Smogon University PO Statistics — May 2011

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Zapdos only needs .1% more... :(
Use it, people! Keep it in OU! It must never leave the tier!!!

Tornadus is in UU now, but it can't spam Hurricane down there, so it'll probably not fare as well in its new home.

Espeon is an interesting OU addition. Its typing kinda screws it over, because it lacks Lati@s' epic STAB, or Reuniclus' epic ability (and it's less bulky than both of them). Plus, it has a terrible offensive movepool (Shadow Ball, Psychic/Psyshock, and Hidden Power). Really, it can Baton Pass, and... what else? I doubt it'll last too long.

EDIT: smd, Ferrothorn.
It's depressing to see Durant, Rotom-H and Raikou so low in UU. Use the crap out of these guys!

(I blame the lack of Raikou down to Chansey. If/when Chansey is banned, Raikou will be one of the biggest threats around).
Tornadus is in UU now, but it can't spam Hurricane down there, so it'll probably not fare as well in its new home.

Huh? Tornadus learns rain dance you know...

Anyway, I'm glad Espeon is finally where it belongs. It doesn't look like Zapdos and Celebi are going to last long in UU either (they aren't UU quality, people!)

The fact that Latias may become UU is frightening though.

Espeon is an interesting OU addition. Its typing kinda screws it over, because it lacks Lati@s' epic STAB, or Reuniclus' epic ability (and it's less bulky than both of them). Plus, it has a terrible offensive movepool (Shadow Ball, Psychic/Psyshock, and Hidden Power). Really, it can Baton Pass, and... what else? I doubt it'll last too long.

Use Espeon on a BP team with Calm Mind/Hidden Power Fighting, Stored Power, Substitute, and Baton Pass, and you'll understand why it's not UU...
Lucario at 40, Virizion is even lower and Latias barely scrapes OU.

Yet we have Swampert at 35. Really guys? REALLY?

Still wondering what people see in Pert.
Honestly I think Swampert belongs in UU as long as things like Breloom, Ferrothorn and Cholorophyll Grass types are in OU.
SlimMan said:
Espeon is an interesting OU addition. Its typing kinda screws it over, because it lacks Lati@s' epic STAB, or Reuniclus' epic ability (and it's less bulky than both of them). Plus, it has a terrible offensive movepool (Shadow Ball, Psychic/Psyshock, and Hidden Power). Really, it can Baton Pass, and... what else? I doubt it'll last too long.

Espeon is OU because it's probably the best screener for the common Smash Pass team. It's 'immune' to Taunt so screens are more than likely going up, and it's unable to be phazed making a good recipient of the Shell Smash in a pinch.
Honestly I think Swampert belongs in UU as long as things like Breloom, Ferrothorn and Cholorophyll Grass types are in OU.

I agree, especially because as previous poster said, Quagsire just counters whatever swampert counters only much better. and Quagsire can recover and stop setup sweepers too! but hey, I'm fine with Quaggy in UU.
I agree, especially because as previous poster said, Quagsire just counters whatever swampert counters only much better. and Quagsire can recover and stop setup sweepers too! but hey, I'm fine with Quaggy in UU.

Quagsire with Unaware > Swampert, hell even Hydration Whiscash is a better option.

Id imagine that Swampert would fit well in UU considering its almost exactly like OU of 4th gen.
Huh? Tornadus learns rain dance you know...

Anyway, I'm glad Espeon is finally where it belongs. It doesn't look like Zapdos and Celebi are going to last long in UU either (they aren't UU quality, people!)

The fact that Latias may become UU is frightening though.
But Tornadus has to set up in UU. That's my point. He can't come in and fire off his Specs Hurricanes anymore (I think Specs is most common, right?).
I agree that Celebi and Zapdos belong in OU, though. Latias, too.

Espeon is OU because it's probably the best screener for the common Smash Pass team. It's 'immune' to Taunt so screens are more than likely going up, and it's unable to be phazed making a good recipient of the Shell Smash in a pinch.
But it's frail as shit. Even with screens, a hell of a lot things can still OHKO it, meaning that you really only get one shot at your SmashPass. Maybe I'm just too used to Deo-S doing that job :/ (who can Taunt any Taunter/Phazer other than Prankster).
Just some interesting stuff. Here's the differentials for all the currently OU Pokemon.

 + ---- + --------------- + ------ + ------- + --- +
 | Rank | Pokemon         | Usage  | Percent | +-# |
 + ---- + --------------- + ------ + ------- + --- +
 | 1    | Tyranitar       | 119711 | 21.8169 | +1  |
 | 2    | Ferrothorn      | 117960 | 21.4978 | -1  | 
 | 3    | Garchomp        | 113074 | 20.6073 | +1  |
 | 4    | Scizor          | 107394 | 19.5722 | -1  |
 | 5    | Gliscor         |  87936 | 16.0260 | ==  |
 | 6    | Latios          |  81312 | 14.8188 | ==  |
 | 7    | Rotom-W         |  74332 | 13.5467 | +3  |
 | 8    | Excadrill       |  72129 | 13.1452 | -1  |
 | 9    | Reuniclus       |  68412 | 12.4678 | -1  |
 | 10   | Heatran         |  68095 | 12.4101 | -1  |
 | 11   | Jirachi         |  65026 | 11.8507 | +1  |
 | 12   | Dragonite       |  64329 | 11.7237 | +2  |
 | 13   | Conkeldurr      |  61359 | 11.1825 | -2  |
 | 14   | Politoed        |  59370 | 10.8200 | -1  |
 | 15   | Gengar          |  58717 | 10.7010 | -1  |
 | 16   | Skarmory        |  54634 |  9.9568 | +2  |
 | 17   | Thundurus       |  54391 |  9.9126 | -2  |
 | 18   | Jellicent       |  49694 |  9.0565 | -1  |
 | 19   | Starmie         |  46790 |  8.5273 | +1  |
 | 20   | Volcarona       |  42924 |  7.8227 | -1  |
 | 21   | Infernape       |  41804 |  7.6186 | +4  |
 | 22   | Gyarados        |  40430 |  7.3682 | -1  |
 | 23   | Blissey         |  40129 |  7.3134 | +1  |
 | 24   | Forretress      |  37361 |  6.8089 | -1  |
 | 25   | Ninetales       |  34024 |  6.2007 | +1  |
 | 26   | Hydreigon       |  34009 |  6.1980 | -4  |
 | 27   | Haxorus         |  33256 |  6.0608 | +9  |
 | 28   | Salamence       |  32868 |  5.9901 | ==  |
 | 29   | Magnezone       |  32777 |  5.9735 | +11 |
 | 30   | Terrakion       |  32672 |  5.9544 | +4  |
 | 31   | Vaporeon        |  29003 |  5.2857 | -4  |
 | 32   | Metagross       |  28745 |  5.2387 | +1  |
 | 33   | Breloom         |  28481 |  5.1906 | -4  |
 | 34   | Chandelure      |  27876 |  5.0803 | -4  |
 | 35   | Swampert        |  27815 |  5.0692 | ==  |
 | 36   | Cloyster        |  26698 |  4.8656 | +2  |
 | 37   | Scrafty         |  26494 |  4.8284 | -6  |
 | 38   | Hippowdon       |  26166 |  4.7687 | +1  |
 | 39   | Tentacruel      |  25863 |  4.7134 | -7  |
 | 40   | Lucario         |  25625 |  4.6701 | -3  |
 | 41   | Machamp         |  23961 |  4.3668 | +1  |
 | 42   | Deoxys-S        |  23920 |  4.3593 | -1  |
 | 43   | Toxicroak       |  22830 |  4.1607 | +6  |
 | 44   | Virizion        |  22229 |  4.0512 | +6  |
 | 45   | Espeon          |  22019 |  4.0129 | +9  |
 | 46   | Bronzong        |  21683 |  3.9516 | ==  |
 | 47   | Porygon2        |  21163 |  3.8569 | +5  |
 | 48   | Mienshao        |  21101 |  3.8456 | -1  |
 | 49   | Venusaur        |  21001 |  3.8274 | +2  |
 | 50   | Landorus        |  20408 |  3.7193 | -7  |
 | 51   | Latias          |  19992 |  3.6435 | -6  |
 | 52   | Whimsicott      |  19976 |  3.6406 | -8  |
 | 53   | Darmanitan      |  19229 |  3.5044 | -5  |
 + ---- + --------------- + ------ + ------- + --- +

Interesting stuff:

Espeon has jumped by 9 slots, becoming OU next time the tier is recalculated.

Haxorus is up +9, fuck yeah.

Hydreigon and Infernape basically switched places, which is interesting.

Magnezone AT +11, WHAT IS THIS. I guess people have finally figured out that you actually can trap Ferrothorn with it.

Scrafty at -6. It's a shame, because Scrafty is just... underrated.

A lot of the more "borderline" Pokemon kinda got switched around. Down at the bottom of the cutoff, you have -7 Landorus, -6 Latias, -8 Whimsicott, and -5 Darmanitan. We might be looking at UU Latias...
I've used that set before. About a week ago. I wasn't impressed, though I guess it was a matter of personal preference.

Just pass Espeon a Quiver Dance, a couple of Calm Minds, and an Acid Armor, and it bulldozes effortlessly through absolutely everything. I tested that set with a baton pass team and found that my opponent always lost if he couldn't break the chain before it got to Espeon.
Hm, interesting to note that the top 6 haven't changed, on the whole. Not really surprisingly, given how good they are, but it's interesting nonetheless.
Victini is #1 in UU and not even close to OU, just as I predicted. gj guys.

Do I sense the new Electivire?
Dumb statement. While Swampert is no longer the defensive stalwart it used to be, it's still the single most reliable Water/Ground type in the tier. Try running Choice Band in the Rain. Imagine Azu with better offensive and defensive typing with the ability to get past Jellicent.
Victini is #1 in UU and not even close to OU, just as I predicted. gj guys.

Dumb statement. While Swampert is no longer the defensive stalwart it used to be, it's still the single most reliable Water/Ground type in the tier. Try running Choice Band in the Rain. Imagine Azu with better offensive and defensive typing with the ability to get past Jellicent.
OMG Thank you!

I'm sick and tired of people saying Swampet sucks.

CB Swampert hit amazingly hard and checks/counters Tyranitar/Thundurus

And there's people who switch in things like Reuniclus/Conkeldurr expecting to set up with ease just to get 2HKO'd, people don't switch-in their Reuniclus/Conkeldurr to Azumarill. >_>
| 51 | Latias | 19992 | 3.6435 |


| 57 | Tornadus | 17143 | 3.1242 |

lol again

And no swampert is not the new evire. I wish people would stop saying that when it is obviously chandelure
Just pass Espeon a Quiver Dance, a couple of Calm Minds, and an Acid Armor, and it bulldozes effortlessly through absolutely everything. I tested that set with a baton pass team and found that my opponent always lost if he couldn't break the chain before it got to Espeon.
That's what I dislike. A single boost or two won't normally do it. At least, in my opinion, you have to practically make a Baton Pass team around, which I wasn't willing to do. Maybe I'm using it wrong (which is possible, Baton Passing was never my forté), but I don't think Espeon should be OU (it's better than Swampert, though. New Electivire, anyone? No, Chandelure is not the new Evire. It at least has awesome immunities and an obscene Specs set, despite being a terrible sweeper.).
WTF is Staraptor doing at #27 in BW UU. Adamant Band Reckless 2HKO's the whole tier, except dumb crap like Eviolite Metang. I must say, I'm really suprised it's not top ten. Great revenge killer, Antisun Poke or just hard hitter. Also Wobbuffet in NU is just retarded. It can take +1 Heracross megahorn, ffs.
Other random shit that really shouldn't be NU:
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