OU Rain Dance -> Shell Fish Speep

I've only been playing competitively for about 4 or so months so I don't have a lot of experience... However, I've tested many variations of a Rain Dance team and I think this is the best one I can make so far...
Oh pokemon in [Orange] I don't have physically have but I have tested them on a battle Simulator.
Changes in [Red]
If i'm not sure [ Blue ]
I'm using Heart Gold.
a. This team is for Wifi... So no Rotom suggestions please.
b. Ludicolo was using the OU offensive Rain (Special) but I changed it to Omastar in order to get a fast SubSeeder and because Omastar has the highest Sp.Atk on a Rain Team



Bold ( +Def -Atk)
252 HP / 4 Sp.Atk / 252 Def
- Rain Dance
- Thunder
- U-Turn
- Stealth Rock

From the given suggestions Uxie is the best lead that I can go with as it can take an attack, rain dance, stealth rock then U-turn to a sweeper for free (faster leads). The only problem here is if I'm taunted... then I would thunder to hopefully take off a lot of HP but I would most likely U-Turn to Scizor as it will deal nicely with the lead


Omastar @ Life Orb
Modest (-Atk +SpA)
Swift Swim
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Surf/ Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power/ Rain Dance Ancientpower
- Hidden Power Electric Grass

Normally I would send in Kingdra as my first sweeper but I've learnt to save him as he is my only wall beaker and the only poke on my team that can take a hit. You might be wondering why I would put a choice item on a rain dance team but it's very simple. Omastar has no viable boosting moves to use and putting rain dance on him would be a waste as in my experience if your opponent can kill your dedicated rain dancer they can OKHO thisLife Orb as suggested. Basically my plan is to send him out after Zapdos then kill as much as possible with Surf then switch to Scizor or Ludicolo to combat their Bulky Water / Roserade.
Focus Sash is if i'm running Rain dance and want to get in Kabutops for free.
(If anyone can get a HP Grass / Electric Omastar that would be nice... It's so hard to breed Hidden Powers and IVs :( )


Scizor@ Damp Rock
Brave (-Speed +Atk)
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Sp.Def 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 Sp.Def
- Rain Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Brick Break Super Power
- U-Turn / Bug Bite

My physicall wall and Tyranitar counter. I didn't put Evs in HP as I only intend on walling physical hits from tyranitar and other pokemon
Quite the opposite was suggested to me.
The reason why I maximized attack is that I need a OHKO on Tyranitar and I need to kill Celebi with bug bite. Has Synergy with Ludicolo somewhat as most Fire attacks are Special and Poison does 0% damage to it ( Haven't encountered much bug pokemon; flying types are killed by kabutops ).



Kabutops @ Life Orb
Adamant (-SpA +Atk)
Swift Swim
32 HP / 252 Atk / 20 Def / 204 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Aqua Jet

Two words Aqua Jet. This attack alone has killed the foe's 2nd to last poke then I Stone Edge his Gyarados for the win. Putting the highest attack and Special attack pokemon on my team will allow me to get more KOs than to run a quilfish or another pokemon on a team. IMO you set up rain dance and sweep with your pokemon. You try to do the least amount of switches possible and your swift swimmers should have synergy with your rain supporters. This is why two pokemon with the same horrible typing is on my team. As long as they can a free switch in they will at least kill a pokemon :)


Kingdra@ Life Orb
Naughty ()
Swift Swim
252 Atk / 240 SpA / 16 Spe
- Rain Dance Outrage
- Waterfall
- Hydro Pump
- Draco Meteor

Kingdra is my MVP on is team as it will almost always survive a hit and that is why is has rain dance as one of it's moves. It is also my wall breaker and I use Hydro Pump over Surf as Ludicolo/Omastar normally has Surf as they need the Accuracy more that Kingdra. I think this set is basically set as their is no way I would change it as no other swift swimmer can run a mixed set (No Ludicolo your physical set doesn't cut it as you die before you pull of a Swords Dance)


Ludicolo @Damp Rock
Calm ()
Swift Swim / Rain Dish
232 HP / 216 SpD / 60 Spe
- Rain Dance
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Grass Knot

I'm tempted to run Rain Dish, Leftovers and protect in this set to Super Annoy the foe but Unfortunately Blissey's brother Ludicolo would rather run Damp Rock to Help Support the team and Grass Knot to Kill bulky waters.

Ok my strategy is to lead with Zapdos then protect on first turn if they stealth rock then I will Rain Dance then just go to Kabutops and start sweeping from their I will try to keep Kingdra for late game as he is a nice wall breaker

So this is my team please rate thank you :)
Hi there, pretty solid looking team, I really like RD teams, but a few things here

1. you need SR for sure, it prevents multiple switches, and turns 2HKOS into OHKO's.

2. I don't really see the point in your Scizor set, I would suggest the regular CB or Life Orb set, you already have 2 damp rockers with Zapdos and Ludicolo.

3. I really find Azelf to be a better lead over Zapdos to be perfectly honest, not only can it get a RD up but it can also set up SR, however if you cannot get a decent Azelf, I would suggest switching Omnastar to the lead position and Zapdos over to a Special sweeper version.

4. Kindra has all that attack invested into it, and you're using Waterfall? you have enough pokes with RD on your team, Switch RD to Outrage, this would really even out the set giving it more raw power, and also the ability to hit Vaporeon harder (Assuming you've already lowered you Sp.Atk with a DM).

Anyways good luck with the team, hope it helped.
Hi there, pretty solid looking team, I really like RD teams, but a few things here

1. you need SR for sure, it prevents multiple switches, and turns 2HKOS into OHKO's.
Yeah i think I'm going to go with a Bronzong over Scizor for that but the only problem is that Azelf and Ludicolo share a bug weakness....
2. I don't really see the point in your Scizor set, I would suggest the regular CB or Life Orb set, you already have 2 damp rockers with Zapdos and Ludicolo.
Good point but I'm not sending my swift swimmers out without rain do that's why I need 3 damp rock pokes

I'm going to change it to a brave 0 ev scizor to get my sweeper's in freely
3. I really find Azelf to be a better lead over Zapdos to be perfectly honest, not only can it get a RD up but it can also set up SR, however if you cannot get a decent Azelf, I would suggest switching Omnastar to the lead position and Zapdos over to a Special sweeper version.

Um... you were going good with the advise until you said lead with Omnastar... Why would I want to waste a swift swimmer to lead? Zapdos is to help cover my electric and grass weakness..

4. Kindra has all that attack invested into it, and you're using Waterfall? you have enough pokes with RD on your team, Switch RD to Outrage, this would really even out the set giving it more raw power, and also the ability to hit Vaporeon harder (Assuming you've already lowered you Sp.Atk with a DM).
That's a good idea but sometimes Kingdra has the chance to set it up himself... I might consider this change tho... But I don't want to be locked into an attack and they send out a scizor... and waste rain dance turns...
Anyways good luck with the team, hope it helped.
Yeah thanks for the input I really appriciate it....
Omastar @ Choice Specs / Expert Belt / Life Orb / Focus Sash
Just type what you're using instead of all these goddamn slashes.

Hi there, pretty solid looking team, I really like RD teams, but a few things here

1. you need SR for sure, it prevents multiple switches, and turns 2HKOS into OHKO's.

Wrong, while it is true it turns 2HKO's into OHKO's, he doesn't really
NEED it.

2. I don't really see the point in your Scizor set, I would suggest the regular CB or Life Orb set, you already have 2 damp rockers with Zapdos and Ludicolo.

Wrong again, because the specially bulky set is the best for Scizor in rain.

3. I really find Azelf to be a better lead over Zapdos to be perfectly honest, not only can it get a RD up but it can also set up SR, however if you cannot get a decent Azelf, I would suggest switching Omnastar to the lead position and Zapdos over to a Special sweeper version.

I tested out Azelf on my RD team, big fail.

4. Kindra has all that attack invested into it, and you're using Waterfall? you have enough pokes with RD on your team, Switch RD to Outrage, this would really even out the set giving it more raw power, and also the ability to hit Vaporeon harder (Assuming you've already lowered you Sp.Atk with a DM).

Agreed with this.

Anyways good luck with the team, hope it helped.
Remove lead Zapdos for lead Jirachi.

Jirachi @ Damp Rock
252 HP / 80 Defense / 176 SpD
- U-Turn
- Rain Dance
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder

Other leads won't Taunt expecting an Iron Head, so surprise them with Rain Dance followed by Thunder spam and sometimes you get lucky with paralysis and they're screwed.

This Scizor set is also the best in the rain IMO, making it bulky enough to take even Fire hits sometimes.

Scizor @ Damp Rock
200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpD
- Rain Dance
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn
- Roost

Switch Omastar for Zapdos if you want, but this is optional, really.

Zapdos @ Damp Rock
252 HP / 200 Defense / 36 Spe
- HP Ice
- Thunder
- Rain Dance
- Roost

Might sound like defensive Zapdos at a glance, but it's actually kinda different.

These should be your main Rain Dancers, and most reliable ones IMO.

Also, on Ludicolo, i suggest using Swift Swim if you're using it as a SubSeeder, but i would recommend SD Ludicolo though. ;)
Hi there, pretty solid looking team, I really like RD teams, but a few things here

1. you need SR for sure, it prevents multiple switches, and turns 2HKOS into OHKO's.

Wrong, while it is true it turns 2HKO's into OHKO's, he doesn't really NEED it. (Wrong? how is that wrong, I stated what I thought the team needed)

2. I don't really see the point in your Scizor set, I would suggest the regular CB or Life Orb set, you already have 2 damp rockers with Zapdos and Ludicolo.

Wrong again, because the specially bulky set is the best for Scizor in rain. (Again, not wrong, I suggested what I thought would've worked better, if you think there is a better set than recommend it, I have never seen a RD Scizor before therefor the only other decent set I could recommend were the two I knew)

3. I really find Azelf to be a better lead over Zapdos to be perfectly honest, not only can it get a RD up but it can also set up SR, however if you cannot get a decent Azelf, I would suggest switching Omnastar to the lead position and Zapdos over to a Special sweeper version.

I tested out Azelf on my RD team, big fail. (Azelf has worked well on a RD team for me before, just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it hasn't/won't for another person, it was a simple suggest, no point in rebuffing what I have said)

4. Kindra has all that attack invested into it, and you're using Waterfall? you have enough pokes with RD on your team, Switch RD to Outrage, this would really even out the set giving it more raw power, and also the ability to hit Vaporeon harder (Assuming you've already lowered you Sp.Atk with a DM).

Agreed with this.

Anyways good luck with the team, hope it helped.

All in all I was giving suggestions, they aren't wrong or right, only suggestions for him to improve his team.

That's a good idea but sometimes Kingdra has the chance to set it up himself... I might consider this change tho... But I don't want to be locked into an attack and they send out a scizor... and waste rain dance turns...
This is true, however switching RD to DD would be good as well, all I'm saying is that there is better moves that Kindra can have over Raindance especially when you have other pokes who are built to do that for your team
They are bad suggestions, then.

This is true, however switching RD to DD would be good as well, all I'm saying is that there is better moves that Kindra can have over Raindance especially when you have other pokes who are built to do that for your team
Do you have any experience with Rain Dance teams ? I mean, seriously ?

I tested DD on Kingdra, didn't do well, instead of using DD use Hydro Pump or Waterfall to use advantage of STAB and rain boost, making Kingdra a deadly mixed sweeper.

Kingdra @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 240 SpA / 16 Spe
Swift Swim
- Hydro pump
- Outrage
- Waterfall
- Draco Meteor

This set always attracts Blissey and Skarmory, and you just ruin them both with Waterfall and Hydro Pump respectively.
I tested DD on Kingdra, didn't do well, instead of using DD use Hydro Pump or Waterfall to use advantage of STAB and rain boost, making Kingdra a deadly mixed sweeper.
Doi? ya think, I was saying that RD is a waste of a move on Kindra when you have Access to stuff like Outrage and DD, the team is a RD why waste a moveslot on one of your sweepers when his movepool is so Diverse? like really man.

They are bad suggestions, then.
So suggesting SR on a team is bad? I thought it was a staple in the metagame, really there is no point to being an epic asshole, Next time just rate the team and not the other persons rate.
Doi? ya think, I was saying that RD is a waste of a move on Kindra when you have Access to stuff like Outrage and DD, the team is a RD why waste a moveslot on one of your sweepers when his movepool is so Diverse? like really man.

So suggesting SR on a team is bad? I thought it was a staple in the metagame, really there is no point to being an epic asshole, Next time just rate the team and not the other persons rate.

I agree that RD is a waste of a move on a sweeping Kingdra in rain, but so is DD.

Suggesting SR isn't always bad, but suggesting it when it's not always needed is. Not all people rely on Stealth Rocks or other entry hazards to win the match.
Ok ok lets just relax here I changed it to a Uxie Lead go I can set up Rocks...
Kingdra can't afford to be locked in a move that's why I don't use Outrage and get confused then hurt myself along with life orb recoil... Yeah any other moves suggestions? i'm going to test Outrage on Shoddy though..
Well, you could slap a lum berry on Kindra to prevent that and status, but then you lose the extra boost from the life orb, it's 6 of 1 half dozen of the other.
Life Orb is totally recommended, you don't know what Kingdra can do with Life Orb STAB Waterfall boosted in the rain, it can at least bring down 2 to 3 of the opposite team's Pokemon before going down.

Same goes to SD Ludicolo in the rain.

Also, Earth Power is better on Omastar to hit pesky Heatran, even though it'll probably die to a Surf in the rain anyway.
Life Orb is totally recommended, you don't know what Kingdra can do with Life Orb STAB Waterfall boosted in the rain, it can at least bring down 2 to 3 of the opposite team's Pokemon before going down.

Same goes to SD Ludicolo in the rain.

Also, Earth Power is better on Omastar to hit pesky Heatran, even though it'll probably die to a Surf in the rain anyway.

I'm sorry but in most Cases I'm not able to set up Swords Dance on most of my other pokes, he will just die before he gets to set it up... + Only 3 swift swimmers can run Sp. Atk set properly so that's not a smart thing to do... Anyway I need a Sp.Def wall anyway...

Oh Ancientpower might boost all my stuff so it would be more beneficial to have that...
Anyway I need a Sp.Def wall anyway...

This Scizor set is also the best in the rain IMO, making it bulky enough to take even Fire hits sometimes.

Scizor @ Damp Rock
200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpD
- Rain Dance
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn
- Roost

You can set up Swords Dance on special walls like Blissey, they're gonna think your Ludicolo is special which is what everyone thinks, then you grab a DD and sweep away.
If you are sure to get the RD on turn 1, your gonna need Choice Scarf. Azelf (among other leads), can come in and Taunt Uxie, and your other pokes.
I'll consider that in certain situations.... Thanks for the tip tho...
They taunt first turn I set up rain dance then send in a sweeper while they set up rocks... :)
From experience, Scizor is much better than Bronzong.

What Bronzong is gonna do is waste 3 turns of setting up Dual Screens, Rain Dance, and then Explode, that's if he's still living.

While Scizor can set up rain, scout with U-Turn AND Revenge Kill with Bullet Punch.

Not to mention it's a bait to StallBreaking Gliscor, or anything with Taunt.
Not really.

Even Flamethrower from Heatran isn't a guaranteed OHKO on Scizor in rain if you're using the 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpD spread. [If Stealth Rocks aren't in play, of course.]

And the Jirachi set i posted earlier is very bulky that i can never be OHKO'd except from crits.
Thanks I think i'm going to use that spread... and the kingdra OutRage move is looking really attractive ( I was just playing through battle tower and I realized that I almost never use rain dance... )