Three 5th Gen Starters in one!

My first true attempt at making an NU team. Been playing OU for awhile and saw some NU matches on youtube and found it more versatile and fun.

First Team set up...

EDIT- Took out Bastiodon for Metang


Now, I know it's hard to believe, but I actually didn't plan on having all 3 5th gen starters to be on the team, but I actually found having all 3 to be very effective, as they're all very great pokes in NU.​

Let's start off with the explanation...


Lead - Sub seeder - TrouserSnake/Serperior
Bold - Leftovers - Overgrow
EV Spread - 252 HP, 96 Def, 160 Spe
Leech Seed
Leaf Storm
Hidden Power(FIRE)

I first attempted the calm minding set, but had little success with it, especially as a lead. Trying out the leech seeding set with some more success, while also benefiting the lack of a wisher. Hidden Power Fire is there merely as a unexpected factor. Will definitely change things around once it's DW ability is released.​


Physical RK- Banded Pig - HADOUKEN!/Emboar
Jolly - Choice Band - Blaze
EV Spread - 4 hp, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Flare Blitz
Wild Charge

Emboar is sick in NU. I love his movepool and his how well he does with a choice band. Takes care of those pesky walls, such as Propopass, Bastiodon, Lickiliky, ect. Really scary poke in NU.​


Samurai Seal - Wall Breaker - Nobunaga/Samurott
Modest - Life Orb - Torrent
EV Spread - 96 HP, 252 Sp.attk, 160 Spe
Hydro Pump
Hidden Power (Elec)
Ice Beam​

Samurott is a nice Special sweeper and also deals with walls very well, as a lot of things in NU seem to set up a lot. Hidden Power electric for those water mirrors and Life orb for that extra stab.​


Jesus Christ Himself - Derpmaster -God/Stunfisk
Bold - Leftovers - Static
EV Spread - 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp.def
Sleep Talk

I refuse to part with this thing. I love stunfisk. His large amount of HP gives him enough bulk to take on certain pokes. I love static haxing. I love scald burn haxing. I love the sleep talking set, especially with this team. Stunfisk Is the derp of NU, but he's no magikarp.​


American Scarf'd - Physical Sweeper - Americana/Braviary
Adamant - Choice Scarf - Sheer Force
EV Spread - 4 HP, 252 Attk, 252 Spe
Rock Slide
Brave Bird

Awesome move pool. Awesome base Attack..But crappy speed, even with Max speed Jolly. He was my first choice as a life orber, but he's just way too slow and has really bad bulk. I love it with scarf. Outspeeds a lot of threats. Great pokemon


Eviolite User - Stealth Rocker - Clamps/Metang
Careful - Eviolite - Clear Body
EV Spread - 252 HP, 4 Def, 252 Sp.Def
Stealth Rock
Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt

I'm open to any criticism, as this is my first NU team. Any advice on pokes I should consider, sets I should use, or change in natures/items? Let me know in a constructive, polite way :D.
I congraduate you on trying to make an only NU pokemon. It is very difficult to actually pull off a great NU team. I would suggest that you change Emboar into a life orber. I believe a better move set would be:

Emboar @ Life Orb
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Flare Blitz
- Endeavor
- Earthquake

Sorry that Endeavor is an egg move, but I believe that it is one of the most important move that emboar can learn. Hope this helps!
I congraduate you on trying to make an only NU pokemon. It is very difficult to actually pull off a great NU team. I would suggest that you change Emboar into a life orber. I believe a better move set would be:

Emboar @ Life Orb
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Flare Blitz
- Endeavor
- Earthquake

Sorry that Endeavor is an egg move, but I believe that it is one of the most important move that emboar can learn. Hope this helps!

I'm not a fan of endeavor without sash. Protect on Emboar? Why? Eh, not really a fan of this set and definitely not a fan of a pokemon that gets hit with recoil with flare blitz + life orb damage. Thanks for the criticism though
Two things, one you forgot to list the moves on the bastiodon and two bastiodon has a poor defensive typing and is quad weak to common physical moves such as Earthquake and Close Combat.
I would suggest this set which makes Bastiodon a special wall:
Bastiodon @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252HP/4Def/252SpD
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
-Stealth Rock
-Rock Blast/Stone Edge
Two things, one you forgot to list the moves on the bastiodon and two bastiodon has a poor defensive typing and is quad weak to common physical moves such as Earthquake and Close Combat.
I would suggest this set which makes Bastiodon a special wall:
Bastiodon @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252HP/4Def/252SpD
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
-Stealth Rock
-Rock Blast/Stone Edge

I just noticed that I forgot to put it's moves XD i rushed to do this. I'll edit it now.
Also, I like the set, but I've actually been doing better with more physical bulk rather than special bulk. I needs the physical bulk to live one or 2 of those quad super effective moves.
Well since you are running a curse set more special bulk would be better in the set up as curse already boosts your massive defence. Even with boosts and your spread, if Sawk comes in before you're at +4 defence he can still 2HKO you from full health with the Close Combat with a Choice Scarf.

Adamant 252/252 Sawk Close Combat vs Impish 252/252 Bastiodon - 127.2% - 151.9%
Adamant 252/252 Sawk Earthquake vs Impish 252/252 Bastiodon - 71.6% - 85.2%
Adamant 252/252 Braviary Super Power vs Impish 252/252 Bastiodon - 84% - 100%

The even if you do survive a quad weak attack you'll be left at such a low amount of HP the best Bastiodon has to offer is as fodder because the only recovery it has outside of rest is leftovers and you have no wish passer to heal Bastiodon.
Well since you are running a curse set more special bulk would be better in the set up as curse already boosts your massive defence. Even with boosts and your spread, if Sawk comes in before you're at +4 defence he can still 2HKO you from full health with the Close Combat with a Choice Scarf.

Adamant 252/252 Sawk Close Combat vs Impish 252/252 Bastiodon - 127.2% - 151.9%
Adamant 252/252 Sawk Earthquake vs Impish 252/252 Bastiodon - 71.6% - 85.2%
Adamant 252/252 Braviary Super Power vs Impish 252/252 Bastiodon - 84% - 100%

The even if you do survive a quad weak attack you'll be left at such a low amount of HP the best Bastiodon has to offer is as fodder because the only recovery it has outside of rest is leftovers and you have no wish passer to heal Bastiodon.

I've already took out Bastiodon. I'll update the team later.
I'm not sure how long the descriptions on each Pokemon are supposed to be, but yours are a bit short; you might want to expand your explanations on each Pokemon just in case this is in danger of being locked.

On to the team...

Samurott: A better Water-type would be Gorebyss if you want a SpAtk Pokemon, otherwise you should probably run the SD set for Samurott, which is better than any special set he could hope to run.

Serperior: Change Leaf Storm to Giga Drain on Serperior as it almost guarantees you'll get all of your health back from using Substitute.

Metang: Add a description/use something better. Seriously.

There's more you could fix, but I'm way too tired to get into this completely. If you haven't fixed much in a few days I'll probably post some more in-depth stuff.
To be honest, gorebyss (or any shell smasher for that matter) simply wrecks your team if it finds any chance of setting up, which is not difficult considering you have CB emboar (who is very probably be locked into a weak move against gorebyss) or a Superpower-Locked braviary.

That said, gorebyss at +2 simply 6-0s you, so i suggest a few changes.

First of all, I suggest changing Braviary for Rotom-s

Rotom-S@Choice Scarf
Nature Timid
252 Spe, 252 Spatk, 6 Def
Air Slash

I also suggest using Swords Dance Samurott:

Samurott@Life Orb
Nature Adamant
96 Hp, 252 Atk, 160 Spe
Swords Dance
Aqua Jet

Good luck!