Victini's Wrath

Hi I'm Fuhreena and this is my first post here. I have been playing Pokemon since Red and Blue versions but only recently got into competitive battling. I made a team that had been working out pretty well on the Pokemon Online Server, so I decided to try it out on the Smogon server. My first match proved to be pretty interesting, so without further ado, here it is. (The word "here" is a link to the replay just in case you wanna see it rather than read it.)

(Leftovers/life orb recoil will be omitted after the first occurrence, and my commentary will be in bold)

My Team:

Opponent's Team:

Battle between JayblazrxX and Fuhreena started!

Tier: Dream World OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +15, -17
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Fuhreena sent out Rozz! (Gigalith)
JayblazrxX sent out Deoxys-D!
The foe's Deoxys-D is exerting its Pressure!

@100% (D-FENCE!) vs.
@100% (Hopes to get his rocks off)

I run a Custap/Explosion set on my Gigalith so I am almost guaranteed to get my rocks up and then do some damage. I haven't gone against too many Deoxys-D's (one in fact) so I don't really have any idea what to expect from it.

Start of turn 1
The foe's Deoxys-D used Thunder Wave!
Rozz is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Rozz used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around JayblazrxX's team!

@100% (D-FENCE!) vs.
@100% (Oh no you di'int!)

And I am quite satisfied with how that turn ended, as being slower doesn't matter to me, as the only thing I want to do now is explode and hopefully take a chunk of his health down with me.

Start of turn 2
The foe's Deoxys-D used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Fuhreena's team!

Rozz is paralyzed! It can't move!

@100% (umad bro?) vs.
@100% (Bzzzzt)

And of course that happens, I have the worst luck when it comes to these things. It isn't that big of a deal though, as he would've gotten rocks up anyway if I exploded and he can't OHKO me due to my sturdy, so I should still get to blow up in his face.

Start of turn 3
The foe's Deoxys-D used Night Shade!
Rozz lost 100 HP! (35% of its health)

Rozz used Explosion!
Rozz fainted!
The foe's Deoxys-D lost 72% of its health!

The foe's Deoxys-D restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Fuhreena sent out Vaydurr! (Gengar)
Pointed stones dug into Vaydurr!

@34% (Well that hurt.) vs.
@0% (Goodbye cruel world!) --->
@88% (Aren't all ghosts haunters?)

Night shade did nothing and Gigalith fulfilled her duty. I figure that Gengar will be my best bet here, so he comes in. Now I am betting that he is going to attempt to paralyze Gengar like he did to Gigalith, so I am going to get a substitute up.

Start of turn 4
Vaydurr used Substitute!
Vaydurr made a substitute!

The foe's Deoxys-D used Thunder Wave!
Vaydurr's substitute blocked Thunder Wave!

@39% (Oh S—t!) vs.
@88% (Feeling pretty safe)

I do a little victory dance in my head because my prediction was right (this doesn't happen often, believe me), and now I am just going to put the poor defender out of his misery.

Start of turn 5
Vaydurr used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
The foe's Deoxys-D lost 39% of its health!
The foe's Deoxys-D fainted!
Vaydurr is hurt by its Life Orb!

JayblazrxX sent out Donphan!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Donphan!

@0% (Ow.) --->
@ 94% (I got this!) vs.
@78% (Good riddance!)

I have no idea why he would bring a Donphan in on my Gengar, maybe he forgot about the rocks cancelling his Sturdy? Well anyways, my Gengar knows Giga Drain,and he is obviously faster than Donphan, so I should OHKO him before gets to do anything and get a nice little health bonus!

Start of turn 6
The foe's Donphan used Ice Shard!
Vaydurr's substitute faded!

Vaydurr used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
The foe's Donphan lost 93% of its health!
The foe's Donphan fainted!
The foe's Donphan had its energy drained!

JayblazrxX sent out Mismagius!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Mismagius!

@0% (How can I learn an Ice move?) --->
@ 88% (imma Sexy Witch) vs.
@90% (Thanks for the health!)

Okay then, apparently Donphan can learn Ice Shard. How does that work I wonder? Oh well, I am SO happy that I decided to get a sub up on Deoxys now, as that turn would've gone a lot differently without it. My opponent brings in Mismagius, which is a pokemon that I have never seen in competitive battling before so I have no idea what it can do or how fast it is. I do know, however, that Gengar is pretty freaking fast so I am just going to stay in and hope that he is faster than the spectral witch.

Start of turn 7
Vaydurr used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
The foe's Mismagius lost 87% of its health!
The foe's Mismagius fainted!

JayblazrxX sent out Heracross!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Heracross!

@0% (Avada Keda--) --->
@ 75% (I dance alone) vs.
@80% (Feeling pretty good about himself)

I am honestly shocked that I am doing as well as I am. I mean, up 5-3 seven turns in? I know that Heracross got Moxie from the Dream World and have encountered quite a few that are scarfed. Also, Gengar has done quite well up to this point, and I wanna save him for later in the match. So I switch in Gastrodon, who should be able to take anything Heracross can throw at him.

Start of turn 8
Fuhreena called Vaydurr back!
Fuhreena sent out G.I. Joe! (Gastrodon-East)
Pointed stones dug into G.I. Joe!

The foe's Heracross used Night Slash!
G.I. Joe lost 84 HP! (19% of its health)

G.I. Joe restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

@ 75% (Dang it) vs.
@80% (See ya later Buggy) --->
@81% (Wow, that tingled.)

Alright, everything went as planned and now there are two possible outcomes. Well, three. He can use Night Slash again in which case I would use Stockpile; He could prove me wrong about him being scarfed and use a different move in which case I would still use stockpile; Or he could switch out into a counter to Gastrodon in which case I would use Stockpile. So I am just going to go ahead and use stockpile.

Start of turn 9
JayblazrxX called Heracross back!
JayblazrxX sent out Jolteon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jolteon!

G.I. Joe used Stockpile!
G.I. Joe stockpiled 1!
G.I. Joe's Defense rose!
G.I. Joe's Sp. Def. rose!

The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

@ 88% (Scuttling away like a cockroach in the light) --->
@94% (Let's do this.) vs.
@87% (Preparing for the zombie apocalypse)

Well then. This I didn't expect. Why would anyone switch a Jolteon into a Gastrodon? He walls it completely! But then as I was laughing and about to click Stockpile again, the memory of Donphan and the unexpected Ice Shard surfaced from the recesses of my mind. What could Jolteon have that would make it a threat to Gastrodon? The answer hit me like a bolt of lightning from the heavens. Hidden Power Grass! You sneaky little doggy, I'm wise to your tricks. The only thing that can handle a switch into Jolteon and be able to hit him again before dying would be my Infernape, so in he comes.

Start of turn 10
Fuhreena called G.I. Joe back!
Fuhreena sent out Negro! (Infernape)
Pointed stones dug into Negro!

The foe's Jolteon used Hidden Power!
It's not very effective...
Negro lost 57 HP! (19% of its health)

@ 100% (Kiss my Grass) vs.
@87% (That was close) --->
@81% (Float Like a Butterfly)

Before I get any grief about my Infernape's nickname, I would like to clear that up. Infernape is a monkey, and monkeys are usually black which is what Negro means. I don't mean it in a racist way at all, it is just funny to see some people's reactions. Anyways, it appears that I was right about the hidden power type and am now going to take full advantage of my Choice Banded-Iron Fist boosted Mach Punch which should take out the Jolteon, because Jolteon are frail, right?

Start of turn 11
Negro used Mach Punch!
The foe's Jolteon lost 60% of its health!

The foe's Jolteon used Thunderbolt!
Negro lost 201 HP! (68% of its health)
Negro fainted!

Fuhreena sent out Vaydurr! (Gengar)
Pointed stones dug into Vaydurr!

@ 100% (Kiss my Grass) vs.
@0% (Sting like a b---) --->
@68% (BOO!)

I just want to say that after this match, Infernape was replaced with a Choice Band Scizor, who has since become one of my new favorites. So after Infernape's huge disappointment, I brought Gengar back out, who could outspeed (so I thought) and OHKO with Shadow Ball and get me back some momentum.

Start of turn 12
The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
Vaydurr lost 178 HP! (67% of its health)
Vaydurr fainted!

Fuhreena sent out Miss Birdie! (Altaria)
Pointed stones dug into Miss Birdie!

Miss Birdie has Cloud Nine!

@ 46% (I'm like a yellow sonic!) vs.
@0% (But I'm already a ghost!) --->
@75% (I'm so happy!)

Well now that I know Jolteon's entire set (Substitute, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, and HP Grass), I look over my remaining team members and notice that Altaria can take all of those and finish the stupid doggy off. I don't use Altaria in a way that I have ever seen anyone else use it, it is specifically to stop Excadrill in the sand, Venusaur in the sun, etc. because Cloud Nine stops their ability. I don't think that Jolteon (especially at 46%) can take a Specs-boosted Draco Meteor after I tank whatever hit he sends my way.

Start of turn 13
The foe's Jolteon used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Miss Birdie lost 219 HP! (75% of its health)
Miss Birdie fainted!

Fuhreena sent out G.I. Joe! (Gastrodon-East)
Pointed stones dug into G.I. Joe!

@ 52% (I tricked you!) vs.
@0% (Why God why?!) --->
@87% (Stupid freaking dog)

At this point I thought to myself, "WTF?!" It turns out that he bluffed me out when Jolteon switched into Gastrodon and rather than carrying HP Grass like I thought, it carried HP Ice. I was honestly shocked! So NOW that I know Jolteon's whole set, I of course realize that Gastro can handle him easily. So I send him in and begin to Stockpile.

Start of turn 14
The foe's Jolteon used Substitute!
The foe's Jolteon made a substitute!

G.I. Joe used Stockpile!
G.I. Joe stockpiled 1!
G.I. Joe's Defense rose!
G.I. Joe's Sp. Def. rose!

@ 33% (I'm like a yellow sonic!) vs.
@93% (Buying water at WalMart)

Oh no! A substitute! Whatever shall I do? Oh, I know, stockpile again!

Start of turn 15
The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
G.I. Joe lost 62 HP! (14% of its health)

G.I. Joe used Stockpile!
G.I. Joe stockpiled 2!
G.I. Joe's Defense rose!
G.I. Joe's Sp. Def. rose!

@ 39% (How do you like that?) vs.
@85% (Buying nonperishable food at WalMart)

[Sarcasm]Wow that really hurt![/Sarcasm] My opponent is either going to switch (which I doubt since he put up a Substitute) or stay in and hit me with another one of his measly attacks. In both situations, Stockpile would be my move of choice, so here goes nothing!

Start of turn 16
The foe's Jolteon used Hidden Power!
G.I. Joe lost 43 HP! (10% of its health)

G.I. Joe used Stockpile!
G.I. Joe stockpiled 3!
G.I. Joe's Defense rose!
G.I. Joe's Sp. Def. rose!

@ 45% (Come on Crit!) vs.
@81% (Buying batteries at WalMart)

And he uses the Hidden Power that I so feared earlier for no reason and it barely puts a scratch in Gastrodon as I get my last stockpile in. Now it's time to bust his substitute with my only attacking move, scald.

Start of turn 17
JayblazrxX called Jolteon back!
JayblazrxX sent out Heracross!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Heracross!

G.I. Joe used Scald!
The foe's Heracross lost 30% of its health!

@ 45% (Running away with his tail between his legs) --->
@45% (Looking mean) vs.
@87% (Finally attacking)

After all of that, he switches Jolteon out? Well, I'm not complaining as I lets me get a free hit on Heracross. It stands to reason that I should attack again, so that's what I do.

Start of turn 18
The foe's Heracross used Close Combat!
G.I. Joe lost 87 HP! (20% of its health)
The foe's Heracross's Defense fell!
The foe's Heracross's Sp. Def. fell!

G.I. Joe used Scald!
The foe's Heracross lost 44% of its health!
The foe's Heracross was burned!

The foe's Heracross is hurt by its burn!
The foe's Heracross fainted!
JayblazrxX sent out Victini!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Victini!

@ 0% (Extra Crispy) --->
@75% (Bet you can't guess what I'm gonna do) vs.
@73% (Well this should be easy)

At first when I saw the 44% I thought the stupid bug was going to hang in there. Not that that would've been a big deal, but then I got the burn from Scald and it finished him off for me. He brings in Victini to replace Heracross, which-in my experience-usually carry Choice Items. Expecting the worst (Choice Banded V-Create), I use Recover to heal off any damage he may have done.

Start of turn 19
The foe's Victini used U-turn!
G.I. Joe lost 44 HP! (10% of its health)
JayblazrxX called Victini back!
JayblazrxX sent out Jolteon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jolteon!

G.I. Joe used Recover!
G.I. Joe regained health!

@ 75% (Listening to N-Sync) --->
@39% (I'm BAAAACCKK) vs.
@100% (Why hello there!)

Now I am back up to 100%, and the stupid dog that killed half my team is sent back out after Victini's measly U-turn. It is finally time for him to die.

Start of turn 20
The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
G.I. Joe lost 38 HP! (8% of its health)

G.I. Joe used Scald!
The foe's Jolteon lost 31% of its health!

The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

@ 14% (Just Kill Me Already) vs.
@81% (Enjoying vengeance)

Now at this point, it's tied 2-2, but I consider myself to have the advantage, because my Gastrodon is at +3 to both defenses, and when Victini comes back in it will be at 50%, and my other remaining pokemon is Gyarados, whose Waterfall should OHKO Victini if by some stupid hax, Gastrodon manages to die. Since I am pretty much guaranteed a win at this point, I decide to let Jolteon die a slow poisonous death since he killed most of my team.

Start of turn 21
The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
G.I. Joe lost 41 HP! (9% of its health)
G.I. Joe's Sp. Def. fell!

G.I. Joe used Toxic!
The foe's Jolteon was poisoned!

The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Jolteon is hurt by poison!

@ 14% (Pain and suffering…) vs.
@81% (Laughing evilly)

So I could Recover and stall him out just through Toxic, but I am playing in the middle of class and the teacher just looked at me funny, so I decided to just finish him off quickly and used Scald just to finish him off.

Start of turn 22
The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
G.I. Joe lost 46 HP! (10% of its health)

G.I. Joe used Scald!
The foe's Jolteon lost 19% of its health!
The foe's Jolteon fainted!

JayblazrxX sent out Victini!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Victini!

@ 75% (PWNED) --->
@50% (I'm Screwed) vs.
@100% (More like VicTINY)

Ding-Dong! The dog is dead. Which old dog? The stupid dog! Ding Dong! The stupid dog is dead!
Sorry, I got off topic there for a second. Anyways, Jolteon finally fell and Victini is sent out to replace him. At this point in time, I am feeling pretty confident that the win is mine. I mean look at the situation. The score is 2-1 and it's two water types vs. one fire type at 50% health. How could I possibly lose?

Start of turn 23
The foe's Victini used Zen Headbutt!
A critical hit!
G.I. Joe lost 379 HP! (88% of its health)
G.I. Joe fainted!

Fuhreena sent out DancingQueen! (Gyarados)
Pointed stones dug into DancingQueen!

@50% (I'm still screwed) vs.
@ 0% (God I hate hax!) --->
@75% (I'll avenge you Joe!)

F THIS GAME! Okay, calm down. Woo-sah, I'm calm now. It's still okay, Gyarados can outspeed and kill the stupid fairy (at least I think it's a fairy), unless it's scarfed. And in that case, I should be able to take a Zen Headbutt and kill it with waterfall. So, I've still got this.

Start of turn 24
The foe's Victini used Zen Headbutt!
DancingQueen lost 223 HP! (67% of its health)

DancingQueen flinched!

DancingQueen restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

@50% (Maybe I'm not screwed!) vs.
@75% (Are you kidding me?)

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! I just did the math on that and using a 6% critical hit rate and a 20% chance of flinch, the chances of what just happened happening is approximately 1.2%. The poke-gods really do hate me! Well, now the only chance of me winning is Zen Headbutt missing. The chances of this happening are 10%, so it is just under ten times more likely to happen then the crit followed by the flinch (which, I just realized, is false. Due to Victini's ability Victory Star, Zen Headbutt couldn't have missed). I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Start of turn 25
The foe's Victini used Zen Headbutt!
DancingQueen lost 46 HP! (13% of its health)
DancingQueen fainted!

JayblazrxX won the battle!

And of course it hits, I hope that you enjoyed this battle as much as I hated it. And just in case you missed it at the beginning, or just want to watch it after reading it and are too lazy to scroll back to the top, here it is.
Props: Both Jolteon and Gengar for pretty much owning the other team
Slops: Me blindly assuming that it was Hidden Power Grass, and Mismagius not getting to do anything

I've gotta give the MVP to Victini, as much as I hate to do it. Without its phenomenal hax, my opponent stood no chance of victory.
How weird someone uploading a Warstory with them losing. o_O

7/10, too short for my liking, nothing really exiting happened, hax sucked but it was still entertaining :O
Nice work using Stockpile Gastrodon. They are certainly underrated. Hax against them in the form of critical hits can be a pain, though.
Alright, everything went as planned and now there are two possible outcomes. Well, three. He can use Night Slash again in which case I would use Stockpile; He could prove me wrong about him being scarfed and use a different move in which case I would still use stockpile; Or he could switch out into a counter to Gastrodon in which case I would use Stockpile. So I am just going to go ahead and use stockpile.
Okay, I'd like to thank you for considering what your opponent can do, however, from here you have to explain why you would respond with stockpile and how the situation would be carried out. Also, you should be considering a total combination of every smart move he can make and every smart move you can make.

And please people, Stop Copying Alphatron's HP Percent Messages!
Very nice first post, it's nice to see that you know how to make a war story! I do have some issues, however. While your knowledge may not be up to par (but this will be fixed with experience), try to avoid very general statements like "all I know is Gengar is really fast." instead, provide us with the exact base speed and say something like "and not many Pokemon will outspeed this, so I'll go ahead and Shadow Ball Mismagius." this tells we reading that you know the game and that you're not just another noob, and that you can make educated battle decisions even when you don't have the exact stats of the oppoenent. I look forward to your future posts/war stories!
@Verbatim, I will try to do this in the future and I apologize for copying Alphatron's HP Percent messages, I read his warstory and thought they made for a more entertaining read, so I thought I would incorporate them into mine.

@V0x- Thanks for the feedback and I will also try to do that in the future (I don't want to sound like a noob)
There wasn't much predictions, or good ones. However I quite enjoyed Victini becoming Jirachi and flinching you to death, it was lulzy. Keep in mind a longer, yet not stally, prediction filled match, 98.65% of the time get you a better rate.
If you're unsure of base speeds, you can quickly check online (Serebii, Bulbapedia, etc. work nicely) mid-battle. Also, your HP percentages are really really off in places. Some quick references:
Substitute drains 25%, (Gengar)
Heracross is not Rock-Weak, so SR only does 12% to it.
Leftovers heals ~6% per turn. You seem to have neglected it for many of the turns that Gastrodon and Jolteon are out.
If you're ever in doubt, work backwards from the move that KO's them.

Also, standard fare is to put your own team on the left. It's slightly confusing having yours on the wrong side.
Why did you explode?? was it THAT needed to sacrifice gigalith?

Also, as nijaskills said, you can check serebii/smogon anytime during battle.
Well the battle was so-so, your knowledge lackluster and you totally messed up the percentages (Just use that replay of yours to fill em in turn by turn, works wonders).

Despite this, I still immensely enjoyed this warstory due to your hilarious commentary. Sure you didn't get too technical and what not, but who cares? It was damn fun to read! I'm sure with experience the issues mentioned above will disappear. You should definitely continue writing these!
That was an awesome warstory, and fun to read (not that Cyrus has fun). FINALLY, someone else realizes that godliness that is Gastrodon. NU my ass.

That person really knows how to bluff with Jolteon, though O.o what a mindfuck.
Slightly off topic insofar as the warstory is concerned, but why Gigalith? If you want to get an extra attack with custap/sturdy Crustle is the superior option, and insofar as setting up hazards in general, Deoxys-S is champ.
That Jolteon bluff was incredible. I originally thought this warstory was gonna suck because it started with a Gengar sweep, but it ended up being more interesting than first impression. Just a couple pointers:

-Your attitude with Gigalith in the beginning of the match was terrible. It had Custap, you could survive another hit or two and then explode instead of doing it at full health.
-The battle could have been a bit better. Your opponent lost two full Pokemon at the beginning of the match to Gengar without even doing much, putting you at a clear advantage since the start of the match.
-The Warstory title pretty much gave up the ending. Perhaps fix that.
-It's helpful to give a brief recap every once and a while throughout the match, like with a score count when a Pokemon goes down

Overall, though, much better than I expected from a first timer. Nice work!
whoa whoa since when did people start being nice to first time warstoriers?

anyway, i'll be honest this battle wasn't full of much skill. You have the knack for writing but your battling skills aren't quite up to snuff. Work on getting more metagame knowledge and you'll be a great writer.

Firstly: did you really try to setup Stealth Rock with a slower Pokemon in the face of someone who could have Taunted your little Gigalith's head off and laugh at it?

Secondly: why switch out Gengar in front of Heracross: you have a sub up and you can check if its a Scarf version: if its a scarf then just have Gengar run along after its Sub dies, or just kill it off outright with Shadow Ball. ._.

Thirdly: o.O Giga Drain Gengar? Sure, it worked in this battle, but I'd honestly prefer Pain Split...

fourth: your opponent has no business bringing in a spinner on something that he can't spin on

fifth: Gyarados has like lower than 100 base Speed iirc. Victini outspeeds unless you're scarf'd.

This warstory isn't the best of battles, and honestly I think you could have waited for a better battle to work with. Good luck!

Rating: 3/10
@ Cyrus - Look at the August Stats, it's #30-something
@ TM13 - Gengar's sub was down, so it was the smart play, but I agree with the Giga Drain point.
Just saying, how did you know Jolteon had Substitute on Turn 13 without him using first? He only used HP, T-Bolt and Shadow Ball before that T_T.

The battle was pretty straightfoward though, with not much predictions. Pretty much 4 mini-sweeps. Don't let this discourage you though, just try picking a better battle next time.

Oh and, the hax at the end was hilarious. New Jirachi guys.

EDIT: The Jolteon bluff was amazing though. Loved that so much.
While this is a good warstory, it's pretty obvious that you're new to competitive battling. But it was still fun to read. so I'd give this *throws dart* 6/10! Keep it up. See you in a month.
i hate to be critical, but honestly this warstory was not very good. Plenty of misplays, hax when it really counted, and incorrect percentages caused me to lose focus on the warstory. You do have writing ability, but the terrible battle and lack of commentary killed the warstory.

People, please stop making warstories just because your battle ends up 1-0 or ends with a last turn "suspenseful" speed tie or whatever.

man if people are being this nice with warstories then maybe I should finish mine

I will say that reading the ending made me legitly irritated, so A+ for conveying emotion
I'm not trying to be an ass, but I think the Jolteon bluff was not really a bluff. If the opponent was smart enough to bluff HP Ice, he wouldn't have switched an un-Scarfed Mismagius into his Gengar. If you look at the battle properly, his opponent pretty much sucked too. I mean, why T-wave a gigalith? Why would he use Night Shade instead of setting up with spikes? No offense, but both teams were poorly built and there was no reasonable prediction (except for that HP grass speculation).

You have a long way to go in competitive battling. Good luck.
To be frank, you and your opponent were pretty crap. Not that special a battle, in fact it was especially lacking in the entertainment factor due to poor prediction, misplays and hax.

Your formatting, however, was excellent. Screw 'copying', format is free game.
