First V Gen. Team


Gliscor @ Leftovers
Sand Veil
252 HP | 252 Spe | 6 Def
-Stealth Rock

Lead Gliscor to maintain synergy with the rest of the team. He covers two of the three weaknesses for Magnezone on-top of the fact that after switching out Magnezone I can safely set-up Stealth Rock or heal with Roost. Earthquake is standard and U-turn to get out of there against Azelf/Aerydactl/etc leads.


Dragonite @ Leftovers
252 HP | 252 Attack | 6 Spe
-Fire Punch
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Dance

Fire Punch for coverage against steels like Scizor who still survive after a set-up with Magnezone. Dragon CLaw is my STAB move and can generally sweep teams after a few Dragon Dances, when near finished with him or near dead, I'll switch out until I can set-up Roost or use Vaporeon's Wish support to heal him.


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
248 HP | 226 Def | 36 Sp.Def
-Ice Beam
-Boil Over

Vaporeon, my wish support. She can pass Wish around the team rather safely for everyone. Toxic is to hit those bulky water types like Suicune who I seem to have troubles with. Boil Water over Surf for the single fact that it has a 30% chance to burn the opposing Pokemon. Ice Beam to handle those pesky dragons.


Magnezone @ Light Clay
Magnet Pull
252 HP | 160 Sp.Def | 96 Def
-Hidden Power[Fire]
-Light Screen

Magnezone will be used to have good psynergy with dragonite due to there resistances, reuniclus, dragonite, and roobushin to help them sweep with light screen and reflect. I'll trap steel types like heatran/jirachi/scizor/etc and set-up reflect/light screen and either use explosion/thunderbolt to deal damage/finish them off. Light clay to give me 8 turns over 5 with the set-up of light screen/reflect.


Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Magic Guard
252 HP | 252 Sp.Atk | 6 Def
-Shadow Ball
-Psycho Shock
-Calm Mind

My special sweeper, between Psycho Shock and Shadow Ball I have a good coverage of Pokemon who try to come in against my Roobushin and can easily sweep them with a single calm mind or sometimes none. I can usually keep this Pokemon in for a long while because of its bulk and recover move.


Roobushin @ Life Orb
252 Atk | 136 HP | 122 Sp.Def
-Stone Edge
-Drain Punch
-Mach Punch
-Bulk Up

Stone Edge for a rock move and power-hitter with its increased crit rate, very damaging after a bulk up. Drain Punch to heal some damage and dish it back out to them, seemed like a good idea. Mach Punch is my priority attack on the team and goes very well with Roobushin. Bulk Up to help sweep teams after I successfully set-up Reflect with Magnezone.
Lead Jirachi only really needs Iron Head and one punch move. Consider Stealth Rock since it's the perfect move to use after to Trick your scarf. I think you meant DDnight, not DDmence. Thanks to Multi-Scale and Roost, you're better off maxing your HP and Attack. What exactly are you using that speed to outrun? Also Fire Punch is a much better coverage move than Waterfall for Nattorei and other Steels. Just switch out of Heatran. Vaporeon is fine though I'd consider Toxic for bulky waters or Hail to dismantle opposing weather. Reuniclus has no business being Bold if you're not maxing its Df. Either make it Modest or max its Df, although the later is usually preferred. Infernape is plain outclassed these days. Breloom, Blaziken and Conkeldurr are much better.
Lead Jirachi only really needs Iron Head and one punch move. Consider Stealth Rock since it's the perfect move to use after to Trick your scarf. I think you meant DDnight, not DDmence. Thanks to Multi-Scale and Roost, you're better off maxing your HP and Attack. What exactly are you using that speed to outrun? Also Fire Punch is a much better coverage move than Waterfall for Nattorei and other Steels. Just switch out of Heatran. Vaporeon is fine though I'd consider Toxic for bulky waters or Hail to dismantle opposing weather. Reuniclus has no business being Bold if you're not maxing its Df. Either make it Modest or max its Df, although the later is usually preferred. Infernape is plain outclassed these days. Breloom, Blaziken and Conkeldurr are much better.
I really like U-turn on lead Jirachi, no room for Stealth rock honestly.
Yeah I meant DDnight, sorry. xD I changed it's EVs to that thanks, and gave him Fire Punch. But what should I do to cover my Heatran weakness then?
I removed Protect on Vaporeon for Toxic, thanks.
I'll use Roobushin over Infernape if I can find a good set for him.
You really want drain punch on roob/conk, as it provides and moderately powerful way to heal. Bulk up you can live without but is recommended. In other words, d punch instead of wood hammer and bulk up instead of sub. It loves status due to guts, and most people never status roob because of guts. Blissy/chansey are easily taken down, so sub isn't really useful IMO.
More than half of your team can handle Heatran, you don't need to worry about it. Use Stone Edge over Payback on Conkeldurr and a more effective EV spread mixes HP and SpD. Try 136 HP and 120 SpD I think it was.
Oh you have one point in Speed. Fair enough. I run a Conkeldurr/Reyuniclus combo myself and I use Shadow Ball and Psychic on mine to handle opponsing Reuniclus and other Psychic types. CM and Shadow Ball catches everybody off guard. I don't bother with Focus Blast because Conkeldurr can handle them. They're a great pair, better with screens and Wish support. You have Wish support at least. That's just what I use though, feel free to differentiate.
Thanks for the idea of a light screen/reflect user. magnezone took the place of hippowdon seeing as how he has excellent psynergy with dragonite, roobushin, and reuniclus
Please don't sacrifice your dual screener to nerfed Explosion especially when you have Wish support. In tough battles you can have to throw up screens another 1-2 times easily, or the enemy could have Brick Break. Use HP Fire for the trapped Steels or Ice for the Ground pokemon that switch in.
Please don't sacrifice your dual screener to nerfed Explosion especially when you have Wish support. In tough battles you can have to throw up screens another 1-2 times easily, or the enemy could have Brick Break. Use HP Fire for the trapped Steels or Ice for the Ground pokemon that switch in.
Alright, thanks ^^ Didn't know it was nerfed. [Been awhile sense I have played competitive pokemon, over 9 months] xD
  1. Stall
  2. Nasty Plot Borutorosu
  3. Offensive Calm Mind Latios
  4. Offensive / Bulky Butterfly Dance Urugamosu
  5. Life Orb Starmie

Stall can be a general pain for the team, as you lack an efficient way to break through common Stall members, such as, Blissey|Burungeru|Skarmory, which is a common stall core. They will get their entry hazards up, shuffle your team around, while shrugging off attacks, and eventually cause the team to succumb to entry hazard damage. Nasty Plot Borutorusu can set-up on Gliscor, who can't do anything to Borutorusu, and proceed to sweep your team with +2 Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Ice, Focus Blast. Offensive Calm Mind Latios can be pretty threatening to the team as well, forcing out Gliscor, and Dragonite (due to the threat of a LO/Specs Draco Meteor to the face), and getting up a crucial Calm Mind. From here it can take down Gliscor, Roobushin, Dragonite and Magnezone with +1 Dragon Pulse / Surf / Hidden Power Fire, after some prior damage. Your best bet is to Toxic it with Vaporeon, while getting 2HKOed by Dragon Pulse after set-up. Reuniclus may come out on top if Latios hasn't set-up yet, but if it comes in as Latios Calm Minds up, it will easily be 2HKOed. Last, but definitely not the least, Butterfly Urugamosu can be a pretty big threat as well, especially without Stealth Rock. Offensive and Bulky Urugamosu can come in on Reuniclus, set-up Butterfly dance for the boosted Special Attack / Special Defense and threaten to sweep the team with +1 Bug Buzz / Fire Blast / HP Rock. Vaporeon is your safest option against Offensive variants, although if it switches in on +1 Fire Blast, it might get destroyed by a following Bug Buzz. The most Vaporeon can do is rip off 50% of Urugamosu's health, which is fine if it's take prior SR damage. This is not the case with bulky variants, who can recover back health and continue to dish out damage. LO Starmie can also cause a bit of a hassle, having no safe switchins on this team, taking out everything bar Reuniclus with relative ease via Hydro Pump / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Recover. Reuniclus can't safely switch into Starmie, losing well over half its health. If Starmie Hydro Pumps as Reuniclus Calm Minds, Reuniclus will be sitting at 40% or so health, meaning if Hydro Pump hits again, Reuniclus goes down (since the minimum is 38.2%)!

Your Reuniclus set is also inefficient, causing you to be walled badly by Steel- types, which is one of the main reasons why Stall will give you a tough time, since common Stall members such as Skarmory and Nattorei will shrug off incoming Psycho Shocks and Shadow Balls. You should also be using Poison Heal on Gliscor alongside Toxic Orb, to regain more health than Leftovers, and being immune to Toxic. Dragonite is also running an inefficient set, causing it to be slow even after a Dragon Dance.


  • Solution A: Focus Blast on Rankurusu over Shadow Ball
This simple change allows you to safely combat Stall teams; at first you were badly walled by walls such as Forretrress, Skarmory, and Nattorei, but now you have a way to maim them really hard with a full on Focus Blast. Reuniclus now has the power to break down common Stall cores such as the one previously listed, Blissey | Skarmory | Burungeru, with a combination of +1 Psycho Shock / Focus Blast, and taking zero damage from entry hazards and Toxic damage from Blissey, thanks to Magic Guard.

  • Solution B: Choice Scarf Terakion over Vaporeon (and change Roobushin's spread)
IMO Vaporeon is your weakest link in the team, everything it's meant to handle is already handled by other members, so I don't think its services are required any longer. On the other hand, Choice Scarf Terakion gives you an awesome revenge killer to the aforementioned Offensive CM / LO Latios and Starmie via X-Scissor, NP Borutorusu and Butterfly Dance Urugamosu with Stone Edge. It's wide coverage allows it to revenge other threats as well, and it's surprise value also allows you to get away with it, a Terakion switching in on Latios will make the opponent gor "WTF? HE'S GANNA SET UP SWORDS DANCE, I'll JUST SURF!", right after you outspeed them and X-Scissor them away. For Latios, you can lure out an HP Fire to send Terakion to revenge, for Starmie, you need to lure out an Ice Beam / Thunderbolt or Recover for Terakion to switch into. Similarly, Urugamosu can be taken care off by luring out HP Rock via Dragonite, so Terakion can safely switch in and KO it with Stone Edge. However, this is not the case with Borutorusu, who can put a huge dent with any of its attacks at +2, so basically something has to go down for Terakion to switch-in. For this reason, I want you to try out a basic 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef on Roobushin to better take on Borutorusu and take it out with Stone Edge.

Additional Changes:

First and foremost, change Gliscor's Ability to Poison Heal, and hand him a Toxic Orb, for obvious reasons, also try Acrobat on Gliscor over U-turn. Secondly change Dragonite's spread to 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 Spe. Dragonite will come out to be slow even with a Dragon Dance boost with your current spread, and as you may know, Speed is very important in this metagame. Secondly, Magnezone should have the following spread, 252 HP / 96 Def / 162 SpD, with Volt Change over Thunderbolt, to easily switch to a team mate (Reuniclus, Roobushin, Dragonite), and begin sweeping. Also, your team is Physically based, only Reuniclus being your Special Attacker, so you may want to make Dragonite a mixed attacker, allowing it to break down Physical Walls easier, and crack the mid game wide open with high powered Draco Meteors, to allow Roobushin or Reuniclus to sweep away at the remnants of the foe's team.

Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 192 HP / 188 Def / 128 SpA
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Psycho Shock
- Recover
- Focus Blast

Terakion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justice Heart
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spe
Jolly nature (+Spe, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- X-Scissor
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Dragonite @ Life Orb
Ability: Multi Scale
EVs: 116 Atk / 200 SAtk / 192 Spe
Rash nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Extremespeed / Roost
- Brick Break / Thunderbolt

So to summarize:
  • Focus Blast + different spread on Reuniclus
  • Scarf Terakion > Vaporeon
  • (Optional) Change Dragonite's set to a Mixed Attacker.
