Zebstrika (Analysis) (GP 2/2)


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<p>Zebstrika has the potential to be a formidable threat. This is made all the better by the fact that it is the closest thing to a 100% counter to Thundurus. Its ability, Lightning Rod, raises its modest Special Attack stat to an acceptable level after the first boost, making it a powerful attacker and supporter. However, its terrible defenses often hold it back; even powerful neutral attacks are usually enough to take it down. Furthermore, without a Lightning Rod boost, even Zebstrika's super effective attacks will often fail to KO the opposition, greatly impeding his clout. While it has subpar stats bar Speed, after a Lightning Rod boost, Zebstrika can still easily stampede through teams.</p>

name: Thundurus's Partner
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb / Focus Sash
ability: Lightning Rod
nature: Timid
evs: 52 HP / 252 SpA / 204 Spe

<p>Zebstrika makes a great partner alongside Pokemon weak to Electric-type attacks because of its ability, Lightning Rod, which draws all Electric attacks towards Zebstrika and raises its Special Attack. Discharge users such as Thundurus also make wonderful partners due to their ability to boost Zebstrika while damaging the opponent. Overheat OHKOes most Steel-types. When holding a Life Orb, the combined damage of Thundurus's Electric Gem-boosted Discharge and Zebstrika's Lightning Rod boosted Overheat will OHKO standard Amoonguss roughly 98% of the time. Life Orb is the preferred item, guaranteeing an OHKO on non-Yache Berry Landorus and Tornadus with Hidden Power Ice and Thunderbolt, respectively. Because of how frail Zebstrika and Thundurus are, a random Choice Scarf user can put the hurt on both of them; leading off with this combo may not be the best idea, however. Bringing in the duo later can be a much safer option, so as to not lose Zebstrika or Thundurus on the first turn to Choice Scarf users.</p>

<p>It's important to note that Lightning Rod will redirect even your own Electric-type attacks towards Zebstrika. The only exception to this is Discharge, which will hit all Pokemon on the field, Zebstrika included. Though Life Orb is usually the preferred item, Focus Sash remains an option because Zebstrika's paper thin defenses rarely allow it to take even two neutral hits.</p>

<p>This set is meant to be used with a max Speed Thundurus. With 204 Speed EVs, Zebstrika will be one point slower than Thundurus, allowing it to attack after getting the Special Attack boost from Lightning Rod. An alternative spread with 252 Speed EVs allows it to out speed everything with Choice Scarf slower than Jellicent and Whimsicott. Only Accelgor is faster without a Choice Scarf. Unfortunately, this will make you faster than Thundurus, meaning Zebstrika's first attack will only be coming off of a base 80 Special Attack, unless Zebstrika is successfully switched into an Electric- type move or paired with a Choice Scarf Thundurus, which can be an effective partner. Zebstrika partners up well with other Choice Scarf users such as Jellicent and Terrakion, as well. It absorbs any Thunder Waves directed at them and gains a Lightning Rod boost in the process, meaning not even Prankster Thundurus can shut them down.</p>

[Other Options]
<p>For such a fast Pokemon, it’s a shame Zebstrika didn't get more support moves. Light Screen and Thunder Wave are probably its best options. Zebstrika is one of the best users of Me First, being able to OHKO unsuspecting Pokemon such as Hydriegon and Terrakion with their own STAB moves. However, Me First becomes easy to play around once your opponent sees it. Quick Attack can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon and gives you one last attack before being picked off by other priority users. Although it has higher Attack than Special Attack, a physical set is not nearly as effective due to Zebstrika’s poor physical movepool and Lightning Rod's ability to boost Zebstrika's Special Attack. Wild Charge, however, is more powerful than Thunderbolt initially, and can OHKO Jellicent. Motor Drive is almost always inferior to Lightning Rod; even if you were to use a physical set, Zebstrika is usually the 2nd fastest Pokemon on the field when used in combination with Thundurus. Lightning Rod is more useful since it protects your teammates from Electric-type attacks regardless.</p>

[Checks and Counters]
<p>Trick Room in general is a good counter to Zebstrika due to Zebstrika and Thundurus being unable to KO common Trick Room starters. With its pitiful defenses, Zebstrika won’t be taking many, if any, hits without Focus Sash after Trick Room is set up. Due to Zebstrika’s mediocre Special Attack, most bulky Pokemon can take a hit and cause serious damage with a strong neutral attack. Seismitoad takes little damage from Hidden Power Ice and can OHKO with Earthquake. Besides Overheat, Amoonguss can sponge any of Zebstrika's hits pretty well.</p>
Mention in the overview that Zebstrika can easily take on all of the genies, outspeeding them and resisting or having an immunity to any of Tornadus's or Thundurus's STAB moves and 2HKOing with HP Ice, while OHKOing Landorus with HP Ice.

EDIT: Well, that's the main reason to use it, so I think that should be pretty prominently featured.
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Zebstrika can be a formidable attacker made even better by the fact that it’s the closest thing to a 100% Thundurus counter. Zebstrika has the potential to be a formidable threat. This is made all the better by the fact that it is the closest thing to a 100% counter to Thundurus. Its ability, Lightning Rod, raises its modest Special Attack to an acceptable level after the first boost, (comma) making it a powerful attacker and supporter. However, it’s held back by its terrible defenses, taking lethal damage from strong neutral attacks, and without the lightning Rod boost it may be unable to get KOs even when using super effective attacks which really impede his usability. However, it's terrible defenses often hold it back; even powerful neutral attacks are enough to take it down. Furthermore, without a Lightning Rod boost, even Zebstrika's super effective attacks will often fail to KO, greatly impeding his clout. While it has not so great sub par stats bar Speed, given the chance after a Lightning Rod boost, Zebstrika can still easily stampede through teams given proper support.</P>

name: Thundurus's Partner
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb / Focus Sash / Electric Gem
ability: Lightning Rod
nature: Timid
evs: 52 Hp / 252 SpA / 204 Spe


<p>Zebstrika makes a great partner alongside Electric-type weak Pokemon because of its ability, (comma) Lightening Rod, which draws all Electric attacks towards Zebstrika and raises its Special Attack., or Discharge users such as Thundurus to form a powerful attacking combination also make wonderful partners due to their ability to boost Zebstrika while damaging the opponent. Overheat 1OHKOes most Steel-types. (hyphen and period) and does tremendous damage to Amoonguss, 1HKOing the standard Amoonguss roughly 98% of the time after the Lightening Rod Boost with Life Orb and damage from Discharge if Thundurus holds an Electric Gem When holding a Life Orb, the combined damage of Electric Gem Thundurus's Discharge and Zebstrika's Lightening Rod boosted Overheat will OHKO standard Amoonguss roughly 98% of the time. Life Orb being is the preferred item, guaranteeings an OHKO on non-Yache (hyphen) Berry Landorus and Tornadus with Hidden Power Ice and Thunderbolt
, (comma) respectively. Because of how frail Zebstrika and Thundurus's are, a random Choice Scarf user can put the hurt on both of them; (semicolon) so leading off with this combo may not be the best idea. Bringing in the combo duo later can be a much safer option, so as to not loose Zebstrika or Thundurus on the first turn to a random Choice Scarf users.</p>


<p>It’s important to note that Lightening Rod redirects even your own Electric-type attacks so a partner using anything but Discharge will only be fueling Zebstrika. Your other Electric-type Pokemon should only use Discharge which hits all Pokemon on the field while Zebstrika is on the field. It's important to note that Lightening Rod will redirect even your own Electric-type attacks towards Zebstrika. The only exception to this is Discharge, which will hit all Pokemon on the field, Zebstrika included. Though Life Orb is usually the preferred item, Focus Sash remains an option because Zebstrika's paper thin defenses rarely allow it to take even two neutral hits. Since both Life Orb and Focus Sash are commonly used items, however, Electric Gem is usable over those two if you are having trouble with the item clause. but Life Orb is usually the best choice. Focus Sash because of its paper thin defenses not allowing it to survive more than two neutral hits.</p>

<p>This set is meant to be used with a max Speed Thundurus., (stop) With 204 Speed EVs
, (comma) allowing it to be Zebstrika will be one point slower than Thundurus, (comma) so it can allowing it to attack after getting the Special Attack boost from Lightning Rod. 252 Speed EVs can be utilized instead allowing you to out speed everything bar Accelgor and speed tie with Choice Scarf Jellicent and Whimsicott, however, you will go before Thundurus meaning Zebstrika’s first attack will only be coming off an 80 Special Attack base stat unless you manage to safely switch it in on an Electric-type attack. Zebstrika works surprising well alongside other Choice Scarf users such as Jellicent or Terakion and prevents opposing Thundurus from crippling your Choice Scarf user with a Prankster Thunder Wave as a last ditch attempt. An alternative spread with 252 Speed EVs allows it to outspeed everything with Choice Scarf slower than Jellicent and Whimsicott. Only Accelgor is faster without a Choice Scarf. Unfortunately, this will make you faster than Thundurus, meaning Zebstrika's first attack will only be coming off of a base 80 Special Attack, unless successfully switched into an Electric move. Zebstrika partners up well with Choice Scarf users such as Jellicent and Terrakion. It absorbs any Thunder Waves directed at them and gains a Lightening Rod boost in the process, meaning not even Prankster Thundurus can shut them down.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>For such a fast Pokemon, it’s a shame it Zebstrika didn’t get more support moves. options, Light Screen and Thunder Wave are probably the best it can do its best options. Zebstrika is one of the best users of Me First
, (comma) being able to OHKO unsuspecting Pokemon such as Hydriegon and Terrakion with their own STAB moves. However, Me First becomes easy to play around once your opponent sees it. Quick Attack can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon and gives you one last attack before being picked off by other priority users. will go before other priority users can pick you off. Although it has a higher Attack then than Special Attack, a physical set is not nearly as effective due to Zebstrika’s poor physical movepool and Lightning Rod's ability to boost boosting Zebstrika's Special Attack. Wild Charge, (comma) however, does out damage is more powerful than Thunderbolt initially and can 1OHKO Jellicent. Motor Drive is almost always inferior to Lightening Rod;, (semicolon) even if you were to use a physical set, Zebstrika is already the 2nd fastest Pokeémon and Lightening Rod is useful for protecting your teammates from Electric attacks.</P

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Trick Room in general is a good counter due to Zebstrika and Thundurus being unable to KO common Trick Room starters. (stop) and With its pitiful defenses, it Zebstrika won’t be taking many
, (comma) if any, (comma) hits without Focus Sash after Trick Room is set up. Due to Zebstrika’s mediocre Special Attack, most bulky Pokemon can take a hit and cause serious damage with a strong neutral attack. Seismitoad takes little from Hidden Power Ice and KOes with Earthquake. Besides Overheat, Amoonguss can sponge any of Zebstrika's hits pretty well.</P>

I had to change quite a bit with this one. Whoever gives this a second check, be sure to watch out for any minor mistakes I may have made while rewriting it.
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<p>Zebstrika has the potential to be a formidable threat. This is made all the better by the fact that it is the closest thing to a 100% counter to Thundurus. Its ability, Lightning Rod, raises its modest Special Attack stat to an acceptable level after the first boost, making it a powerful attacker and supporter. However, its terrible defenses often hold it back; even powerful neutral attacks are usually enough to take it down. Furthermore, without a Lightning Rod boost, even Zebstrika's super effective attacks will often fail to KO the opposition, greatly impeding his clout. While it has subpar stats bar Speed, after a Lightning Rod boost, Zebstrika can still easily stampede through teams.</P>

name: Thundurus's Partner
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ice
move 3: Overheat
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb / Focus Sash / Electric Gem
ability: Lightning Rod
nature: Timid
evs: 52 HPp / 252 SpA / 204 Spe

<p>Zebstrika makes a great partner alongside Pokemon weak to Electric-type weak attacks because of its ability, Lightening Rod, which draws all Electric attacks towards Zebstrika and raises its Special Attack. Discharge users such as Thundurus also make wonderful partners due to their ability to boost Zebstrika while damaging the opponent. Overheat OHKOes most Steel-types. When holding a Life Orb, the combined damage of Thundurus's Electric Gem-(hyphen)boosted Thundurus's Discharge and Zebstrika's Lightening Rod-(hyphen)boosted Overheat will OHKO standard Amoonguss roughly 98% of the time. Life Orb is the preferred item, guaranteeing an OHKO on non-Yache Berry Landorus and Tornadus with Hidden Power Ice and Thunderbolt, respectively. Because of how frail Zebstrika and Thundurus are, a random Choice Scarf user can put the hurt on both of them; leading off with this combo may not be the best idea, (comma) however. Bringing in the duo later can be a much(space)safer option, so as to not lose Zebstrika or Thundurus on the first turn to Choice Scarf users.</p>

<p>It's important to note that Lightening Rod will redirect even your own Electric-type attacks towards Zebstrika. The only exception to this is Discharge, which will hit all Pokemon on the field, Zebstrika included. Though Life Orb is usually the preferred item, Focus Sash remains an option because Zebstrika's paper thin defenses rarely allow it to take even two neutral hits. Since both are commonly used items, however, Electric Gem is usable if you are having trouble with the iItem cClause.</p>

<p>This set is meant to be used with a max Speed Thundurus. With 204 Speed EVs, Zebstrika will be one point slower than Thundurus, allowing it to attack after getting the Special Attack boost from Lightning Rod. An alternative spread with 252 Speed EVs allows it to out speed everything with Choice Scarf slower than Jellicent and Whimsicott. Only Accelgor is faster without a Choice Scarf. Unfortunately, this will make you faster than Thundurus, meaning Zebstrika's first attack will only be coming off of a base 80 Special Attack, unless Zebstrika is successfully switched into an Electric-(hyphen)type move or paired with a Choice Scarf Thundurus, which can be an effective partner. Zebstrika partners up well with other Choice Scarf users such as Jellicent and Terrakion, (comma) as well. It absorbs any Thunder Waves directed at them and gains a Lightening Rod boost in the process, meaning not even Prankster Thundurus can shut them down.</p>

[Other Options]
<p>For such a fast Pokemon, it’s a shame Zebstrika didn't get more support moves. Light Screen and Thunder Wave are probably its best options. Zebstrika is one of the best users of Me First, being able to OHKO unsuspecting Pokemon such as Hydriegon and Terrakion with their own STAB moves. However, Me First becomes easy to play around once your opponent sees it. Quick Attack can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon and gives you one last attack before being picked off by other priority users. Although it has a higher Attack than Special Attack, a physical set is not nearly as effective due to Zebstrika’s poor physical movepool and Lightning Rod's ability to boost Zebstrika's Special Attack. Wild Charge, however, is more powerful than Thunderbolt initially, (comma) and can OHKO Jellicent. Motor Drive is almost always inferior to Lightening Rod; even if you were to use a physical set, Zebstrika is usually already the 2nd fastest Pokemon on the field when used in combination with Thundurus. (period) and Lightening Rod is more useful for protecting since it protects your teammates from Electric-(hyphen)type attacks regardless.</P

[Checks and Counters]
<p>Trick Room in general is a good counter to Zebstrika due to Zebstrika and Thundurus being unable to KO common Trick Room starters. With its pitiful defenses, Zebstrika won’t be taking many, if any, hits without Focus Sash after Trick Room is set up. Due to Zebstrika’s mediocre Special Attack, most bulky Pokemon can take a hit and cause serious damage with a strong neutral attack. Seismitoad takes little damage from Hidden Power Ice and can OHKO KOes with Earthquake. Besides Overheat, Amoonguss can sponge any of Zebstrika's hits pretty well.</P>


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