

Name: Butterfree
Regular Ability: Compoundeyes
Dream World Ability: Tinted Lens

TMs it can learn:
TM 06 Toxic, TM 09 Venom Shock, TM 10 Hidden Power, TM 11 Sunny Day, TM 15 Hyper Beam, TM 17 Protect, TM 18 Rain Dance, TM 20 Safeguard, TM 21 Frustration, TM 22 Solarbeam, TM 27 Return, TM 29 Psychic, TM 30 Shadow Ball, TM 32 Double Team, TM 40 Aerial Ace, TM 42 Facade, TM 44 Rest, TM 45 Attract, TM 46 Thief, TM 48 Sing-A-Round, TM 53 Energy Ball, TM 62 Acrobat, TM 68 Giga Impact, TM 70 Flash, TM 76 Bug Opposition, TM 77 Psych Up, TM 85 Dream Eater, TM 87 Swagger, TM 89 U-turn, TM 90 Substitute

Moveset from Learning:
Lv. 10 Confusion
Lv. 12 Poisonpowder
Lv. 12 Stun Spore
Lv. 12 Sleep Powder
Lv. 16 Gust
Lv. 18 Supersonic
Lv. 22 Whirlwind
Lv. 24 Psybeam
Lv. 28 Silver Wind
Lv. 30 Tailwind
Lv. 34 Power Rage
Lv. 36 Safeguard
Lv. 40 Captivate
Lv. 42 Bug Buzz
Lv. 46 Butterfly Dance

Egg Moves:
- None, really. -.-'

Pre-evo Moves:
- Tackle
- Harden
- String Shot
- Bug Bite

Stat Distribution:
HP - 60
Atk - 45
Def - 50
Sp.Atk - 80
Sp.Def - 80
Speed - 70

Definitely not the best Pokemon in the world, but that base 70 Speed is no laughing matter when a lot of Isshu Pokemon happen to be slower than it.

Lack of Twister is saddening, and I wish it could learn Icy Wind, as it learns every other Wind-based move in the game as of D/P/Pt/HG/SS. So... yeah.

I'm not too privvy on movesets. Here's one I've tried for a OU Lead back in Generation 4 (of semi-suicide proportions) when I wanted to kill Garchomp with it. Noticing its rise to Ubers, and the fact it did reasonably well against Aerodactyls, Gliscors, and Staraptors, and semi-decent against everything else, I figured better Pokemon could do the job, so I replaced it with a Jirachi. Looking back on the Butterfree Lead I carefully crafted, I make a formula for a Dream World variety.

Butterfree @ Focus Sash
Ability: Tinted Lens
Nature: Timid [That physical Atk is its worst stat ever, take advantage of that to increase his already-decent Speed]
EV Spread: 255 SpAtk, 255 Spe
1. Butterfly Dance (Bug)
2. Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Water
3. Bug Buzz (Bug)
4. Psychic (Psychic)

Reasons behind Movepool:

1. Disregard Compoundeyes strategies as this does not have Compoundeyes in Dream World. Butterfly Dance raises its already good Special stats and Speed to actually challenge other Pokemon that try to outspeed it.

2a. Hidden Power Ice dents Dragons hard. There are a lot more to contend with.

2b. Hidden Power Water provides it the coverage it needs, especially with rain skyrocketing in popularity thanks to Politoed.

3. Bug Buzz Tinted Lens is no laughing matter. Just ask Venomoth.

4. Psychic = "Good game Emboar. Next time, suck less."

Here's an idea for Set 2, aka "I Can't Believe It's Not Generation 4":
Butterfree @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compoundeyes
Nature: Timid
EV Spread: 255 SpAtk, 255 Speed
1. Sleep Powder [Grass] / Stun Spore [Grass] / Toxic [Poison]
2. Butterfly Dance [Bug]
3. Hidden Power Ice / Venom Shock [Poison]
4. Bug Buzz [Bug]

Reasons behind Movepool
1a. Sleep Powder is now 100% thanks to Compoundeyes. In Doubles, this and Darkrai will kill everything.

1b. SleepClause makes SleepPowder meh. Stun Spore is the second best usage of an affliction move.

1c. Toxic works on a Quick Feet Pokemon or a Vital Spirit Pokemon when the other two moves don't work.

2. Butterfly Dance allows Butterfree to set up for Special Sweeping.

3a. HP Ice can OHKO Staraptor after it uses one Brave Bird and 2HKO Gliscor and Aerodactyl.

3b. Venom Shock + Toxic = Profit

4. Bug Buzz gets STAB and chance of confusion. Sleepfusion, Parafusion, and Poisonfusion are all nothing to sneeze at.
Yeah outclassed by Venomoth, which gets Butterfly Dance as well. If anything Butterfree should abuse its unique access to a ~100% accuracy Sleep move alongside Butterfly Dance. Probably something like Butterfree w/ Compoundeyes @ Life Orb: Butterfly Dance / Sleep Powder / Bug Buzz / Psychic ...an annoyance if nothing else.
Yeah outclassed by Venomoth, which gets Butterfly Dance as well. If anything Butterfree should abuse its unique access to a ~100% accuracy Sleep move alongside Butterfly Dance. Probably something like Butterfree w/ Compoundeyes @ Life Orb: Butterfly Dance / Sleep Powder / Bug Buzz / Psychic ...an annoyance if nothing else.

It's good, but at this point it's predictable on Butterfree.
My set is Dream World-relevant; Compoundeyes is something Butterfree doesn't have in Dream World, and Sleep Powder loses reliability in there.
Psychic is useless, and horrible on Butterfree. It does not receive STAB on it, and it's generally poor coverage.

Bug Buzz is a requirement on any Tinted Lens attacking set, of course. HP Flying has surprisingly decent coverage, thanks to Tinted Lens, with few lower tier Pokemon that 4x resist both moves. Most notably though is Magneton and Aggron, who will destroy Butterfree. However, the benefit of running only two STAB attacking moves is Butterfree is able to abuse Sleep Powder still, taking one of its Counters out of play.

Bug Buzz / HP Ground / Energy Ball scores Super Effective hits on 10 different types, but the coverage over runs a bit, and you're out of luck against against many Flying foes, such as Altaria who four times resist the combonation.

Really, any Tinted Lens Butterfree will be over shadowed by Venomoth. Butterfree should keep abusing its Compound Eyes Sleep Powder, and the new 4 turn lasting Tail Wind.
If anything Butterfree should abuse its unique access to a ~100% accuracy Sleep move alongside Butterfly Dance.

If you ever see a Butterfree you expect a Sleep Powder. This set could be used to get a free Butterfly Dance as the opponent switches to something else they want to take the sleep.
If you ever see a Butterfree you expect a Sleep Powder. This set could be used to get a free Butterfly Dance as the opponent switches to something else they want to take the sleep.

But having butterfree sleep something gives it time to set up more Butterfly Dances.

Also, for the OP, what do you mean, 'Dream World relevant'? The dream world is a place where you catch pokemon and obtain items, then transfer them back to BW. You don't battle there.
But having butterfree sleep something gives it time to set up more Butterfly Dances.

Also, for the OP, what do you mean, 'Dream World relevant'? The dream world is a place where you catch pokemon and obtain items, then transfer them back to BW. You don't battle there.

The Dream World ability is breedable. :)
As long as we're on the subject of best dancing NU bug...

Beautifly - The best thing about this pokemon is that it gets compound eyes and doesn't have a single offensive attack under 90% accuracy. Nor does it get a status move that needs compound eyes, like sleep powder. /sigh

Dustox - The best thing about this is that you can also Iron Defense and dance and become relatively bulky. Oh, and its ability is great for being defensive. Immune to poison too.

Venomoth - Best movepool of the NU dancers. Get some toxic spikes up and you can venom shock, things to death as well. Probably the best stat arrangement too. Baton pass. Best typing (not 4x rock and ground is neutral)

Masquerain - Good ability, good movepool, baton pass. Bad typing.

So basically, Masquerain/Venomoth will get the most out of BFD, and Dustox at a very behind third place. Butterfree has nothing going for it.
Butterfree has nothing going for it.

Not true. Butterfree can sleep someone with a ~98% accurate sleep move (in compoundeyes sleep powder) and proceed to Butterfly dance to infinity and beyond.

@/B/utterfree: Yeah... so? Tinted Lens doesn't really help Butterfree that much.

Unless you want to run a set with Butterfly Dance, Sub, Sleep Powder (75%) and Bug Buzz. That would be kinda interesting.
I don't understand why you're using Tinted Lens at all. Compound Eyes is much more useful for Butterfree. Butterfree has little going for it as always.

Butterfree @ Focus Sash
Hasty (+Speed, -Def) - 252 Speed / 252 SpAtk / 6 HP
Compound Eyes
- Sleep Powder
- Butterfly Dance / Stun Spore
- Bug Buzz
- U-Turn / HP Ice

I think a lot of people will be trying out Scarf Kyogre as a lead at first and a sash should let you sacrifice most of your Butterfree to disable Kyogre. You can then either Dance, Double Powder, or U-Turn depending on your moveset (not to mention their team if you've seen it before the battle). Butterfree really isn't going to be sweeping much off one dance from 70 speed and 80 SpAtk using a 90 base move with terrible coverage as its best move. As such, I expect it to play the same role it tried in Generation IV.
Yeah Butterfree needs Compoundeyes to distinguish itself from its brethen. C'mon you don't use Tinted Lens just cos it's a Dream World ability and you want to make it relevant. You can still make use of its cool new toy in Butterfree Dance alongside ~100% acc Sleep Powder.
Yeah Butterfree needs Compoundeyes to distinguish itself from its brethen. C'mon you don't use Tinted Lens just cos it's a Dream World ability and you want to make it relevant. You can still make use of its cool new toy in Butterfree Dance alongside ~100% acc Sleep Powder.

Yeah, Compoundeyes is better for Butterfree.
I don't understand why you're using Tinted Lens at all. Compound Eyes is much more useful for Butterfree. Butterfree has little going for it as always.

Butterfree @ Focus Sash
Hasty (+Speed, -Def) - 252 Speed / 252 SpAtk / 6 HP
Compound Eyes
- Sleep Powder
- Butterfly Dance / Stun Spore
- Bug Buzz
- U-Turn / HP Ice

I think a lot of people will be trying out Scarf Kyogre as a lead at first and a sash should let you sacrifice most of your Butterfree to disable Kyogre. You can then either Dance, Double Powder, or U-Turn depending on your moveset (not to mention their team if you've seen it before the battle). Butterfree really isn't going to be sweeping much off one dance from 70 speed and 80 SpAtk using a 90 base move with terrible coverage as its best move. As such, I expect it to play the same role it tried in Generation IV.

I'd actually use Butterfly Dance and Stun Spore on the same set. Once you put the opposing lead to sleep, you can Butterfly Dance. Assuming the Pokemon the opponent switches in doesn't have a priority move, Butterfree should be able to Stun Spore it. While this isn't much different from a regular Double Powder set, it eases prediction, so if the opponent doesn't switch out their lead, Butterfree can do some damage with a +1 Bug Buzz.
It needs a "I Can't Believe I've Been Doing Double Powder Since Generation 1" set:
Butterfree @ Focus Sash
~ Sleep Powder
~ Stun Spore
~ Butterfly Dance
~ Bug Buzz / U-turn

No, really. Go check out Butterfree's analysis..es from each generation. They are all variants on Sleep Powder + Stun Spore. It's Butterfree's destiny to do the exact same in generation 5.
It needs a "I Can't Believe I've Been Doing Double Powder Since Generation 1" set:
Butterfree @ Focus Sash
~ Sleep Powder
~ Stun Spore
~ Butterfly Dance
~ Bug Buzz / U-turn

No, really. Go check out Butterfree's analysis..es from each generation. They are all variants on Sleep Powder + Stun Spore. It's Butterfree's destiny to do the exact same in generation 5.

Well at least he's getting better each and every time - Compound Eyes, U-Turn, and now Butterfly Dance. Thanks to Butterfly dance he can now ditch the Choice Scarf as he can begin boosting his speed up after one foe is put to sleep - hoping for a switch in so that he can spread the status better - or if not at least he can U-Turn away after one boost.
I am a huge advocate of something like

Butterfly dance
Sleep powder
bug buzz

Simply because it really isn't going to do much else. As I understand it, sleep clause may be up in question this gen, making this particularity threatening and easy to set up.
I'd actually use Butterfly Dance and Stun Spore on the same set. Once you put the opposing lead to sleep, you can Butterfly Dance. Assuming the Pokemon the opponent switches in doesn't have a priority move, Butterfree should be able to Stun Spore it. While this isn't much different from a regular Double Powder set, it eases prediction, so if the opponent doesn't switch out their lead, Butterfree can do some damage with a +1 Bug Buzz.
I think the issue with doing that is that the opposing Pokemon can attack you the turn you paralyze it. Butterfree might not live through that! With Double Powder, I usually went Sleep Powder -> Stun Spore on the switch -> U-Turn the hell out.
I like the idea of Butterfly Dance / Sleep Powder / Bug Buzz / HP Ground. At least then you have some coverage against steels (besides Nattorei and Skarmory). For a double powder set, I think Butterfly Dance is unnecessary, as the point of a status-spreading set is not to set up.