but maybe too silly.
Duleur (duel + doleur) which means dual pain in french.
If I may, DOLOR is "pain" in spanish. if you fix the name up to be something more like: DOLLOR it would highlight "pain" and "voodoo doll". it rolls off the tongue a little more easily than Duleur, which is the only reason I mention it. Or, if you want to be a little closer to your original concept, even Dulor would flow okay.
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