2011 VGC team, requesting feedback :)

hello. Just a brief introduction: I have compiled a team for the upcoming northwest (seattle) pokemon video game championships regional qualifier. I've battled with it online and my battle record is 89 wins, 19 losses, so it works fairly well, but I would appreciate any critiques or suggestions. Thanks.

Scrafty @ Big root
Ability: shed skind
Nature: brave (+ atk, - speed)
EV's: 252 atk, 100 def, 100 sp D, 58 HP


1: crunch
2: fake out
3: drain punch
4: protect

Scrafty's purpose is for first turn fake out, while cofagrigus sets up trick room. Big root is great for STAB drain punch. Crunch for STAB as well. Protect is necessary to make meinshoa's miss on high jump kicks. His ev spread has proven to be useful against most pokemon because of his good base defense and special defense, while still focusing on max power. Once this guy is in, he usually stays in for a while.

Cofagrigus @ mental herb
Ability: mummy
Nature: sassy (+sp D, - speed)
EV's: 252 sp D, 100 def. 158 sp A)


1: shadow ball
2: destiny bond
3: trick room
4: power split/ protect

Cofagrigus is for setting up trick room. Having him at sassy and 252 special defense EV's allows him to survive any shadow ball/ ghost threats while scrafty uses fake out/ protect. His great defense makes him able to survive most OHKO attacks, and mental herb for pesky taunts and encores. ( Still not sure what to do about chandelures with imprison. Any suggestions?) Once trick room is off, destiny bond is great if he has low hp.

Gigalith @ normal gem
Ability: sturdy
Nature: brave (+ atk, - speed)
EV's: 252 atk, 100 def, 158 sp D


1: Rock slide
2: Protect
3: Explosion
4: Rock blast

Gigalith is mostly for taking out genies trying to stall out trick room. Rock blast gets rid of substitute and rock slide hits hard if I'm faced with a tornadus thunderus lead. Explosion is for taking out pokemon I have no real coverage on, although most people usually run all pokemon with protect/ detect.

Conkeldurr @ flame orb
Ability: guts
Nature: brave (+ atk, - speed)
EV's: 252 atk, 58 def, 100 sp D, 100 HP


1: hammer arm
2: mach punch
3: stone edge
4: detect

Conkeldurr is my physical sweeper. With guts, he has the highest attack in the B/W metagame. Also, is immune to other status problems. Hammer arm is a powerful semi reliable STAB and it raises his speed every turn (in trick room). Mach punch is a powerful priority STAB, and stone edge is great coverage in general. His attack is maxed, with a nature hindering speed for tr, and his ev spread is seemingly very effective. I used more special defense ev's to make up for less base special defense, and less for defense. I'm sure the 100 hp helps too. ( And suggestions or critiques for this ev spread?)


Amoonguss @ black sludge/ quick claw lol
Ability: effect spore
Nature: relaxed (+def, - speed)
EV's: 252 HP, 128 def, 128 sp D


1: giga drain
2: spore
3: ingrain/ protect
4: rage powder

Amoonguss is used for rage powder on the first turn to allow chandelure to set up trick room. Once trick room is set up, he can spore down any threats. Any suggestions for what item to use him with would be helpful, not to sure if black sludge is worth it. (Quick claw is kind of a joke, but itd be funny to get a random spore off first.)

Chandelure @ focas sash
Ability: flame body
Nature: quiet (+sp A, - speed)
EV's: 252 sp A, 128 def. 128 sp D


1: heat wave
2: shadow ball
3: imprison/ protect
4: trick room

Chandelure's for setting up trick room, and focus sash is useful if amoongus gets taken out after the first round of rage powder and trick room. after trick room is set up, amoongus spores threats while chandelure takes out the other with shadow ball, or just heat waves, both great STAB moves.

I appreciate any time you've taken to look over my team. My vgc regionals are in 9 days, ANY help and/or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I can see you are weak to tornadus so i suggest using Klinklang as it is steel type so it resists acrobat and can use shift gear to increase attack and speed, and it also learns gear grind which hits twice to break focus sash and is STAB
I can see you are weak to tornadus so i suggest using Klinklang as it is steel type so it resists acrobat and can use shift gear to increase attack and speed, and it also learns gear grind which hits twice to break focus sash and is STAB

That wouldn't work with my team. I'm using a tr team. Im considering using a liepard instead of scrafty for the fastest posisble fake out, sucker punch, and snatch for imprison users. maybe i should update this post and include liepard... thanks for the feedback.
Liepard is fragile as hell tho. Rock Slide > Stone Edge for spread on Conkeldurr, and try Rock Slide on Scrafty.

I don't think that there are any other unova pokemon that can learn snatch, which is detrimental to my team. chandelure with imprison destroys me.

What move do you think I should remove on scrafty for rock slide? because crunch and drain punch are vital for STAB, and fake out and protect and pretty important too... sigh
Hey impendingdoom94, your team looks great, here are a few suggestions that I hope may have some utility: I think your idea to use power split on cofagrigus is a good one, seems like it gives it more value post tr, rather than just another protect. Black sludge on amoongus is helpful with protect and especially if he/she makes it to late game when only two pkmn remain. Also, protect seems more applicable in this meta with all the trick rooms and tailwinds. Overall, I think think you have a pretty strong team. Hope any of this helps.
I think the set on scrafty is fine, perhaps a normal gem could help with fake-out but I think the big root really adds to his longevity.
I'd replace Stone Edge on Conkeldurr with Rock Slide, for the spread damage.

Leftovers > Drain Punch on Scrafty. It'll let you recover health during Protect's and the other attacks.
I'd replace Stone Edge on Conkeldurr with Rock Slide, for the spread damage.

Leftovers > Drain Punch on Scrafty. It'll let you recover health during Protect's and the other attacks.

Yeah I'm pretty sure rock slide would be better than stone edge.
I'm not too sure about leftovers, big root seems to heal scrafty's hp pretty well with drain punch. He stays in for a long time.
You should give Conkeldurr Facade because when it is powered by Flame Orb plus Guts it has a powerful 210 damage, OHKOing anything in its way. Overall great team. Good luck in the VGC!
You should give Conkeldurr Facade because when it is powered by Flame Orb plus Guts it has a powerful 210 damage, OHKOing anything in its way. Overall great team. Good luck in the VGC!

No, actually it would have 140 power, hammer arm, mach punch, rock slide, protect is such a better moveset. The only way running facade would be good, is if it was a STAB move.
It seems your team has been perfected! Good luck in the VGC! What Division are you in? I got upgraded to senior division this year.
It seems your team has been perfected! Good luck in the VGC! What Division are you in? I got upgraded to senior division this year.

I'm going to be crushing anyone who stands before me in the masters division. Lucky you don't have to fight me. You would have an advantage, as now you know my team.
Hey, I appreciate all the tips you gave me, especially from a guy like you with a lot of experience! I'm almost done training my team, so when that's finished, do you mind if I battle you?
Dang... how do you do this and school at the same time? I'm in middle school (proud to be on the b-ball team!) and I can't do that. I'm home right now.
I'll try over the weekend cause right now my parents won't let me use video games on school days. Sorry...... Just add me to your contacts in Smogon so we can KIT.
KIT is called keep in touch my big bro. And to add me to your contacts, click on my name and go down to "add nballer to your contacts."