My Hail Team

First of all i'm new to the forum and i apologize if this is the wrong place to post my team, because honestly i don't think it's a competitive team.

The fact is that i would like to improve it, and i need the help of all of you guys to rate it and give me some advice :) .

so...let's start:

Swampert (M) @ Leftovers trait: Torrent
Ev: 240 HP / 216 Def / 52 SpD
Relaxed Nature ( + Def / - Spe )
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Beam/Waterfall (i often switch them :/)

I think is one of the best lead/choice for a hail team (and my fav pkm :) ). It resist to the main weakness of my team (Fire/Rock) and it can tank fighting moves with his bulky def. Placing stealth rock and hitting hard tyranitar/heatran and hippo his x4 grass weakness become a bait to swith into Abomasnow. Still ferrothorn is a pain in the....and i'm forced to put Zapdos. Also EnergyBall Ninetails and Grass Knot Ape are painfull lead for him+aboma.

Rotom-H (M) @Choice Scarf trait: Levitate
Ev: 252 SpA / 4 HP / 252 Spe
Modest Nature ( + SpA / - Atk )
-Volt Switch
-Shadow Ball (trick?)

My special Sweeper. I can switch him on groud/grass/elec typing. Without any rapid spin he suffers to much stealth rock :/ so i was also thinking about Rotom-W. I really don't know who put like special sweeper here :/

Zapdos (N) @Leftover trait: Pressure
Ev: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
Bold Nature ( + Def / - Atk )
-Heat Wave

The Tank. Couter to Scizor and Breelom. Can also hit Lucario and switch in on bulky water. Adds some stall power with roost+toxic and good def. Weak to rock (ouch :/) and Ice (in this case a good chance to switch on walrein or also aboma). Covers the team vs FightingType.

Walrein (M) @Leftover trait: Ice Body
Ev: 232 HP / 252 Def / 24 SpD
Bold Nature ( + Def / - Atk )

The Stall generator. If toxic goes on target you can easily protect+substitute with Ice Body and Leftovers healing you alot.

Mamoswine (M) @Life Orb trait: Snow Cloak
Ev: 252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature ( + Spe / - SpA )
-Ice Shard
-Ice Crash
-Stone Edge

The Physical Sweeper. Very good vs Dragons (latios still kills every pkm in my team -_-). I can also sweep every slower fire or rock pkm. For example a Timid Heatran (with no scarf) will be killed by earthquake easily.

Abomasnow[/U] (M) @Leftover trait: Snow Warning
Ev: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature ( + SpD / - Atk )
-Leech Seed

Well, without him i wasn't an Hail Team. I chose a more bulky Ev/Nature to add power on the stalling. Maybe if i will change my team i can also make him a mixed attacker.

That's all.

I actually think that the weakness of the team are:

- the lack of speed to sweep (mamo's 284 Spe is the higher)
- 3 pkm weak to fight and and just 1 to tank it
- 4 pkm weak to Rock and just 1 to tank it
- no rapid spin (or rapid spin blockers like ghosts)
- i don't really know how to kill Choice Spec Latios without losing half team.
- low attack power

I've tried with Tentacruel (with no Rotom) to have a better coverage vs Fight / Rapid Spin.

I Also put randomly this pkm (usually at the place that belongs to Rotom-W) :

- Heatran
- Dugtrio
- Jellicent
- Espeon (totally random)
- a defensive Xatu (this was better, but another rock weakness)
- Flygon
- Vaporeon
- Xatu + Flygon (no zapdos/rotom)
- Froslass

etc, etc...

I Think that mamoswine also could be removed to place a faster sweeper.

Now please help me to improve it, cuz i really can't go above -.-'
Maybe you should try offensive rapid spin starmie over rotom. With max speed he outspeeds latios and you will have a spinner. You can use blizzard on him since it is a hail team after all.
Swampert isn't useful in OU because of Ferrothorn. You can remove him for Heatran, he has the same resistants but with another good resistance.
but heatran suffer fight-type like most of my pkm and doesn't have Pert coverage on defence/atk vs the leads (excluding ferrothorn)

@zorodark: yeah i tryed starmie but with rotom i have more coverage vs grass/elec :/

like you can see it's really hard to add good tools on this team T_T
I would replace Mamoswine with Tentacruel. Tentactuel benefits your team in 2 ways:
1. It can Rapid Spin away entry hazards, helping out your numerous pokes that are weak to SR
2. It can set up Toxic Spikes that will greatly help your team's stalling capibilities

Tentacruel also has Knock Off to remove your opponent's Leftovers, racking up the hail damage on your opponent. It also gains a 100% accurate Blizzard which can surprise Lati@s that often switch in expecting you to just carry Scald
good idea but than i can't revenge kill dragon's and i lose sweeping power :/ you still think tentacruel is a nice idea on mamoswine? I will try it by the way!
good idea but than i can't revenge kill dragon's and i lose sweeping power :/ you still think tentacruel is a nice idea on mamoswine? I will try it by the way!

You could always run either Ice Shard on Abomasnow or run Ice Fang Gliscor over Zapdos to check Dragon-types. Gliscor is a nice Pokemon to use because it still gets recovery in Hail with Poison Heal, isn't weak to Rock, and can take on all of the Pokemon you mentioned you used Zapdos for (watch out for Ice Punch Lucario).
You could always run either Ice Shard on Abomasnow or run Ice Fang Gliscor over Zapdos to check Dragon-types. Gliscor is a nice Pokemon to use because it still gets recovery in Hail with Poison Heal, isn't weak to Rock, and can take on all of the Pokemon you mentioned you used Zapdos for (watch out for Ice Punch Lucario).

true :) So Zapdos -> Gliscor is a good idea, but i lose power vs bulkywater pkm and fire attack power....Cause Fire Fang+Gliscor Atk < OverHeat+Zap SpA.
Scizor could be a pain :/. And also...if i put ice fang on him he will still lose vs spec dragons and i have no special defender :(

Also i can make Abomasnow mixedatker with ice shard, but this will make me lose
most of the stall potenzial and his atk will never be Mamo's :/

Maybe a special def would help...
Chandelure not only is immune to fire, but is also immune to fighting. It could make an interesting alternative to heatran on your team.

A Choice Scarf Kyurem could also work, providing both power and speed.

Though unfortunately that still compounds you rock weakness, though having Tentacruel could solve that
I've edited my team, now having a better win rate.

Replacing Rotom-H with:

Tentacruel (M) @Black Sludge trait: Liquid Ooze
Nature Bold ( +Def, -Atk)
Ev: 252 Hp, 16 Spe, 240 Def
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Knock Off

and Mamoswine with:

Reuniclus (M) @Flame Orb
trait: Magic Guard
Nature Bold
Ev 252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 SpD
- Trick
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Psyshock

with the rapid spin + knock off support (it's good vs Leftovers or similar to improve the stalling power)

and Magic Guard + FlameOrbTricks the team is more solid.

My question is, which pkm could be a trouble for this team?
Your set on Reuniclus seems strange, you can't do anything against Dark pokemon, and very few against steak or bulky Psy poke. He needs a second attack.
As a sweeper, I like very much Latios in a Hail team : resist fire, fighting, electricity...

@ Expert Belt @ Levitate
Timid, 252 Ev SAtk, 252 Speed, 4 HP.
- Draco meteor (because that really hurts)
- Psyshock (stab, deal with fighting types, hurt spe walls)
- HP fire (coverage, and deal with Scizors who often switches in)
- Recover (really useful against stall teams, and to avoid being killed by hazards and hail)

Tentacruel is good too, you could think of Toxik spikes, very annoying for many walls.
Swampert is UU but as you said, really useful resistances in hail, only one weakness easily covered, and SR + roar helps a lot.
You would appreciate a steal type to take hits from dragons, Heatran, Skarmory (if you want a stalling orientation) or Scizor for more physical power could help a lot.
Actually the team is:

Swampert (M) @Leftover trait torrent
Ev: 240 HP / 216 Def / 52 SpD
Relaxed Nature ( + Def / - Spe )
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Beam/Waterfall (i often switch them, now the choice is Ice Beam)

Latios @Expert Belt trait levitate
Timid, 252 Ev SAtk, 252 Speed, 4 HP.
- Draco meteor
- Psyshock
- HP fire
- Recover

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge trait clear body
Nature Bold
Ev 252 Hp, 240 Def, 16 Spe
- Scald
- Ice beam
- Toxic spikes (or maybe knock off. i'm thinking about it)
- Rapid spin

Walrein @Leftover trait: Ice Body
Ev: 232 HP / 252 Def / 24 SpD
Bold Nature ( + Def / - Atk )

Skarmory @Leftover trait: Sturdy
Ev: 252 Hp / 232 SpD / 24 Spe
Careful Nature ( +SpD / -SpA )
- Spikes
- Whirlwind
- Roost
- Brave Bird

Abomasnow (M) @Leftover trait: Snow Warning
Ev: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature ( + SpD / - Atk )
-Leech Seed

actually i'm having good win % with this team. But i still have problems vs Alakazam, or Reuniclus. Any tips?
Also, is there any better sweeper instead of Latios? He is very good but sometimes i feel like someone else could be better...Maybe Latias?