Starship Pain GEN 4 RMT

Well, Hey there this is Killadave with another RMT. Haven't posted one in a while so I Decide to post the team that i have been using recently. The whole reason of this team being put together was Chesto-Rest Kingdra so he is one poke i would not like to change. Any and All help would be Appreciated. So without further ADO Heres the team. Me and Undisputed worked hard on this team but i feel as if it missing something.


Heatran (M) @ Shuca Berry
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Explosion
My lead and SR setter upper lol. Very simple sets up SR and takes out any steel leads on the process.Earth Power allows him to take out fires mainly other Heatran and hits waters hard on the switchin. Explosion warrants a place on it, as it allows Heatran to explode on a number of key threats to your team, such as, but not limited to, Blissey, Tyranitar, Scarf Flygon and Kingdra switch-ins.


Tyranitar (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
As suggested by Undisputed. Tyranitar has one of the game's highest Attack, so why not Choice Band it? Choice Band gives Tyranitar sky high attack. Stone Edge and Crunch gives Tyranitar good STAB. Earthquake gives Tyranitar good coverage. Pursuit lets Tyranitar catch running Azelfs etc.


Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Recover
- Rapid Spin

Looking at my team, I had only 1 or no definitive checks for the likes of Gyarados, CM Jirachi, Starmie, Heatran, Offensive Cune, and (to an extent) Infernape. Rotom-W could effectively defeat and/or cripple all of the aforementioned offensive threats. Only one Pokemon fit the desired criteria: Starmie. Scarf Starmie, at the time of the creation of this team, was a relatively new idea. People have just begun using the Specs version, which I felt surprised a lot of people. My team generally had a surprise factor to it, so I decided to go a little tricky and use Starmie as my revenger. The final reason as to why I went with Starmie, was for the chance of a momentum switch.


Shaymin @ Leftover
Trait: Natural Cure
252 HP / 76 SpAtk / 180 Spe
Timid Nature
- Seed Flare
- Hidden Power [Fire]]
- Leech Seed
- Protect
This thing is so cute. Comes in on resisted attacks, Leech Seed on the switch. Blissey ain't going to wall Shaymin as it have to be prepared to face Leech Seed. If it softboilDs, I simply have to use Seed Flare and get the Special Defense drop and continue attacking before. HP Fire is to take care of the opposing Shaymin or other grass types and scizor.


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 76 HP / 216 Sp.A / 220 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Roost
- Hidden Power [ICE]
- Thunderbolt
There are not many Pokémon out there that can do the job of Toxi-stalling better than Zapdos. Zapdos stall them till the poison knocks them out or till they are out of PP, abusing its Ability, Pressure. The combination of Toxic, Substitute, Roost and Leftovers will nearly never let your opponent attack while inflicting damage and recovering the Substitute's 1/4 of HP cost.


Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Jolly | Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Thunder Punch
As Suggested By Heist. Changed my (dear D= ) Shaymin for this guy, since ive got comments that im having a huge DD Gyarados if Starmies not Scarfed and A Huge DD Tar weakness, Heist and Smith recommended this, so I tried this guy out and worked very well! ThunderPunch SPECIALLY for Gyarados mwahaha, Outrage for a good chunk of damage and STAB, sadly leaving me open for revenge kill sometimes, EQ as a good STAB as well and nice coverage, and finally U-Turn
Hey killadav2007. I know from experience that a simple core of Choice Band Tyranitar plus 2 or more special attackers makes for a deadly combination. With Tyranitar removing Blissey, Snorlax and other special walls from the equation via Pursuit, and the special-attackers [such as your Shaymin and Zapdos] making great switch-ins to the bulky-ground and fighting-type Pokemon that stand in Tyranitar's way, you are able to gain momentum quite easily, even for a Balanced team.

As it stands, you have a pretty giant Tyranitar weakness and a simple Dragon Dance Tyranitar can even sweep your entire team cold. You are also going to have a few problems with Electivire [lol] and I know it is generally considered a "bad" Pokemon, it has the potential to sweep you cold. Agility Metagross is also another problem Pokemon. Personally, I think the best option would be to replace Kingdra for a Scarf Flygon. Scarf Flygon patches up all the aforementioned weaknesses and with its U-turn it is able to give free switch-ins for your special attackers further increasing your momentum.

Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Jolly | Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Outrage / Stone Edge / U-turn / Earthquake

With Flygon being delegated the revenge killing duties, I think you should definitely consider a Life Orb on Starmie. With Blissey's removal, Life Orb Starmie has the potential to sweep entire stall teams cold. It will also be able to spin away the hazards letting your Zapdos come in for free. Definitely worth consideration.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Timid | Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Hydro Pump / Thunderbolt / Rapid Spin / Recover

Any of the last 3 moves can be replaced by Ice Beam, but I think that is the best possible moveset for your team.

On to minor changes, Heatran definitely does not want Roar. Explosion warrants a place on it, as it allows Heatran to explode on a number of key threats to your team, such as, but not limited to, Blissey, Tyranitar, Scarf Flygon and Kingdra switch-ins. Explosion would also be your best way of beating Machamp leads, unless you wanted to use a Rash Life Orb set with the moves Stealth Rock / Hidden Power [Grass] / Overheat / Explosion.

I think Shaymin would much prefer a spread of 252 HP / 76 SpAtk / 180 Spe Timid and Zapdos 248 HP / 76 Def / 180 Spe Timid, but these are just personal preferences. On both those Pokemon you should max HP first though.

Other than that, looks solid, good luck!
Hey killadav2007. I know from experience that a simple core of Choice Band Tyranitar plus 2 or more special attackers makes for a deadly combination. With Tyranitar removing Blissey, Snorlax and other special walls from the equation via Pursuit, and the special-attackers [such as your Shaymin and Zapdos] making great switch-ins to the bulky-ground and fighting-type Pokemon that stand in Tyranitar's way, you are able to gain momentum quite easily, even for a Balanced team.

As it stands, you have a pretty giant Tyranitar weakness and a simple Dragon Dance Tyranitar can even sweep your entire team cold. You are also going to have a few problems with Electivire [lol] and I know it is generally considered a "bad" Pokemon, it has the potential to sweep you cold. Agility Metagross is also another problem Pokemon. Personally, I think the best option would be to replace Kingdra for a Scarf Flygon. Scarf Flygon patches up all the aforementioned weaknesses and with its U-turn it is able to give free switch-ins for your special attackers further increasing your momentum.

Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Jolly | Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Outrage / Stone Edge / U-turn / Earthquake

With Flygon being delegated the revenge killing duties, I think you should definitely consider a Life Orb on Starmie. With Blissey's removal, Life Orb Starmie has the potential to sweep entire stall teams cold. It will also be able to spin away the hazards letting your Zapdos come in for free. Definitely worth consideration.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Timid | Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Hydro Pump / Thunderbolt / Rapid Spin / Recover

Any of the last 3 moves can be replaced by Ice Beam, but I think that is the best possible moveset for your team.

On to minor changes, Heatran definitely does not want Roar. Explosion warrants a place on it, as it allows Heatran to explode on a number of key threats to your team, such as, but not limited to, Blissey, Tyranitar, Scarf Flygon and Kingdra switch-ins. Explosion would also be your best way of beating Machamp leads, unless you wanted to use a Rash Life Orb set with the moves Stealth Rock / Hidden Power [Grass] / Overheat / Explosion.

I think Shaymin would much prefer a spread of 252 HP / 76 SpAtk / 180 Spe Timid and Zapdos 248 HP / 76 Def / 180 Spe Timid, but these are just personal preferences. On both those Pokemon you should max HP first though.

Other than that, looks solid, good luck!

1st i would actually like to Keep Kingdra he was the whole purpose of the team being put together. Me, and Undisputed were testing this team out and made Alot of Changes on the Team but i still felt as it was missing something. Alot of Poke Changed to the way the team looks now but i just wasnt producing it the way it should be.

If Any poke were get change i rather work with the team that revolves around Kingdra Sweep. So Yea.

I, Will consider that EV Spread for Zapdos and Shaymin seem like a More efficient EV Spread then The ones i Got Kinda Just Copied Celebis EV Spread From Someone RMT and it looked Efficient .
I basically agree entirely with Heist, a scarf Flygon would be a really good idea for this team. If you could fit in somewhere else you'd be much better off. You could put it in over Shaymin. Without it, you're very weak to Tyranitar, especially opposing CB Tyranitars. It also allows you to not use Scarf Starmie, who is kind of a meh revenge killer to me and who has much more potential as a LO stall breaker. That's unfortunately the only big change I can think of. I'll just nitpick a bit.

First up Heatran, like Heist said Roar is pretty dumb. Without spikes, you aren't really accomplishing anything and it doesn't have much uitility for stopping set-up sweepers because most of them beat up Heatran. If you want to use a "wtf" move and hit some of his switch-ins, Toxic is actually a lot of fun. Suicune, Vaporeon and even Blissey to an extent relaly hate it. It also provides some support for your SubRoost Zapdos as he can later stall some of these out.

I think that Zapdos' Def EVs should be placed into special defense. LO Shaymin is a legitimate annoyance for this team and SpDef Zapdos is pretty good against it. He still retains the ability to beat Lucario and Scizor so it isn't that huge of a difference.

That's really all I have, Heist basically ninja'd me. I hope this helped!
Recommended Changes (In Short)

  • One of the Following Three Changes
    • Hidden power Grass on Starmie
    • Specially Defensive Zapdos / Offensive Zapdos
    • Hidden Power Grass on Heatran
  • Thunder Punch Over Stone Edge on Flygon
Hey there, Killadav. If I remember correctly, I think I rated one of your previous teams back in November and it's good to see that this team is just as nice as the last one! Anyhow, about the actual rate; at this point I really can't see any problem this team has other than a slight lead Swampert weakness (as Heatran is unable to defeat it and due to Swampert's bulk, your Kingdra and Flygon will be of minimal use against it. I recommend trying one of three changes, the first being Grass Knot over Rapid Spin or Recover on Starmie as this will allow it to better combat Swampert. Although your Zapdos will have to deal with stealth rocks (if you choose to remove rapid spin on Starmie), I don't think it will present a large problem as your Zapdos carries roost. The next change which may be of use against Swampert would be changing Zapdos' set altogether to the standard physically defensive one with hidden power grass. As the specially defensive set may reduce your team's momentum, even trying out the offensive set wouldn't be a bad idea in my opinion, as it abuses the momentum your team picks up throughout the course of a battle. The third and final (and probably the most simplest) remedy would be to use hidden power grass on Heatran over Explosion, although this may leave you vulnerable to offensive Kingdra. Lastly, I recommend you use thunderpunch over stone edge on Flygon as the last thing you want is to get a miss against a +1 Gyarados. I hope this helped, and good luck!
I Kinda Might just Switch Kingdra All together and go with Shaymin again so i can deal with Swampert Alot better.

Plus, I thought i put T-Punch there silly me not looking. I Actually like the that Starmie that Heist picked out it Serves as a good Stall-Breaker. Hence the Nick i gave it on Wifi BritMie.

But Yea as i was thinkin about the team more I said to myself that Shaymin would be a Better fit over Kingdra even though I Built the team to revolve around Kingdra well I Guess that will be my Next team.

Thinking of Using HP ICE On my Shaymin to deal with Dragonite Before DD AND Flygons
erm, how is ur zapdos gonna toxic stall when it doesnt have toxic in its movepool? ur team doesnt have t-spikes either..