Toxic Spikes Everywhere!

The idea of this team's creation was to abuse Toxic Spikes on an offensive team. It worked decently well capping at a ladder rating of 972, but with the contributions of the generous smogon community the team is now at 1099 and rising fast! I even got 1112 as a ladder rating and with the changes of Virizion in the form of Gliscor and Haxorus donning a Choice Band instead of a Dragon Dance set, the team is slowly rising to glory. The threats to the team were kicked down a notch. The team now truly uses my idea, and I hope you give all the users in the shout outs section at least half the credit for the team (the smallest changes have big impacts) and I have high hopes this team can get at least 1324 for a ladder rating and it is truly my most successful team currently. Thanks to everyone in the shout outs! -The Tyranitar


Roserade (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
-Toxic Spikes
-Sleep Powder
-Leaf Storm
-Hidden Power [Fire]

Roserade is actually a great "lead" becuase it uses the new concept of a lead which is to use something that will give you the advantage in battle, against you. Roserade puts the opposing lead to sleep 75% of the time, and then proceeds to Toxic Spiking. If I run into a Forretress I just Hidden Power it and then sleep it so it can be stopped from rapid spinning when I Hidden Power it on the next turn. Thundurus seemingly is a huge danger to Roserade, but in reality NP variants take 54% from Leaf Storm and is then a much less dangerous threat to the team. Roserade performs it's duties well, while also letting me get in a sweeper thanks to Sleep Powder.


Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sandstream
EVs: 252 HP/52 Atk/112 SAtk/92 SDef
Sassy nature (+SDef, -Spd)
-Stealth Rock
-Fire Blast
-Ice Beam

Tyranitar is phase two of residual damage, and is a real staple on the team. He checks all forms of weather except Sandstorm and can beat the Lati@s easily. The concept is simple, Stealth Rock + Sandstream means Tyranitar hits flying types for 25% damage initially, 6.25% each turn (except if they have Leftovers) then hit them with Ice Beam for even more damage. Why is that important? Because flying types are immune to Toxic Spikes and would otherwise set-up without fear. For steel type pokemon such as Scizor, they definitely don't love Fire Blast so they aren't too pesky for my strategy.


Suicune @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 SAtk/4 SDef/252 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power [Electric]

Suicune is a real team player, because he can set up on the majority of Fire and Water types that give the former two team members (Roserade and Tyranitar) trouble. This along with Suicune's 100/115/115 defenses means it can set up Calm Minds while the opponent suffers from residual damage. Then it's sweeping time, and Suicune is not a bad sweeper as many believe it to be. On paper, yes it is fairly bad, but in practice it is very good. The only thing that really stops Suicune's terror is the dreaded Ferrothorn, who the team can handle fairly well. Suicune's unique combination of decent power and good bulk lands it a spot on the team.


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP/56 Atk/200 Def
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
-Swords Dance
-Ice Fang

Gliscor is probably the best physical wall in the game right now, since he checks so many physical sweepers that pokemon like Metagross are forced to run Ice Punch! Gliscor is also a good sweeper since he takes hits amazingly and can SD for more power when needed. Excadrill and Conkeldurr were big problems for the team but Gliscor puts them in check easily. Gliscor also has ground STAB to threaten steel types like Ferrothorn for decnent damage and Gliscor is also my best Scizor check. Gliscor has stall-ish abilities that work well with Toxic Spikes, since with constant 12.5% recovery and protect, the opponent is taking lots of damage from the damage. Gliscor does a great job on the team and is one of the best members!


Heatran (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk/4 SDef/252 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
-Metal Sound
-Hidden Power [Ice]
-Earth Power

Probably the best pokemon on the team is good ol' Heatran. Heatran really abuses Toxic Spikes well, and causes tons of switches thanks to Metal Sound. Metal Sound does more than just psuedo-haze, it also cuts the opponent's SDef in half, making Heatran a formidable sweeper. Once Heatran 2HKO'd a Blissey with Flamethrower thanks to Metal Sound, good job Heatran! It's also a good check to CM Latias since I have yet to see one with Surf. Heatran checks Ferrothorn for Suicune, which helps in the long run considering how Suicune is one of my main sweepers. Heatran also switches into a Gliscor's Earthquake, and Hidden Power Ice is a OHKO. Air Balloon helps check Excadrill. Heatran is a big check to most pokemon and has a solid spot on my team.


Haxorus (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Rivalry
EVs: 32 HP/252 Atk/224 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
-Brick Break
-Dual Chop

I finally found the best replacement for DD Haxorus, and that was CB Haxorus. A Choice Band Haxorus with a rivalry boost can OHKO physically defensive Gliscor, 2HKO some Heatran, OHKO any offensive pokemon not resisting it and more. The only move it really needs to use is Outrage but sometimes it uses Earthquake/Brick Break. Haxorus is now the 2nd focus of the team, the 1st being my best sweeper Suicune who does lots of damage. I also use Haxorus to bust through Dragonite and enemy Haxorus. Haxorus has gone from zero to hero on this team.

Threat List
These pokemon are either powerful or annoying for me to face.


Thundurus- A minor threat, does some decent damage but overall is stopped by Tyranitar.


Quagsire- Although it can't KO anything, all my boosts are not noticed by this mudfish making it difficult to KO. Haxorus' massively powerful Outrage and Roserade's Leaf Storm are the only OHKO attacks.

Shout Outs!
Thanks to all these users for their contributions to my team!

Furai- Thanks for suggesting Gliscor, I currently use a SD Gliscor and the results have been phenomenal!

Pyronix- Thanks for pointing out new ways for me to make battle decisions (even if it wasn't intended) it helped battles a lot, and I've been gaining more victories!

Jupiter Djinn- Salamence was probably the best Haxorus replacement and really helps the team, thank you!
Edit: I used Salamence for a while, it was fun but CB Haxorus was better.
First off, remove sand stream from Ttar. Makes no sense whatsoever. You get no boost from it, and you've just give a major boost to guys with random Excadrill/Landy on thier team. Ferrothorn is great for more entry hazards.

Conkledurr is giving you trouble because once he steps on the field the toxic pretty much doubles his base attack due to guts. or counters, any ghost type or acrobatics user will work.

As for Excadrill, Heatran works fine as it. Switch in on Exca, absorb the EQ thanks to balloon, and then fire his ass next turn.
As a replacement for Virizion, why don't you try out Jellicent? It serves as a spinblocker, which your team definitely needs, and it does well against the majority of rain teams. It can also burn Ferrothorn if it ends up giving Suicune too much trouble.
First off, remove sand stream from Ttar. Makes no sense whatsoever. You get no boost from it, and you've just give a major boost to guys with random Excadrill/Landy on thier team. Ferrothorn is great for more entry hazards.

Conkledurr is giving you trouble because once he steps on the field the toxic pretty much doubles his base attack due to guts. or counters, any ghost type or acrobatics user will work.

As for Excadrill, Heatran works fine as it. Switch in on Exca, absorb the EQ thanks to balloon, and then fire his ass next turn.

Thank you for your comment Pyronix. The thing the Sandstream does is increase Tyranitar's Sp.Def by 50% (x1.5) which is a huge boost, secondly it does residual damage combined with Toxic Spikes. I forgot Conk has guts, thank you for alerting me on it's attack increase. As Furai suggested I will try Gliscor for Conkeldurr probs. Thank you and all members commenting.

As a replacement for Virizion, why don't you try out Jellicent? It serves as a spinblocker, which your team definitely needs, and it does well against the majority of rain teams. It can also burn Ferrothorn if it ends up giving Suicune too much trouble.

Thank you but I think I might try Jellicent if Gliscor is unsatisfactory.

Also, I still need a Haxorus replacement, I think I have Virizion down.
The reason I say can Ttar is you only get a poke boosted by it, and it mitigates the lefties recovery you get on most of you're pokes.

If you canned Ttar for something equally as defensive and offensive, say TR offensive Bronzong or agil gross, you can still setup SR, and pack a punch at the same time.

With all the SS boosted pokes running around in the current metagame (Exca, landy, etc.) You're essentially doing a favor to all the random sand rush/force guys out there.

Heatran enjoys sun, and Suicune enjoys rain, so I'd keep those 2 as you're weather counters and bring in something for more entry hazards, or a nice bulky spin blocker.
The reason I say can Ttar is you only get a poke boosted by it, and it mitigates the lefties recovery you get on most of you're pokes.

If you canned Ttar for something equally as defensive and offensive, say TR offensive Bronzong or agil gross, you can still setup SR, and pack a punch at the same time.

With all the SS boosted pokes running around in the current metagame (Exca, landy, etc.) You're essentially doing a favor to all the random sand rush/force guys out there.

Heatran enjoys sun, and Suicune enjoys rain, so I'd keep those 2 as you're weather counters and bring in something for more entry hazards, or a nice bulky spin blocker.

Thank you again! I will try Offensive TR Bronzong/Metagross ('m on PO right now) and the results will be the determining factor. Thank you again.
If you're going to try Metagross, I can suggest a great set. :)

Metagross @ Air Balloon/Focus Sash
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Atk / 80 SpD
- Stealth Rock
- Bullet Punch
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch

The EVs allow you to withstand more hits than normal and still pack a punch. Also, with this spread you are guaranteed to OHKO almost any Tyranitar; I haven't come across one that took more than one turn to knock out. If you really want, you could switch off Ice Punch for Explosion, but the coverage from Ice Punch helps against Gliscor and enemy dragons.
A reasonable Haxorus replacement that could fulfill a similar role is Salamence. If you replace Virizion with Gliscor, either Mixmence or DD Salamence could be viable. In keeping with the spirit of DD Haxorus here is a DDmence set from the analysis:

Salamence (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk/4 SAtk/252 Spd
Naive/Naughty nature (+Spd, -SDef OR +Atk, -SDef)
-Dragon Dance
-Outrage/Dragon Claw
-Fire Blast/Roost

Gliscor is excellent against Excadrill and Conkeldurr but keep in mind that you currently have 3 ice weak Pokemon and Gliscor and Salamence will not help with that. Something I can suggest looking out for is a late game Starmie and everyone should be wary of Thundurus.

Hope this works out for you.
A reasonable Haxorus replacement that could fulfill a similar role is Salamence. If you replace Virizion with Gliscor, either Mixmence or DD Salamence could be viable. In keeping with the spirit of DD Haxorus here is a DDmence set from the analysis:

Salamence (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk/4 SAtk/252 Spd
Naive/Naughty nature (+Spd, -SDef OR +Atk, -SDef)
-Dragon Dance
-Outrage/Dragon Claw
-Fire Blast/Roost

Gliscor is excellent against Excadrill and Conkeldurr but keep in mind that you currently have 3 ice weak Pokemon and Gliscor and Salamence will not help with that. Something I can suggest looking out for is a late game Starmie and everyone should be wary of Thundurus.

Hope this works out for you.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really appreciate what you and everybody else has done! I'm going to put that shout out section and thank you guys! You have all contributed to the team's increasing success!