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Try making friends with one of the people who's cloned their Bold Seismic Toss Blissey with great IVs. There's a couple of them around.
Sorry if this is a newb question ><

But, I'm training a level 1 Donphan from breeding and I'm trying to EV train his Speed. Knowing Fearows gives 2 EV points + with PKRS + Macho Brace = 6 EV points, I went and fought one.

Upon doing so, my Donphan gained a total of 10 levels? But this is what I'm curious about. The first level, considering that I gained 6 EV points and an extra +1 would be added to SPD because of the 4 EV rule.. How come when I leveled to level 2 it only said +1 on SPD and not +2?

The next few levels it was all +1 =P.. But yes, sorry ^^; and thanks.
And just to beat a dead horse...

If the 4 effort point-per-stat point rule applied to all levels, you could boost all your babies by 25 stat points each with vitamins alone. :)
Does the Synchronise trick even work the Pokeradar? I fucking hate this item for ditto catching and now my modest abra doesn't even seem to be pulling any same natures in.
Try making friends with one of the people who's cloned their Bold Seismic Toss Blissey with great IVs. There's a couple of them around.
I've got a decent one if your still looking. [31 HP / 9 Atk / 31 Def / 22 Sp.Atk / 31 Sp.Def / 27 Spd]

If you had pkrs + power item how many EVs would you gain from something like a Magikarp (1 Spd) ?
Then how are you supposed to EV train? Are you supposed to wait till you're level 100?

Quite the opposite, since you can't gain any Effort Points at L100 unless you use vitamins, but vitamins have severe limitations.

Just keep EV training the way you are now. The stats will be the way they should be at L100.
I just seem to find the whole pokeradar horribley inconsistent. Last 'ditto hunt' I nabbed 14 in a row. I've just searched for 30 minutes with no dittos on two separate occasions now...
If they're the same species, they "get along".

If they're of different ID numbers, they "get along".

If they're both of the same species AND of different ID numbes, they really "get along".
If you breed a Pokemon and its evolutionary stage, are they considered the same species? (IE, I breed a Magikarp with Gyarados with the same ID, would they get along?)
I'm stuck at Sunyshore, I've just beaten the gym leader. Where is Waterfall? Also, what is the suggested levels in order to face the E4? Mine are currently from L45-47. Lastly...I have yet to see a Golem or Machamp. What trainers hold those Pokemon?
Jasmine should have Waterfall, if memory serves me.

Types are more important than levels. I found that the right types above level 45 were good.
Jasmine should have Waterfall, if memory serves me.

Types are more important than levels. I found that the right types above level 45 were good.

Oh, great. You're kidding me. She was right there on the water and I didn't even talk to her! Got it, thanks.
I just started breeding in dp after breeding in emerald for a very long time.

The amount of steps in emerald to hatch eggs is so much quicker I think. In dp it takes me 2805 steps for every hatch. That with a slugma flame body. Should it be magma armor only? Also if I release all my none perf iv lvl 1s whats the better method:

1. Save before talk to old man. Hatch egg. Make sure the nature and ability is what I want. Then look for perf lvl 1 stats. If bad stats soft-reset and repeat.

2. While getting my 2805 steps I should check for another egg from old man so that means If my first egg is bad nature/stats/ablility I would have to keep it then release later.

3. Any better options?
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