Problem Starting Pokemon Lab


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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
First off, my sincere apologies if this has been reported already or if I am just too retarded to figure out how to load Pokemon Lab.

Firstly, I have a Mac OSX version 10.4.11. This was all done using the browser FireFox.

Anyway, when I go to the stickied thread and hit "Client Download Link", I get my usual downloads popup, at which point I hit either "Open with Java Web Start" or "Save". I have tried both options; neither work. In any case, then Shoddy opens up like normal, except it says "Loading Pokemon Lab", with all the usual info and such, and then a popup screen saying "Trust certification" or something like that, and I hit "Trust". Then, however, whereas normally for Shoddy I go straight to the server list, I merely get a popup window titled "Java Web Start-Unexpected Error", with the only text below it being "Unable to launch Pokemon Lab". Below this are two options: "OK" and "details". I have tried hitting "OK" but obviously the program just quit, so I tried hitting "Details" and got this:
Under "General":
An error occurred while launching/running the application.

Title: Pokemon Lab
Vendor: Catherine Fitzpatrick and Benjamin Gwin
Category: Unexpected Error

Unexpected exception: java.lang.Exception

Under "Launch File":
A bigass program that I can't C/P but I will copy over if I really need to.

Under "Exception":
A series of four lines, which, again, it would be tedious to copy over, but I will do so if necessary. It starts with "java.lang.exception".

Again, I couldn't C/P these bits so sorry if I copied them over slightly incorrectly/didn't copy over what was needed to figure out my problem. My thinking right now is that it is some type of firewall problem since I have had problems with my network in the past, but previously when I had problems with my firewall it would just tell me that the firewall was blocking it and that I needed to open up port something or other, which wasn't the case here. It also says that I have a lang exception of some type, which I figured could mean I need to update Java, but I updated java somewhat recently (like six months ago or so) and I currently have Java version 1.4.2; besides, I didn't see a minimum Java update required in the OP of the thread posted about it (again, sorry if I just can't read correctly).

My deepest apologies if this is just me being retarded with a computer, or if this was asked before and I missed it and asked it again. It seems like every time someone posts a problem it is something they easily could have fixed on their own with a minimum of thought, and I only hope this isn't the case for me. Sorry if I wasted everyone's time, and thanks for any help I get!
Just for kicks, I would follow the procedure outlined in one of the stickies to change your version of Java to version 6. No idea how well it will work, but I bet it's a problem with 1.4.
Just for kicks, I would follow the procedure outlined in one of the stickies to change your version of Java to version 6. No idea how well it will work, but I bet it's a problem with 1.4.

Sadly it appears that Java version 6 is not compatible with Mac OS X 10.4.11. I believe the oldest version it is compatible with is roughly 10.6.0; I'm not sure on that but either way it isn't compatible with 10.4.11. So is Java 6 required then? Seems odd because it specifically says version 1.4 should work. Thanks for the suggestion though.
My Poke Lab works, however, right now it has been saying,
"Connection Refused".
you're not alone.

yeah i've been dealing with the same issue... it just can't be worked around on Tiger... Apple only keeps updating Java for Snow Leopard/Leopard. yeah so the best you can do is complain to Apple about how they're limiting your Pokemon-playing time... :(
You need to install at least Java 1.5 and set it as your default Java installation.

If your version of OS X is too old (I don't know how old) then Apple will not allow you to install Java 1.5 without paying for a new version of OS X. I personally think this is dumb, but there's nothing I can do about it, so you'll have to forward your complaints to Steve Jobs.
this definitely means I can no longer play shoddy...I don't want to play with those pokeexperto losers, it's way to easy.
this blows. alas, goodbye for now my pokemon brethren I will be back when I can afford a better mac I suppose...