List of Released Dream World Pokemon Mark II

Not really. Ditto was already in second at the first week, when the discussion was if we should support Ditto, Lugia, Ho-oh or Shroomish/Breloom. All the cheating and spamming frenzy started after Arceus showed up in 1st and Ditto in 2nd. So, Ditto had a real chance even without the supposed cheating.

People were actually spamming multiple votes for Ditto from the start. Considering the rules of the poll stated that you were only allowed one vote, the cheating for Ditto was actually going on since the start.
Let's pretend the vote spamming never happened so we don't reignite the shitstorm in the original vote thread. Please don't talk about it anymore! Thanks.
So, an event Lucario with Justified is going to be relesed very soon.

The bad news? It's Male and has neither Crunch nor Ice Punch in it's moveset :(


Lucario can still learn Shadow Claw via TM to replace Crunch at least, so a Justified Lucario could potentially run a set of Swords Dance, Close Combat, Extremespeed and Shadow Claw. I'm not sure whether the lose of power between Crunch and Shadow Claw matters though.
So on bulbapedia, you've probably seen the chart (émon_Dream_World_mini-games) that lays out the point thresholds for the percentages of getting an A/B/C move. Well in addition to lacking scoring info for Candles & Gems, there's a lack of proper %s for the middle ranks, too.
How about we start keeping track of scores in these thresholds and what move we get so as to determine percentages after however many dozens of inputs? Give an excuse to not just ignore sky and such.
I think if you can get the berry and the mon within 10 seconds (possible with the rushing method)you can just barely edge out into 50k
So on bulbapedia, you've probably seen the chart (émon_Dream_World_mini-games) that lays out the point thresholds for the percentages of getting an A/B/C move. Well in addition to lacking scoring info for Candles & Gems, there's a lack of proper %s for the middle ranks, too.
How about we start keeping track of scores in these thresholds and what move we get so as to determine percentages after however many dozens of inputs? Give an excuse to not just ignore sky and such.

Well I guess it'll give me something to do...

I've only played once since this suggestion was made so I don't have much info (it didn't help that I wasted half of my 1 hour limit trying to fix up my shitty internet), but this is how I'm setting out the data I'm collecting in Excel:


Yeah obviously not much but it's a start. I'm just using the score ranges from Bulbapaedia for now, so hopefully they're correct :/. For the Candle and Gem games I'll just list the scores I get and the corresponding moves until we have a better idea of what the ranges are.

I'm doing genders as well just because I can, though I suspect gender and scores are unrelated:


Hopefully others will help out too because it will take ages for just a couple of people to do it (remember that the more data we have the more accurate the results will be). If we do figure it out hopefully it'll be added to the OP because it's a waste of time to do this if it isn't added.

Anyway that's what I've done so far.

On an unrelated note, more extended maintenance is scheduled for the 27th, though it's just to sort out battle results and will likely not result in anything new.
Female pokémon has one in four chance to appear. it's generated when you find the pokémon and it's not influenced by the points that you did on the game.
Female pokémon has one in four chance to appear. it's generated when you find the pokémon and it's not influenced by the points that you did on the game.

Yeah I was already sure that gender is decided at the time of encounter (mainly because some pokemon play particular games with you depending on gender, which suggests that gender is decided at the moment of encounter so that the game knows which game you have to play).

It doesn't hurt to gather the information though. 1/4 seems a lot higher than what I have gotten in my experiences so I can use the data I'm gathering to confirm that it really is 1/4. If I notice a pattern that suggests it is 1/4 (and I see no pattern regarding scores), I'll stop recording the genders.
Sorry for the double post but I have some things to say regarding the information I'm gathering that might be interesting to some people.

Unsurprisingly, I have not seen any pattern regarding scores and genders. Not yet anyway. I don't really have enough data yet to rule it out completely but I still doubt there is a relationship.

What is interesting is that I have 103 total pokemon in my data. Of those, 81 are male and 22 are female. As a percentage, that makes 79% males and 21% females (yesterday it was 78& to 22%). So far it is definitely looking to be a 1 in 4 chance of encountering a female, as Maverick Hunter said.

The other thing I have noticed (although I only have a few scores within this range so I can't say for certain yet) is that I haven't gotten a level up move so far in the candle game if I score 40000 or greater. So, I would TENTATIVELY say that if you want a special move when playing that game, aim for over 40000 (the probabilities for the two special moves are probably 50/50). Of course, if anyone has ever received a level up move with a score over 40000, they should speak up. I'll still be keeping an eye on that myself.

Anyway that's all I have for now.
anyway this is a full record of what happened today. i only managed to do 5 runs instead of 6 because i exceeded my 1-hour limit and somehow when i did pleasant forest afterwards it was completely empty...

Format: Pokemon (Minigame) (Score, Gender (if applicable), move)

1. Spooky Manor

Mr. Mime (Search) (43000, Female, Barrier)
Bronzor (Candles) (35640, Hypnosis)
Shuppet (IceCream) (7509, Male, Pain Split)
Smoochum (Candles) (37820, Captivate)
Mawile (Wailord) (30500, Female, Fire Fang)

2. Pleasant Forest

2 Tangela (Wailord) (21156, Male, Sleep Powder)
6 Sunkern (Search) (41000, Male, Mega Drain)

3. Windswept Sky

2 Hoppip (IceCream) (8551, Female, Encore)
6 Murkrow (Search) (45500, Male, Confuse Ray)
7 Spearow (Search) (46000, Male, Steel Wing)
8 Hoothoot (IceCream) (3102, Male, Foresight)
9 Gligar (Race) (59750, Male, Tailwind)

4. Rugged Mountain

3 Slugma (Search) (42500, Male, Heat Wave)
4 Larvitar (Gems) (31100, Male, Dark Pulse)

5. WS

4 Hoothoot (IceCream) (5211, Male, Foresight)
5 Zubat (Race) (58250, Male, Super Fang)
7 Butterfree (Search) (51000, Female, Air Cutter)
9 Taillow (Wailord) (39816, Male, Peck)
I've included your data in my tables, TM13, so thanks. If anyone else is willing to post their scores (and associated rewards), feel free and I'll add them to mine as well.
IDK. Anyway, DW once again sent the time-limit notice flying at me on the 5th trip, so eh >.>

1. Forest

Bidoof (IceCream) (3243, Male, Tackle)
Lickitung (Search) (50500, Male, Sleep Talk)
Taillow (Wailord) (40386, Male, Mirror Move)
Hoppip (Search) (53500, Male, Bullet Seed)
Surskit (Wailord) (20130, Male, Giga Drain)
Exeggcute (Race) (62550, Male, Giga Drain)

2. Manor

Mawile (Wailord) (26112, Male, Fake Tears)
Gastly (Candles) (42620, Male, Disable)
Spoink (Race) (54650, Male, Recycle)

3. Manor

Bronzor (Candles) (39160, Gravity)
Smoochum (Candles) (51500, Captivate)
Spoink (Race) (48350, Male, Psywave)

4. Forest

Sunkern (Search) (48000, Female, Earth Power)
Ponyta (Search) (48000, Male, Thrash)
Stantler (Race) (58100, Male, Disable)
Lickitung (Search) (23500, Male, Lick)

5. Manor

Spinarak (Candles) (47500, Male, Bug Bite)
Misdreavus (Candles) (44600, Male, Destiny Bond)
IDK. Anyway, DW once again sent the time-limit notice flying at me on the 5th trip, so eh >.>

Yeah it happens to me to. It ultimately depends on what games you have to play. The spout, scoop and candle games force you to play through the whole time limit (the candle game is longer due to all the mid-turn pausing). The sky, seek and gem games can also take longer if you are trying to score lower than normal, as I have been :)

I'm still gathering gender data. Although I am happy with there being no gender-score relationship, my data suggests that the probability of finding a female is closer to 1/5 rather than 1/4. I literally have 80% male and 20% female right now, and bulbapaedia is the only source I know of that suggests the chance of a female is 25%. It's doesn't matter much as it's a mere 5% difference, but I still want to have more encounters to make sure (it may be that I was unlucky).

Maybe I should make more accounts? It might make this go quicker!
Not sure about the gem one since I've only played it a grand total of once (2 days ago, because my luck is shitty when it comes to going to the mountain).

Seek (or search as I prefer to call it) can be completed in like under 15 seconds if you rush, while Sky Race needs at least 1 minute to complete (my best record is something like 75 seconds :/)

also, I might have been able to squeeze in another trip if i actually recorded stuff faster since I was recording while I was playing :/ Might try again the next time I go in there.
How many points do I need to start seeing Poliwag?

Do you get any points for getting to the Tree of Dreams without going through any mini-games? I recall reading somewhere that getting to the Tree of Dreams alone nets you like 20 Dream Points.
5k points, the same amount you need for Sparkling Sea, however DW Poliwhirl was available in a past event on the Japanese DW.

And nope to the 2nd question
10,000 points for a Dream World Poliwag? Wow.

Fuck that shit, I'll just find one on the GTS or something...that's absolutely ridiculous
10,000 points for a Dream World Poliwag? Wow.

Fuck that shit, I'll just find one on the GTS or something...that's absolutely ridiculous

10k threshold holds a lot of the "good" Pokemon

And no getting to the tree doesn't get you any points