Mime Jr.




  • May seem outclassed by other Psychic types at first, but actually has better bulk and speed than the others
  • Also has Nasty Plot, Encore, and Baton Pass to support it's teammates and put a dent in the opponent's team.
  • Bad defensive typing, sporting a weakness to Dark, Ghost and Bug, all common types in LC
  • Resists fighting though, which could let it check a couple of Pokemon
  • Overall one of the best Baton Passers in the game

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Nasty Plot / Calm Mind
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Psychic
move 4: Encore / Hidden Power Fire
item: Eviolite / Oran Berry
nature: Timid
evs: 36 HP / 236 SAtk / 236 Spe
ability: Soundproof


  • Can dent the opponent's team and then give support to yours.
  • Nasty Plot with Baton Pass can give some special sweepers a new lease on life.
  • Psychic is only attack option and with the abundance of Dark Types it actually is the only one needed.
  • Encore can give defensive Pokemon like Ferroseed a hard time


  • Calm Mind could be used for Pokemon that are weak in the Special Defense department and for Baton Pass chains, but useless otherwise
  • Hidden Power Fire could be used to surprise Steels, but Encore is really important in Mime Jr's game.
  • Eviolite is the preffered option here because it lets Mime Jr. live an unboosted Crunch from Scraggy, but Oran Berry could be better in some situations.
  • Good teammates are fast sweepers who enjoy the boost, like Abra and Gastly


name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
nature: Timid
evs: 36 HP / 236 SAtk / 236 Spe
ability: Filter


  • As offensive as Mime Jr. gets
  • Reaches 21 Speed with Choice Scarf, outspeeding the metagame
  • Psychic is STAB and gets the job done fast
  • Hidden Power Fire gets Steel types on the switch
  • Thunderbolt kills Water types and gives you great coverage
  • Trick can screw over defensive Pokemon or anything using Eviolite


  • Baton Pass could be used in the last slot as a way to cout safely
  • Good Teammates are Pokemon who counter other choiced Pokemon, so basically any Pokemon with priority
  • Timburr is still good
  • Being locked into moves is a horrible thing for Mr. Mime, so try Pokemon that have as good coverage as Mime Jr.

[Checks and Counters]

  • Hard to counter for both since since they have Baton Pass and Trick, respectively
  • Priority ruins it, so do dark type moves, so pretty much anything with Sucker Punch
  • Houndour works, being immune to Psychic and Hidden Power Fire while being able to KO it with Sucker Punch
  • The Choice Scarf set is checked easily by Ferroseed unless hit on the switch by Trick or Hidden Power Fire
I don't see it as defensive. 70 Special Attack, 60 Speed - that's good for Little Cup. Really good.

<p>One of the more attractive qualities of Mr. Mime is its access to Thunderbolt. Mime Jr. shares this ability, and this generation has now brought a new toy with Technician. You get a nice Ice move in Icy Wind for a base 82 power, and a speed drop.</p>

name: It is super effective!
move 1: Icy Wind
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Shadow Ball / HP Water (Base 60) / HP Fire (base 60) / Psychic
move 4: Psychic / Calm Mind / Nasty Plot
item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
nature: Timid

<p>Mime Jr. has a problem - it is frail. It is also slower than Gastly. Depending on what you fear most, modify the moves as such. HP Water is good for a Houndour switch (If you're going to be Pursuited anyway, it's probably a bad idea to switch). HP Fire is an interesting choice with steels floating around, but HP Water (if they are part ground or rock) or Thunderbolt will deal a fare amount of damage by themself</p>

<p>The flexibility of Expert Belt makes it extremely attractive. Seeing how pointless it is to outrun an opponent if you can't kill them, or if you're locked into a bad move, choice items are a liability</p>

[Other Options]
<p>Mime Jr. can support a team with dual screen, holding a light clay. Charge Beam is a 75 base electric attack with a chance for special attack boost. It is a 20% drop in power compared to Thunderbolt, but may be worth it if you feel lucky. It can then baton pass that Charge Beam, or Nasty Plot. Confuse Ray can be good for support. When Thinking of Mime Jr., make sure you think about "how can we best use this </p>

1.) Before I get yelled at, I assume Dream World is legal, yes?
2.) The only question is breeding legalities: Toxicroak gets Nasty Plot via level up, and Icy Wind by tutor from Platinum and Heart Gold / Soul Silver. If either Nasty Plot or Icy Wind isn't used, there is no question.
Get other options and counters sections up, but it looks ok so far, maybe mention its speed on the baton pass set, because the likes of Scarf Taillow can come in and uturn / brave bird and mess you up. Kinda sucks that it's a slow-ish baton pass user, so you get where i'm coming from.
From what I remember, I dont think Technician Mime Jr. is released

and ill get a skeleton upby Friday

DW Mr. Mime is released, so you can get Mime Jr. with Technician via breeding.

I don't know how useful it'll be, but a 90 base power Hidden Power is definitely noteworthy.
Wait, why isn't Dual Screens a set? I think Mime Jr's speed, power, and bulk combined and access to Filter separate it from Spoink, as well as providing a medium between Abra and the bulky slow Munna/Bronzor/etc.

Also, I believe you've forgotten OO.
I have not tested this, but maybe a charge beam set with icy wind could be viable in conjunction with Technician, as mime Jr is pretty bulky and fast.
I have not tested this, but maybe a charge beam set with icy wind could be viable in conjunction with Technician, as mime Jr is pretty bulky and fast.

Yeah, I agree. A set like...

Mime Jr. @ Eviolite / Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: Idk
IVs: 31 / x / 30 / 28 / 30 / 30
Timid Nature
- Charge Beam
- Psychic I guess
- Icy Wind
- HP Fighting 59

Maybe it should be tested first, though.
Yeah, I don't like the sound of sets that haven't been tested.

Bottom line, this thing can run alot of sets, just most of them aren't viable.
Charge Beam is a shitty move, whether it's 50 BP or 75 BP. Calm Mind is just BETTER. The idea behind Charge Beam over Calm Mind is to boost and attack at the same time, but in practice, I just use it to boost, really.

also dual screens is always viable .-.
Charge Beam is a shitty move, whether it's 50 BP or 75 BP. Calm Mind is just BETTER. The idea behind Charge Beam over Calm Mind is to boost and attack at the same time, but in practice, I just use it to boost, really.

also dual screens is always viable .-.

I get your point, but Charge Beam isn't that bad! Calm Mind and Charge Beam both have their advantages, but now that I think about it, boosting your SpD probably more helpful than dealing damage while boosting (And you aren't even guaranteed a boost with CB). Especially since it helps against stuff like Staryu, Chinchou, and other faster SpAttkers. Charge Beam doesn't even really provide lots of extra coverage...
Actually, Psychic/Electric hits everything except Ferroseed and Magnemite...I think.

The problem is that resisted STAB Psychic does almost as much damage as neutral Technician Charge Beam, 67.5 vs 75. And on the few occasions I'd want to try and set up a sweep with Mime Jr, I'd rather go for a 100% +2 boost than a 50% chance of a +1 boost...and some chip damage...90% of the time.
Darkamber8828 said:
Actually, Psychic/Electric hits everything except Ferroseed and Magnemite...I think.

The problem is that resisted STAB Psychic does almost as much damage as neutral Technician Charge Beam, 67.5 vs 75. And on the few occasions I'd want to try and set up a sweep with Mime Jr, I'd rather go for a 100% +2 boost than a 50% chance of a +1 boost...and some chip damage...90% of the time.

Not to be a complete nitpicker but it's a 70% chance of boosting Special Attack, not 50. That's why it's considered to be more reliable than most people originally think. That being said, I do agree with you that Calm Mind is a better option than Charge Beam, despite the fact that it does get coverage on Water-type Pokemon (though Chinchou is like the only notable one I can think of and it's immune to the damn move). Losing a neutral hit on Ferroseed really doesn't matter considering you can just use Magnemite if Ferroseed really annoys you that much.

Amber, Mime Jr.'s defenses are 20 / 45 / 90. Abra's are 25 / 15 / 55 (I thought its SpD was like 70 or something...arghh), which are significantly lower than Mime Jr.'s, though Abra does have a LOT more Special Attack and Speed. Show me that Mime Jr. can stave off an unboosted Scraggy's Crunch and an unboosted Larvesta's U-turn (and insert some other physical supereffective attacks), and I might consider it to be viable. The same does not apply to Abra simply because it outspeeds them naturally and can set up before they can do anything, and I believe that Abra also gets Encore (and I wrote the analysis, too) so it can lock in Scraggy's Dragon Dance or whatever.

Just because Pokemon like Chinchou and Magnemite do it better, I can't see Mime Jr. using Charge Beam to any viable succcess.

To be simple, Calm Mind maybe, Dual Screens maybe, Charge Beam no.
My mistake about Charge Beam. I don't use it because it's a bad move. (Except on Bibarel.) But Coma, Filter. With Eviolite, that is pretty fucking pro.

17 Atk STAB Crunch vs Eviolite 36/36 Filter Mime Jr: 68.4% - 94.7%.

19 Atk STAB U-turn vs Eviolite 36/36 Filter Mime Jr: Also 68.4% - 94.7%.

If I'm calculating this correctly, it also lives shit like 200 Spa Neutral Gastly Shadow Ball (52.6% - 78.9%), 236 Atk Neutral Mienfoo U-turn at 47.4% - 63.2%, and 156 Atk Neutral Mienfoo Payback (100 BP) at 63.2% - 78.9%, all with 36 HP/36 Def/0 SpD.

GG Coma, this thing isn't outclassed, I want Calm Mind.

Besides, Abra can't Nasty Plot.

And Mime Jr. gets Encore too, y'know.
17 Atk STAB Crunch vs Eviolite 36/36 Filter Mime Jr: 68.4% - 94.7%.

19 Atk STAB U-turn vs Eviolite 36/36 Filter Mime Jr: Also 68.4% - 94.7%.

If I'm calculating this correctly, it also lives shit like 200 Spa Neutral Gastly Shadow Ball (52.6% - 78.9%), 236 Atk Neutral Mienfoo U-turn at 47.4% - 63.2%, and 156 Atk Neutral Mienfoo Payback (100 BP) at 63.2% - 78.9%, all with 36 HP/36 Def/0 SpD.

GG Coma, this thing isn't outclassed, I want Calm Mind.

OK you have a point I didn't say I didn't like the idea of the Calm Mind or Dual Screens set (idk which one you even want unless both at this point) and these calcs make me realize that it can be viable I guess if it isn't OHKOed and stuff. I brought up Abra because it outspeeds these things and can use Reflect first to avoid the OHKO and then set up the other one before dying.