Team Violation [OU Peaked 29th on leaderboard 1516]


Hey there Smogon its Kel here with a RMT I took a long break from pokemon for about 5 months and this is my first time reaching the ladder since then so that feels nice as I was a little rusty. Im not going to battle to ladder on shoddy with this team anymore but I will probably use it for some shoddy tournaments or whatever comes up so I figured I would post it here and make it as good as it can possibly be before I convert it into one of my wifi teams (which is what I usually do with my succesfull shoddy teams). It started out great and my CRE rose but then I just kept getting haxed and haxed...and haxed lol so I just said enough is enough and I decided to not try again. The team started out when I was just laddering one day and I kept encountering drangon dance tyranitar that seem to have some success against the team I was using so then I decided my team was going to be based around a dragon dance tyranitar often getting the late game sweep but I made some changes, and it basically evolved into a plain old offense team.​

I tried some pokemon that I never really used before on this team, and found them to be very useful, The result surprised me a little to say the least. As stated above I orginally had the team build to help dent or take out some of DD tars counters but found it rather succesfull working as a team as a whole, and not so much focusing on trying to sweep with one pokemon..So simple game plan attack switch attack! simple yes but it landed me to 29th on leaderboard which I know isn't that good but im still pretty proud of my team!​

But enough talk lets get onto this RMT​






Bronzong @ Lum Berry

Ability: Heatproof
Nature: Sassy [+SpD, -Spe]
Ev's: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SpD
~ Stealth Rock
~ Earthquake
~ Gyro Ball
~ Explosion

Bronzong. Once a leading giant it isnt often seen as a lead anymore but I like this set a lot lum berry lets me take the sleep from roserade or any other random thing and still get up stealth rock. Heatproof is amazing on this thing and allows me to surprise kill a lot of heatrans or infernapes or any other type of fire pokemon for that matter. The Ev's give me all around bulk by maxing out my hp and even out my defenses because bronzong has spectacular defense and special defense. Sassy is the best nature here for giving gyro ball more power and letting me take stuff like gengars shadow ball or a starmie hydro pump better. Explosion just lets me blow up late or early game depending on when the situation calls for it. Bronzong is really an essential part of my team as he's a solid switch in for Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Weavile lol, and he is the best switch in I have for LO gengar. People usually do find out that he is heatproof sooner or later throughout the match and when they do it sucks because I lose the earthquake resistance but I really think its worth it to run heatproof. Bronzong also makes a nice check to DD dragonite if he's still healthy late game who could otherwise hurt my team if he get's to set up. luckily there isn't too much room. Bronzong tends to draw in pokemon like forretress and skarmory which means a free layer of spikes but for me I can turn the situation into a great one with a switch and a free sub to zapdos who can proceed to terrorize with its Toxic stall. I used to run hypnosis over explosion but the accuracy was too shaky and the risk often outweighed the reward. Im actually thinking about running zen headbutt for hitting machamps on the first turn any thoughts on that? The only thing I really hate about this bronzong is that its magnezone can set up on me if it has magnet rise other than that I really have no complaints

Why Bronzong?: Steel pokemon are great and bronzong is no exception with a plethora of resistances and the ability to beat lots of common leads and set up stealth rocks it seemed like a great idea to run bronzong as my lead and I think it was a fine choice! The ability to support the team late game also gave him the go ahead job over everybody else

How does Bronzong do against some of the top leads?

: It usually taunts so gyro ball takes it in two while it can never 2HKO me unless it explodes. Stealth Rock Up? Often times not

: It cant touch me unless it explodes or has the balls to test earthquake on me. Stealth Rock Up? Always

: Like Azelf it taunts and get taken out by 2 Gyro Balls. Stealth Rock Up? Not Usually

: Earthquake is a 2HKO while I believe I can live 2 Fire Blasts most use SR right away anyway. Stealth Rock Up? Usually

: Ughh this thing really sucks for me I usually use SR and go out to zapdos and just pray he doesn't hit himself in confusion. Stealth Rock Up? Yes

: Cant do much to me but I cant do any in return but I get my rocks up Stealth Rock up? always

: I usually Switch to flygon expecting a trick because he doesnt mind the scarf at all and is immune to thunder wave. Stealth Rock up? no

: 2HKO's me but I Rocks up. Stealth Rock up? Yes


Starmie @ Life Orb

Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid [+Spe, -Atk]
Ev's: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Hydro Pump
~ Thunderbolt
~ Ice Beam
~ Recover

Life Orb Starmie is a disaster for anytime without blissey or a scarf tyranitar in my opinion there wasn't any chance he wasn't getting on my team. With the ability to come in on non scarfed heatran or infernape he makes quite a fine team to bronzong scaring off whatever it is and forcing something to eat a LO STAB hydro pump to the face. LO starmie is really an easy thing to use and requires no prediction at all lol thats probably why its in so many team these days. Thunderbolt hits vaporeon hard who trys to switch into hydro pump while ice beam hits stuff like celebi and dragonite and zapdos for some super effective damage. Natural Cure allows starmie to act as a stutus absorber for stuff like Will-o-Wisp or toxic as long as I dont stay in too long. Although Rapid Spin over recover might help Zapdos with his stalling a little better I feel like recover is overall better for the team and helps keep starmie alive which is great becuase it holds my team together. The ev's allow me to hit as hard and as fast as I can plain and simple. Blissey likes to come in on this thing which is why I often have a double switch form starmie to infernape. Starmie helps check CM cune along with zapdos who can be deadly to any team without blissey. Life Orb here just gives me the extra power I need to gain some crucial Ko's

Why Starmie?: Powerful and fast plain and simple it outspeeds alot of things and can get some OHKO's with hydro pump after the rocks are up. Also takes fire attacks for bronzong and heatrans and Is the only water resist on my team so its very key how I play Starmie


Flygon @ Life Orb

Ability: Levitate
Nature: Rash [+Spa, -SpD]
Ev's: 80 Atk / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
~ Draco Meteor
~ Fire Blast
~ Earthquake
~ Roost

I must admit I was a little hesitant to use this set at first but after using I found out that I really really like it! Draco Meteor squashes gyara's attempting to absorb whatever a normal flygon could throw at it. The Best thing ever is when you first bring this set into play and act like it has a choice item and then get a surprise on your opponent which actually happens quite often this flygon has the potential to 1HKO or 2HKO any member on a stall team minus suicune which is originally the reason I added him onto my team becuase I hate Stall. Rash nature gives me some extra power which is much needed and appreciated but it sucks loosing some of the speed I have with a naive nature. Fire Blast hits steels like Skarmory, Scizor, and Forretress for OHKO's. Earthquake is a strong STAB that allows me to beat Blissey and other things that draco meteor and fire blast can't take out like heatran. Roost is a great move on this flygon allowing him to use it on predicted switches and roost off all the life orb damage he may have taken So I wouldn't want to switch that out for the ability to scout (u-turn) levitate allows him to take earthquakes for bronzong and anything else that has an eartquake coming his way. The ev's let draco meteor hit as hard as it can while still retaining enough attack to hit blissey hard. The rest is put into Speed, once again life orb is used to here to gain some extra power

Why Flygon?: I needed some key resistances and flygon provides a lot of those. I also needed a pokemon capable of tearing right through stall and tearing down defensive walls, but perhaps main reason I used this flygon was becuase it wasn't as common and it really catches a lot of peple off guard


Scizor @ Choice Beand

Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant [+Atk, -SpA]
Ev's: 248 Hp / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
~ U-Turn
~ Bullet Punch
~ Pursuit
~ Superpower

No one really likes using CBscizor, but it works amazingly so why not? I don't think theres a team ive actually never used scizor, and it just seems like every one of my succesful teams have scizor on them. 252 Atk is standard and useful for hitting extremely hard with CB. Scizors 394 Atk boosted by 1.5 Is insane at just the cost of freely switching moves. U-turn/Pursuit is great for trapping/scouting, and bullet punch is a must on any scizor. Technician Boosts it up and you get a STAB boost making it deal heavy damage with Scizor's amazing base attack+Choice band. Superpower is to deal damage to steels that wall the other three moves/other things to just completely put dents in almost everything except Pokemon that Resist it/are immune to fighting. Scizor on my team checks things like other tyranitar, gengar, and traps **** like starmie/latias who can be annoying. Scizor pretty much wrecks most choiced users which is win. Scizor works extremely well on the team and has great synergy with the other members as well as gives me an extremely solid revenge killer which i always like to have on my teams. Scizor works as my main DDnight and tyranitar check Scizor is just extremely reliable and always seems to pull through for me. Scizor also often helps me beat down a swords dance lucario with priority just incase zapdos is gone

Why Scizor?: I have never made a successful team without scizor lol, and there is probably reason behind that with only one weakness and access to a super strong priority thanks to technician he makes for a great revenge killer while also hitting hard as shit with a banded u-turn


Infernape @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Naive [+Spe, -SpD]
Ev's: 252 Atk / 68 SpA / 192 Spe
~ Close Combat
~ Stone Edge
~ Overheat
~ U-Turn

Choice Scarf Infernape makes for a great revenge killer for any team with both attack status great and good speed to go with it he is a natural born killer now you may be wondering why im running the physically based mixape spread with the scarfer set. good question its because I Feel like I already have enough Special attacker and I wanted to make this mixapes attack as high as It could go While still being able to outrun max speed scarfed jirachi which is what the +speed nature is for. Close combat has great base power and is My main STAB on this set often sweeping late game when all of the opponents pokemon are low on health and the ghost are eliminated. Stone Edge can 2HKO DD gyarados with the intimidate and also helps revenge dragon dance dragonite. Overheat destorys incoming skarmorys thinking im only a physical scarfer, and U-turn lets me scout stuff since im virtually faster than anything, it also lets me hit starmie switchins for some good super effective damage. Infernape replaced tyranitar in the original team and even before scarf infernape was Life Orb infernape but I found my team getting outsped and destroyed by Lo jolteon which most of them still do but being able to outspeed it and hit it with close combat really helps out

Why Infernape?: Great STAB's and great attack stats plus good speed plus a choice scarf really works out nicely. I also wanted something to lure out starmie early before its gets a chance to switch in a wreck my team which it has done before


Zapdos @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid [+ Spe, -Atk]
Ev's: 176 Hp / 80 Def / 252 Spe
~ Thunderbolt
~ Substitute
~ Toxic
~ Roost​

This Zapdos set is by far my favorite its... well its just great being able to stall toxi stall people all with one pokemon is sweet or if you dont feel like toxic stalling you can just pressure stall your opponent its a win win lol i needed to go with toxic here because i dont have any pokemon capable of setting toxic spikes and I can't really find anywhere to puth them in. Roost allows me to recover the hp that I suck down with my substitues that allows me to take an attack which I probably couldn't orignally take. Thunderbolts acts as my lone attack move here which is a pretty good mover to have. Zapdos works great in comparison with bronzong as skarmory, forretress, or bulky waters like to swich in and either set up spikes or absorb the attacks so I go right into zapdos set up a sub and begin stalling. The situation is also vice versa Bronzong also makes a great swich in to the things that can check this zapdos like scarf tyranitar or any other thing with a Strong super effective move thats faster than me. The ev's max out my hp for the most bulk i can get while the speed lets me Still outspeed lucario who zapdos can act as I check to as a thunderbolt + LO recoil followed by a scizor bullet punch often spells the death of lucario. Zapdos along with starmie also helps me check Cm suicune who can hurt me​

Why Zapdos?: I've always used this kind of zapdos on a stall team and I liked but I wanted to try it out on an offense team in more of a fast paced game to see how it did and to my surprise it worked very well I actually like it better in this team than I did in my stall teams​

Well thats my team thank you for reading​


Some threats

Rotom-H T-bolts and Shadow balls Starmie, Overheats Scizor and HP Ices Flygon, and Ape and Zapdos can't do that much to it, outside of Toxic.
Starmie Hydro Pumps Ape, T-Bolts Starmie and Ice Beams Flygon and Zapdos.
If Starmie is dead Gliscor walls you. You might want to replace a move on Starmie with Rapid Spin, maybe Ice Beam since Dragons aren't as common as they once were. Anti-lead Gyrados destroys Bronzong since it doesn't have Levitate. A good combo is anti-lead Gyarados + Electivre, so when you T-Bolt Gyara with Starmie, they switch to Electivre, then it kills Starmie with T-Punch, Ice Punches Flygon and Zapdos and EQs Ape and Scizor.
Ok here how I always deal with Rotom-H and it works everytime say it comes in on starmie. Most thunderbolt since they dont want to be pursuited by tyranitar or scizor so I go into flygon then later on in the match say it comes in on starmie again the opponent thinking ill go into flygon again will shadow ball but I go into scizor and proceed to pursuit it...I really dont see something that cant OHKO scizor without serious damage on it as a threat. I dont see where your coming from with the gliscor statement? Bronzong can explode and kill it...Flygon can do serious damage with Draco Meteor...It takes around 60% from apes overheat somebody please correct me if im wrong thats out of memory and zapdos can toxic it before it gets taunted. The only one walled completely by it is scizor
The lack of water-resists on this team makes for a potential problem. Against opposing Life Orb Starmie and Offensive Suicune, nothing on the team really likes taking a powerful Water attack.

Crocune may a bigger threat due to its bulk. Neither Starmie nor Zapdos will be able take it out if you switch them in as it uses Calm Mind, and even Explosion from Bronzong won't KO.

Since Scizor is arguably less useful now due to the absence of Salamence, try out a Shaymin with Hidden Power Ice in place of it; this will give you a good switch in to most Water-types, while also having something to maintain offensive momentum.

Good luck with your team!

Life Orb Starmie really walks all over your team, although the surprise of Scarf Infernape is enough to do a lot of damage. However, Starmie is going to be taking down atleast two of your Pokemon. Your team has good synergy, so it's quite hard to replace a Pokemon. The safest change I can think of is replacing Infernape with a Scarf Rotom. It can come in on a predicted Starmie Thunderbolt, and still gives you a solid revenge killer. Rotom-h is fine if you want a surefire way to deal with Lucario and a powerful Fire move that you lose after replacing Infernape. You can also go with Rotom-w to deal solid damage to one of Rotom's most common switch-ins, Scarf Tyranitar.

Great team, and congrats on getting to the leaderboard!
Yeah I said both Starmie and suicune are big threats ..thanks for the rate I will test out the shaymin > Scizor and also Rotom > Infernape thanks guys

Edit: I guess I lied when I said I wouldn't ladder with this team anymore I went completely off and Now I worked my way back up to 36th =)

What do you guys think about possibly a spiker set roserade over Scizor?
Decent team and congrats on putting in work to get to the leader board. One of the problems i see in this team is its lack of Physical defense. For example a choice band Infernape is very deadly to this team especially if it constantly spams Flare Blitz. To solve this problem you can make zapdos physically defensive

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP/228 Def/32 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- toxic
- substitute

when your using toxic sub zapdos you need to sway either defensive or specially so you can constantly get your sub in tact against on things like rotom-a for instance if you run special defensive.

Stall teams give this team hell and it takes a-lot of prediction on your part to get zapdos in safely and sub. But if they have special defensive heatran or gliscor then it may be over for you so watch out for that.

another issue for this team is enemy flygon. Choice scarf flygon outside of bullet punch and infernape you have no way to beat it late game, getting ape in is difficult so you will have to bring it in to revenge, but they can switch out racking up spike and rocks damage. To combat this you can easily change starmie to

Suicune @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 172 HP/224 Spd/112 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Electric]

this bulky spread helps against flygon and infernape.
Not sure if this will help, but maybe change Stone Edge on Infernape to Hidden Power Electric. It still lets you hit Gyarados AND Starmie. You have Starmie / Suicune (if you switch to it) for DDnite. Great job on the leaderboard and good luck!
Aah another mix flygon user. However without a Lucario, mix flygon is fairly useless, he has 1 off surprise factor for putting a dent into their counters e.g. Hippowodn, gliscor, zapdos, gyarados. However he lacks power and his inabllity to 2hko hippowdon or blissey, makes him fairly useless without a lucario to take advanatage.

Quick attack on scizor helps against starmies. Suicune could also be better than starmie as a sweeper. But maybe scarf starmie, then you can revenge other starmies and trick oposing suicunes. Then change infernape to an SD lucario.

Jolly lucario can revenge suicune, and extreme speed ko's weakned starmies, and he appreciates your mix flygon support.
flygon has 80 sp.atk
why do people bother to use it
you should use mixnape over mix flygon, it does the mix job 10 times better due to having 2 stabs with more power than flygon on both atk and sp.atk
flygon has 80 sp.atk
why do people bother to use it
you should use mixnape over mix flygon, it does the mix job 10 times better due to having 2 stabs with more power than flygon on both atk and sp.atk

Flygon has the surprise factor, imunity to spikes, imunity to toxic spikes, resitance to stealth rocks. Enough bulk to make use of roost. All of these make him better at breaking stall.

But his power is pretty poor, and it's the surprise factor that makes him.
A nitpick, but I would really advise using a more Special Defencive Scizor spread. This way, you can handle Starmie, Gengar, and switch in on Draco Meteors better. I'll get a nice set for you.
A nitpick, but I would really advise using a more Special Defencive Scizor spread. This way, you can handle Starmie, Gengar, and switch in on Draco Meteors better. I'll get a nice set for you.

That sounds great if you give me the set i'll be happy to use it
Tried Suicune > Starmie..Didn't like it I didn't have enough speed

Also tried Shaymin > Scizor..again I didn't like it I couldn't really beat blissey