Cloyster (Analysis)

Sets to work on:

  • Shell Smash
  • Utility

<p>There is more to this shady clam than what meets the eye. Cloyster's stat spread might scream ''physical wall'', but that's hardly the case, for it gets access to arguably the best boosting move in the game: Shell Smash. After just a turn of setup, Cloyster turns into a wrecking ball that can mow through entire teams with ease. With Skill Link, Cloyster can also abuse a powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 BP after STAB, as well as a great coverage move in Rock Blast; this ensures that even Substitute users cannot stop Cloyster's rampage. A massive base 180 Defense makes Cloyster all the more difficult to revenge kill, as it can comfortably survive powerful priority moves such as Mach Punch from the likes of Breloom and Conkeldurr even after a Shell Smash. Unfortunately, Cloyster's horrendous Special Defense means it simply can't take a special attack to save its life, and a weakness to Stealth Rock makes switching in even more difficult. It also finds it difficult to get past bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, which can take Cloyster's boosted attacks with ease and burn it, rendering it useless. Underestimating Cloyster on the basis of these shortcomings will be suicidal, though; it can run through your team like a hot knife through butter.</p>

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Icicle Spear
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Hydro Pump / Razor Shell
item: White Herb / Life Orb
ability: Skill Link
nature: Naive / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>It is not hard to see why this is Cloyster's most threatening set. With its immense physical bulk, Cloyster can easily set up a Shell Smash on physical attackers such as Dugtrio, doubling its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed in one fell swoop; after a Shell Smash, Cloyster will sit at a frightening 578 Attack, 412 Special Attack, and 524 Speed with the given EV spread. It can then go to town with its powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 Base Power with STAB and Skill Link. Additionally, this ensures that Cloyster will be able to KO most threats through Substitute and Multiscale. Rock Blast is Cloyster's main coverage option, dealing heavy damage to the Fire- and Water-types that resist Icicle Spear.</p>

<p>Hydro Pump is the preferred option in the last moveslot, as it destroys bulky Steel-types such as Skarmory, Scizor, and Forretress looking to soak up a boosted Icicle Spear. However, Razor Shell can be used to OHKO Tyranitar and Heatran, which can survive a boosted Hydro Pump with a specially defensive EV spread and OHKO in return. The choice between the two depends on the support which Cloyster's teammates can provide: if these two Pokemon are handled easily by your team, then running Hydro Pump is better.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Cloyster's Attack and Speed, with a Speed-boosting nature used to ensure that Cloyster outspeeds common Choice Scarf users such as Terrakion after a Shell Smash. A Naive nature is used if you use Hydro Pump in the last moveslot so as not to lower Cloyster's great Defense stat; Jolly is the way to go with Razor Shell. White Herb is the preferred item option on this set, as it ensures that powerful priority users such as Breloom and Dragonite won't bring a premature end to Cloyster's sweep. You can run Life Orb to ensure the OHKO on Ferrothorn with Icicle Spear after a boost, but Cloyster will easily be revenge killed with a Defense drop and Life Orb recoil, so White Herb is almost always the better option. However, Cloyster has some other item options. Focus Sash can be used to guarantee Cloyster's setup, but the prevalence of priority and sandstorm makes this a poor choice. Lastly, Icicle Plate can be used to maintain the OHKO on Ferrothorn without Life Orb recoil.</p>

<p>Cloyster is best used on offensive rain teams, as it can destroy opposing weather starters such as Tyranitar and Ninetales with the appropriate move after a Shell Smash while having its STAB Hydro Pump boosted to massive levels by the rain. Alternatively, you can also run Cloyster on a sun team; in this case, Hidden Power Fire should replace Cloyster's Water-type STAB to deal heavy damage to Steel-types such as Skarmory and Forretress.</p>

<p>Cloyster doesn't need much in the way of team support for pulling off a sweep, as few threats can stand up to the might of its boosted attacks. However, entry hazard support can come in handy, as Cloyster will always OHKO physically defensive Politoed with Rock Blast after Stealth Rock. Forretress and Ferrothorn are good options; the former can also provide valuable Rapid Spin support, making it a particularly effective partner. While not strictly necessary, dual screens also make it much easier for Cloyster to set up. Espeon thus makes an excellent teammate, as it can set up dual screens easily thanks to its high Speed while also stopping entry hazards from being set up with Magic Bounce. Lastly, Choice Scarf Chandelure is also a great partner for Cloyster on non-rain teams as it can trap and eliminate Steel-types such as Jirachi that act as a roadblock to Cloyster's sweep; alternatively, it can even run Choice Specs with a Modest nature to OHKO Jellicent.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Icicle Spear
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Spikes / Toxic Spikes
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Skill Link
nature: Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 Def


<p>While Cloyster does have access to Shell Smash, don't forget that it also has a massive base 180 Defense, allowing it to counter top physical threats such as Garchomp and Excadrill. This set works best as a bulky attacker on offensive teams needing a solid answer to the aforementioned threats, but it fits equally well on stall teams which can provide Cloyster with the support to take powerful special attacks. Cloyster can also set up entry hazards and provide Rapid Spin support to its teammates; its function is thus similar to that of Forretress, the difference being its greater offensive presence.</p>

<p>Icicle Spear is the crux of this set, allowing Cloyster to act as a solid check to Dragon-types such as Dragonite; it also ensures that Substitute users such as Gliscor and Mienshao will not be able to set up on it. Cloyster's poor Speed and dreadful Special Defense might make Rapid Spin appear to be a bad choice, but it can easily pull off a Rapid Spin against Pokemon such as Skarmory, which cannot deal much damage to it. Spikes and Toxic Spikes are both options for the third slot: the choice between these two depends on the entry hazard which Cloyster's teammates cannot set up. Hydro Pump is the preferred option for the fourth moveslot, providing coverage on the Fire- and Steel-types which resist Icicle Spear; it OHKOes Excadrill and Chandelure and deals heavy damage to physical tanks such as Skarmory.</p>


<p>The following damage calculations highlight how Cloyster can soak up powerful physical attacks from some of the top threats in the metagame with its excellent physical bulk.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>+1 Adamant Dragonite Outrage: 52.8-62.7%</li>
<li>+2 Adamant Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake: 77.22 - 91.08%</li>
<li>+2 Jolly Life Orb Garchomp Outrage: 82.17 - 97.02%</li>
<li>Adamant Life Orb Breloom Mach Punch: 69.7 - 82.98%</li>
<li>Adamant Choice Band Scizor Superpower: 69.96 - 82.5%</li>
<li>Ferrothorn Power Whip: 39.6 - 47.52%</li>

<p>The EV spread is somewhat complex. First, 84 EVs are invested in Attack so that Cloyster obtains the OHKO on Gengar switch-ins with Icicle Spear; this also ensures a 3HKO on standard Ferrothorn. 248 EVs are invested in HP to ensure that Cloyster can switch into a field with Stealth Rock 4 times without fainting, and the remaining EVs are dumped into Defense to provide optimum physical bulk. A Relaxed nature is used to further bolster Cloyster's Defense, and the Speed drop will not hinder it much since most offensive threats are faster anyway. Leftovers is the preferred item option to heal off entry hazard damage, though if you feel Chandelure poses a major threat, you can always run Shed Shell. If you feel Spikes will not be particularly useful, then Rock Blast is an option in the third moveslot to deal heavy damage to threats such as Gyarados. Hidden Power Fire is also usable on sun teams, as it deals heavy damage to Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor.</p>

<p>It is important to understand the fact that Cloyster does not function as a physical wall. Instead, its aim is to counter specific physical attackers that threaten its teammates, setting up entry hazards and Rapid Spinning when it gets a free turn or two. Cloyster simply cannot take powerful special attacks, so pairing it with a specially bulky Pokemon is a great idea. Latias is a great option, as it has excellent defensive synergy with Cloyster and can also provide Wish support. Blissey, while it compounds Cloyster's Fighting-type weakness, passes larger Wishes and sponges special attacks much more easily with its colossal HP and Special Defense. Packing a spinblocker will also be of help; Jellicent and Gengar are both good options.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ice Shard can be used on the Shell Smash set to beat priority users such as Breloom to the punch; it also deals heavy damage to the few threats which outspeed Cloyster, such as Choice Scarf Latios. Toxic is an option on the utility set to cripple bulky Water-types such as Jellicent. Spike Cannon could be used to give Cloyster Water / Normal coverage, but Rock Blast provides better coverage overall. King's Rock, while it appears gimmicky, actually gives Icicle Spear and Rock Blast a 41% flinch chance, meaning Cloyster can get past bulky checks such as Jellicent with a lucky flinch. Finally, Explosion might seem usable on the utility set to go down with a bang, but the nerf which it received in BW makes it pretty much unusable.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Few threats outspeed Cloyster after a Shell Smash, meaning priority is one of the best answers to it. If Cloyster takes Stealth Rock damage, Breloom and Conkeldurr can OHKO it with Mach Punch, and Choice Band Scizor can 2HKO with Bullet Punch while surviving even a boosted Hydro Pump at full health. Having Stealth Rock on the field is thus a basic step to keeping Cloyster in check. Alternatively, Vacuum Wave users such as Infernape and Lucario make great checks to Cloyster as they target its weak Special Defense. A fast Choice Scarf user such as Latios can outspeed Cloyster even after a Shell Smash and OHKO it. Imposter Ditto in particular can switch in after Cloyster sets up and use the Shell Smash boosts to its advantage, pulling off a sweep of its own.</p>

<p>There also exist several Pokemon which can sponge Cloyster's boosted attacks and OHKO in reuturn. Jellicent is only 2HKOed by a boosted Rock Blast and can cripple Cloyster with Will-O-Wisp. In the same vein, Vaporeon and Slowbro don't take much damage from a boosted Rock Blast and can KO back with the appropriate move. Jirachi is barely 2HKOed by a boosted Icicle Spear, and can paralyze Cloyster or OHKO with Thunderbolt. Ferrothorn can take a boosted Icicle Spear from sets lacking Life Orb or Icicle Plate, and can deal heavy damage with Power Whip or cripple Cloyster with Thunder Wave. Skarmory, while it can't do much damage with Brave Bird, can Whirlwind Cloyster out and end its sweep. Lastly, Unaware Quagsire ignores Cloyster's Shell Smash boosts and can set up with Curse, taking out Cloyster after a few Curse boosts while healing off any damage taken with Recover; however, it needs to be careful while switching in as Icicle Spear can 2HKO with a high damage roll.</p>
I would like to argue against use of the utility set; why would you use it? Cloyster has high Defense, that is true, but its other defenses are terrible. I honestly do not think that 50 / 180 / 45 defensive stats are enough to wall anything, along with Cloyster's terrible typing. Now this is not meant to be a wall, and it is included in the OU analysis, but I honestly do not see its niche in comparison to the Shell Smash set. Why would you run a Pokemon with Spikes, Toxic Spikes, or Rapid Spin, that is outclassed in the realm of Speed for Rapid Spin by Starmie and bulk for Toxic Spikes and Spikes, and also the latter Ferrothorn.

These are calculations mentioned in the OU analysis (assuming the EV spread of 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 Def stays):

+1 Adamant Dragonite Outrage vs. Cloyster 52.8-62.7% It is still 2HKO'd and Stealth Rock is common

Jolly Terrakion Close Combat- 63.4-75.2% Terrakion is not very common in DW OU.

Jolly Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat- 81.8-97% Above.

Adamant Breloom Focus Punch- 87.1-103% Breloom always runs Mach Punch, but again Stealth Rock ruins Cloyster. Also, Bullet Seed hits really hard on Cloyster.

Ferrothorn Power Whip- 39.6-47.5% And Cloyster can 2HKO back, while Ferrothorn uses Leech Seed. (sarcasm for the former)

Specially Defensive Tyranitar Superpower- 36.3-42.9% Can't really argue this.

And a few more Dream World relevant ones:

252 Atk Life Orb Blaziken Hi Jump Kick vs 248 HP/176 Def Cloyster: 85.15% - 100%
6.25% chance to OHKO. With Stealth Rock, this is an OHKO, any prior damage as well.

252 Atk Choice Scarf Heracross Close Combat vs 248 HP/176 Def Cloyster: 61.39% - 73.27%
2 hits to KO (with Leftovers) Not much to say, other than that Heracross will get a Moxie boost.

252 Atk Choice Scarf Infernape Close Combat vs 248 HP/176 Def Cloyster: 54.46% - 64.36% 2 hits to KO (with Leftovers)

However, I will contradict myself in saying that Garchomp and Mamoswine's respective Earthquakes 3HKO Cloyster. Metagross's Meteor Mash also 3HKO's, but Cloyster is not doing a ton back, and random Attack raises can affect this.

And to illustrate Cloyster's poor Special Defense:

However, the major factor here is the ubiquity of Stealth Rock. With Infernape, Forretress, Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, Blissey, Jirachi, and (possibly) Mamoswine setting up Stealth Rock, it is on almost all competitive teams. Most fit it in there anyway possible. Normally, this would be easily fixed with a Rapid Spin user, but it really is redundant to use 2 Rapid Spin users for the sole purpose of Rapid Spinning, except MAYBE on full-on stall teams. Since Cloyster will likely be taking Stealth Rock damage, along with possible Spikes and Toxic Spikes, Cloyster will have a hard time doing anything.

So in summary:
-terrible defensive typing
-not enough HP to go with high defense
-terrible special defense
-25% Stealth Rock damage, along with Spikes and Toxic Spikes possibly
-weakness to Fighting-type moves and Scizor's Bullet Punch
-I didn't mention this, but if it doesn't switch in on Surf, Chandelure literally takes a dump all over Cloyster

So for the final solution, I think that Utility could get an OO mention, but, in lieu of the Shell Smash set, it is useless. However, if you can come up with a better EV spread/good field conditions/playstyle that would make Utility Cloyster good, by all means do include it.

Anyways, cheers!

EDIT: A few more things, these on the Shell Smash set.

-give Focus Sash an AC mention, it can get Cloyster a guaranteed setup (in rain of course)

-2 other items that you can question (found them in the OU analysis), but Kings Rock is an okay option to give Icicle Spear and Rock Blast a 41% flinch chance. Also, Icicle Plate is meh, but it does allow Cloyster to retain the ability to OHKO Ferrothorn at +2

-make sure to mention HP Fire in AC for sun teams

-rain support is also good for the Water-type STAB

-entry hazards, spinners, dual screeners

-Chandelure should get a mention for removing Jirachi

-Ditto destroys it

Cheers again!
I don't think you really understand how the Utility set works: it's meant to be used on offensive team to patch up weaknesses to certain Pokemon and also provide Rapid Spin support. Dragonite, Garchomp, Excadrill are among the biggest threats and Cloyster takes their attacks and OHKOes all of them, even through Multiscale / Substitute thanks to Icicle Spear. Being OHKOed by Blaziken or most Special Attackers doesn't matter, since that's not what Cloyster should be sent out against.
I would like to argue against use of the utility set; why would you use it? Cloyster has high Defense, that is true, but its other defenses are terrible. I honestly do not think that 50 / 180 / 45 defensive stats are enough to wall anything, along with Cloyster's terrible typing. Now this is not meant to be a wall, and it is included in the OU analysis, but I honestly do not see its niche in comparison to the Shell Smash set. Why would you run a Pokemon with Spikes, Toxic Spikes, or Rapid Spin, that is outclassed in the realm of Speed for Rapid Spin by Starmie and bulk for Toxic Spikes and Spikes, and also the latter Ferrothorn.

Utility Cloyster's focus is not to set up Spikes or Rapid Spin. It is to check physical threats like Garchomp, Excadrill, and DDnite while only Rapid Spinning or setting up hazards when it gets a free turn.

These are calculations mentioned in the OU analysis (assuming the EV spread of 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 Def stays):

+1 Adamant Dragonite Outrage vs. Cloyster 52.8-62.7% It is still 2HKO'd and Stealth Rock is common Dragonite is locked in with Outrage, so Cloyster can switch in after a KO and take Nite out with Icicle Spear. Alternatively, it can switch in on the DD and force Nite out, setting up Spikes or Rapid Spinning on the switch.

Jolly Terrakion Close Combat- 63.4-75.2% Terrakion is not very common in DW OU.

Jolly Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat- 81.8-97% Above.

Adamant Breloom Focus Punch- 87.1-103% Breloom always runs Mach Punch, but again Stealth Rock ruins Cloyster. Also, Bullet Seed hits really hard on Cloyster. Cloyster isn't anyway taking on Breloom, since Bullet Seed is a KO after SD.

Ferrothorn Power Whip- 39.6-47.5% And Cloyster can 2HKO back, while Ferrothorn uses Leech Seed. (sarcasm for the former) In general, Cloyster just isn't staying in on stuff with a powerful Grass-type move, and Ferrothorn can Leech Seed and spam Power Whip.

Specially Defensive Tyranitar Superpower- 36.3-42.9% Can't really argue this. Agreed.

And a few more Dream World relevant ones:

252 Atk Life Orb Blaziken Hi Jump Kick vs 248 HP/176 Def Cloyster: 85.15% - 100%
6.25% chance to OHKO. With Stealth Rock, this is an OHKO, any prior damage as well.

252 Atk Choice Scarf Heracross Close Combat vs 248 HP/176 Def Cloyster: 61.39% - 73.27%
2 hits to KO (with Leftovers) Not much to say, other than that Heracross will get a Moxie boost. Did you forget that Close Combat lowers Heracross's Defense? Unless I am blind or stupid or both, Icicle Spear is an assured OHKO after Heracross uses Close Combat, and even with SR, CC never OHKOes.

252 Atk Choice Scarf Infernape Close Combat vs 248 HP/176 Def Cloyster: 54.46% - 64.36% 2 hits to KO (with Leftovers) Once again, Hydro Pump or even Surf is an OHKO after the SpD drop.

However, I will contradict myself in saying that Garchomp and Mamoswine's respective Earthquakes 3HKO Cloyster. Metagross's Meteor Mash also 3HKO's, but Cloyster is not doing a ton back, and random Attack raises can affect this. Just saying here, Adamant +2 LO Excadrill has only a 33% chance to OHKO with EQ after SR.

And to illustrate Cloyster's poor Special Defense:

252 SpAtk Machamp Fire Blast vs 248 HP/0 SpDef Cloyster: 56.44% - 66.67%
2 hits to KO (with Leftovers) lol, I assume this is a joke [252 SpA Machamp ... ], but on a more relevant scale, Life Orb Garchomp does 25.74 - 30.36% with 4 SpA LO-boosted Fire Blast, so Cloyster CAN take the odd special attack or two from physical attackers it is meant to check.

If something with base 65 Special Attack is 2HKOing you, something is wrong. (Oh and yes, Machamp really does learn Fire Blast)

However, the major factor here is the ubiquity of Stealth Rock. With Infernape, Forretress, Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, Blissey, Jirachi, and (possibly) Mamoswine setting up Stealth Rock, it is on almost all competitive teams. Most fit it in there anyway possible. Normally, this would be easily fixed with a Rapid Spin user, but it really is redundant to use 2 Rapid Spin users for the sole purpose of Rapid Spinning, except MAYBE on full-on stall teams. Since Cloyster will likely be taking Stealth Rock damage, along with possible Spikes and Toxic Spikes, Cloyster will have a hard time doing anything.

So in summary:
-terrible defensive typing
-not enough HP to go with high defense
-terrible special defense
-25% Stealth Rock damage, along with Spikes and Toxic Spikes possibly
-weakness to Fighting-type moves and Scizor's Bullet Punch Bullet Punch is neutral
-I didn't mention this, but if it doesn't switch in on Surf, Chandelure literally takes a dump all over Cloyster

So for the final solution, I think that Utility could get an OO mention, but, in lieu of the Shell Smash set, it is useless. However, if you can come up with a better EV spread/good field conditions/playstyle that would make Utility Cloyster good, by all means do include it.

Anyways, cheers!

EDIT: A few more things, these on the Shell Smash set.

-give Focus Sash an AC mention, it can get Cloyster a guaranteed setup (in rain of course)

-2 other items that you can question (found them in the OU analysis), but Kings Rock is an okay option to give Icicle Spear and Rock Blast a 41% flinch chance. Also, Icicle Plate is meh, but it does allow Cloyster to retain the ability to OHKO Ferrothorn at +2

-make sure to mention HP Fire in AC for sun teams

-rain support is also good for the Water-type STAB

-entry hazards, spinners, dual screeners

-Chandelure should get a mention for removing Jirachi

-Ditto destroys it

all these taken into account, ty

Cheers again!

As I have explained, Cloyster does a great job of checking physical threats such as Excadrill, Garchomp, and Dragonite, and these are very common threats. Even if these threats are not present on the opponent's team, Cloyster is not complete dead-weight; it can set up at least one layer of Spikes on physical attackers or Rapid Spin, then switch out. Plus it at least has a way to hitting spinblockers such as Gengar and Chandelure hard [Hydro Pump / Surf OHKOes latter, Icicle Spear OHKOes former with SR up] as they switch in. I discussed this with some others on IRC, and they feel the utility set deserves a place.
I really wish you would stop being so contrary. No one is saying to use the utility set against any of those Pokemon, as its low HP and pitiful Special Defense are KNOWN PROBLEMS. In addition to what Tomahawk and CP said, if you make the correct switch (it's not THAT difficult to bring Cloyster in on some wall), absolutely no one will switch in a Blaziken or Dragonite or any of those Pokemon as they fear a Shell Smash. Even Techloom's Mach Punch wouldn't break Shell Smash Cloyster, assuming it runs White Herb, which is a reasonable situation for Cloyster.
-Covers enough, but please make this a little less Arceus-y.

[Shell Smash]
Set Comments: Everything looks good here.
Additional Comments:
-Please mention Specs Chandelure as a teammate on a non-rain team, as Modest Shadow Ball OHKOes Jellicent
-Kings Rock sounds like OO material to me since the other two items are so important. Focus Sash can stay here though.

Set Comments:
-All good here
Additional Comments:
-Standard Ferrothorn Power Whip: 120-144 (39.6 - 47.52%) (2HKO after Stealth Rock, so in that situation Ferrothorn wins one-on-one)
-Not a solid check to Haxorus based on the following calcs
+1 Adamant Life Orb Haxorus Outrage: 223-264 (73.59 - 87.12%) (almost always a OHKO after SR)
+2 " (98.34 - 116.17%) (almost always a OHKO w/o Stealth Rock)
-"First, 84 EVs are invested in HP" change that to Atk obviously
-Remove the bit about Volcarona as even with Timid, it doesn't need a boost to OHKO Cloyster with the safer Bug Buzz, much less Fire Blast.

[Other Options]
-Everything's fine here, just remember to move Kings Rock from the Shell Smash set to here.

[Checks and Counters]
-Looks good

Good job C P, just implement these changes so we can get grammar rolling.

<p>There is more to this shady clam than what meets the eye. Cloyster's stat spread might scream ''physical wall'', but that's hardly the case, for it gets access to arguably the best boosting move in the game: Shell Smash. After just a turn of setup, Cloyster turns into a wrecking ball that can mow through entire teams with ease. With Skill Link, Cloyster can also abuse a powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 BP after STAB, as well as a great coverage move in Rock Blast; this ensures that even Substitute users cannot stop Cloyster's rampage. A massive base 180 Defense makes Cloyster all the more difficult to revenge kill, as it can comfortably survive powerful priority moves such as Mach Punch from the likes of Breloom and Conkeldurr even after a Shell Smash. Unfortunately, Cloyster's horrendous Special Defense means it simply can't take a special attack to save its life, and a weakness to Stealth Rock makes switching in even more difficult. It also finds it difficult to get past bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, which can take Cloyster's boosted attacks with ease and burn it, rendering it useless. Underestimating Cloyster on the basis of these shortcomings will be suicidal, though; it can run through your team like a hot knife through butter.</p>

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Icicle Spear
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Hydro Pump / Razor Shell
item: White Herb / Life Orb
ability: Skill Link
nature: Naive / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>It is not hard to see why this is Cloyster's most threatening set. With its immense physical bulk, Cloyster can easily set up a Shell Smash on physical attackers such as Dugtrio, doubling its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed in one fell swoop; after a Shell Smash, Cloyster will sit at a frightening 578 Attack, 412 Special Attack, and 524 Speed with the given EV spread. It can then go to town with its powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 Base Power with STAB and Skill Link. Additionally, this ensures that Cloyster will be able to KO most threats through Substitute and Multiscale. Rock Blast is Cloyster's main coverage option, dealing heavy damage to the Fire- and Water-types that resist Icicle Spear.</p>

<p>Hydro Pump is the preferred option in the last moveslot, as it destroys bulky Steel-types such as Skarmory, Scizor, and Forretress looking to soak up a boosted Icicle Spear. However, Razor Shell can be used to OHKO Tyranitar and Heatran, which can survive a boosted Hydro Pump with a specially defensive EV spread and OHKO in return. The choice between the two depends on the support which Cloyster's teammates can provide: if these two Pokemon are handled easily by your team, then running Hydro Pump is better.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Cloyster's Attack and Speed, with a Speed-boosting nature used to ensure that Cloyster outspeeds common Choice Scarf users such as Terrakion after a Shell Smash. Naive is used if you use Hydro Pump in the last moveslot so as not to lower Cloyster's great Defense stat; Jolly is the way to go with Razor Shell. White Herb is the preferred item option on this set, as it ensures that powerful priority users such as Breloom and Dragonite won't bring a premature end to Cloyster's sweep. You can run Life Orb to ensure the OHKO on Ferrothorn with Icicle Spear after a boost, but Cloyster will easily be revenge killed with a Defense drop and Life Orb recoil, so White Herb is almost always the better option. However, Cloyster has quit a few other item options. Focus Sash can be used to guarantee Cloyster's setup, but the prevalence of priority and sandstorm makes this a poor choice. Lastly, Icicle Plate can be used to maintain the OHKO on Ferrothorn without Life Orb recoil.</p>

<p>Cloyster is best used on offensive rain teams, as it can destroy opposing weather starters such as Tyranitar and Ninetales with the appropriate move after a Shell Smash while having its STAB Hydro Pump boosted to massive levels by the rain. Alternatively, you can also run Cloyster on a sun team; in this case, Hidden Power Fire should replace Cloyster's Water-type STAB to deal heavy damage to Steel-types such as Skarmory and Forretress.</p>

<p>Cloyster doesn't need much in the way of team support for pulling off a sweep, as few threats can stand up to the might of its boosted attacks. However, entry hazard support can come in handy, as Cloyster will always OHKO physically defensive Politoed after Stealth Rock. Forretress and Ferrothorn are good options; the former can also provide valuable Rapid Spin support, making it a particularly effective partner. While not strictly necessary, dual screens also make it much easier for Cloyster to set up. Espeon thus makes an excellent teammate, as it can set up dual screens easily thanks to its high Speed while also stopping entry hazards from being set up with Magic Bounce. Lastly, Choice Scarf Chandelure is also a great partner for Cloyster on non-rain teams as it can trap and eliminate Steel-types such as Jirachi that act as a roadblock to Cloyster's sweep; alternatively, it can even run Choice Specs with a Modest nature to OHKO Jellicent.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Icicle Spear
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Spikes / Toxic Spikes
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Skill Link
nature: Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 Def


<p>While Cloyster does get access to Shell Smash, don't forget that it also has a massive base 180 Defense, allowing it to counter top physical threats such as Garchomp and Excadrill. This set works best as a bulky attacker on offensive teams needing a solid answer to the aforementioned threats, but it fits equally well on stall teams which can provide Cloyster with the support to take powerful special attacks. Cloyster can also set up entry hazards and provide Rapid Spin support to its teammates; its function is thus similar to that of Forretress, the difference being its greater offensive presence.</p>

<p>Icicle Spear is the crux of this set, allowing Cloyster to act as a solid check to Dragon-types such as Dragonite; it also ensures that Substitute users such as Gliscor and Mienshao will not be able to set up on it. Cloyster's poor Speed and dreadful Special Defense might make Rapid Spin appear to be a bad choice, but it can easily pull off a Rapid Spin against Pokemon such as Skarmory,(comma) which cannot deal much damage. Spikes and Toxic Spikes are both options for the third slot: the choice between these two depends on the entry hazard which Cloyster's teammates cannot set up. Hydro Pump is the preferred option for the fourth moveslot, providing coverage on the Fire- and Steel-types which resist Icicle Spear; it OHKOes Excadrill and Chandelure and deals heavy damage to physical tanks such as Skarmory.</p>


<p>The following damage calculations highlight how Cloyster can soak up powerful physical attacks from some of the top threats in the metagame with its excellent physical bulk.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>+1 Adamant Dragonite Outrage: 52.8-62.7%</li>
<li>+2 Adamant Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake: 77.22 - 91.08%</li>
<li>+2 Jolly Life Orb Garchomp Outrage: 82.17 - 97.02%</li>
<li>Adamant Life Orb Breloom Mach Punch: 69.7 - 82.98%</li>
<li>Adamant Choice Band Scizor Superpower: 69.96 - 82.5%</li>
<li>Ferrothorn Power Whip: 39.6 - 47.52%</li>

<p>The EV spread is somewhat complex. First, 84 EVs are invested in Attack so that Cloyster obtains the OHKO on Gengar switch-ins with Icicle Spear; this also ensures a 3HKO on standard Ferrothorn. 248 EVs are invested in HP to ensure that Cloyster can switch into a field in with Stealth Rock 4 times without fainting, and the remaining EVs are dumped into Defense to provide optimum physical bulk. A Relaxed nature is used to further bolster Cloyster's Defense, and the Speed drop will not hinder it much since most offensive threats are faster anyway. Leftovers is the preferred item option to heal off entry hazard damage, though if you feel Chandelure poses a major threat, you can always run Shed Shell. If you feel Spikes will not be particularly useful, then Rock Blast is an option in the third moveslot to deal heavy damage to threats such as Gyarados. Hidden Power Fire is also usable on sun teams, as it deals heavy damage to Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor.</p>

<p>It is important to understand the fact that Cloyster does not function as a physical wall. Instead, its aim is to counter specific physical attackers that threaten its teammates, setting up entry hazards and Rapid Spinning when it gets a free turn or two. Cloyster simply cannot take powerful special attacks, so pairing it with a specially bulky Pokemon is a great idea. Latias is a great option, as it has excellent defensive synergy with Cloyster and can also provide Wish support. Blissey, while it compounds Cloyster's Fighting-type weakness, passes larger Wishes and sponges special attacks much more easily with its colossal HP and Special Defense. Packing a spinblocker will also be of help; Jellicent and Gengar are both good options.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ice Shard can be used on the Shell Smash set to beat priority users such as Breloom to the punch; it also deals heavy damage to the few threats which outspeed Cloyster, such as Choice Scarf Latios. Toxic is an option on the utility set to cripple bulky Water-types such as Jellicent. Spike Cannon could be used to give Cloyster Water / Normal coverage, but Rock Blast provides better coverage overall. King's Rock, while it appears gimmicky, actually gives Icicle Spear and Rock Blast a 41% flinch chance, meaning Cloyster can get past bulky checks such as Jellicent with a lucky flinch. Finally, Explosion might seem usable on the utility set to go down with a bang, but the nerf which it received in BW makes it pretty much unusable.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Few threats outspeed Cloyster after a Shell Smash, meaning priority is one of the best answers to it. If Cloyster takes Stealth Rock damage, Breloom and Conkeldurr can OHKO it with Mach Punch, and Choice Band Scizor can 2HKO with Bullet Punch while surviving even a boosted Hydro Pump at full health. Having Stealth Rock on the field is thus a basic step to keeping Cloyster in check. Alternatively, Vacuum Wave users such as Infernape and Lucario make great checks to Cloyster as they target its weak Special Defense. A fast Choice Scarf user such as Latios can outspeed Cloyster even after a Shell Smash and OHKO it. Imposter Ditto in particular can switch in after Cloyster sets up and use the Shell Smash boosts to its advantage, pulling off a sweep of its own.</p>

<p>There also exist several Pokemon which can sponge Cloyster's boosted attacks and OHKO in reuturn. Jellicent is only 2HKOed by a boosted Rock Blast and can cripple Cloyster with Will-O-Wisp. In the same vein, Vaporeon and Slowbro don't take much damage from boosted Rock Blast and can KO back with the appropriate move. Jirachi is barely 2HKOed by a boosted Icicle Spear, and can paralyze Cloyster or OHKO with Thunderbolt. Ferrothorn can take a boosted Icicle Spear from sets lacking Life Orb or Icicle Plate, and can deal heavy damage with Power Whip or cripple Cloyster with Thunder Wave. Skarmory, while it can't do much damage with Brave Bird, can Whirlwind Cloyster out and end its sweep. Lastly, Unaware Quagsire ignores Cloyster's Shell Smash boosts and can set up with Curse, taking out Cloyster after a few Curse boosts while healing off any damage taken with Recover; however, it needs to be careful while switching in as Icicle Spear can 2HKO with a high damage roll.</p>

Excellent work
[GP 1/2]
Amateur GP Check, working off of NixHex's check.

<p>There is more to this shady clam than what meets the eye. Cloyster's stat spread might scream ''physical wall'', but that's hardly the case, for it gets access to arguably the best boosting move in the game: Shell Smash. After just aone turn of setup, Cloyster turns into a wrecking ball that can mow through entire teams with ease. With Skill Link, Cloyster can also abuse a powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 BP after STAB, as well as a great coverage move in Rock Blast; this ensures that even Substitute users cannot stop Cloyster's rampage. A massive base 180 Defense makes Cloyster all the more difficult to revenge kill, as it can comfortably survive powerful priority moves such as Mach Punch from the likes of Breloom and Conkeldurr, even after a Shell Smash. Unfortunately, Cloyster's horrendous Special Defense means it simply can'tcannot take a special attack to save its life, and a weakness to Stealth Rock makes switching in even more difficult. ItCloyster also finds it difficult to get past bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, which can take Cloyster's boosted attacks with ease and burn it, rendering it useless. Underestimating Cloyster on the basis of these shortcomings will be suicidal, though; it can runslice through your team like a hot knife through butter.</p>

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Icicle Spear
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Hydro Pump / Razor Shell
item: White Herb / Life Orb
ability: Skill Link
nature: Naive / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>It is not hard to see why this is Cloyster's most threatening set. With its immense physical bulk, Cloyster can easily set up a Shell Smash on physical attackers such as Dugtrio, doubling its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed in one fell swoop; after a Shell Smash, Cloyster will sit at a frightening 578 Attack, 412 Special Attack, and 524 Speed with the given EV spread. It can then go to town with its powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 Base Power with STAB and Skill Link. Additionally, this ensures that Cloyster will be able to KO most threats through Substitute and Multiscale. Rock Blast is Cloyster's main coverage option, dealing heavy damage to the Fire- and Water-types that resist Icicle Spear.</p>

<p>Hydro Pump is the preferred option in the last moveslot, as it destroys bulky Steel-types such as Skarmory, Scizor, and Forretress looking to soak up a boosted Icicle Spear. However, Razor Shell can be used to OHKO Tyranitar and Heatran, both of which can survive a boosted Hydro Pump with a specially defensive EV spread and OHKO in return. The choice between the two depends on the support whichthat Cloyster's teammates can provide: if these two Pokemon are handled easily by your team, then running Hydro Pump is betterthe superior choice.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Cloyster's Attack and Speed, with a Speed-boosting nature used to ensure that Cloyster outspeeds common Choice Scarf users such as Terrakion after a Shell Smash. Naive is used if you use Hydro Pump in the last moveslot so as not to lower Cloyster's great Defense stat; Jolly is the way to go with Razor Shell. White Herb is the preferred item option on this set, as it ensures that powerful priority users such as Breloom and Dragonite won't bring a premature end to Cloyster's sweep. You can run Life Orb to ensure the OHKO on Ferrothorn with Icicle Spear after a boost, but Cloyster will easily be revenge killed with a Defense drop and Life Orb recoil, so White Herb is almost always the better option. However, Cloyster has quite a few other item options. Focus Sash can be used to guarantee Cloyster's setup, but the prevalence of priority and sandstorm makes this a poor choice. Lastly, Icicle Plate can be used to maintain the OHKO on Ferrothorn without Life Orb recoil.</p>

<p>Cloyster is best used on offensive rain teams, as it can destroy opposing weather starters such as Tyranitar and Ninetales with the appropriate move after a Shell Smash while having its STAB Hydro Pump boosted to massive levels by the rain. Alternatively, you can also run Cloyster on a sun team; in this case, Hidden Power Fire should replace Cloyster's Water-type STAB to deal heavy damage to Steel-types such as Skarmory and Forretress.</p>

<p>Cloyster doesn't need much in the way of team support for pulling off a sweep, as few threats can stand up to the might of its boosted attacks. However, entry hazard support can come in handy, as Cloyster will always OHKO physically defensive Politoed after Stealth Rock. Forretress and Ferrothorn are good options; the former can also provide valuable Rapid Spin support, making it a particularly effective partner. While not strictly necessary, dual screens also make it much easier for Cloyster to set up. Espeon thus makes an excellent teammate, as it can set up dual screens easily thanks to its high Speed while also stopping entry hazards from being set up with Magic Bounce. Lastly, Choice Scarf Chandelure is also a great partner for Cloyster on non-rain teams as it can trap and eliminate Steel-types such as Jirachi that act as a roadblock to Cloyster's sweep; alternatively, it can even run Choice Specs with a Modest nature to OHKO Jellicent.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Icicle Spear
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Spikes / Toxic Spikes
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Skill Link
nature: Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 Def


<p>While Cloyster does gethave access to Shell Smash, don't forget that it also has a massive base 180 Defense, allowingwhich allows it to counter top physical threats such as Garchomp and Excadrill. This set works best as a bulky attacker on offensive teams needingrequiring a solid answer to the aforementioned threats, but it fits equally well on stall teams, which can provide Cloyster with the supportteammates tothat can take powerful special attacks. Cloyster can also set up entry hazards and provide Rapid Spin support to its teammates; its function is thus similar to that of Forretress, the difference being its greater offensive presence.</p>

<p>Icicle Spear is the crux of this set, allowing Cloyster to act as a solid check to Dragon-types such as Dragonite; it also ensures that Substitute users such as Gliscor and Mienshao will not be able to set up on it. Cloyster's poor Speed and dreadful Special Defense might make Rapid Spin appear to be a bad choice, but it can easily pull off a Rapid Spin against Pokemon such as Skarmory, which cannot deal much damage to Cloyster. Spikes and Toxic Spikes are both options for the third slot: the choice between these two depends on the entry hazard which Cloyster's teammates cannot set up. Hydro Pump is the preferred option for the fourth moveslot, providing coverage on the Fire- and Steel-types which resist Icicle Spear; it OHKOes Excadrill and Chandelure and deals heavy damage to physical tanks such as Skarmory.</p>


<p>The following damage calculations highlight how Cloyster can soak up powerful physical attacks from some of the top threats in the metagame with its excellent physical bulk.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>+1 Adamant Dragonite Outrage: 52.8-62.7%</li>
<li>+2 Adamant Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake: 77.22 - 91.08%</li>
<li>+2 Jolly Life Orb Garchomp Outrage: 82.17 - 97.02%</li>
<li>Adamant Life Orb Breloom Mach Punch: 69.7 - 82.98%</li>
<li>Adamant Choice Band Scizor Superpower: 69.96 - 82.5%</li>
<li>Ferrothorn Power Whip: 39.6 - 47.52%</li>

<p>The EV spread is somewhat complex. First, 84 EVs are invested in Attack so that Cloyster obtains the OHKO on Gengar switch-ins with Icicle Spear; this also ensures a 3HKO on standard Ferrothorn. 248 EVs are invested in HP to ensure that Cloyster can switch in with Stealth Rock 4 times without fainting, and the remaining EVs are dumped into Defense to provide optimum physical bulk. A Relaxed nature is used to further bolster Cloyster's Defense, and the Speed drop will not hinder it much since most offensive threats are faster anyway. Leftovers is the preferred item option to heal off entry hazard damage, though if you feel Chandelure poses a major threat, you can always run Shed Shell. If you feel Spikes will not be particularly useful, then Rock Blast is an option in the third moveslot to deal heavy damage to threats such as Gyarados. Hidden Power Fire is also usable on sun teams, as it deals heavy damage to Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor.</p>

<p>It is important to understand the fact that Cloyster does not function as a physical wall. Instead, its aim is to counter specific physical attackers that threaten its teammates, setting up entry hazards and Rapid Spinning when it gets a free turn or two. Cloyster simply cannot take powerful special attacks, so pairing it with a specially bulky Pokemon is a great idea. Latias is a great option, as it has excellent defensive synergy with Cloyster and can also provide Wish support. Blissey, while it compounds Cloyster's Fighting-type weakness, passes larger Wishes and sponges special attacks much more easily with its colossal HP and Special Defense. Packing a spinblocker will also be of help; Jellicent and Gengar are both good options.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ice Shard can be used on the Shell Smash set to beat priority users such as Breloom to the punch; it also deals heavy damage to the few threats which outspeed Cloyster, such as Choice Scarf Latios. Toxic is an option on the utility set to cripple bulky Water-types such as Jellicent. Spike Cannon could be used to give Cloyster Water / Normal coverage, but Rock Blast provides better coverage overall. King's Rock, while it appears gimmicky, actually gives Icicle Spear and Rock Blast a 41% flinch chance, meaning Cloyster can get past bulky checks such as Jellicent with a lucky flinch. Finally, Explosion might seem usable on the utility set to go down with a bang, but the nerf which it received in BW makes it pretty much unusable.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Few threats outspeed Cloyster after a Shell Smash, meaning priority is one of the best answers to it. If Cloyster takes Stealth Rock damage, Breloom and Conkeldurr can OHKO it with Mach Punch, and Choice Band Scizor can 2HKO with Bullet Punch while surviving even a boosted Hydro Pump at full health. Having Stealth Rock on the field is thus a basic step to keeping Cloyster in check. Alternatively, Vacuum Wave users such as Infernape and Lucario make great checks to Cloyster as they target its weak Special Defense. A fast Choice Scarf user such as Latios can outspeed Cloyster even after a Shell Smash and OHKO it. Imposter Ditto in particular can switch in after Cloyster sets up and use the Shell Smash boosts to its advantage, pulling off a sweep of its own.</p>

<p>There also exist several Pokemon which can sponge Cloyster's boosted attacks and OHKO in return. Jellicent is only 2HKOed by a boosted Rock Blast and can cripple Cloyster with Will-O-Wisp. In the same vein, Vaporeon and Slowbro don't take much damage from boosted Rock Blast and can KO back with the appropriate move. Jirachi is barely 2HKOed by a boosted Icicle Spear, and can paralyze Cloyster or OHKO with Thunderbolt. Ferrothorn can take a boosted Icicle Spear from sets lacking Life Orb or Icicle Plate, and can deal heavy damage with Power Whip or cripple Cloyster with Thunder Wave. Skarmory, while it can't do much damage with Brave Bird, can Whirlwind Cloyster out and end its sweep. Lastly, Unaware Quagsire ignores Cloyster's Shell Smash boosts and can set up with Curse, taking out Cloyster after a few Curse boosts while healing off any damage taken with Recover; however, it needs to be careful while switching in as Icicle Spear can 2HKO with a high damage roll.</p>
This was really, really solid, but I noticed a few little things here and there.

<p>There is more to this shady clam than what meets the eye. Cloyster's stat spread might scream ''physical wall'', but that's hardly the case, for it gets access to arguably the best boosting move in the game: Shell Smash. After just a turn of setup, Cloyster turns into a wrecking ball that can mow through entire teams with ease. With Skill Link, Cloyster can also abuse a powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 BP after STAB, as well as a great coverage move in Rock Blast; this ensures that even Substitute users cannot stop Cloyster's rampage. A massive base 180 Defense makes Cloyster all the more difficult to revenge kill, as it can comfortably survive powerful priority moves such as Mach Punch from the likes of Breloom and Conkeldurr even after a Shell Smash. Unfortunately, Cloyster's horrendous Special Defense means it simply can't take a special attack to save its life, and a weakness to Stealth Rock makes switching in even more difficult. It also finds it difficult to get past bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, which can take Cloyster's boosted attacks with ease and burn it, rendering it useless. Underestimating Cloyster on the basis of these shortcomings will be suicidal, though; it can run through your team like a hot knife through butter.</p>

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Icicle Spear
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Hydro Pump / Razor Shell
item: White Herb / Life Orb
ability: Skill Link
nature: Naive / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>It is not hard to see why this is Cloyster's most threatening set. With its immense physical bulk, Cloyster can easily set up a Shell Smash on physical attackers such as Dugtrio, doubling its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed in one fell swoop; after a Shell Smash, Cloyster will sit at a frightening 578 Attack, 412 Special Attack, and 524 Speed with the given EV spread. It can then go to town with its powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 Base Power with STAB and Skill Link. Additionally, this ensures that Cloyster will be able to KO most threats through Substitute and Multiscale. Rock Blast is Cloyster's main coverage option, dealing heavy damage to the Fire- and Water-types that resist Icicle Spear.</p>

<p>Hydro Pump is the preferred option in the last moveslot, as it destroys bulky Steel-types such as Skarmory, Scizor, and Forretress looking to soak up a boosted Icicle Spear. However, Razor Shell can be used to OHKO Tyranitar and Heatran, which can survive a boosted Hydro Pump with a specially defensive EV spread and OHKO in return. The choice between the two depends on the support which Cloyster's teammates can provide: if these two Pokemon are handled easily by your team, then running Hydro Pump is better.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Cloyster's Attack and Speed, with a Speed-boosting nature used to ensure that Cloyster outspeeds common Choice Scarf users such as Terrakion after a Shell Smash. A Naive nature is used if you use Hydro Pump in the last moveslot so as not to lower Cloyster's great Defense stat; Jolly is the way to go with Razor Shell. White Herb is the preferred item option on this set, as it ensures that powerful priority users such as Breloom and Dragonite won't bring a premature end to Cloyster's sweep. You can run Life Orb to ensure the OHKO on Ferrothorn with Icicle Spear after a boost, but Cloyster will easily be revenge killed with a Defense drop and Life Orb recoil, so White Herb is almost always the better option. However, Cloyster has some other item options. Focus Sash can be used to guarantee Cloyster's setup, but the prevalence of priority and sandstorm makes this a poor choice. Lastly, Icicle Plate can be used to maintain the OHKO on Ferrothorn without Life Orb recoil.</p>

<p>Cloyster is best used on offensive rain teams, as it can destroy opposing weather starters such as Tyranitar and Ninetales with the appropriate move after a Shell Smash, while having its STAB Hydro Pump boosted to massive levels by the rain. Alternatively, you can also run Cloyster on a sun team; in this case, Hidden Power Fire should replace Cloyster's Water-type STAB to deal heavy damage to Steel-types such as Skarmory and Forretress.</p>

<p>Cloyster doesn't need much in the way of team support for pulling off a sweep, as few threats can stand up to the might of its boosted attacks. However, entry hazard support can come in handy, as Cloyster will always OHKO physically defensive Politoed after Stealth Rock [with what?]. Forretress and Ferrothorn are good options; the former can also provide valuable Rapid Spin support, making it a particularly effective partner. While not strictly necessary, dual screens also make it much easier for Cloyster to set up. Espeon thus makes an excellent teammate, as it can set up dual screens easily thanks to its high Speed while also stopping entry hazards from being set up with Magic Bounce. Lastly, Choice Scarf Chandelure is also a great partner for Cloyster on non-rain teams as it can trap and eliminate Steel-types such as Jirachi that act as a roadblock to Cloyster's sweep; alternatively, it can even run Choice Specs with a Modest nature to OHKO Jellicent.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Icicle Spear
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Spikes / Toxic Spikes
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Skill Link
nature: Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 Def


<p>While Cloyster does have access to Shell Smash, don't forget that it also has a massive base 180 Defense, allowing it to counter top physical threats such as Garchomp and Excadrill. This set works best as a bulky attacker on offensive teams needing a solid answer to the aforementioned threats, but it fits equally well on stall teams which can provide Cloyster with the support to take powerful special attacks. Cloyster can also set up entry hazards and provide Rapid Spin support to its teammates; its function is thus similar to that of Forretress, the difference being its greater offensive presence.</p>

<p>Icicle Spear is the crux of this set, allowing Cloyster to act as a solid check to Dragon-types such as Dragonite; it also ensures that Substitute users such as Gliscor and Mienshao will not be able to set up on it. Cloyster's poor Speed and dreadful Special Defense might make Rapid Spin appear to be a bad choice, but it can easily pull off a Rapid Spin against Pokemon such as Skarmory, which cannot deal much damage to it. Spikes and Toxic Spikes are both options for the third slot: the choice between these two depends on the entry hazard which Cloyster's teammates cannot set up. Hydro Pump is the preferred option for the fourth moveslot, providing coverage on the Fire- and Steel-types which resist Icicle Spear; it OHKOes Excadrill and Chandelure and deals heavy damage to physical tanks such as Skarmory.</p>


<p>The following damage calculations highlight how Cloyster can soak up powerful physical attacks from some of the top threats in the metagame with its excellent physical bulk.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>+1 Adamant Dragonite Outrage: 52.8-62.7%</li>
<li>+2 Adamant Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake: 77.22 - 91.08%</li>
<li>+2 Jolly Life Orb Garchomp Outrage: 82.17 - 97.02%</li>
<li>Adamant Life Orb Breloom Mach Punch: 69.7 - 82.98%</li>
<li>Adamant Choice Band Scizor Superpower: 69.96 - 82.5%</li>
<li>Ferrothorn Power Whip: 39.6 - 47.52%</li>

<p>The EV spread is somewhat complex. First, 84 EVs are invested in Attack so that Cloyster obtains the OHKO on Gengar switch-ins with Icicle Spear; this also ensures a 3HKO on standard Ferrothorn. 248 EVs are invested in HP to ensure that Cloyster can switch into a field with Stealth Rock 4 times without fainting, and the remaining EVs are dumped into Defense to provide optimum physical bulk. A Relaxed nature is used to further bolster Cloyster's Defense, and the Speed drop will not hinder it much since most offensive threats are faster anyway. Leftovers is the preferred item option to heal off entry hazard damage, though if you feel Chandelure poses a major threat, you can always run Shed Shell. If you feel Spikes will not be particularly useful, then Rock Blast is an option in the third moveslot to deal heavy damage to threats such as Gyarados. Hidden Power Fire is also usable on sun teams, as it deals heavy damage to Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor.</p>

<p>It is important to understand the fact that Cloyster does not function as a physical wall. Instead, its aim is to counter specific physical attackers that threaten its teammates, setting up entry hazards and Rapid Spinning when it gets a free turn or two. Cloyster simply cannot take powerful special attacks, so pairing it with a specially bulky Pokemon is a great idea. Latias is a great option, as it has excellent defensive synergy with Cloyster and can also provide Wish support. Blissey, while it compounds Cloyster's Fighting-type weakness, passes larger Wishes and sponges special attacks much more easily with its colossal HP and Special Defense. Packing a spinblocker will also be of help; Jellicent and Gengar are both good options.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ice Shard can be used on the Shell Smash set to beat priority users such as Breloom to the punch; it also deals heavy damage to the few threats which outspeed Cloyster, such as Choice Scarf Latios. Toxic is an option on the utility set to cripple bulky Water-types such as Jellicent. Spike Cannon could be used to give Cloyster Water / Normal coverage, but Rock Blast provides better coverage overall. King's Rock, while it appears gimmicky, actually gives Icicle Spear and Rock Blast a 41% flinch chance, meaning Cloyster can get past bulky checks such as Jellicent with a lucky flinch. Finally, Explosion might seem usable on the utility set to go down with a bang, but the nerf which it received in BW makes it pretty much unusable.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Few threats outspeed Cloyster after a Shell Smash, meaning priority is one of the best answers to it. If Cloyster takes Stealth Rock damage, Breloom and Conkeldurr can OHKO it with Mach Punch, and Choice Band Scizor can 2HKO with Bullet Punch while surviving even a boosted Hydro Pump at full health. Having Stealth Rock on the field is thus a basic step to keeping Cloyster in check. Alternatively, Vacuum Wave users such as Infernape and Lucario make great checks to Cloyster as they target its weak Special Defense. A fast Choice Scarf user such as Latios can outspeed Cloyster even after a Shell Smash and OHKO it. Imposter Ditto in particular can switch in after Cloyster sets up and use the Shell Smash boosts to its advantage, pulling off a sweep of its own.</p>

<p>There also exist several Pokemon which can sponge Cloyster's boosted attacks and OHKO in reuturn. Jellicent is only 2HKOed by a boosted Rock Blast and can cripple Cloyster with Will-O-Wisp. In the same vein, Vaporeon and Slowbro don't take much damage from a boosted Rock Blast and can KO back with the appropriate move. Jirachi is barely 2HKOed by a boosted Icicle Spear, and can paralyze Cloyster or OHKO with Thunderbolt. Ferrothorn can take a boosted Icicle Spear from sets lacking Life Orb or Icicle Plate, and can deal heavy damage with Power Whip or cripple Cloyster with Thunder Wave. Skarmory, while it can't do much damage with Brave Bird, can Whirlwind Cloyster out and end its sweep. Lastly, Unaware Quagsire ignores Cloyster's Shell Smash boosts and can set up with Curse, taking out Cloyster after a few Curse boosts while healing off any damage taken with Recover; however, it needs to be careful while switching in as Icicle Spear can 2HKO with a high damage roll.</p>

<p>There is more to this shady clam than what meets the eye. Cloyster's stat spread might scream ''physical wall'', but that's hardly the case, for it gets access to arguably the best boosting move in the game: Shell Smash. After just a turn of setup, Cloyster turns into a wrecking ball that can mow through entire teams with ease. With Skill Link, Cloyster can also abuse a powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 BP after STAB, as well as a great coverage move in Rock Blast; this ensures that even Substitute users cannot stop Cloyster's rampage. A massive base 180 Defense makes Cloyster all the more difficult to revenge kill, as it can comfortably survive powerful priority moves such as Mach Punch from the likes of Breloom and Conkeldurr even after a Shell Smash. Unfortunately, Cloyster's horrendous Special Defense means it simply can't take a special attack to save its life, and a weakness to Stealth Rock makes switching in even more difficult. It also finds it difficult to get past bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, which can take Cloyster's boosted attacks with ease and burn it, rendering it useless. Underestimating Cloyster on the basis of these shortcomings will be suicidal, though; it can run through your team like a hot knife through butter.</p>

name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Icicle Spear
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Hydro Pump / Razor Shell
item: White Herb / Life Orb
ability: Skill Link
nature: Naive / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>It is not hard to see why this is Cloyster's most threatening set. With its immense physical bulk, Cloyster can easily set up a Shell Smash on physical attackers such as Dugtrio, doubling its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed in one fell swoop; after a Shell Smash, Cloyster will sit at a frightening 578 Attack, 412 Special Attack, and 524 Speed with the given EV spread. It can then go to town with its powerful STAB Icicle Spear, which has an enormous 187 Base Power with STAB and Skill Link. Additionally, this ensures that Cloyster will be able to KO most threats through Substitute and Multiscale. Rock Blast is Cloyster's main coverage option, dealing heavy damage to the Fire- and Water-types that resist Icicle Spear.</p>

<p>Hydro Pump is the preferred option in the last moveslot, as it destroys bulky Steel-types such as Skarmory, Scizor, and Forretress looking to soak up a boosted Icicle Spear. However, Razor Shell can be used to OHKO Tyranitar and Heatran, which can survive a boosted Hydro Pump with a specially defensive EV spread and OHKO in return. The choice between the two depends on the support which Cloyster's teammates can provide: if these two Pokemon are handled easily by your team, then running Hydro Pump is better.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Cloyster's Attack and Speed, with a Speed-boosting nature used to ensure that Cloyster outspeeds common Choice Scarf users such as Terrakion after a Shell Smash. A Naive nature is used if you use Hydro Pump in the last moveslot so as not to lower Cloyster's great Defense stat; Jolly is the way to go with Razor Shell. White Herb is the preferred item option on this set, as it ensures that powerful priority users such as Breloom and Dragonite won't bring a premature end to Cloyster's sweep. You can run Life Orb to ensure the OHKO on Ferrothorn with Icicle Spear after a boost, but Cloyster will easily be revenge killed with a Defense drop and Life Orb recoil, so White Herb is almost always the better option. However, Cloyster has some other item options. Focus Sash can be used to guarantee Cloyster's setup, but the prevalence of priority and sandstorm makes this a poor choice. Lastly, Icicle Plate can be used to maintain the OHKO on Ferrothorn without Life Orb recoil.</p>

<p>Cloyster is best used on offensive rain teams, as it can destroy opposing weather starters such as Tyranitar and Ninetales with the appropriate move after a Shell Smash, while having its STAB Hydro Pump boosted to massive levels by the rain. Alternatively, you can also run Cloyster on a sun team; in this case, Hidden Power Fire should replace Cloyster's Water-type STAB to deal heavy damage to Steel-types such as Skarmory and Forretress.</p>

<p>Cloyster doesn't need much in the way of team support for pulling off a sweep, as few threats can stand up to the might of its boosted attacks. However, entry hazard support can come in handy, as Cloyster will always OHKO physically defensive Politoed after Stealth Rock [with what?]. Forretress and Ferrothorn are good options; the former can also provide valuable Rapid Spin support, making it a particularly effective partner. While not strictly necessary, dual screens also make it much easier for Cloyster to set up. Espeon thus makes an excellent teammate, as it can set up dual screens easily thanks to its high Speed while also stopping entry hazards from being set up with Magic Bounce. Lastly, Choice Scarf Chandelure is also a great partner for Cloyster on non-rain teams as it can trap and eliminate Steel-types such as Jirachi that act as a roadblock to Cloyster's sweep; alternatively, it can even run Choice Specs with a Modest nature to OHKO Jellicent.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Icicle Spear
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Spikes / Toxic Spikes
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Skill Link
nature: Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 Def


<p>While Cloyster does have access to Shell Smash, don't forget that it also has a massive base 180 Defense, allowing it to counter top physical threats such as Garchomp and Excadrill. This set works best as a bulky attacker on offensive teams needing a solid answer to the aforementioned threats, but it fits equally well on stall teams which can provide Cloyster with the support to take powerful special attacks. Cloyster can also set up entry hazards and provide Rapid Spin support to its teammates; its function is thus similar to that of Forretress, the difference being its greater offensive presence.</p>

<p>Icicle Spear is the crux of this set, allowing Cloyster to act as a solid check to Dragon-types such as Dragonite; it also ensures that Substitute users such as Gliscor and Mienshao will not be able to set up on it. Cloyster's poor Speed and dreadful Special Defense might make Rapid Spin appear to be a bad choice, but it can easily pull off a Rapid Spin against Pokemon such as Skarmory, which cannot deal much damage to it. Spikes and Toxic Spikes are both options for the third slot: the choice between these two depends on the entry hazard which Cloyster's teammates cannot set up. Hydro Pump is the preferred option for the fourth moveslot, providing coverage on the Fire- and Steel-types which resist Icicle Spear; it OHKOes Excadrill and Chandelure and deals heavy damage to physical tanks such as Skarmory.</p>


<p>The following damage calculations highlight how Cloyster can soak up powerful physical attacks from some of the top threats in the metagame with its excellent physical bulk.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>+1 Adamant Dragonite Outrage: 52.8-62.7%</li>
<li>+2 Adamant Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake: 77.22 - 91.08%</li>
<li>+2 Jolly Life Orb Garchomp Outrage: 82.17 - 97.02%</li>
<li>Adamant Life Orb Breloom Mach Punch: 69.7 - 82.98%</li>
<li>Adamant Choice Band Scizor Superpower: 69.96 - 82.5%</li>
<li>Ferrothorn Power Whip: 39.6 - 47.52%</li>

<p>The EV spread is somewhat complex. First, 84 EVs are invested in Attack so that Cloyster obtains the OHKO on Gengar switch-ins with Icicle Spear; this also ensures a 3HKO on standard Ferrothorn. 248 EVs are invested in HP to ensure that Cloyster can switch into a field with Stealth Rock 4 times without fainting, and the remaining EVs are dumped into Defense to provide optimum physical bulk. A Relaxed nature is used to further bolster Cloyster's Defense, and the Speed drop will not hinder it much since most offensive threats are faster anyway. Leftovers is the preferred item option to heal off entry hazard damage, though if you feel Chandelure poses a major threat, you can always run Shed Shell. If you feel Spikes will not be particularly useful, then Rock Blast is an option in the third moveslot to deal heavy damage to threats such as Gyarados. Hidden Power Fire is also usable on sun teams, as it deals heavy damage to Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor.</p>

<p>It is important to understand the fact that Cloyster does not function as a physical wall. Instead, its aim is to counter specific physical attackers that threaten its teammates, setting up entry hazards and Rapid Spinning when it gets a free turn or two. Cloyster simply cannot take powerful special attacks, so pairing it with a specially bulky Pokemon is a great idea. Latias is a great option, as it has excellent defensive synergy with Cloyster and can also provide Wish support. Blissey, while it compounds Cloyster's Fighting-type weakness, passes larger Wishes and sponges special attacks much more easily with its colossal HP and Special Defense. Packing a spinblocker will also be of help; Jellicent and Gengar are both good options.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ice Shard can be used on the Shell Smash set to beat priority users such as Breloom to the punch; it also deals heavy damage to the few threats which outspeed Cloyster, such as Choice Scarf Latios. Toxic is an option on the utility set to cripple bulky Water-types such as Jellicent. Spike Cannon could be used to give Cloyster Water / Normal coverage, but Rock Blast provides better coverage overall. King's Rock, while it appears gimmicky, actually gives Icicle Spear and Rock Blast a 41% flinch chance, meaning Cloyster can get past bulky checks such as Jellicent with a lucky flinch. Finally, Explosion might seem usable on the utility set to go down with a bang, but the nerf which it received in BW makes it pretty much unusable.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Few threats outspeed Cloyster after a Shell Smash, meaning priority is one of the best answers to it. If Cloyster takes Stealth Rock damage, Breloom and Conkeldurr can OHKO it with Mach Punch, and Choice Band Scizor can 2HKO with Bullet Punch while surviving even a boosted Hydro Pump at full health. Having Stealth Rock on the field is thus a basic step to keeping Cloyster in check. Alternatively, Vacuum Wave users such as Infernape and Lucario make great checks to Cloyster as they target its weak Special Defense. A fast Choice Scarf user such as Latios can outspeed Cloyster even after a Shell Smash and OHKO it. Imposter Ditto in particular can switch in after Cloyster sets up and use the Shell Smash boosts to its advantage, pulling off a sweep of its own.</p>

<p>There also exist several Pokemon which can sponge Cloyster's boosted attacks and OHKO in reuturn. Jellicent is only 2HKOed by a boosted Rock Blast and can cripple Cloyster with Will-O-Wisp. In the same vein, Vaporeon and Slowbro don't take much damage from a boosted Rock Blast and can KO back with the appropriate move. Jirachi is barely 2HKOed by a boosted Icicle Spear, and can paralyze Cloyster or OHKO with Thunderbolt. Ferrothorn can take a boosted Icicle Spear from sets lacking Life Orb or Icicle Plate, and can deal heavy damage with Power Whip or cripple Cloyster with Thunder Wave. Skarmory, while it can't do much damage with Brave Bird, can Whirlwind Cloyster out and end its sweep. Lastly, Unaware Quagsire ignores Cloyster's Shell Smash boosts and can set up with Curse, taking out Cloyster after a few Curse boosts while healing off any damage taken with Recover; however, it needs to be careful while switching in as Icicle Spear can 2HKO with a high damage roll.</p>

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