Low on Calory, High on Potentional. BUTTERFREE!

A Butterfree discussion. Sue me, I'm using it on Netbattle with success, and I can only see DP improving it.


HP: 60
ATK: 45
DEF: 50
SP ATK: 80
SP DEF: 80
Speed: 70

Trait: Compoundeyes. Raises the accuracy of Butterfree's moves by 30%.

Resistances: 2x Bug, 4x Grass, 4x Fight, Immune Ground
Not too bad but not that often seen. Can only really switch in on Grass and Fight moves. And Ground but that's a given
Weaknesses: 2x Flying, 2x Fire, 2x Electric, 2x Ice, 4x ROCK
Eep. Stealth Rock.


Only Thief is truly worth it with Butterfree's piss poor attack. U-Turn might be useful in specific situations but don't do it.

Silver Wind
Bug Buzz
Hidden Power
Giga Drain
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball

Not that wide but eh, its enough. With his 80 base Sp ATK, he can hurt stuff in UU decently enough with these moves. Specially Bug Buzz, tho it will need a move for type coverage due to the many Bug Resist.

Stun Spore
Sleep Powder
Rest (As if it'll ever pull it off)
Roost (Slightly more viable)
Psych Up (As if)

And THIS is why Butterfree has use. Double Powder + Compoundeyes. Sleep Powder and Stun Spore will RARELY miss on it (Do note it WILL miss from time to time), and even Supersonic has some chances - it is more luck based though. Tailwind is a nice surprising move if you're done sporing - leave your team some boost. Now for some sets. Do note that I fail at allocating EV's.

- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Thief
- Tailwind
EVs: Don't matter much. Outspeed T-Tar is a given though.

Simple. Focus Sash to survive any non-sandstreaming starter, sleep powder, stun spore the switch, thief and you done your job. If you still live, Tailwind.

BUTTERFREE @ Choice Scarf
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Whatever
- Whatever
EVs: Speed. Lots and lots of speed.

Only use as a lead again, and later switch in on Quakes n stuff. Sleep Powder the first, then select the powder you'll need later on. Make sure to have a Rapid Spinner on board.

BUTTERFREE @ Salac Berry
- Endure
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Thief
EVs: Speed again.

Only use if you have a weatherchanger. Endure against anything you know will outspeed it (but switch out against anything it WONT outspeed naturally) and will use an attacking move, and then proceed to put it to sleep and nab their item. Only if you got leet prediction.

BUTTERFREE @ Choice Specs
- Bug Buzz/Silver Wind
- HP Fire
- Any special attacking move you need
- Sleep Powder

Surprise set as most people will expect Butterfree to just powder. While the initial move can always be Sleep Powder, later on you can damage stuff. Won't kill too much tho.

Yeah, he needs some love.
Not the most competetive Pokemon, but better than his stats would suggest. He fills an important role in my collection as my Item Stealer from wild Pokemon though. I credit him for getting an Electrilizer on the first Elekid I ran into in Diamond. Much like how my Camerupt is a vital part of my collection for helping me hatch eggs :D
If Compoundeyes raises accuracy by 30%, and Sleep Powder is 75% accurate, why does it 'sometimes miss'? What is its accuracy?
^ It most likely means "Out of the 25% that has a miss chance, 30% of that 25% is erased"

So, probably around 83.5% total accuracy.
From what I guessed, its more like this. 10% of 75 is 7.5. Do that times 3 and that gives you 22.5. So the accuracy would be that +75. Ofcourse, I could be wrong. Fact is it doesn't miss as often as when it'd come from, say, Venusaur.

And no, it won't be OU or any, Lunar got that right. But UU is certainly suited for him and he can make surprise leads. Anything sandstreaming and hailing is slower as it anyway.
Compoundeyes gives a 30% boost to the accuracy of a move. Meaning sleep powder (75% acc) after compoundeyes is calculated like 75% * 1.3 = 97,5%. NOT 75% + 30% = 105%.

So yes, kinda like Lou Cypher put it.
if he had better speed, he could be abused with AScarf and maybe act as a hit and run in OU or BL (who doesn't like a fast sleeper huh?). regardless, still good for an early bug that people usually dismiss.
i love this pokemon, he got a big upgrade with the whole physical/special move thing.

love you, Butterfree.
Butterfree will stay NU since it's, well, Butterfree. We're talking about horrid stats with Bug/Flying type and no fantastic movepool here. That's the "bad" news.

The good news is that there's only 4 potential Stealth Rockers in NU: Bibarel, Kecleon, Wormadam and Corsola. That helps a lot since you obviously don't want Butterfree to take 50% damage every time you bring it in to sleep or paralyze something.
The ability to put something to sleep, paralyze something else, then set up Tail Wind for the rest of the team with Focus Sash makes Butterfree semi-but-not-really usable in almost any environment, from Uber to NU. I mean... in many cases Butterfree can often get more done than a lot of random pokes...
Tail Wind is pretty horrible though. You spend one turn setting it up, the second switching, then you get just 3 turns of boosted speed before it wears off. Hardly worth anything in 1v1.
If Butterfree dies after using it (highly likely), you get four, if that matters at all. Yes, it's not great, but it is something.
passing Tail Wind to PorygonZ seems deadly to me as it gives the ChoiceSpecs one ridiculous speed and attack in one nice bundle. being faster than T-tar means night-night and easy setup. I can see this guy working in any enviroment as a good support poke. Focus Sash+Compound Eyes means he'll get at least one thing off. I think I'll use one now :)
I used Butterfree in NetBattle and I like U-Turn and Focus Sash on it. It helps with its job and allows you to take out Endure/Salac Berry or not rely on Quick Claw >.>; I play a favourites team and lead with Butterfree.

Jolly Butterfree w/Focus Sash
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP or whatever. It's not going to take a hit, ok?
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- U-Turn
- Thief or Sunny Day (to get rid of Sand) or something filler

Sleep Powder on first turn. And then either Stun Spore or use U-Turn. Stun Spore since most people switch after the first sleep. U-Turn if you don't think they'll switch. It allows you to check to see if they switch first and then change to someone who can either A) Set up on the sleeping Pokemon or B) Counter who they switched to.

Butterfree is faster than Tyrannitar so Sandstream shouldn't be too big an issue for it. Since it's starting, Stealth Rock won't be too big an issue at that point. I'd basically hold it off for an Explosion switch-in or something since it's useless after the initial sleep and stun =(

I use it against OU teams and it's semi-effective... I really think it could go up to UU from NU. Too bad Alakazam isn't used too much anymore because U-Turn is a OHKO on it. Should be about 50% or 60% on a Celebi.
I'd add Tailwind over Theif or Sunny Day, but that's just me. Overall I like that set and I'd probably go with a Timid or Hasty nature. Sleep the first guy, Stun the switch, and Tail Wind before you die. You incapacitate 2 of their guys and boost your teams speed for 4 turns which could be all you need for some good sweeping.

Curiously, is Tail Wind's speed boost 1.5x or 2x?
I'd add Tailwind over Theif or Sunny Day, but that's just me. Overall I like that set and I'd probably go with a Timid or Hasty nature. Sleep the first guy, Stun the switch, and Tail Wind before you die. You incapacitate 2 of their guys and boost your teams speed for 4 turns which could be all you need for some good sweeping.

Curiously, is Tail Wind's speed boost 1.5x or 2x?

Well, I'd rather not let Butterfree die just like that. Tailwind just doesn't seem too necessary for the team I'm running. Although it could be if I think about it....

Also, Sleep Powder does have a 3 turn minimum now so that's something to think about when using Butterfree or facing it.

Not sure on exact boost from Tailwind.
Tail Wind is pretty horrible though. You spend one turn setting it up, the second switching, then you get just 3 turns of boosted speed before it wears off. Hardly worth anything in 1v1.

You don't even get that much. It only lasts for three turns.
Sometimes three turns is all a Pokemon needs to sweep an entire team.

And Butterfree is my favorite Bug/Flying type next to Vespiquen and Ledian! I use it on my fun team all the team and people never expect it. Its faster than most people think and can handicap the opponent's whole team (sleep, paralyze, poison, theif).
Honestly, why do people make EV spreads say "Outspeed T-tar" or "Outspeed Metagross" on UU pokemon that any sane person would not use in the same metagame as T-tar and such? Hippowdon is going to probably be BL, so the only worries with the Focus Sash will be Abomasnow, who is definately UU at the least.

I'd definately go with max speed +speed nature on any Butterfree I'd ever use. Compoundeyes sleep powder is pretty fun.
Haha title. But are you sure Sleep Powder has a guarenteed last of at least three turns if it hits?

Also, do you have to insert Leafgreen into your DS' GBA slot to encounter Caterpie and Metapod, or Firered?
Honestly, why do people make EV spreads say "Outspeed T-tar" or "Outspeed Metagross" on UU pokemon that any sane person would not use in the same metagame as T-tar and such? Hippowdon is going to probably be BL, so the only worries with the Focus Sash will be Abomasnow, who is definately UU at the least.

I'd definately go with max speed +speed nature on any Butterfree I'd ever use. Compoundeyes sleep powder is pretty fun.

Some people who are competitive but not uber-tournament-competitive like competing with their favourites against OU teams.

Haha title. But are you sure Sleep Powder has a guarenteed last of at least three turns if it hits?

Also, do you have to insert Leafgreen into your DS' GBA slot to encounter Caterpie and Metapod, or Firered?

Fire Red. And according to the research topic, yes. However, if you go first, the Sleep Powder turn counts as well.
Honestly, why do people make EV spreads say "Outspeed T-tar" or "Outspeed Metagross" on UU pokemon that any sane person would not use in the same metagame as T-tar and such?

Because on Netbattle 99% of the jerks don't read your extra info and challenge your UU team with SkarmBlissGrossTarMenceStar stuff.

And on top of that, it's always fun to own OU's with UU's.
Also, just because a Pokemon is in a lower tier than OU doesn't mean that it can't be used in OU. You could use Luvdisc and Delibird in your OU team if you like.