A lot of Dancing (RMT)

Hey Smogon this is a team that i have been building and testing for the past three weeks or so. So far it has done quite well i currently have a rating of 1236 on the smogon server online (it isn't good but it isn't horrible either) It is still increasing though. This team has gone through ups and downs so far it peaked with a ranking of 65 with a rating of 1286 then it has gone down since then but it is back on the rise. This team has also been rated on the #ratemyteam convo it wasn't a lecture or anything but it did get rated by a bunch of raters there. This team is my best team ever since the garchomp ban (that thing completely screwed my team over) but i managed to build a pretty successful team with the help of some raters on that tab stated before. So without furtherado here is my team
Team Building

I started out with tyranitar as weather is the dominant type of team this generation (never said best just said dominant) and i picked sandstorm. I ran tyranitar over hippowdon as i feel tyranitar has enormous bulk along with a grat movepool the only negative thing about tyranitar is he has no form of recovery (excluding rest)

I then wanted a sand abuser and i mean really what did you expect this guy is the best poke in the sand (ya ya whatever he is cheap) but he is effective at what he does and he is one of the best revenge killers in the game

I then saw a big fighting, water, bug weakness and wanted those covered. Jellicent had immunity to two of those weaknesses and resisted the third. Pretty good and a beast at stalling and or annoying the snot out of people and making them do the ever so common ragequit

Now noticing my ground type weakness i wanted an immunity in that. This guy is great at setting up due to multiscale and then even after one dragon dance he outspeeds latios, terrakion, and i believe even max speed thundurous

I then wanted someone who could make good use of the rain which scizor does. It turns his only weakness from a 4x weak to a 2x weak which is a really good help to scizor as he appreciates the help

i then did not know what i should do at this point so i went with another sand abuser Landorous seemed liek a good idea as he got a 1.8 boosted Earthquake making almost every earthquake he uses thats unresisted nearly super effective

I then changed Landorous to celebi as the raters pointed out my team had a pretty big Rotom-W weakness and so i built a special attacking celebi in to cover that and rain teams in general

At A Glance:

In Depth:

Tyranitar (M) @ Chople Berry Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 88 SAtk / 168 SDef
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Crunch
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock

I prefer running this tyranitar set as he then has over 400 special defense and can withstand most fighting type moves with the chople berry. I got stealth rock there as stealth rock is almost a must have on any team fire blast to get any steel, grass, or bug types who want to destroy tyranitar *cough ferrothorn, scizor cough* I have Ice beam there because an extremely common counter to tyranitar is Gliscor with ice beam he can take out opposing gliscor like that. I chose crunch over pursuit because honestly if your switching tyranitar into a latios or reunicles or something like that today they are going to assume you are running pursuit and are just going to stay in 90% of the time. So that is why i prefer crunch over pursuit. He covers most of his threats quite well especially when something burns him and thinks he is crippled and switch and then i still ko them with a special move. Usually i run him as a lead unless i am facing other weather teams if it is politoed i run scizor lead if it is ninetails i just sorta wing it because i dont know if the ninetails has will o wisp or not

Bug-Jellicent, Scizor, Dragonite
Fighting-Jellicent, Dragonite, Celebi
Ground-Dragonite, Celebi
Steel-Jellicent, Scizor, Dragonite
Water-Celebi, Jellicent, Dragonite


Doryuuzu (Excadrill) (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Sand Rush
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Swords Dance
- X-Scissor

Excadrill is my awesome (yet common) revenge killer. Honestly there is a lot of debate as to weather the adamant life orb or jolly air balloon set is better and i just gotta say the adamant life orb set gets crushed by jolly air balloon. Excadrill is a common poke and if you don't plan on building a counter to it even with your own excadrill then you can be in big trouble. He does take about a 40 attack toll by not running adamant but hey if the opponents adamant excadrill is getting kod and mine is still alive then i am happy and i will take that toll any day. Swords dance for the boost if i predict a switch or if i come in on ferrothorn, Earthquake for a powerful STAB that will do lot of damage no matter what even if resisted. Rock Slide for some coverage and flinching possibilities (and let me just say if you flinch from a rock slide it is not hax it has a 30 % chance of flinching so that aint hax) X-Scissor to counter things like reunicles, latios anything that is bug weak etc. Overall this is the standard excadrill set so not much to explain.

Ground-Air balloon, Dragonite
Fighting-Jellicent, Celebi
Water-Jellicent, Celebi,Dragonite


Dragonite (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Punch
- Roost

This is a standard Dragon dance set for dragonite but man is it effective. If he switches in at the right moment and the opponent switches the next turn i can get two dragon dances in because of multi scale. In the sand leftovers brings back and damage done from the sand so multiscale can still be in use even in the sand. Dragon dance is an obvious choice as this is a dragon dance set, Dragon claw for a hard hitting STAB move i prefer dragon claw over outrage so that im not locked into doing a move for a while i can still switch to the other move. Fire Punch to cover steels and such who think they can set up spikes and such on me and roost is for some excellent recovery. This guy can also let the opponent get their spikes and such up and use that as an oppertunity to setup himself. If he switches in on ferrothorn and they just decide to setup spikes then il be getting 4-6 dragon dances in depending on if he switches or not and or if he leech seeds or not. Pretty effective set the only thing he fears is if multiscale cant be used and the opponent has ice shard.

Ice-Jellicent, Scizor
Dragon-Excadrill, Scizor

Celebi @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Psychic
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Rock]

Ahhh nasty plot celebi is so effective if the opposing rotom-w doesnt have hidden power fire. he can switch into those rotom get one nasty plot in and have fun attacking with 598 special attack and 327 speed (which imo is pretty good speed not great but good) Psychic is for those nasty toxicroak who are also common on rain teams Giga drain is for politoed, and Rotom-W and it also gives celebi some recovery which is really useful in todays metagame (being able to attack and recover on the same turn) Now hidden power for celebi is very debated as there are usually three options: fire, rock, and ice. I went with rock because it still handles those nasty dragons and it also handles fire types as well if opponents don't have a speed boosting nature or a scarf celebi can even outspeed infernape. I am considering changing it to hidden power fire but i honestly am just not sure what to do with that particular move on this guy.

Bug-Scizor, Jellicent, Dragonite
Fire-Jellicent, Dragonite, Tyranitar
Dark-Tyranitar, Scizor, Excadrill
Flying-Tyranitar, Excadrill
Ice-Jellicent, Scizor
Poison-Excadrill, Scizor
Ghost-Tyranitar, Excadrill, Scizor


Scizor (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- U-turn

This is my swords dance scizor. At +2 from a swords dance he can 2hko some variants of Gliscor with bullet punch and at +6 he can OHKO any variants of gliscor with bullet punch. At +2 he can ohko politoed and i believe he can ohko rotom-w but il be honest i cant find a damage calculator that has generation 5 pokes with it (rotom-w changed types in generation 5 so...) U-turn il be honest doesn't get used a lot and im debating super power, and pursuit, and roost as well. He has over 700 attack at +2 along with STAB and Technician means this thing is going to be damaging you if you don't resist it and even if you do resist it your going to take alot of damage (unless your a dumb heatran) Jolly nature over adamant as 251 speed allows me to outspeed Modest non scarfed politoed (which is useful as most are specs) and this could use some rating as i don't know what i should replace U-turn with but i would like to replace u-turn

Fire-Jellicent, Dragonite, Tyranitar


Jellicent (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Taunt
- Recover
- Ice Beam

This is a pretty weird jellicent as most people look at it and immediately say replace ice beam with WoW but ice beam helps me out a lot on things like dragonite, salamence, latios, gliscor, etc. Yes scald can cripple most of those but even with the burn i want to be able to completely take them out. Which with ice beam he can usually do. taunt is for those ferrothorn who want to set up on me but can't recover is obvious as recovery is vital in todays metagame. Scald is there for a nice STAB move as well as burning capabilities. This guy gives my team a lot of the much needed support and resistances/Immunities. The ev spread is a defensive one to give him good coverage overall and make him just a bulky pain in the *insert your word of choice here* to deal with. Many people rage quit when they cant setup spikes and such and thats fine by me if they feel they have to ragequit that means they don't think their team can win and that makes me smile every time it happens.

Grass-Celebi, Scizor, Dragonite
Ghost-Tyranitar, Excadrill, Scizor
Dark-Tyranitar, Excadrill, Scizor

This is my team i hope you like it. If you don't like it then i hope you can give me a good rate so that you do like it. Overall it has served me well and i will be honest pokemon teams are all about playstyle as well. So there might be a suggestion or two that i don't take and please don't be mad at me for it that suggestion just might not fit my playstyle. So anyways thanks in advance and go smogon.
A Specs Latios with Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse, HP Fire, Surf, and Thunder DESTROYS your WHOLE team. Yes, you do have Jellicent, but if he's dead, it's possibly good game. I think you should change Life Orb to Choice Band on Scizor.

Scizor @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite / U-Turn
- Pursuit / Quick Attack
- Superpower

With this set, you can just Bullet Punch Latios and OHKO it with because of:
- 252 Attack EVs
- Choice Band
- Technician
- Adamant Nature

It's pretty beast. And you already have Dragonite as a Physical Sweeper anyways. Now, Bug Bite gets a boost from Technician, but U-turn is better so you can scout. Pursuit is good for Gengar, but the only Gyarados counter you have it seems is Celebi so Quick Attack would be better for you.

Hope I helped and good luck with your team!
tyranitar survives a surf from latios and kos it with crunch and excadrill Kos it with x-scissor and can outspeed it and if scizor had boosted before latios comes out ohkos it with bullet punch or weakens it severely with bullet punch for teammates. Plus after a dragon dance dragonite outspeeds it and kos with dragon claw also if its dragon puls multi scale helps dragonite survive a dragon pulse from latios (cant survive a draco meteor though) plus your forgetting if they are specs then they are locked into that move so they will have to switch out atleast once allowing me to setup somebody (whether it be excadrill, scizor, dragonite i got lots of options for latios)
tyranitar survives a surf from latios and kos it with crunch and excadrill Kos it with x-scissor and can outspeed it and if scizor had boosted before latios comes out ohkos it with bullet punch or weakens it severely with bullet punch for teammates. Plus after a dragon dance dragonite outspeeds it and kos with dragon claw also if its dragon puls multi scale helps dragonite survive a dragon pulse from latios (cant survive a draco meteor though) plus your forgetting if they are specs then they are locked into that move so they will have to switch out atleast once allowing me to setup somebody (whether it be excadrill, scizor, dragonite i got lots of options for latios)

Yes, but, if you switch Tyranitar in on an incoming Latios's surf, Tyranitar will get 2HKO'ed due to lack of speed from Tyranitar. And if Dragonite doesn't get a DD boost he's screwed. About the move lock on, you're right. But if they set up Calm Mind on you, you're going to have troubles. Plus, Choice Band Scizor fits well with your team and is an excellent revenge killer.
Hello. Cool team, I have a couple of small suggestions.

First of I recommend using Rapid Spin over X-Scissor on Excadrill. Your probably using X-Scissor to take out Latias/Reuiniclus, but you already have Tyranitar to do that. Rapid Spin let's you clear out Sleath Rocks so your Dragonite can come in safely.

Second I'd like to recommend using a more deffesive Celebi set. A lot of your team are susceptible to status. Especially burn since your main attackers are phyiscal. Here's the set.
Celebi @ Leftovers
Trait: Natual Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe
Bold nature
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Fire/Psychic
- Heal Bell
- Recover
This set can still deal with Rotom-W and it heals any status your team runs into.

Lastly on Scizor, you should not be running U-Turn as it gets rid of your Swords Dance boost. I recommend using Roost or Superpower instead. Roost let's you heal off any LO damage while Superpower hits Heatran and Magnezone.
Yes, but, if you switch Tyranitar in on an incoming Latios's surf, Tyranitar will get 2HKO'ed due to lack of speed from Tyranitar. And if Dragonite doesn't get a DD boost he's screwed. About the move lock on, you're right. But if they set up Calm Mind on you, you're going to have troubles. Plus, Choice Band Scizor fits well with your team and is an excellent revenge killer.

K first off il respond to this comment your right ttar would be 2hkod but i wouldnt switch ttar in if i ran into a latios and it attacked i first would see if it took life orb damage if it didnt i assume specs. Then i would use that pokemon as fodder (if it wasnt already kod) and then switch ttar in and ko it. I wouldn't switch ttar into latios's attack that just would not be smart battling next off yes dragonite requires the boost but most of the time he can pulls of atleast one boost from multiscale. I honestly would replace scizor with that but that cuts off all versatility in scizor. He loses his option of changing moves (which is a hard thing to take in todays metagame) However i can see why you suggest that and i will test it.

@ Brizz thanks for the suggestions ya i was thinking about rapid spin but never got around to trying it out. I will test out the celebi also and il individually test roost and superpower.
K first off il respond to this comment your right ttar would be 2hkod but i wouldnt switch ttar in if i ran into a latios and it attacked i first would see if it took life orb damage if it didnt i assume specs. Then i would use that pokemon as fodder (if it wasnt already kod) and then switch ttar in and ko it. I wouldn't switch ttar into latios's attack that just would not be smart battling next off yes dragonite requires the boost but most of the time he can pulls of atleast one boost from multiscale. I honestly would replace scizor with that but that cuts off all versatility in scizor. He loses his option of changing moves (which is a hard thing to take in todays metagame) However i can see why you suggest that and i will test it.

You could be forced to switch out though, you never know. And even though you get locked onto a move, it's a deadly set and made for quick killing and revenge killing. If you are locked into a move and say the opponent brings a Heatran, you switch Pokemon, nothing wrong with that.
K first off il respond to this comment your right ttar would be 2hkod but i wouldnt switch ttar in if i ran into a latios and it attacked i first would see if it took life orb damage if it didnt i assume specs. Then i would use that pokemon as fodder (if it wasnt already kod) and then switch ttar in and ko it. I wouldn't switch ttar into latios's attack that just would not be smart battling next off yes dragonite requires the boost but most of the time he can pulls of atleast one boost from multiscale. I honestly would replace scizor with that but that cuts off all versatility in scizor. He loses his option of changing moves (which is a hard thing to take in todays metagame) However i can see why you suggest that and i will test it.
Try running a bulkier spread of 248 HP / 44 Atk / 216 SDef along with a Careful (+SDef, -SAtk) nature and Leftovers on Scizor so that you'll be able to survive two consecutive Draco Meteors coming from Latios while also making it easier to take Focus Blasts from Reuniclus. The loss of power won't matter after a boost from SD and the extra bulk is sure to help you out. You should also use Roost in place of U-Turn to give Scizor a form of instant recovery. This spread could also work nicely if you choose to use a Choice Band set.
I'm going to suggest using an EV spread of 248 HP / 44 Atk / 216 SDef along with a Careful (+SDef, -SAtk) nature on Scizor so that you can survive two consecutive Draco Meteors from Latios. The loss of power won't matter if you stay as an SD set or decide to use a Choice Band variant. Either way with the 2x or 1.5x boost you'll still be doing an impressive amount of damage. However, if you do decide to stay with your current set then use Leftovers as the item for more survivability and use Roost in place of U-Turn.

Scizor with 252 HP already survives a Draco Meteor from Latios. And with Bullet Punch on a Choice Band Scizor, he doesn't need to take another Draco Meteor, he will just OHKO Latios with Bullet Punch.
Bullet Punch will not be OHKOing Latios [64.57% - 75.83% or 195 - 229 HP] and so you won't be able to switch-in and kill it as you'll just be 2HKO'd instead. I know the extra bulk isn't something that is absolutely necessary needed because he also his T-Tar to handle Lati@s, but it's always useful and since he also has Excadrill to assist in revenge killing the loss of some power isn't necessarily something to stress over. In reality though either spread would work and it's all up to personal preference.
Bullet Punch will not be OHKOing Latios [64.57% - 75.83% or 195 - 229 HP] and so you won't be able to switch-in and kill it as you'll just be 2HKO'd instead. I know the extra bulk isn't something that is absolutely necessary needed because he also his T-Tar to handle Lati@s, but it's always useful and since he also has Excadrill to assist in revenge killing the loss of some power isn't necessarily something to stress over. In reality though either spread would work and it's all up to personal preference.

Even if it doesn't OHKO it, Bullet Punch goes first, so Latios goes down.
Try running a bulkier spread of 248 HP / 44 Atk / 216 SDef along with a Careful (+SDef, -Atk) nature and Leftovers on Scizor so that you'll be able to survive two consecutive Draco Meteors coming from Latios while also making it easier to take Focus Blasts from Reuniclus. The loss of power won't matter after a boost from SD and the extra bulk is sure to help you out. You should also use Roost in place of U-Turn to give Scizor a form of instant recovery. This spread could also work nicely if you choose to use a Choice Band set.

I only can say, that you picked the right nature but explained it a bit wrong xD

I suggest just an Adamant nature. With 252 HP and 216 SpD you can always survive 2 hits from Focus Blast Reuniclus, after SR-Damage.

So you don't really need the defensive nature.
If you want that more bulk then you could always take the Careful nature, though I would fear the HP[Fire] from Latios more then 2 Dracos in a row.
If he does that, than you can just set up in his face with Dragonite, which will probably win you the match. Since he has to switch out when you gete your first DD. Then you can just DD again, while your Multiscale was intact. At +2 Speed and Atk, there isnt much that opposes you (except for Heatran).

This is the Scizor set:

Item: Leftovers / Lum Berry
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
* Bullet Punch
* Bug Bite / Superpower / Pursuit
* Swords Dance
* Roost
Hey there.

First off, I agree with KM888 on the Scizor set, as a more bulkier spread will definitely help you out.

I also noticed that you have no Excadrill counter, and it seems like your Jellicent is the most easily replaceable member of your team. Therefore, I would replace Jellicent with a Swords Dance Gliscor, as not only will it beat Excadrill, but it can cause mass damage with Swords Dance booted hits, as well as break stall just as well as Jellicent did with Taunt. It would also help weaken physical walls for your other sweepers.

Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SDef
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Taunt
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake

Gliscor is probably the best Excadrill counter there is. The water immunity being gone is made up for by the ability to defeat Excadrill. Celebi can take the water hits for your team, and because you need it to take these hits now, I would run the standard spread of 220 HP / 252 Special Attack / 36 Speed on Celebi. Also, run Recover over Hidden Power Rock for more survivability. These evs let Celebi be as bulky as hard hitting as possible, while letting Celebi outspeed standard special defensive Jirachi and standard Gliscor.

Since you have Gliscor to beat Excadrill, run Life Orb over Air Balloon on Excadrill, as it will make it hit much harder. Also, run Adamant over Jolly (as Jolly is really only useful for speed-typing/outspeeding other Excadrills), and also run Return over X-Scissor. Return is superior in most circumstances, and will allow you to do much more damage to Gliscor; Dragonite can defeat Celebi regardless.
One thing you can try out is Baton Pass over U-turn on Scizor. You get the U-turn effect, but in exchange for dealing damage, you pass the Swords Dance boosts to your 2 major physical Sweepers. This would really help giving Excadrill and Dragonite a huge head start in sweeping and overwhelming physical walls like Gliscor, who is not expecting to switch into a +2 Excadrill, etc. I have used this strategy to much success, since no body expects it.

If you're going to Baton Pass, I'd recommend a more defensive set with Leftovers or Lum Berry. Giving it enough Speed to outrun Skarmory / Jellicent may help you to Baton Pass the boost before they Taunt Scizor. However, there is also pros in being slower - Scizor would be the one to take the possible Brave Bird or Will-O-Wisp, both moves which would either cripple your Sweepers or pop Air Balloon / break Multiscale.
Hey there.

First off, I agree with KM888 on the Scizor set, as a more bulkier spread will definitely help you out.

I also noticed that you have no Excadrill counter, and it seems like your Jellicent is the most easily replaceable member of your team. Therefore, I would replace Jellicent with a Swords Dance Gliscor, as not only will it beat Excadrill, but it can cause mass damage with Swords Dance booted hits, as well as break stall just as well as Jellicent did with Taunt. It would also help weaken physical walls for your other sweepers.

Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SDef
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Taunt
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake

Gliscor is probably the best Excadrill counter there is. The water immunity being gone is made up for by the ability to defeat Excadrill. Celebi can take the water hits for your team, and because you need it to take these hits now, I would run the standard spread of 220 HP / 252 Special Attack / 36 Speed on Celebi. Also, run Recover over Hidden Power Rock for more survivability. These evs let Celebi be as bulky as hard hitting as possible, while letting Celebi outspeed standard special defensive Jirachi and standard Gliscor.

Since you have Gliscor to beat Excadrill, run Life Orb over Air Balloon on Excadrill, as it will make it hit much harder. Also, run Adamant over Jolly (as Jolly is really only useful for speed-typing/outspeeding other Excadrills), and also run Return over X-Scissor. Return is superior in most circumstances, and will allow you to do much more damage to Gliscor; Dragonite can defeat Celebi regardless.

I am changing the scizor set but honestly opposing excadrills arent a problem at all because mine takes care of them. I just don't wanna fix something that isn't broken. plus changing jellicent makes me lose a water immunity, fighting immunity, ice resistance, bug resistance, etc. all of which are really valuable because of the pokemon on my team like tyranitar, excadrill, celebi, and dragonite. The only one who does severely suffer from replacing jellicent is scizor and even he loses a fire resistance (which isn't horrible as tyranitar is bulky enough to tank those fire moves) i just dont wanna ruin the synergy on my team just to counter one pokemon who i can already handle quite fine.
Celebi would really appreciate a bulkier set. It's extremely useful against Rain teams and bulky Waters, and Giga Drain just doesn't cut it over the long run. I'd recommend Modest with an EV spread of 216 HP / 252 SAtk / 40 Spd - this maximizes Celebi's power and bulk, while ensuring that you outspend specially defensive Jirachi. The moveset should be Nasty Plot / Giga Drain / HP Fire / Recover. HP Rock is highly situational, whereas Fire will help out more consistently against the likes of Scizor, Ferrothorn, and other Steels.

I also agree with making Scizor bulkier. Without Pursuit on Tyranitar, you'll need a more solid switch-in to Specs Latios. Adamant with 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SDef should help a lot. I would also consider either Superpower or Roost as replacements for U-turn; the former gives you coverage against Steels, while the latter boosts your longevity.

There's a pretty notable issue with strong physical attackers like Excadrill and some Terrakion sets. One fairly minimal change that should help would be to replace Jellicent with Slowbro. The two serve quite similar roles, but Slowbro has the advantage of higher physical bulk and Regenerator. 252 HP / 252 Def and a Bold nature should handle the aforementioned threats well. Slowbro also has some great move options. Scald, Psychic, and Slack Off are usually staples, but it also has access to Flamethrower for Ferrothorn and Thunder Wave for paralyzing fast switch-ins. Pretty solid team; good luck!