Xatu [GP: 2/2]

QC: [3/3]
GP: [2/2]

Credit for the CM set goes to Ubiquitous


<p>While none of its stats jump out as "great" or "above average", Xatu was given an incredible gift this generation in its new ability, Magic Bounce. This allows Xatu to bounce back any entry hazards such as Stealth Rock as well as non-damaging moves such as Taunt, Roar, and Toxic. This, in conjunction with its large support movepool, allows Xatu to support its team ably. However, not all is good for Xatu; its below average attacking stats make it setup bait for some Pokemon, and while it does have Roost, its defensive stats are quite lacking. Despite this, Xatu has an excellent support movepool and should be considered for any team that has a weakness to entry hazards.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 2: Roost
move 3: Psychic / Night Shade
move 4: U-turn
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>The main purpose of this set is to utilize Xatu's excellent new ability Magic Bounce. This allows Xatu to bounce back entry hazards and status moves that directly effect it, such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic. Thunder Wave allows Xatu to cripple fast sweepers such as Raikou and Zapdos that like to switch into it, while Toxic threatens defensive Pokemon such as Deoxys-D, Milotic, and Slowbro. Roost is Xatu's most reliable form of recovery, allowing it to stick around for longer and help keep hazards off of your field. Night Shade deals a solid 100 HP damage per hit, while Psychic can be used as a reliable STAB. U-turn allows Xatu to switch out of Pokemon such as Deoxys-D and bring in a counter, giving you momentum. If Night Shade is chosen over Psychic, an Impish nature should be used to allow U-turn to deal more damage.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature provide Xatu with as much bulk as possible to stay around longer and keep bouncing back hazards from Pokemon such as Donphan, Registeel, and Deoxys-D. A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe and a Careful or Calm nature can be used instead, allowing Xatu to switch into Pokemon such as Roserade and bounce back Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sleep Powder. Xatu has access to another form of recovery in Wish; however, with Xatu's low HP stat, you will often find it underwhelming at restoring a large amount of HP, making Roost the better option. However, if Wish is chosen, Protect should be used over U-turn to allow Xatu a safe turn of recovering HP. Haze makes Xatu an excellent stop to Baton Pass teams, since with Magic Bounce it is immune to Taunt and can therefore use Haze without hindrance. Pokemon that appreciate hazards off the field make excellent partners to Xatu, such as Flying-, Fire-, and Ice-type Pokemon; the latter also appreciate the Fighting-type resistance that Xatu brings to the table.</p>

name: Dual Screens Support
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Wish / Roost
item: Light Clay
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p> Xatu makes an excellent dual screens user because of its ability to prevent hazards being set up and immunity to Taunt. Light Screen and Reflect are obvious move choices for any dual screens user, making it easier for teammates to set up. Wish and U-turn allow Xatu to bring a setup sweeper in safely. If Xatu is faster and uses U-turn before the foe, Wish will heal most of, if not all, the damage taken, while if Xatu is slower, it will bring a sweeper in safely. Roost can be used over Wish and gives Xatu a reliable recovery option because without Protect, Xatu might not have the chance to restore its own health.</p>


<p>There really are no other options move-wise, since the moveset that is suggested is the most viable for a dual screens user. Xatu can run an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed with a Jolly nature, allowing it to outspeed most leads and set up screens before they can attack. As always, Pokemon vulnerable to hazards make excellent teammates. Snorlax is an excellent example; its massive Special Defense covers Xatu's Ice-type weakness (and special Electric-type attacks), while Xatu covers Snorlax's Fighting-type weakness and makes setup easier with the dual screens that it sets up. Cobalion also makes an excellent partner to Xatu, as it has a 4x resistance to Rock-type attacks and packs an Ice-type resistance, while Xatu has a 4x resistance to Fighting-type attacks and a useful Ground-type immunity.</p>

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Stored Power
move 3: Roost
move 4: Toxic / Hidden Power Fighting
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>Whilst it seems like Xatu is outclassed as a Calm Mind user, its ability Magic Bounce makes such setting up viable. Its immunity to Roar, Whirlwind, and status moves makes it difficult for opponents to stop it from setting up multiple Calm Minds. Xatu can support the team even without boosting with Calm Mind by just switching in and bouncing back the foe's hazards. Stored Power is the STAB move of choice since after a few Calm Minds, it hits incredibly hard. Roost provides Xatu with a reliable form of recovery, allowing it to continue boosting on Pokemon such as Chansey and Registeel.spaceAlso, with Roost, Chansey has no chance of beating this set; Xatu can continue using Calm Mind while Chansey can't inflict status or wear it down, since Magic Guard bounces back status and Roost allows it to heal off damage taken from repeated Seismic Tosses. The last move depends on how you want to play this Xatu; Toxic is more useful early-game as Xatu's counters will still be present, allowing it to cripple Pokemon such as Milotic and Zapdos; however, later in the game, Hidden Power Fighting's coverage is much more useful once you have grabbed a few Calm Mind boosts.</p>


<p>The EV spread and nature provide Xatu with maximum physical bulk, allowing it to take physical hits easier while Calm Mind covers its special side. The Defense EVs also allow Xatu to perform as a team supporter, allowing it to switch into Pokemon such as Donphan and Registeel with little harm. If Hidden Power Fighting is chosen Xatu's IVs should be 31/30/30/30/30/30, this gives Hidden Power a base power of 70. As always, Pokemon who appreciate hazards being kept off the field make excellent teammates. Since this set beats Chansey and Registeel, Yanmega makes an excellent offensive partner, as it can sweep more easily with these threats gone. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile are immune to Stored Power, and can threaten Xatu with a super effective Dark-type attack or Pursuit Xatu while it tries to escape. However, they must be careful not to switch into a boosted Hidden Power Fighting, Weavile especially. Escavalier also makes an excellent counter because it resists Stored Power, is immune to Toxic, and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB Megahorn. Victini also resists Stored Power and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB V-create. Therefore, bulky Water-types such as Suicune and Milotic make great partners to this set. Hitmontop also makes an excellent teammate as it resists Rock- and Dark-type attacks, and also resisting Escavalier's Megahorn.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Xatu has few other options it can use effectively. A Trick set with a moveset of Trick, Zen Headbutt, Roost, and U-turn, an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed, a Jolly nature, and equipped with a Choice Scarf can surprise Stealth Rock users and walls such as Chansey, Deoxys-D, and Donphan, rendering them almost useless for the rest of the match. On the Support set, Xatu can use FeatherDance to cripple physical attackers such as Heracross and Weavile. However, both of these options are gimmicky at best.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Xatu is a tricky Pokemon to counter because of its access to moves such as Roost, Light Screen, Reflect, and U-turn that enhance its longevity, and immunity to Taunt and status. Therefore, a Pokemon with a strong super effective attack is the best way of getting rid of Xatu. Zapdos is the perfect counter to Xatu, as it can take anything Xatu throws at it with its wonderful bulk and hit back with a super effective Thunderbolt. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile can come in on Xatu with little harm outside of being statused and KO it with a super effective STAB attack or trap it with Pursuit. Escavalier too can trap Xatu with Pursuit or smack it hard with a STAB Megahorn, and doesn't fear any of its moves. Bulky setup sweepers such as Kingdra, Suicune, and Snorlax can set up on Xatu while it can do little back, unless it has Haze. None of them will fear a Toxic either since they usually carry Rest.</p>
It's such a shame that Xatu gets such a great ability but it's incompatible with Baton Pass...

Oh well, Xatu does have a couple other decent options it can use. These include Featherdance on a Bulky set to help take physical attacks. Trick Room I guess though it would kinda suck at it. Sunny Day and Rain Dance again are meh. Protect could probably fit somewhere in the first set. Oh and 1 last thing, Psychic should probably be slashed with Psyshock but I'm not sure. Wow looking at Xatu's movepool it pretty much consists of shitty physical attacks like aerial ace and Psychic-type moves....

Could you pretty please get a hold of Ubiquitous and see what the deal is? If he gives it up I'll open this back up.
It's such a shame that Xatu gets such a great ability but it's incompatible with Baton Pass...

Oh well, Xatu does have a couple other decent options it can use. These include Featherdance on a Bulky set to help take physical attacks. Trick Room I guess though it would kinda suck at it. Sunny Day and Rain Dance again are meh. Protect could probably fit somewhere in the first set. Oh and 1 last thing, Psychic should probably be slashed with Psyshock but I'm not sure. Wow looking at Xatu's movepool it pretty much consists of shitty physical attacks like aerial ace and Psychic-type moves....

TR/Sunny Day/Rain Dance sets are all outclassed by Pokemon like Uxie who have much more bulk than Xatu. The only thing Xatu has over any of them is Magic Bounce which isn't enough imo.

Psyshock hits everything Psychic does except stuff like Cobalion and Rhyperior, which Xatu has HP Fighting / Grass Knot for.

Bump kind of...
Roost over shadow ball on CM, imo.

So it's walled by Psychic-types that pretty much run through the whole tier? Roost is in AC anyways, along with a bulkier EV spread.

If you're taking over the analysis, at least use the old QC approved skeleton.
Our sets are kind of different, though...
Can't be too hard to have three people post "QC approved" twice. >_<
EDIT: Unless, of course QC thinks the approved sets should be used instead of the ones I wrote up, then I will use the old skeleton.
At least copy the CM set over. I don't have any objections to the other two sets, but the CM set really needs to be changed. The way it is now just looks... bad.

On the Calm Mind set you should be using Stored Power over Psychic.

It outdamages Psychic after 2 Calm Mind and let's face it, that's the bare minimum amount of boosts an uninvested Xatu needs before it can hurt stuff. I don't even think a Psyshock slash is needed, considering Stored Power damage output, to give you an idea you can OHKO 252/4 Chansey, something Psyshock fails to do (Psychic 3HKOs)
This looks good, the only thing I reckon you should do is slash Roost with Wish on the Dual Screen set so Xatu has a better chance of survival itself, therefore being able to come in repeatedly to set up screens. Wish without Protect doesn't heal as well, and since Xatu's U-turn is fairly slow anyway, your Dual Screen recipient would generally come in healthy anyway.
if this is for UU, isn't a specially defensive xatu also viable? I mean, Roserade, the #1 spiker, can 2HKO 252/0 xatu with a uninvested sludge bomb...
I'd agree with a more SpD oriented support. It 4x resists or is immune to any physical moves it would be switching into anyway.
On the Calm Mind set you should be using Stored Power over Psychic.

It outdamages Psychic after 2 Calm Mind and let's face it, that's the bare minimum amount of boosts an uninvested Xatu needs before it can hurt stuff. I don't even think a Psyshock slash is needed, considering Stored Power damage output, to give you an idea you can OHKO 252/4 Chansey, something Psyshock fails to do (Psychic 3HKOs)

Alright, slashed Stored Power on the CM set, but I'd like to keep Psychock there, unless QC thinks it's unecessary (since Stored Power reaches 240 BP at +6 which I'm sure Chansey wouldn't like taking anyways...)

This looks good, the only thing I reckon you should do is slash Roost with Wish on the Dual Screen set so Xatu has a better chance of survival itself, therefore being able to come in repeatedly to set up screens. Wish without Protect doesn't heal as well, and since Xatu's U-turn is fairly slow anyway, your Dual Screen recipient would generally come in healthy anyway.

Slashed and mentioned.

if this is for UU, isn't a specially defensive xatu also viable? I mean, Roserade, the #1 spiker, can 2HKO 252/0 xatu with a uninvested sludge bomb...

I'd agree with a more SpD oriented support. It 4x resists or is immune to any physical moves it would be switching into anyway.

I'll mention a specially defensive spread in AC.
Raikou could go in the counters list along with Zapdos, just any Electric-type that KO's Xatu without setup works.

Same for Mamoswine if it can get in before screens get set up, only it can set up SR of its own once Xatu is down which can be a problem if your team is reliant on having them off the field.

FeatherDance in other options????? can neuter physical attackers i guess though its really only OO worthy imo.
Additions / Corrections


<p>While none of Xatu's its stats jump out as "great" or "above average", Xatu was given an incredible gift this generation in its new ability, Magic Bounce. Magic Bounce allows Xatu to bounce back any entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, while also bouncing back as well as status moves such as Taunt, Roar, and Toxic. This, in conjunction with its large support movepool, allows Xatu to support its team ably makes Xatu an excellent support Pokemon to the entire team and can be pretty infuriating to the opponent having their hazards bounced back right on to their field. However, not all is good for Xatu; its below average attacking stats make it setup bait for some Pokemon, while its defensive stats are also quite lacking as well. Despite this, Xatu has an excellent support movepool and should be considered for every any team that has a weakness to entry hazards.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 2: Roost
move 3: Psychic / Night Shade
move 4: U-turn
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>The main purpose of this set is to utilize Xatu's excellent new ability Magic Bounce. This allows Xatu to bounce back entry hazards and status moves that directly effect Xatu it, such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic. Thunder Wave allows Xatu to cripple fast sweepers such as Raikou and Zapdos (I changed the structure of the sentence to avoid redundancy) that like to switch into Xatu it, such as Raikou and Zapdos, while Toxic threatens defensive Pokemon such as Deoxys-D, Milotic, and Slowbro. Roost is Xatu's most reliable form of recovery, allowing it and allows Xatu to stick around for longer and help keep hazards off of your field. Night Shade deals a solid 100 HP damage per hit, while Psychic can be used as a reliable STAB. U-turn allows Xatu to switch out of Pokemon such as Deoxys-D as the switch out to a counter for Xatu and bring in a counter (I assume this is what you meant, right?), giving you momentum. If Night Shade is chosen over Psychic, the nature should be an Impish nature should be used to allow U-turn to deal more damage.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature provide Xatu with as much bulk as possible to stay around longer and keep bouncing back hazards from Pokemon such as Donphan, Registeel, and Deoxys-D. A specially defensive spread can be used instead, allowing Xatu to switch into Pokemon such as Roserade and bounce back Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sleep Powder. A spread of 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe and a Careful or Calm nature can be used too. Xatu has access to another form of recovery in Wish; however, with Xatu's low HP stat, you will often find it underwhelming at restoring a large amount of HP, therefore, making Roost is usually the better option. However, if Wish is chosen, Protect should be used over U-turn to allow Xatu a safe turn of recovering HP. Xatu can use Haze allowing it to be an makes Xatu an excellent stop to Baton Pass teams, since with Magic Bounce it is immune to being Taunted and can therefore use Haze without being stopped hindrance. Light Screen and Reflect can be used to help support the team even further allowing them to take less damage from the foe's attacks. (You might want to remove this line, since the next set is a dual screens support set.) Pokemon who appreciate hazards being kept off the field make excellent partners to Xatu, such as Flying-, Fire-, and Ice-type Pokemon; especially since Xatu has a 4x resistance to Fighting the latter also appreciate the Fighting-type resistance which Xatu brings to the table.</p>

name: Dual Screens Support
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Wish / Roost
item: Light Clay
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>This set, like the support set utilizes Xatu's magnificant ability Magic Bounce. Xatu makes an excellent dual screens user because of its ability to prevent hazards being set up and is unable to be Taunted immunity to Taunt. Light Screen and Reflect are obvious move choices for any dual screens user, to help your making it easier for teammates to set up easier. Wish and U-turn are used to allow Xatu to bring a setup sweeper in safely. If Xatu is faster and uses U-turn before the foe, Wish will heal most of, if not all, the damage taken, while if Xatu is slower, it will bring a sweeper in completely safe. Roost can be used over Wish and gives Xatu a reliable recovery option because without Protect, Xatu might not have the chance to restore its health.</p>


<p>There really are no other options move-wise, since the moveset that is suggested is the most viable for a dual screens user. Instead of Bold, Xatu can run an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed and with a Jolly nature, allowing it can be used. This allows Xatu to outspeed most leads and set up screens before they can attack. As always, Pokemon weak vulnerable to hazards make excellent teammates. Snorlax makes a great teammate to this set is an excellent example; his its massive Special Defense covers Xatu's Ice-type weakness (and special Electric-type attacks), while Xatu covers his Snorlax's Fighting-type weakness; the screens Xatu sets up will also allow Snorlax to set up more Curses and makes setup easier with the dual screens that it sets up. Cobalion also makes an excellent partner to Xatu, he as it has a 4x resistance to Rock-type attacks, and packs an Ice-type resistance Ice-type attacks, while Xatu has a 4x resistance to Fighting-type attacks and is a useful Ground-type immunity to Ground-type attacks.</p>

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Stored Power
move 3: Roost
move 4: Toxic / Hidden Power Fighting
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>Whilst it seems like Xatu is outclassed as a Calm Mind user, its ability Magic Bounce makes it viable. Due to the inability to phaze or status Xatu Its immunity to phazing and status moves makes it difficult for, many opponents will have difficulty stopping to stop it from setting up multiple Calm Minds. Xatu can support the team even without boosting with Calm Mind by just switching in and bouncing back the foe's hazards. Stored Power is the STAB move of choice since after a few Calm Minds, it hits incredibly hard. Roost provides Xatu with a reliable form of recovery, allowing it and it allows Xatu to continue boosting on Pokemon such as Chansey and Registeel.Also, with Roost, Chansey has no chance of beating this set; Xatu can continue using Calm Mind while Chansey can't inflict status or wear it down, since Magic Guard bounces back status and Roost allows it to heal off damage taken from repeated Seismic Tosses, since you because of Magic Guard and you can heal off Seismic Toss with Roost. The last move depends on how you want to play this Xatu; Toxic is more useful early-game as Xatu's counters will still be present, allowing it to cripple Pokemon such as Milotic and Zapdos; however, later in the game, Hidden Power Fighting's coverage is much more useful once you have grabbed a few Calm Mind boosts.</p>


<p>The EV spread and nature provide Xatu with maximum physical bulk, allowing it to take physical hits easier while Calm Mind covers its special side. The Defense EVs also allow Xatu to perform as a team supporter, being able allowing it to switch into Pokemon such as Donphan and Registeel with little harm. If Hidden Power Fighting is chosen Xatu's IVs should be 31/30/30/30/30/30, this gives Hidden Power a base power of 70. (PO already does this automatically for you) As always, Pokemon who appreciate hazards being kept off the field make excellent teammates. Since this set of Xatu's beats Chansey and Registeel, Yanmega makes an excellent teammate offensive partner, as it can sweep more easily with these threats gone. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile are immune to Stored Power, and can threaten Xatu with a super effective Dark-type attack or Pursuit Xatu while it tries to escape. However, they must be careful not to switch into a boosted Hidden Power Fighting, especially Weavile. Escavalier also makes an excellent counter because it resists Stored Power, and is immune to Toxic, and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB Megahorn. Victini also resists Stored Power and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB V-create. Therefore, bulky Water-types such as Suicune and Milotic make great partners to this set. Hitmontop also makes an excellent teammate to Xatu since he as it resists Rock- and Dark-type attacks, while also resisting Escavalier's Megahorn.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Xatu has very limited few other options it can use effectively. Xatu can use A Trick set effectively such as a set of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed, a Jolly nature, and with a moveset of Trick, Zen Headbutt, Roost, and U-turn, an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed, and a Jolly nature can surprise This allows Xatu to cripple Stealth Rock users and walls such as Chansey, Deoxys-D, and Donphan, rendering them almost useless for the rest of the match. On the support set, Xatu can use FeatherDance to cripple physical attackers such as Heracross and Weavile.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Xatu is a tricky Pokemon to counter because of its access to moves like such as Roost, Light Screen, Reflect, and U-turn which enhance its longevity, to keep it around and it can't be statused either and immunity to Taunt and status. Therefore, a Pokemon with a strong super effective attack is the most viable way of best way of getting rid of Xatu. Zapdos is a the perfect counter to Xatu, as its excellent defenses allow it to it can take anything Xatu can throws at it with its wonderful bulk and hit back with a super effective Thunderbolt. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile can come in on Xatu with little harm outside of being statused and hit KO it with a super effective Dark-type attack or Pursuit Xatu STAB attack or trap it with Pursuit. Escavalier doesn't fear anything Xatu can throw at it and can threaten Xatu with a STAB Megahorn or Pursuit it while it tries to escape Escavalier too can trap Xatu with Pursuit or smack it hard with a STAB Megahorn, and doesn't fear any of its moves. Bulky setup sweepers Pokemon with set up moves such as Kingdra, Suicune, and Snorlax can set up on Xatu while it can do little back, unless it has Haze. None of them will fear a Toxic either since they usually carry Rest.</p>

Just thought I would point out a few things to remember:

  • U-turn and V-create, not U-Turn and V-Create.
  • Don't use both ''he / she'' and ''it'' to refer to Pokemon; use only one.
I mainly cleaned up the prose, and a few other grammatical errors. Good job otherwise.


GP 1 / 2
Callin all those Mexicans from the Aztec race
We got a boss named Xatu to pound your face

Add etc.

not much, just some awkward wording and clarity issues


<p>While none of its stats jump out as "great" or "above average", Xatu was given an incredible gift this generation in its new ability, Magic Bounce. Magic Bounce This allows Xatu to bounce back any entry hazards such as Stealth Rock as well as status non-damaging moves such as Taunt, Roar, and Toxic. This, in conjunction with its large support movepool, allows Xatu to support its team ably. However, not all is good for Xatu; its below average attacking stats make it setup bait for some Pokemon, and while it does have Roost, its defensive stats are quite lacking. while its defensive stats are also quite lacking as well. Despite this, Xatu has an excellent support movepool and should be considered for any team that has a weakness to entry hazards.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 2: Roost
move 3: Psychic / Night Shade
move 4: U-turn
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>The main purpose of this set is to utilize Xatu's excellent new ability Magic Bounce. This allows Xatu to bounce back entry hazards and status moves that directly effect it, such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic. Thunder Wave allows Xatu to cripple fast sweepers such as Raikou and Zapdos that like to switch into it, while Toxic threatens defensive Pokemon such as Deoxys-D, Milotic, and Slowbro. Roost is Xatu's most reliable form of recovery, allowing it to stick around for longer and help keep hazards off of your field. Night Shade deals a solid 100 HP damage per hit, while Psychic can be used as a reliable STAB. U-turn allows Xatu to switch out of Pokemon such as Deoxys-D and bring in a counter, giving you momentum. If Night Shade is chosen over Psychic, an Impish nature should be used to allow U-turn to deal more damage.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature provide Xatu with as much bulk as possible to stay around longer and keep bouncing back hazards from Pokemon such as Donphan, Registeel, and Deoxys-D. A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe and a Careful or Calm nature can be used instead, allowing Xatu to switch into Pokemon such as Roserade and bounce back Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sleep Powder. A spread of 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe and a Careful or Calm nature can be used too. Xatu has access to another form of recovery in Wish; however, with Xatu's low HP stat, you will often find it underwhelming at restoring a large amount of HP, making Roost the better option. However, if Wish is chosen, Protect should be used over U-turn to allow Xatu a safe turn of recovering HP. Haze makes Xatu an excellent stop to Baton Pass teams, since with Magic Bounce it is immune to Taunt and can therefore use Haze without hindrance. Light Screen and Reflect can be used to help support the team even further allowing them to take less damage from the foe's attacks. [there is a separate dual screen set, so this isn't really needed] Pokemon that who appreciate hazards being kept off the field make excellent partners to Xatu, such as Flying-, Fire-, and Ice-type Pokemon; the latter also appreciate the Fighting-type resistance which that Xatu brings to the table.</p>

name: Dual Screens Support
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Wish / Roost
item: Light Clay
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p> Xatu makes an excellent dual screens user because of its ability to prevent hazards being set up and immunity to Taunt. Light Screen and Reflect are obvious move choices for any dual screens user, making it easier for teammates to set up. Wish and U-turn allow Xatu to bring a setup sweeper in safely. If Xatu is faster and uses U-turn before the foe, Wish will heal most of, if not all, the damage taken, while if Xatu is slower, it will bring a sweeper in safely completely safe . Roost can be used over Wish and gives Xatu a reliable recovery option because without Protect, Xatu might not have the chance to restore its own health.</p>


<p>There really are no other options move-wise, since the moveset that is suggested is the most viable for a dual screens user. Xatu can run an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed with a Jolly nature, allowing it to outspeed most leads and set up screens before they can attack. As always, Pokemon vulnerable to hazards make excellent teammates. Snorlax is an excellent example; its massive Special Defense covers Xatu's Ice-type weakness (and special Electric-type attacks), while Xatu covers Snorlax's Fighting-type weakness and makes setup easier with the dual screens that it sets up. Cobalion also makes an excellent partner to Xatu, as it has a 4x resistance to Rock-type attacks and packs an Ice-type resistance, while Xatu has a 4x resistance to Fighting-type attacks and a useful Ground-type immunity.</p>

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Stored Power
move 3: Roost
move 4: Toxic / Hidden Power Fighting
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>Whilst it seems like Xatu is outclassed as a Calm Mind user, its ability Magic Bounce makes such setting up it viable. Its immunity to Roar, Whirlwind, phazing and status moves makes it difficult for opponents to stop it from setting up multiple Calm Minds. Xatu can support the team even without boosting with Calm Mind by just switching in and bouncing back the foe's hazards. Stored Power is the STAB move of choice since after a few Calm Minds, it hits incredibly hard. Roost provides Xatu with a reliable form of recovery, allowing it to continue boosting on Pokemon such as Chansey and Registeel.spaceAlso, with Roost, Chansey has no chance of beating this set; Xatu can continue using Calm Mind while Chansey can't inflict status or wear it down, since Magic Guard bounces back status and Roost allows it to heal off damage taken from repeated Seismic Tosses. The last move depends on how you want to play this Xatu; Toxic is more useful early-game as Xatu's counters will still be present, allowing it to cripple Pokemon such as Milotic and Zapdos; however, later in the game, Hidden Power Fighting's coverage is much more useful once you have grabbed a few Calm Mind boosts.</p>


<p>The EV spread and nature provide Xatu with maximum physical bulk, allowing it to take physical hits easier while Calm Mind covers its special side. The Defense EVs also allow Xatu to perform as a team supporter, allowing it to switch into Pokemon such as Donphan and Registeel with little harm. If Hidden Power Fighting is chosen Xatu's IVs should be 31/30/30/30/30/30, this gives Hidden Power a base power of 70. As always, Pokemon who appreciate hazards being kept off the field make excellent teammates. Since this set beats Chansey and Registeel, Yanmega makes an excellent offensive partner, as it can sweep more easily with these threats gone. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile are immune to Stored Power, and can threaten Xatu with a super effective Dark-type attack or Pursuit Xatu while it tries to escape. However, they must be careful not to switch into a boosted Hidden Power Fighting, especially Weavile especially. Escavalier also makes an excellent counter because it resists Stored Power, is immune to Toxic, and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB Megahorn. Victini also resists Stored Power and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB V-create. Therefore, bulky Water-types such as Suicune and Milotic make great partners to this set. Hitmontop also makes an excellent teammate as it resists Rock- and Dark-type attacks, while and also resisting Escavalier's Megahorn.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Xatu has few other options it can use effectively. A Trick set with a moveset of Trick, Zen Headbutt, Roost, and U-turn, an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed, and a Jolly nature can surprise Stealth Rock users and walls such as Chansey, Deoxys-D, and Donphan, rendering them almost useless for the rest of the match. what item on this Trick set? On the support set, Xatu can use FeatherDance to cripple physical attackers such as Heracross and Weavile.</p> maybe explain why these options are generally inferior

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Xatu is a tricky Pokemon to counter because of its access to moves such as Roost, Light Screen, Reflect, and U-turn that which enhance its longevity, and immunity to Taunt and status. Therefore, a Pokemon with a strong super effective attack is the best way of getting rid of Xatu. Zapdos is the perfect counter to Xatu, as it can take anything Xatu throws at it with its wonderful bulk and hit back with a super effective Thunderbolt. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile can come in on Xatu with little harm outside of being statused and KO it with a super effective STAB attack or trap it with Pursuit. Escavalier too can trap Xatu with Pursuit or smack it hard with a STAB Megahorn, and doesn't fear any of its moves. Bulky setup sweepers such as Kingdra, Suicune, and Snorlax can set up on Xatu while it can do little back, unless it has Haze. None of them will fear a Toxic either since they usually carry Rest.</p>
Callin all those Mexicans from the Aztec race
We got a boss named Xatu to pound your face

Add etc.

not much, just some awkward wording and clarity issues


<p>While none of its stats jump out as "great" or "above average", Xatu was given an incredible gift this generation in its new ability, Magic Bounce. Magic Bounce This allows Xatu to bounce back any entry hazards such as Stealth Rock as well as status non-damaging moves such as Taunt, Roar, and Toxic. This, in conjunction with its large support movepool, allows Xatu to support its team ably. However, not all is good for Xatu; its below average attacking stats make it setup bait for some Pokemon, and while it does have Roost, its defensive stats are quite lacking. while its defensive stats are also quite lacking as well. Despite this, Xatu has an excellent support movepool and should be considered for any team that has a weakness to entry hazards.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 2: Roost
move 3: Psychic / Night Shade
move 4: U-turn
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>The main purpose of this set is to utilize Xatu's excellent new ability Magic Bounce. This allows Xatu to bounce back entry hazards and status moves that directly effect it, such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic. Thunder Wave allows Xatu to cripple fast sweepers such as Raikou and Zapdos that like to switch into it, while Toxic threatens defensive Pokemon such as Deoxys-D, Milotic, and Slowbro. Roost is Xatu's most reliable form of recovery, allowing it to stick around for longer and help keep hazards off of your field. Night Shade deals a solid 100 HP damage per hit, while Psychic can be used as a reliable STAB. U-turn allows Xatu to switch out of Pokemon such as Deoxys-D and bring in a counter, giving you momentum. If Night Shade is chosen over Psychic, an Impish nature should be used to allow U-turn to deal more damage.</p>


<p>The EVs and nature provide Xatu with as much bulk as possible to stay around longer and keep bouncing back hazards from Pokemon such as Donphan, Registeel, and Deoxys-D. A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe and a Careful or Calm nature can be used instead, allowing Xatu to switch into Pokemon such as Roserade and bounce back Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sleep Powder. A spread of 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe and a Careful or Calm nature can be used too. Xatu has access to another form of recovery in Wish; however, with Xatu's low HP stat, you will often find it underwhelming at restoring a large amount of HP, making Roost the better option. However, if Wish is chosen, Protect should be used over U-turn to allow Xatu a safe turn of recovering HP. Haze makes Xatu an excellent stop to Baton Pass teams, since with Magic Bounce it is immune to Taunt and can therefore use Haze without hindrance. Light Screen and Reflect can be used to help support the team even further allowing them to take less damage from the foe's attacks. [there is a separate dual screen set, so this isn't really needed] Pokemon that who appreciate hazards being kept off the field make excellent partners to Xatu, such as Flying-, Fire-, and Ice-type Pokemon; the latter also appreciate the Fighting-type resistance which that Xatu brings to the table.</p>

name: Dual Screens Support
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Wish / Roost
item: Light Clay
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p> Xatu makes an excellent dual screens user because of its ability to prevent hazards being set up and immunity to Taunt. Light Screen and Reflect are obvious move choices for any dual screens user, making it easier for teammates to set up. Wish and U-turn allow Xatu to bring a setup sweeper in safely. If Xatu is faster and uses U-turn before the foe, Wish will heal most of, if not all, the damage taken, while if Xatu is slower, it will bring a sweeper in safely completely safe . Roost can be used over Wish and gives Xatu a reliable recovery option because without Protect, Xatu might not have the chance to restore its own health.</p>


<p>There really are no other options move-wise, since the moveset that is suggested is the most viable for a dual screens user. Xatu can run an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed with a Jolly nature, allowing it to outspeed most leads and set up screens before they can attack. As always, Pokemon vulnerable to hazards make excellent teammates. Snorlax is an excellent example; its massive Special Defense covers Xatu's Ice-type weakness (and special Electric-type attacks), while Xatu covers Snorlax's Fighting-type weakness and makes setup easier with the dual screens that it sets up. Cobalion also makes an excellent partner to Xatu, as it has a 4x resistance to Rock-type attacks and packs an Ice-type resistance, while Xatu has a 4x resistance to Fighting-type attacks and a useful Ground-type immunity.</p>

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Stored Power
move 3: Roost
move 4: Toxic / Hidden Power Fighting
item: Leftovers
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>Whilst it seems like Xatu is outclassed as a Calm Mind user, its ability Magic Bounce makes such setting up it viable. Its immunity to Roar, Whirlwind, phazing and status moves makes it difficult for opponents to stop it from setting up multiple Calm Minds. Xatu can support the team even without boosting with Calm Mind by just switching in and bouncing back the foe's hazards. Stored Power is the STAB move of choice since after a few Calm Minds, it hits incredibly hard. Roost provides Xatu with a reliable form of recovery, allowing it to continue boosting on Pokemon such as Chansey and Registeel.spaceAlso, with Roost, Chansey has no chance of beating this set; Xatu can continue using Calm Mind while Chansey can't inflict status or wear it down, since Magic Guard bounces back status and Roost allows it to heal off damage taken from repeated Seismic Tosses. The last move depends on how you want to play this Xatu; Toxic is more useful early-game as Xatu's counters will still be present, allowing it to cripple Pokemon such as Milotic and Zapdos; however, later in the game, Hidden Power Fighting's coverage is much more useful once you have grabbed a few Calm Mind boosts.</p>


<p>The EV spread and nature provide Xatu with maximum physical bulk, allowing it to take physical hits easier while Calm Mind covers its special side. The Defense EVs also allow Xatu to perform as a team supporter, allowing it to switch into Pokemon such as Donphan and Registeel with little harm. If Hidden Power Fighting is chosen Xatu's IVs should be 31/30/30/30/30/30, this gives Hidden Power a base power of 70. As always, Pokemon who appreciate hazards being kept off the field make excellent teammates. Since this set beats Chansey and Registeel, Yanmega makes an excellent offensive partner, as it can sweep more easily with these threats gone. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile are immune to Stored Power, and can threaten Xatu with a super effective Dark-type attack or Pursuit Xatu while it tries to escape. However, they must be careful not to switch into a boosted Hidden Power Fighting, especially Weavile especially. Escavalier also makes an excellent counter because it resists Stored Power, is immune to Toxic, and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB Megahorn. Victini also resists Stored Power and can OHKO Xatu with a STAB V-create. Therefore, bulky Water-types such as Suicune and Milotic make great partners to this set. Hitmontop also makes an excellent teammate as it resists Rock- and Dark-type attacks, while and also resisting Escavalier's Megahorn.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Xatu has few other options it can use effectively. A Trick set with a moveset of Trick, Zen Headbutt, Roost, and U-turn, an EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Speed, and a Jolly nature can surprise Stealth Rock users and walls such as Chansey, Deoxys-D, and Donphan, rendering them almost useless for the rest of the match. what item on this Trick set? On the support set, Xatu can use FeatherDance to cripple physical attackers such as Heracross and Weavile.</p> maybe explain why these options are generally inferior

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Xatu is a tricky Pokemon to counter because of its access to moves such as Roost, Light Screen, Reflect, and U-turn that which enhance its longevity, and immunity to Taunt and status. Therefore, a Pokemon with a strong super effective attack is the best way of getting rid of Xatu. Zapdos is the perfect counter to Xatu, as it can take anything Xatu throws at it with its wonderful bulk and hit back with a super effective Thunderbolt. Dark-types such as Houndoom and Weavile can come in on Xatu with little harm outside of being statused and KO it with a super effective STAB attack or trap it with Pursuit. Escavalier too can trap Xatu with Pursuit or smack it hard with a STAB Megahorn, and doesn't fear any of its moves. Bulky setup sweepers such as Kingdra, Suicune, and Snorlax can set up on Xatu while it can do little back, unless it has Haze. None of them will fear a Toxic either since they usually carry Rest.</p>

Thanks for the check, V0x. This is now doneeeeeeeee. :)