CAP1 - Part 15.5 - (Pre-Evo Dream World Ability Discussion)

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So on we go!

The community chose from the last poll to give Scratchet a Dream World ability, so let's figure out what it should be! Know that regardless of the slate from the discussion thread, Justified, Tomohawk's DW ability, will appear on the poll. The abilities Arena Trap, Drizzle, Drought, Huge Power, Imposter, Magic Bounce, Magic Guard, Multitype, Pure Power, Shadow Tag, Tinted Lens, Unaware, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode are disallowed from being given to CAP1's pre-evo. If there are any other crazy abilities that I realize before the end of this discussion thread, I reserve the right to add them to this banned list!

I also want to edit this and mention that this discussion shouldn't address whether or not people feel that Scratchet's DW ability should be a 'flavor' ability. Note that Scratchet really isn't a competitively-minded Pokemon to begin with, so that's why I'm not distinguishing between flavor abilities and competitive abilities. In reality, any ability we choose is a flavor ability! So, if you ask me, have a little bit of fun with it. ;)

That all said, let's see what people like!

Here's our pre-evo so far:
Main Design


Supporting Material

Side-on pose showing spots and egg shaped body.

This Tomohawk prevo concept is a little cub with a protective fluffy egg body. The ruffles around its face show the beginnings of the feather-like fur that Tomohawk uses for flight after it evolves. Its wide, flat, oversized arms hint at wings. Tomohawk's purple markings are foreshadowed in the purple spots on cub-hawk's egg body.
Name: Scratchet
Typing: Normal / Fighting
Base Stats: 55 HP / 85 Atk / 80 Def / 20 SpA / 70 SpD / 40 Spe
Abilities: Scrappy / Prankster
Moody is a banned ability for both the LC and OU tiers, so were it picked as a DW ability, it wouldn't be an issue to begin with. In-fact, it might actually be quite a hilarious and awesome flavor ability!
should the ability be simply for flavor, then I suggest Klutz (such a bad ability), Cute Charm, Inner Focus, possibly Gluttony or do I dare say it? just for fun... NORMALIZE lol that would be hilarious
Thick Fat seems interesting, partly from a flavor standpoint (it's just so chubby) and might be interesting competitively.
Well, someone mentioned Cute Charm in the voting thread. That would be... cute.

Rattled which lost the previous ability poll would also still work.

Scratchet looks like an active little guy, so I could see Vital Spirit working.

Finally, going less competitive, things like Pick Up would fit. I highly doubt that would get any votes, but, hey, it would make sense.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention Thick Fat. I'm not sure it is THAT fat, but it is kinda chubby.

And another edit: Looking at it actually made me think of Hustle. It really looks like it would be hustling around while battling.
I am really liking Rattled because it is a very natural transition into Tomohawk's Justified. Cute Charm just does not seem like a good fit for Scratchet. It is cute and all, but it is a different kind of cute than Jigglypuff and Skitty. Moody is just no. Klutz could work, I guess. I am just too in love with Rattled to give it much thought!

And for my 300th post I say this: THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!!!!
I think Adaptability would work pretty well both flavour-wise and competitively. It could allude to Tomohawk's hawk disguise, for one. It could work really well for a pokedex entry about adapting to climates in the desert or such, since Tomohawk's entry mentions the desert.

Rattled sounds like a nice ability that would be pretty nifty to turn into Justified, it just doesn't seem to make sense next to Scrappy.
Don't like Cute Charm! Scratchet is cute but doesn't look like he would really infatuate anyone. He would think that kissing is gross.

I like Justified still, but if we wanna go with something different, Defiant is kind of like an immature Justified. He seems like he would want to do exactly the opposite of what he is told. :)
Rattled sounds like a nice ability that would be pretty nifty to turn into Justified, it just doesn't seem to make sense next to Scrappy.
It's possible that a Rattled Scratchet has a "different personality" to a Scrappy Scratchet. Pokémon spends a lot of time pushing the "all Pokémon are different" message anyway.

Speaking of which, Rattled is pretty good.
It's possible that a Rattled Scratchet has a "different personality" to a Scrappy Scratchet. Pokémon spends a lot of time pushing the "all Pokémon are different" message anyway.

Ooooh, good point. Though I thought it was natures and IV descriptions that did that, I suppose Abilities deliver that message too.
I thing something like Vital Spirit, Defiant, or Inner Focus would fit him perfectly. Also, Thick Fat or Gluttony would be funny on him, as he is a bit chubby. Moxie would work also, as he looks pretty confident to me. (although that may be too good of an ability for him)
Thick fat seem like a fun choice taking away the ice weakness and gaining resistance to fire is cool. and it makes a lot of sense it's chubby and covered in insulating fur.
Thick fat seem like a fun choice taking away the ice weakness and gaining resistance to fire is cool. and it makes a lot of sense it's chubby and covered in insulating fur.

Scratchet isn't part flying like Tomohawk, so Thick Fat would make Scratchet resist ice and fire attacks. That out of the way, I would like to see either Rattled or Hustle as its hidden abillity.
I always got the feeling that Scratchet and Tomohawk would be pretty protective of their flock/pack, so Friend Guard might not be a bad choice.

Beyond that, I think Hustle and Rivalry are both good candidates. Or, given that they (at least sometimes) live in the desert, we could use Sand Rush.
Definitely Rattled, Thick Fat, Defiant, or Moody. All of these are previously argued, so I won't bother echoing. But wait...Yes, that's right, Moody. Sure, it'd be useless in LC, but could be funny in Ubers.
For some reasons, all the references to a "fluffy egg body" and stuff make me think of Weak Armor...but I don't think it fits at all in any other way, so nah.

I really like the suggestions of Hustle and Rattled. I also really like Defiant.

That's all I have to say.
Pick-up just saying it would be awesome. Even though this kid will never be in a game. I can imagine mine would be picking up master balls off the ground for me. I'd probably keep him as a Scratchet until he was level 99
I would like to see Adaptability as the ability since it makes for a nice ability that actually works competitively and it makes sence considering Tom's Bird costume and it makes him a pre-view of what his evolution should be

I also support Think Fat, Cute Charm, and Rattled
I think Justified, Defiant, and Rattled are the best ones suggested so far. I'm leaning towards Rattled right now, for reasons already given by SgtWoodsy.
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